Monday, March 10, 2014

Options For Commercial Business Financing In Canada Provide A Competitive Edge

Do Business Finance Options Allow You To Wreak Havoc With Competition ?

OVERVIEW – Information on commercial finance choices in Canada . Options for business financing are essential for growth and profits

Options for business financing , executed properly often give the Canadian business owner and financial manager the ability to ' wreak havoc' with the competition, a feeling all businesses probably want to relish. Knowing the commercial financing choices you have available to wreak that havoc is key. Let's dig in.

Just knowing some solid info on how your competition operates can often lead you to financing choices as they relate to the size of your firm, how fast you can grow, the maximum profits you can achieve, and understanding the overall credit profile of clients in your sector .

In some cases also your ability to achieve growth from a merger or acquisition is totally dependent on financing solutions that can make that happen.

In recent times we've learned the hard way that its not just about getting a ' deal ‘, more often than not in the SME sector its simply knowing that somewhere out there is either a traditional, or ' alternative ' finance option for your business.

Lenders, investors, even competitors who know a bit about your firm will often spend significant time on how certain relationships of items on your balance sheet and income statement will show your strength or weakness . Firms with a large amount of debt quickly run into two tricky situations:

1. They are vulnerable to a downward spiral of sales and profits

2. They find that access to traditional bank type financing all but disappears

It goes without saying that if you have your financial house in order your financial strength and access to financing provide a solid bridge to sales revenue growth, cash flow, and profits.

Top experts tell us that a recommended way to address options of financing revolves around two key areas:

1. The amount of funds you need and how you will use them

2. Knowing ( and buying into ) what stage of life your business is in - as that ' stage ' dramatically affects type , cost and structure of financing you need.

As we have offered in the past you are in 1 of 4 different ' stages' of business existence - Simply speaking: startup, early growth, middle market SME, and large cap mature

While the following options are all available to Canadian business:

Going public
Mezzanine financing
Govt SBL loans
Tax Credit Monetization (SR&ED, etc)
Bank lines of credit
Bridge loan
Sale Leasebacks
Non Bank asset based lines of credit
Equipment financing
A/R financing
Inventory finance
PO/Supply chain finance

It’s important to note that some are either unavailable, or even inappropriate for the size, nature and stage of your business.

The right business finance options will always allow you to strategically position your company ahead of the competition; in effect wreak your own style of ' havoc' with the competition.

Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business Financing Advisor with a track record of success who can assist you in positive havoc creation as it relates to finance choices!

Stan Prokop - 7 Park Avenue Financial :

Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 90 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations . Info /Contact :

7 Park Avenue Financial = Canadian Business Finance Options Expertise

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' Canadian Business Financing with the intelligent use of experience '

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