Thursday, May 23, 2013

Business Credit Line ? ABL Revolving Credit Facilities Turn Bank Lines On It’s Side

Attended Business Credit Line School Yet ? Here’s Your Agenda !

OVERVIEW – Information on bank credit facilities in Canada . The ABL revolving line of credit is one alternative to working capital financing for Canadian businesses . Here’s why and how !

Bank credit facilities ? Have you been to business credit line school yet? After talking to clients about their financing challenges it's safe to say they are hoping to attend, and one of those reasons is the revolving ABL line.

Did you know there's an alternative to the commercial bank business line of credit? It is known by various terms, the simpler being the ABL, or asset based line. An old mentor of ours advises that ‘ tuition is very high in the school of experience ‘, so let’s share some key facts and knowledge in this critical area of business finance in Canada.

This borrowing facility, non bank in nature is a solid alternative to those flexible and low cost commercial lines of credit offered by our Canadian banks. The two major differences - they are more expensive but easier to get. In many cases borrowing power can be increased anywhere from 50-100%.

Clients we talk to always focus on the basics - they are ok with an initial explanation to get them started on a business borrowing facility that in most cases they have never even heard of . So the short explanation is that the non bank ABL lender focuses on your assets in the business, versus your cash flow coverage and equity ratios that are of prime importance to lenders in the banking system.

The main similarity in Canadian bank and ABL lines of credit is that they are typically secured by receivables and inventory. The asset based credit revolver often also adds in fixed assets which are treated in a manner similar to A/R and inventories - ie you can borrow against them on an ongoing basis.

Both banks and the ABL lender use standard borrowing base information to determine how much you can borrow at any given time. It's really a function of your balance sheet assets at the end of the month. Very typical ABL advances are 90% on receivables, and anywhere from 30-70% on inventories. Borrowing for working capital for liquidity on equipment, under the ABL scenario, requires an agreed upon valuation of the assets in question.

We forgive the business client looking to understand ABL for always trying to figure out how their normal day to day banking fits in. The simple answer? It's that you keep you regular bank account set up - funds are deposited as you need them under ABL borrowing. Receipts are placed into a separate account that is created at the bank for your business - this account with your receipts offsets your borrowing.

Remember also that neither bank borrowing or monetizing assets via ABL credit lines add debt to your balance sheet. Your firm is simply cash flowing current assets. It is critical to focus on the fact that both bank and ABL lending simply provide you with a quicker access to cash. We can say the Abl facility, as opposed to the bank has no real upside limit - as you grow sales and assets such as A/R your business line of credit grows with you. Banks by their nature and history and practice tend to run these facilities on set limits with annual reviews.

Pricing on bank and ABL lines is always a key topic of focus for the Canadian borrower. While the majority of asset based lines of credit are more expensive it’s important to remember that you use this liquidity from ABL to grow. You are no longer banking your clients - you're using your receivables to achieve a higher return on investment via better asset turnover. And at the risk of being too obvious you are not always going to be approved for the amount you require under a commercial Canadian chartered bank facility - your odds of approval, for liquidity needs, are much better in an asset based line of credit.

Has the ABL credit line turned traditional bank borrowing on its side? There's certainly a case to be made for that. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in differentiating the difference and benefits of various business credit line options.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653

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