Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Equipment Finance Canada. Finance Success Via A Leasing Company . Up Up And Away With Asset Finance Smarts

There’s No Real Dark Side When It Comes To Asset Finance !

OVERVIEW – Information on equipment finance solutions in Canada . What does the business manager need to know and look out for when selecting the right leasing company for asset finance needs

Equipment finance in Canada
. It's probably just us but there is no real ' dark side ' when it comes to using this method of financing assets. So what do you need to know about the ' right ' leasing company, along with other key aspects of lease finance? Let's dig in.

There are of course a couple of methods to utilize when financing business assets. They might include a bank term loan, a bridge loan of a temporary nature, and even a spin on currently owned assets, i.e. the ‘sale leaseback '.

Every method works, but there are a number of reasons that top experts tell us that 80% of all North American firms (hey isn’t that Canada also?!) utilize lease finance.

Can the business owner and financial manager fast track equipment financing success? We think so, and it comes down to understanding who the players are, what the offering is, and what the upside and downside benefits and risks are.

Risks? While we can say that the downside risk of lease financing is small, it becomes only apparent due to a lack of misinformation by your firm, the lessee. If you enter into the wrong type of lease (there are only two choices - capital and operating) you run the risk of losing money on the final residual value of the asset. Also, if you weren't ' tending your store ‘properly and didn’t attend to the maintenance and insurance issues that come with any lease obligation that could also pose a problem.

Other risks? Well they might include improper tax and accounting treatment on your financials, or worse, losing out on the benefits that do in fact come with accounting and taxation issues as they relate to lease finance. One final point - non payment results in asset repossession - surely that one was obvious!

So, while some of those above referenced issues could be deemed ' the dark side ' the reality is that it should be obvious to Canadian business that a leasing company can provide a strong springboard to business success - i.e. it’s our ‘up up and away '!

You need to know how leasing works and that essentially comes down to understanding common lease structures and ensuring they make economical sense to you , in terms of both cash flow and the life and usefulness of the asset . To us it’s a bit unfortunate that owners/managers continually focus on interest rates only when they are searching for lease solutions. While that is an important part of the equation they forget that the documentation, their obligations, who they are dealing with, and end of term flexibility is key to asset finance success.

Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in meeting equipment finance needs via expertise that makes this method of financing a winning solution.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


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