Monday, October 15, 2012

Are You Shirking Business Growth Finance Opportunities. Be A Master , Not Follower Of Cash Flow Financing Principles And Solutions

Some Key Growth Finance Business Essentials

OVERVIEW : Information on business growth finance in Canada . Cash flow financing, asset monetization and proper business borrowing is key to success

Although business growth finance solutions are a priority among most business owners and financial managers it's easy to shirk

your responsibilities in this area when confusion reigns around types of solutions, pricing, and the concern that the whole business world in fact might be over obsessed with growth!

The other side of that coin when it comes to cash flow financing solutions and growing sales is that your industry, employees, etc might in fact perceive your slow growth as a sense of failure. In the larger corporate world those slow growth companies often get gobbled up along the way by competitors.

The thing though, is that while it’s important to have growth financing in place it really doesnt matter if in fact you're not generating reasonable profits, and returns on all the assets that you have in your business.

Different types of financing in Canada are required for different levels of growth. Your company can grow by expanding markets, organic growth, and of course you also could acquire a competitor.

So if your company is in fact growing, or focused on growing for all the right reasons how do you assess and execute on the financing component?

One other key point is also that you can utilize a finance strategy to acquire a competitor, which can be handled in a number of ways: asset loans, reverse takeovers, unsecured cash flow loans, etc. Naturally the benefits of a successful acquisition are often significantly set off by the high price you might pay for such an acquisition if it was not valued properly, or executed on properly.

Also, at a certain point it’s really difficult to keep up high growth and maintain the return on investment you are looking for.

So what are some of the options for cash flow financing and asset finance when it comes to business growth? If your firm is deemed commercially credit worth at the Canadian chartered bank level a lot of price and flexibility options become immediately viable. They include unsecured cash flow loans, accessing bank revolving lines of credit, The good news here is that you are often in a position to use assets you already own via asset based lending or some form of creative sale leaseback arrangement .

If there is a bottom line today re: business growth finance its simply that depending on which stage of the life cycle your business is at you do in fact have the ability to access sources of financing such as trade credit, institutional or bank facilities , and alternative financing capital via independent and specialized commercial finance companies .

Just remember that if you are in fact focused on growth you need to always have the financing to underpin it. In a perfect world you want to be able to combine internal resources with external solutions.

Just remember that the transition to growth might not be as easy as it seems; so seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with the proper external financial solutions.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.

Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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