Monday, April 26, 2010

Factoring – Financing Canadian Receivables

Factoringfinancing in Canada is a proven, and growing in popularity method of generating cash flow and working capital for your Canadian firm. It often works best in conditions when your firm is experiencing higher than historical growth, or in many cases you are a start up or early revenue company who requires additional cash flow that you might not be able to attain from Canadian chartered banks.
In speaking to many clients factoring is clearly mis – understood. Last week we got a call from a customer who inquired whether we purchase bad, uncollectible accounts receivable. We indicated to that customer that what she in fact wanted was a commercial collection agency! Factoring in fact is the opposite of that, it’s the purchase of your accounts receivable ( and we mean the collectible accounts ! ) for immediate cash flow .
Factoring in Canada is somewhat of a fragmented industry, so we encourage you to seek and speak to respected and credible business financing and factoring advisor. The type of firm you end up dealing with in factoring will often affect how successful you viewed this type of financing strategy. There are a number of different types of factoring in Canada. Technically speaking we can refer to the types of factoring in the following manner –
Full notification invoice factoring (This is the U.S. and British model)
Non notification factoring
Spot factoring
Factoring in the context of a true working capital or asset based line of credit facility
We are always concerned that customers, armed only with a little bit of information or their first contact with a firm who only offers one type of factoring, will get themselves into the wrong type of facility, thereby tainting any future positive thoughts they might have on this type of financing. The bottom line again – you can speak to an unbiased expert on how this financing can help your firm, or you can choose a hit and miss approach and enter into the wrong type of financing facility. We will take option # 1 any day!
Let’s talk a bit about factoring in general as opposed to focusing on which type of factoring best suits your firm.This type of financing is essentially the purchase of one or all of your receivables, on a one of, of on going basis, to facilitate immediate cash flow.
Remember also that you are not incurring any debt when you are factoring – in fact your balance sheet improves because you are turning over receivables / working capital in a more efficient manner.
Because there is a cost associated with factoring you should generally be comfortable that you have the proper gross margins for the factoring of your accounts receivable.Very low margin businesses, even though they have good turnover are not always best suited for this type of financing.
In summary, factoring is growing in popularity. At the same time the myriad of types of firms that offer this financing, as well as the way in which they offer factoring can ultimately affect whether your firm is a successful user of this financing strategy. Investigate the benefits of this type of financing, ensure you understand who is offering it to you and which ‘factoring model ‘they use, allowing you to better determine if financing in this manner suits your cash flow and working capital needs . That ‘s proper business decision making!

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