Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Financing A Business In Canada ? What Finance Company Or Solution Works Best?

Change Your Company’s Destiny With Solid Financing Strategies & Solutions

Information on financing a business in Canada. What solutions are available via a bank or finance company to solve the needs of Canadian firms in search of capital.

Financing a business in Canada. One of our favorite writers recently reviewed a U.S. report focusing on the ability of a company to finance its business in the U.S. . . . The report was portrayed as a current ' pulse ' of the market, including input from business owners and entrepreneurs.

That got us to thinking ... hey... this is Canada. Would that current ' pulse ' of the market be similar? Let's take a look and hopefully provide some insights into Canadian business financing.

A recurring theme in the U.S. report was actually the concept of ' vanishing finances. The average business owner, certainly in the SME (small to medium enterprise) market, like its U.S. counterpart in many ways still isn’t fully recovered from the 2008- 2009 world debacle. Canada, like the U.S. saw sources of financing change considerably. Unbelievably, even many rational sources of financing simply ... disappeared.

So how did U.S. business owners address the disappearance of funding sources for their business, and in Canada what changed also? Here's where it gets a big ugly ... as the majority of respondents indicated that they had to inject additional personal equity in their business, and even resort to business and personal credit cards to fund their firm.

We still meet many busines owners who rely to some degree, sometimes significant, on credit cards to finance their business. This sometimes is a hugely double edged sword, as they do get some additional capital, but it’s sometimes at the expense of their good personal credit rating. Bottom line, if you can, it’s important to separate your business and personal life when it comes to finances.

Business lines of credit are the life blood of most firms, whether you're a small, medium or large when it comes to revenues. In the U.S. on 30% of businesses in the SME sector reported they had access or could qualify for a line of credit from a bank or finance company. One alternative that was stated as solution was the use of home equity lines of credit for busines finance. Again, it works, but not a preferred strategy!

When times are tough who can we look to from help? ' I'M FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND I AM HERE TO HELP ' As skeptical as we are of that statement the reality is that thousands of firms in Canada, ( and probably hundreds of thousands in the U.S. ) utilize the government loan program , In Canada we call it the ' SBL ' , in the U.S. its the SBA .

In Canada the cap for revenues on your firm vis a vis its ability to access the SBL is 5 Million dollars. That covers a lot of ground in Canada, and you can borrow up to 350,000$ for much needed financing for equipment, leasehold improvements, computers, software, etc. We encourage every SME business to check out the program.

So, is the situation all that bleak? We suppose it’s the glass half empty/half full saying... we'll let you decide. But you clearly can empower your company by checking out great solutions when it comes to financing a business in Canada. They include bank credit lines, receivables finance, equipment leasing, asset based lending, tax credit monetization, securitization of receivables, and cash flow working capital loans .

Whether from a bank or commercial finance company you just might find that behind those doors are some solid solutions you perhaps didn’t even know existed.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on sources of finance for your firm.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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