Monday, January 10, 2011

How The Right Factoring Firms in Canada Can Provide Financing Factor Facilities Confidentially

You've heard about it - You suspect your competitors use it, you think it might work for you; it’s just that you don’t fully understand what it is! We're talking about factoring firms in Canada, and why financing factoring in the Canadian factor marketplace gains traction daily among small and medium sizes businesses all across Canada.

Let’s help you examine what this type of financing is, why it is grossly misunderstood by many business owners and financial managers, what it costs, and how it works. That’s a mouthful of information!

Financing factoring is an option you have to financing your business - it’s as simple as that. Clients are usually concerned about two things, how it works, and what does it cost?

Those are typical questions, in addition to wanting to understand the benefits of this type of Canadian business financing.
At its basic core the factor firm is a buyer of your receivables. The good news is that when you sell them you get immediate cash - we are talking same day cash. That brings to bear one of the largest misconceptions about this type of business financing, because the use of factoring firms in Canada you have eliminated the need to wait for the collection of your receivables. Typically these days clients are waiting anywhere from 30 ( you wish !) to 90 days, sometimes longer to collect their cash and generate cash flow and working capital back into their firm .

The cost of financing factoring in Canada generally is in the 1-3% per month range - while that initial information is often perceived as high to many clients the reality is they are spending that much, and more by carrying those receivables 90 days, and being further unable to utilize that cash to sell more and generate more profits.

So you can quickly see that with the right type of factor facility in Canada you have the ability to generate huge amounts of working capital and then in turn sell more, maintain relationships with suppliers on a better basis, and, as we said, create more profits, hopefully So that is what factoring is and why it can work for you.

But here's the biggest secret we can share - by working with the right factor firm or Canadian business financing expert and advisor you can actually create a facility that one ups your competition . That is because the factoring they are utilizing invoices the factor firm verifying billing and collecting with their clients. What you should actually be striving for is a confidential invoice financing facility that allows you to collect and bill your own receivables, with you in control, not the other factoring firms in Canada.

So, in summary, if you are carrying receivables, short on cash flow and working capital, financing factoring is clearly an option and solution. The optimal facility is the C I D - Confidential invoice discounting. Speak to a experienced, trusted, and credible Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in putting together a facility that works.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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