Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sasquatch ? UFO’s ? Great Asset finance and Equipment leasing Companies in Ontario ? – Myth or Reality ?

We'll go with reality with respect to great asset finance and equipment leasing options in Ontario. With the economy generally improving leasing continues to be a popular and successful method of acquiring the use of assets for your business. And the reality is that this method of asset financing has been in place for hundreds, some say thousands of years, so there is a lot to be said for a proven formula.

There are several key factors that drive the reality success of equipment financing in Canada - they revolve around tax benefits, conservation of capital, and quite simply a solid alternative to ownership. As a Canadian business owner or financial manager you want alternatives to ownership of assets that more often than not depreciate in value. That clearly is the chief advantage of the great asset finance and equipment leasing availability in Ontario.

At the end of the day it’s simply an alternative to ownership, while at the same time you are able to reap all the benefits of the assets without having had the need to put significant capital outlay at the outset. That’s a great option and business financing strategy. There is an age old saying in the lease financing industry which is that you benefit through use, not ownership.

And that additional cash flow allows you to invest in other resources and assets to make your business more profitable and competitive.

Obsolescence is always a concern for business owners who with to acquire new assets, whether they be for production in the plant or technology and computers in the back office. Leasing allows you to battle head on with the obscelescence factor given that you don’t want to outlay significant amounts of capital into assets that might have limited long term use. We continually advise clients to think of their computer needs and purchases in the past, and the constant need to upgrade technology while addressing your current and future needs. Can you even imagine in today’s times owning a computer for 3 to 5 years, it’s very doubtful!

Cash flow and buying power are often quoted in connection with great asset finance and equipment leasing strategies. The reality is that you can buy more if you have a financial strategy in place. Let's look at a simple example - and we will use our old friend computing technology as our poster boy for the example.

Lets say you need a new computer system for 250,000$ and the reality is that an alternate vendor has a better solution for 350,000$. If you were purchasing you have to wrestle down two key issues, laying out 250k , or alternatively coming up with an additional 100k of real cash to complete the second alternative purchase . The monthly lease payment on a 250k 3 year lease would be approx 7700 dollars, and on a 350k deal it would be approx 10 600 dollars . So as a business owner which solution do you want to wrestle with - paying either 250k or 350k out of working capital, or working an additional 3k into your operating budget?

Want to see some real magic? You could actually acquire the 350k system under an operating lease and bring that payment very close to the 250k system, but that’s a technical subject for discussion on another day.

So whats out bottom line, you are welcome to hop on the leasing industry train and take advantage of some great rates, terms, and structures via one of the most comprehensive and flexible asset finance strategies available to business.

So, Sasquatch, Ufo's? We're not sure, but Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced equipment leasing advisor who will help you maximize the benefits of this Canadian business financing proven strategy.
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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