Sunday, October 21, 2012

What They Don’t Tell You About Cash Flow Problems . Canadian Business Financing

The What and When Of Canadian Business Financing Solutions

OVERVIEW – Information on the reality of cash flow problems and the possible business financing solutions available to the Canadian business owner/manager

It's actually not a mystery, although many business owners and financial managers think they have no, or limited access to business financing solutions when they are experiencing cash flow problems.

The reality? If you’re honest about recognizing the root causes and real current situation around your working capital and cash flow problems you’re gong to find that nothing is really hiding between you and access to cash flow nirvana!

That's why it's critical to understand why you are in fact seeking cash flow solutions. It goes beyond the aspect of profit, and focuses on the basic needs of your business - buying more assets, real estate perhaps, and having enough cash on hand to operationally run your business successfully. And if you are in the throes of a turn around it’s simply a case of getting more time and muscle behind your well earned turnaround. So seeking the right financial solution allows you either to start a business, grow it, or survive when times seem a bit tough... generally thats when expenses exceed revenue!

Timing is everything when it comes to achieving success in business financing. We recall Ford Motor Company having refinanced their entire corporation just before the 2008 world wide meltdown, allowing them to weather the storm a lot better than many of their competitors. Whether that was more luck and timing than planning we'll never know, but boy did it work!

Remember also that there is a big difference between financing assets and working capital, so spending some solid time around getting working capital and cash flow facilities in place allows you to access funds on the asset monetization process that you put in place . Simply speaking ... get approved for the type and amount of cash flow facility you need is a lot more difficult when your balance sheet and income statement are showing business stress.

Key to business financing solutions is... surprisingly... knowing which ones to pick, and yes it does seem sometime that you are not being told the whole truth ... is something being hidden. One possible reason for that... that the institution or commercial finance company you are dealing with can’t deliver on that solution... perhaps because they don't offer it. Quick example - you need to finance a short term asset for a major project... you want a 25 month lease or loan. You approach your asset finance partner who indicates they can't do a 2 year lease or loan, and furthermore, they don't offer operating leases. The solution? Find someone who does!

Also, make sure to understand some of the other factors of business financing solutions that many business owners/managers don't consider when they attempt to access financing. That might include your industry, your geographical location (not all Canadian business lenders are everywhere), and finally our personal credit situation as guarantor.

At the end of the day it certainly might seem like you're not being told the truth about finance solutions in Canada - a harsher reality might be that you have simply been working with the wrong party and don't know that you have solutions in place around receivable finance, flexible equipment financing (yes those 24 mo solutions are available), asset based lending, securitization, tax credit monetization, and unsecured cash flow loans.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with access to multiple finance solutions for your firm... today.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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