Sunday, December 22, 2013

CRA SRED And Film Tax Credits : Is It Art Or Science Behind Financing Your Claims

Financing Canadian Tax Credits Shouldn’t Be ‘ Adventure Time’ ! SR&ED And Film Financing

OVERVIEW – Information on financing CRA SR&ED Credits and Film Tax Credits often makes maximum sense with minimal downside . Here is why, and how!

CRA Sred (SR&ED) and Film Tax Credits
are quite a good example of the concept of success when it comes down to the question of ' art or science'. And that pertains to tax credit financing also; we maintain it shouldn’t be ' Adventure time' when it comes to the finance of your SRED or film, television and animation credits. Let's dig in.

It shouldn't be a secret (but unfortunately it is for many!) that Canada has some great (aka ' generous') business tax credits. In the case of our two examples:

SR&ED (sometimes called 'SRED ')


businesses in industry and entertainment can compete effectively with other businesses all over the world.

CRA Sred
claims, in many cases involve some element of information technology. And when it comes to the media industry - film, TV, and animation ' IT' technology has rapidly changed the entertainment industry. That bodes well for Canada of course as it ranks high in the world for trained people, country stability, and a strong banking and straightforward ( mostly !) tax and tax credit system. In summary, top experts tell us that Canada has one of the best overall environments for research and entrepreneurship in the world.

The Canadian dollar is certainly one factor in the cost, and the financing of tax credit claims in research or film. In recent times the 'Canuck buck’ reached parity and has somewhat backed off. We'll leave the currency predictions to the experts - we'll focus on the actual financing of your credits.


Sred credits are a combo of federal and provincial incentives. On a broad basis the thousands of companies that participate in the program receive a refundable credit (which can be financed for cash flow purposes) in the general area of 30% of their entire spend.

While the program was static for awhile some major changes CRA Sred (SR&ED) and Film Tax Credits happened over the last year or so. In some ways these to a certain degree affect the financing of your claim, but not in a dramatic or negative fashion. One of those changes is the elimination of machinery and equipment acquired in your R&D; so when it comes to financing your claim the overall financeable amount might in fact be lower given you can't claim assets acquired for research.

One other ' change ' in the overall philosophy of the program was to focus on who was preparing your SR&ED claims and what they were charging. That probably struck fear and terror into the hearts of the SR&ED preparer industry - known as ' SR&ED Consultants '. As in all aspects of business the dust eventually settles and good credible honest consultants that charge a fair price will always survive.


Producers of content in the media industry are eligible for tax credits also, and yes, they can be financed also! These credits are typically prepared by a qualified or experienced tax credit accountant - we suppose they are the medias equivalent of the SRED Consultant.

Producers/owners of Canadian content simply put together a request around which they are Vis a Vis ownership, their budgets, productions costs, funds spent, etc - In effects it’s a business application.

Tax incentives in the media industry can range from anywhere up to 40-50% depending on what is spent and in what categories. Credits are a combo, again, of federal and provincial incentives. Provinces compete somewhat ferociously for your film, TV, animation or Transmedia projects as they view the employment and capital spending in this area a valuable commodity.

Our focus is financing these claims, and some may wonder why we talk about two very diverse credits - i.e. SRED and MEDIA. Our response - simply that in some cases even Media projects, can file for SR&ED claims.

And with respect to the actual financing of claims financing is very similar. Bridge loans on your SRED and Film credits are structured as loans with no payment, and are reconciled at the end when the government sends you funds. Loans are typically in the 70% ' loan to value' area, and you receive the balance of funds, less financing costs when the government remits on your claim.

If you're interested in financing, or getting some help with preparation of your claim seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business Financing Advisor with a track record of success who can eliminate a lot of the ' ADVENTURE’ when it comes to CRA SRED and FILM TAX CREDITS.

Stan Prokop
- 7 Park Avenue Financial :

Business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded in 2004 - Completed in excess of 90 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial = SR&ED and Film Tax Credit Finance Expertise

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