Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Someone’s Got Your Back On Cash Flow Solutions ! Canadian Working Capital Management

Cash flow solutions and working capital management in Canada. It's nice to know that you do in fact have solutions, help and assistance in Canada... in effect ' someones got your back ' .. helping you out.

A lot is written about why business fail, or stop growing ; we often hear that ' lack of good or experienced management' is the major cause, but trust us poor , or poorly timed working capital management and financial solutions are a true close second!

The good news, as we said though, is that someone in fact does ' have your back ' when it comes to those cash flow solutions in Canadian business financing. - In effect you do have a ' roadmap ' to business finance that you may not have thought you had.

These days though the reality is that you have traditional finance methods, and ' alternative ‘. Alternative is not as esoteric as you might think, in fact a good way we explain that to clients is that more often than not you're dealing with commercial non bank finance companies that are not ' regulated ' in that manner that are Canadian chartered banks, insurance companies, etc. And they have solutions to your challenges.

For small and medium sized businesses you simply need a story, and proper financial statements which often can be complimented with a good business plan or executive summary.

Every company in Canada is somewhere along what we could call the ' maturity spectrum '. Firms that are a bit larger or more established have access to some fairly heavy duty solutions which might include angel investors, some private equity, junior capital pools, and even modest forms of venture capital.

The reality is though is that for the majority of firms its the management and financing of their assets and growth that is the crux of cash flow solutions, and without this management of working capital during the sales and growth of sales period that make allows the Canadian business owner to make the transition from dream to reality when it comes to business success.

We often think that clients can be forgiven for thinking there is not a lot of financing options available in Canada for them - it certainly can feel that way on occasion. The reality though is that the lending of business finance funds is in fact the backbone of business in Canada. Borrowing and investing in fact make Canadian business.

We never forget the ultimate irony that your firm might have a better chance in slower economic times to get something done simply because in those boom times there’s too many deals and opportunities, and everyone is busy .

Financing a business comes down to 6 alternatives.

- You fund it yourself,
- You borrow funds,
- You sell assets,
- You finance internally through growth and management of assets,
- You are given funding, via grants, etc,
or you sell equity.

Our focus is really # 2; borrowing funds... actually monetizing assets. Those solutions as we said, are more plentiful than you think - receivable financing, equipment leasing, working capital term loans, asset based lines of credit that are non bank in nature, tax credit monetization, and securitization of sales.

Someone in fact does have your back in Canadian business cash flow solutions - that person just might be an experienced Canadian business financing advisor who has credibility and experience. Consider reviewing the above mentioned solutions in the context of both surviving and growing your business in Canada.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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