Sunday, September 29, 2013

The SR ED Bridge Loan . Missing Out On A Key Benefit Of Your Tax Credit Claim ? It’s The Financing

Stop Dumbing Down On The SR&ED Bridge Loan Process And Benefits

OVERVIEW – Information on the
SR&ED bridge loan in Canada. Tax credit financing of your SR ED claim provides valuable cash flow financing
for your research achievements

The SR&ED Bridge Loan allows Canadian business owners and financial managers to achieve... immediately... the one key benefit of their tax credit claim under the govt's ' SRED ' ( Scientific Research And Experimental Development) program . That benefit? The Cash! Let's dig in.

We suppose our favourite saying this week is ' Dumbing Down ‘...all sorts of connotations, but essentially its evidence of ' lacking intelligence' and ' good judgement’ we’re told. But armed with some basic yet key info around SRED Financing there is certainly no need in our opinion do ' dumb down’ when it comes to financing your tax credit.

Getting back to basics, we are quite sure there is still a large contingent of Canadian business that does not know that financing to claimants under the program is even available. It is, and the cash flow and working capital you secure via your collateralized claim allows you to continue your R&D under the program and replace valuable cash resources that have been spent on that whole process.

The key benefit of financing a SR&ED credit is simply beating the time factor. While the processing of your claim can take months, sometimes much longer (first time claimants are often audited) your ability to cash flow your claim is really what it's all about in SR&ED financing.

Historically the entire program has been around for close to 30 years now in various forms. In the 1990's popularity exploded, with Billions of dollars issued every year under the program. Top experts agree that it’s the largest ' support' program for private companies, partnerships, and even sole individuals who are working on new products, processes, etc to stay competitive and grow their business.

It's interesting to note that in the 2011 time frame the entire program came under massive review... was streamlined to a certain degree, and brought the role of the SRED consultant front and center. It's this group that typically business owners turn to prepare claims.

Govt stats show that over 75% of all tax credit claims under the program are in fact in the SME sector. That is where cash flow is king, so financing your claim emerges as a solid benefit.

And the process? Claims are typically financed in the 70% LTV range (loan to value)... meaning that a 200k claim , as an example provides a 140-150k range financing . Having your claim prepared and by a knowledgeable consultant is a solid key factor in financing approval.

The true beauty of tax credit financing under the program is that no payments are made for the duration of the financing... hence the term ' BRIDGE LOAN '. When the government processes your claim you are advances the remaining 30% of the tax credit, less financing costs.

99.9% of tax credits financed under the program are done by non bank entities... and rates are typically mezzanine in nature. It all comes back to the ability to achieve instant cash flow under the financing of the credit.

By the way .. Innovation has crept into SR&ED financing , and most claims can even be financed while the research and expenses are still in process. It’s a concept known as ' Accrual financing’ of our tax credit.

So if you're utilizing the program (your competitors probably are) there's no need to ' dumb down' when it comes to financing your claim. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of tax credit finance success. Accelerating your claim is what it's all about.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial = SR&ED Bridge Loan Financing Expertise In Canada

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L6J 7J8

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