Monday, November 19, 2012

Key Issues In Factoring And Receivable Financing . Bringing Clarity To Solutions For Funding Receivables In Canada.

Clearing The Air On Canada’s Most Misunderstood Business Financing Solution

Information on factoring in Canada . How receivable financing differs from a bank borrowing solution and why funding receivables is becoming more of a proven successful strategy for the Canadian business owner

Key differences in banking and receivable financing have the ability to get the Canadian business owner and financial manager confused. Let's try and UN - confuse some of that information to provide some clarity as to why thousands of firms are gravitating to receivable factoring in Canada.

The core differences are in fact quite clear... how they are interpreted and what sort of solution you ultimately choose is where things get exciting! And those key difference - they arent as complex as you might thing. Simply speaking they are that the ability to borrow in this method of Canadian business finance revolves solely around the size and quality and value of your sales. Point number two is that this is not, we repeat ' not debt ' financing - so you are in effect just monetizing assets for cash flow. And that’s a good thing.

And our third difference - simply that the type of facility that you undertake when choose the strategy of finance via funding receivables is critical. That’s because your firm is not a borrower per se, you are a party to a 3 way business transaction involving your firm, your factoring partner and your client.

Quite frankly though it’s our recommendation to leave your client out of it! Is that possible? It absolutely is if you choose a confidential receivable financing facility that allows you to bill and collect your own A/R without notice to any other party - i.e. your client! And this can be easily accomplished if you have the right assistance and guidance from receivables professional.

We always point out to clients that although our focus today is discussing the financing of a business A/R the reality is that this type of facility can be nicely combined into a comprehensive working capital solution that bundles up your receivables, inventory, and even unencumbered equipment into one borrowing facility. That's supercharging your borrowing ability, and often delivers additional financing anywhere from 50 -100%, or more of cash flow power.

The general consensus is that receivable financing is expensive. While some may argue strongly that it is it is important to understand that the way the industry delivers pricing is not in the form of an interest rate per se. It’s in actuality a discounted amount based on receivables covered under the financing arrangement.

What's more important than rate in actuality, we feel is your ability to now borrow as much as you need to based on sales revenue, new contracts, large orders, etc . And if you're on top of your receivables and inventory turns all we are saying is that you're turning over more assets... more often, and that equates to... you guessed it... more profits.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on what makes sense for your firm when it comes to a receivable financing program that best suits your needs. Finally... clarity!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

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