Monday, October 22, 2012

Disaster Recovery Via Receivable Finance In Canada . Does Canada’s Newest Main Street Business Cash Flow Financing Really Work?

A Real World Working Capital Solution? Here’s Proof

OVERVIEW – Information on business financing in Canada . One solid cash flow solutions is Receivable Finance which can fix a lot of challenges .. quickly.

Can some forms of business financing in Canada really work when a company finds itself, unfortunately, in the ' disaster zone '. And do those solutions have to be either alternative, or can they be ‘main street '?

Top experts in the field of business financing will often point to the solution of A/R finance, also known as ' factoring ' to solve cash flow problems. While this finance method has been in place hundreds of years it was actually pretty late in getting to Canada, and years ago, when it did, it was considered ' alternative '.

My how things change though, and thousands of Canadian firms now use this financing as a method of fixing business challenges. They might be mild challenges, aka ' cash flow is tight ' or severe challenges, as in ' the bank has called our loan ... we need help!

So, given those statements, what is this method of working capital finance, and how does it differ in Canada? Because almost have of respondents in Canadian business, certainly in the SME sector advise that ‘ inadequate capital or financing ‘ is a main source of their daily struggles .

At the end of the day it’s really quite simple, it’s a contractual arrangement that allows you to ' sell ' or ' fund' your receivables as soon as you generate a sale. Naturally it’s at your option; certainly you can do this on an ongoing basis a little, or a lot!

The majority of this financing is Canada is done under a much regimented process, parts of which are sometimes not really preferred by the business owner or financing manager. We're talking about the notification of the process to your client.

While the majority of offerings in Canada revolve around this method of working on a day to day basis we quickly point out to clients that if you're knowledgeable and working with the right party the best type of facility available is one that allows you to bill and collect your own receivables... i.e you're minding your own business.

So why is this fix for challenged firms, and even more so, growing firms. Simply because it’s a way to accelerate cash flow. And when you have that cash all you are doing is accelerating your business cycle, allowing you to ship or bill more, all over again. We remind our clients that even service companies can use receivable finance; you don't need to be selling a product.

So is A/R finance for your firm? You might find that it gives you a much higher level of confidence in growing sales knowing you have the ability to fund that growth. In general we have observe that because of the higher financing cost associated with factoring most business owners run a tighter ship from a cash flow management/borrowing perspective . And that’s a good thing.

So, whether you are in disaster recovery need when it comes to working capital solutions, or if you've been accused ( you're growing too fast !) speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with a solid utilization of Canada's ' newest ' main street cash flow solution .


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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