Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SR ED Tax Credits Are Under Attack! Financing SR ED claims Is Business As Usual – How SRED Finance Works

Whew! It's getting ugly out there! Canada’s sr&Ed Tax credits are under attack in a number of different manners. We'll review some of those criticisms and prove to you that financing sr Ed claims is totally... business as usual... if, and its a big if, you know what you are doing.

A recent Canadian national headline story screamed ' flawed r&d scheme cost taxpayers billions '. First of all, it’s not a scheme... it’s a program. (I am secretly hoping my old age pension is not a scheme) We're talking of course about the Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program - aka ‘SR ED ', 'SR &ED '.

The program has gained significant traction over the years, and not hard to understand why, when the essence of the program is that Canadian privately controlled firms are the recipients of billions of dollars of funding every year, in the form on a non repayable, real money cheque for a large percentage of their research and development. Thousands of firms all across Canada apply every year.

At its essence the program is clearly ' apple pie ' and ' motherhood ' - simply Canadian firms investing hard earned dollars in research of products and processes to further their competitive positions here in Canada, and of course globally, where it counts .

So whats the problem. It's hardly late breaking news to us, but the core issues around the current ' sr ed claims crisis seems to focus on who is preparing them , the dollars that are sometimes wasted or abused in that process, and the governments inability to validate every claim to the level they would perhaps like to .

Who would not agree as a taxpayer or a reasonable person that we would all prefer our tax dollars to be going to programs and things that work. That brings us around to our other core subject area - the financing of sr&Ed tax credits.

Firms in Canada have the option of either waiting for their cheque, which can takes months to a year, of monetizing their claim immediately for cash flow and working capital. In many cases this is the largest one time amount of funds that many new and emerging companies receive.

So why isn’t their a concern over sr Ed financing? That’s because it’s a common sense process based on the quality and size of your claim. A typical financing involves a straight forward business application, with copies of your technical claim and tax filing showing the sr&Ed tax credit has been filed. We spoke of the sred consultants that have proliferated the industry - the reality is that your claim is finance based on its having been prepared by a credible consultant with an industry reputation and experience. Even CRA, formerly Revenue Canada noted that ' the vast majority of claims are compliant '.

When you're financing claims the dollars count. The program itself allows for approximately 35% of your total R&D expenses as a total claim, as validated by yourself or your consultant. When you finance your claim you receive approximately 70% of your total claim as a bridge loan that balance held back as a buffer, and remitted back to yourself less financing costs.

Is there a bottom line? We sure think there is. Take advantage of a legitimate and great government program (not scheme!). Prepare your claim with the aid of a reputable expert consultant with credentials and expertise. If you wish to finance your claim seek the services of a trusted, credible and experience Canadian business financing advisor who will efficiently guide you through the financing process - straight to cash flow in the bank!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations


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