Friday, April 22, 2011

Going It Alone In Canadian Franchise Loan Financing ? Business Franchising Loans

Don’t listen to them. Many will of course tell you it might be dangerous to ' go it alone ' when you are looking for franchising financing loans.

Can you actually get a business franchise loan without any outside help? Its certainly , possible , and we'll share some advice, tips, strategies and info around your potential do it yourself strategy - but we'll also demonstrate why some professional assistance along the way will ensure the success you are looking for in your franchise business acquisition .

There are of course some real potential pitfalls along the way on your road to franchising success. You want to be sure of course, to the extent that you can be, that your business will be profitable. But all business is of course a risk, whether it’s General Motors or your vision of your own service or restaurant business as an example. It is critical to make the most of the opportunities you have to examine profit potential. Those profits by the way are of course what pay back those franchise finance loans!

Along the way on your franchise journey you have numerous methods of determining financial success. A good start is looking closely at your franchisors prospectus and information, - even though that info might be for ' average ‘ franchisees it gives you a good sense of profit potential versus risk .

Don’t forget of course that your risk is that you are no only borrowing funds for the franchise but that your own personal equity injection into the business is a key part of the overall franchise financing package you will eventually come up with . So work to minimize the risk of franchise business failure.

Get your costs in order and understood. That’s some of the best advice we can provide. We advise clients to look at the total picture, which includes soft costs and hard costs, some of which can be financed, not all. Typically we recommend your owner equity be used to cover those ' soft costs' such as the franchise fee, etc.

Try also to match revenues with expenses - it might make perfect sense to lease some of those ' hard assets ' in the franchise to match the economic benefits you will receive from those assets with the useful economic life of the asset. Want a simple explanation of that? Example: If you're starting a restaurant and a large fridge or cooler is, say 75,000.00 doesn’t it make sense to finance that at say 2k per month on a lease as opposed to using valuable equity and working capital and paying cash. We think so. Wouldn’t you?

So how are franchises actually financing in Canada. We focus on a total package that might include a franchise term loan, a working capital loan, and the appropriate amount of external financing through a financial vehicle such as an equipment lease. Here's the big surprise in Canadian franchise loan financing - simply that the majority of franchises are financed with the government loan program called the BIL / CSBF program. By the way, it has incredible rates, terms, structures, and a limited personal guarantee. What more could you ask for.

So, in summary, is it possible to go it alone in Canadian business franchising financing? It is, but a better solution might be to work with a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business finance advisor who will craft your package according to financial available and your particular situation and needs. Going it alone, but with a suitable partner when needed is a good thing sometimes!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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