Monday, April 11, 2011

The Unknown Secret In Canadian Accounts Receivable Finance - C I D Business Factoring And Financing in Canada

Want to feel initiated? Privileged? That's kind of what a secret is about, and we're sharing a great one today, a strategy known as C I D accounts receivable finance - it's our version of the best factoring financing in Canadian business today.

Let's back step a bit first though. Why are you considering receivable finance, and even more to the point, why are thousands of other firms, your competitors included! already there in that business decision to finance business receivables ?

Actually there are only two answers to that question... maybe three. First of all it’s because this type of working capital and cash flow financing is relatively easy to work with, and secondly, the more you analyze it, well it seems to make sense. Our third reason - in many cases clients we meet are almost forced to consider this type of business financing because factoring financing becomes their only method of ensuring their business has the working capital and cash flow to success.

In talking to clients we always try and dispel the perception, and trust us it’s just that, that this is the ' poor mans ‘(or woman’s!) solution to business financing. Hardly, some of the largest, most well known names in Canadian business, even public companies by the way, utilize accounts receivable finance. It’s just disguised a bit more cleverly by those finance folks as securitization, etc.

Anyway, back to our key point today, which is simply is there a way to get all the benefits and financial leverage of accounts receivable finance and cash flow generation in a manner that allows you to control your own destiny . 99% of factoring financing in Canada is done in a very... lets call it ' pure ' manner .You sell your invoices, the buyer, i.e the ' factor' notifies your clients that they have purchased the receivable, and you get your cash flow - the same day . In effect you've just turned your company into an automatic ATM machine with yourself having the key to the back of the unit!

But wait... perhaps like hundreds of other businesses that we meet you dont want to let the world know how you are financing your business, including your competitors by the way! Is there a solution for that?

There is. It’s what we've termed ' C I D’; our terminology for confidential invoice discounting or factoring financing. It allows you to bill and collect your own ar, while at the same time getting all the benefits of that same day cash flow everyone else is getting. Unless we're missing something, it’s the ultimate win/win?!

An now you have opening up a window of financing that has created for your company all the benefits of this type of Canadian business financing - without taking on business debt, because C I D accounts receivable financing is simply monetizing or cash flowing your 2nd most liquid current asset - your a/r . And turning that into your first most liquid asset - cash flow!

Intrigued? Interested? Hopefully not confused? Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on the benefits of factoring financing in Canada, including C I D!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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