Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Crowd Funding Strategy Not Working? Next Best Thing? Working Capital Solutions To Cash Flow Problems In Canada

Mastering Cash Flow Solutions in Canadian Business

OVERVIEW – Information on accessing the right working capital solutions for companies with cash flow problems or growth strategies .

Crowd funding not working? We wish we had thought of the concept .... You contact people or advertise in some manner regarding your capital or project needs... a million people send you $1.00... and voila! You're apparently crowd funded!

But getting back to the real world, on the assumption no one is going to send you free capital in one dollar increments ... what then is the Canadian business owner and financial manager going to do regarding cash flow problems and working capital solutions?

Once again your company is at that fork in the road with respect to addressing your working capital and cash flow needs. You've got a profit and growth objective, now you just need to know how to get there.

We all recognize that cash flow is the ' fuel ' that will drive the combinations of growth and more profits. You can achieve that in one of two ways, more sales, and on the other side, better asset turnover. That asset turnover is often a bit of a surprise to business people that arent necessarily grounded in finance.

That issue of asset turnover opens up a wide variety of potential solutions, including monetizing or cash flowing those assets. By financing your assets and at the same time focusing on better turnover your overall profit/growth situation improves, almost immediately. It’s all about turning inventory, collecting receivables faster, and financing longer term assets in the right manner.

In Canada that is done through:

Working capital facilities
Receivable Financing
Asset Based Lending
Bank Credit lines
Leasing/Sale Leaseback
Tax Credit Monetization
PO Financing

The good news is that many of the above solutions can be combined to further increase working capital solutions. The bottom line... its all about monetizing that balance sheet.Your ultimate goal = more cash in less time!

So how do you actually figure out how much to borrow and when. And don't forget the over riding question, taking on more debt or adding equity to your business.

For companies that have inventory its all starts at some sort of production cycle... but even service industries in technology or other areas have their own flavor or a working capital cycle .

A very simple rule to address working capital problems is that whenever your receivables and inventory grow you are going to have to address more working capital solutions.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on how you can address cash flow challenges... the right way. That’s of course if your crowd funding strategy doesnt work... and you can pretty well count on that one!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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