Friday, March 8, 2013

Franchise Business Loans In Canada . What You Can And Can’t Finance With A Franchising Loan

Avoid Doing Something Wrong With A Franchising Loan

Information on franchise business loans in Canada . What part of your franchising opportunity can be financed via a loan and where does the franchisee go to seek proper franchise finance advice?

Franchise business loans in Canada. Can the prospective franchisee avoid doing something really wrong when arranging their franchising loan? We think we can help clarify, so let's dig in.

While a lot of entrepreneurs focus on the particular business or industry segment they are looking to participate in they sometimes sorely miss looking at how the franchise financing industry operates. It's somewhat of a given that it’s up to you to pick the franchise that best suits your talent, expertise, and budget. But when it comes to financing your business are you 100% sure of the expectations of your lender or lenders.

If there is any good news is that you do have some solid options available to yourself when financing your new business.

What exactly are some of the key elements of any franchise finance scenario? Well, they include the franchisee fee, equipment, leaseholds, working capital, and ongoing capital and cash flow needs.

Leaseholds are one of the most misunderstood aspects of the franchise finance mystery or conundrum. Typical leaseholds might include construction, HVAC, plumbing, lighting drywall, etc. If your franchise is not going to be fully financed by a specialty franchise lender then the best solution to financing leaseholds is under the auspices of the Govt small business loan program, In fact this program was designed solely for two asset categories - equipment... and the leaseholds we have been talking about .

In certain cases the franchise lender may wish the co operation of your landlord when it comes to what is understood as collateral in the terms of your agreement with the landlord. The situation can sometimes become more complex if there is not clarity and understanding around certain assets that you as a franchisee may have thought was a leasehold improvement as opposed to assets that become attached to the building such as oven hoods, etc. (That’s in the case of restaurants, etc)

At the end of the day it’s both the combined quality of the franchise you are buying as well as your own financial strength as determine by opening balance sheet and projected revenues and profits.

If there is one continuous misunderstanding or misconception that we see in discussions with clients on franchise business loans it’s as follows: The franchisor rarely plays a key role in franchise finance. That’s your job, or the job of you and you Canadian business financing advisor. At the end of the day your goal is simple - you want to be in a position to raise the right amount of capital you need to open and develop your business for success. Only the smallest percentage of franchisors in Canada offer any real tangible financing assistance.

Who are in fact the lenders you should be working with when arranging your franchise loan. In broad categories they are:

THE GOVERNMENT SMALL BUSINESS LOAN (very well suited to franchise finance)
EQUIPMENT LESSORS - They finance equipment and in some cases leaseholds
CANADIAN CHARTERED BANKS - Ongoing working capital and cash management

Since our theme is ' avoiding doing something wrong ' in franchisee finance it’s important for us to clarify the bank role in this industry segment. While a bank would consider financing your business directly it would place heavy reliance on your equity in the business, your personal credit, and collateral that you might have in savings, your home, etc. In our opinion where the banks do a better job is in the underwriting of the BIL loan when it comes to direct franchisee finance

To avoid making tragic, costly and time wasting mistakes in a franchising loan consider seeking and speaking to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can asset you with franchise business loans that make sense for your future investment and success.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Canadian Franchise Financing

1 comment:

  1. There are many businesses that can be easily done in Canada and many of them are franchising business in which many people are interested.

    canadian franchises


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