Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An Unfair Edge ? Offer Customer Financing At No Cost To Your Company! A Financial Program Via Canadian Vendor Leasing Works

Improve Sales and Marketing Results with Customer Financing Programs – Zero Cost – Large Results!

Information on vendor leasing via a customer finance offering for your clients . Let a financial program produce positive results for your firm .

Looking for a (legitimate!) unfair edge in Canadian business financing? Who wouldn't want that extra ' secret sauce ' that all businesses strive to achieve when competing within their own market.

We're talking about offering a financial program, at no cost, to your clients, giving you a solid marketing edge, and something the competition may not have, or even know about! That’s why a customer finance program via vendor leasing could well put your company at the head of the pack in your own market.

Could there be any more common sense attached to the simple concept of
providing your client with a financial solution to acquire your product or service? And, as we noted, that could well be at no cost. As you may have guessed the major auto manufacturers mastered this same concept, about 50 years ago! so it might be time to get on board.

Offering such a program does two basic things:

1. It makes the final purchase decision much easier for your clients

2. It doesnt take you as long to complete a sale - in effect your sales cycle is significantly reduced

Getting back to the competition, doesnt it also make sense that a financial program not offered by your competition puts you in a much better stead of winning the sale . We think so, and we've since it proven time and time again.

Depending on what study you are reading 8-9 out of ten companies in Canada utilize lease / loan financing for their asset acquisitions. If your customer is one of those firms doesnt it make sense that you’re simply offering them a financing solution that makes sense with something they are already comfortable with... well you get the drill .. you're one step close to making that sale, and winning over your competition.

How? That’s the next point to ponder in our efforts to make sure clients have that inside edge. How do you as a business set up a program that in effect could cost you nothing? Naturally if you want such k a customer finance program to not be free to your company then feel free to invest hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars into your own captive finance firm. Oh and by the way, hire the right talent and set up the proper infrastructure also, put those at the top of you ' to do ' list. The bottom line is your firm quite probably doesnt have the capital, financial management, and operational capabilities to set up and start your own finance firm.

Not interested in that? We fully understand! That is why the easy and logical solution is to work with a trusted third party that will provide the capital, take on the risk, and work to close transactions, in effect becoming a win/ win scenario for your firm and theirs.

Consider spending some time to investigate a customer finance program that makes sense for your products and services. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can ensure you have a partnership program with the right party that gives you a clean program, with simple documentation, and the right amount of expertise and capital to give you the ' unfair edge ' in sales and marketing growth .

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


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