Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Without Business Credit Lines Or An ABL Line Is Your Company Failure Rigged : Commercial Credit 101

Are Business Credit Lines The ‘ Secret Sauce ‘ Of Growth For Your Company

OVERVIEW – Information on business credit lines in Canada . Bank commercial credit facilities or an ABL line play an important role in the growth and financial success of any business – here is how .. and why

Business Credit Lines
in Canada are often the ' secret sauce ' that helps propel a company to financial success. Whether it’s a non bank commercial credit ' ABL ' line, or a Canadian chartered bank line of credit it's a fact that financing your working capital properly is often the differentiator in success or failure. It's one of the ' Secret Sauces ' in business success. Let's dig in.

As your business invests more funds in the products and or services that you deliver the need for commercial credit financing of some type increases. The very simple reason for that is the fact that your customers don't pay you the same day you deliver products or services, and quite often the gap in even getting to your invoice stage is significant.

Revolving credit facilities in Canada can be broadly grouped into two areas: bank lines of credit and non bank commercial asset based lines of credit. (In truth there are some subsets of Asset based lines of credit - they might include A/R finance only, inventory finance, leveraging equipment assets, or combinations thereof!)

Your ability to finance your current assets properly will deliver solid cash flow as your company grows. The gap between different industries is significant. We can only envy the internet retailer who gets paid before they even deliver product! Conversely a firm in another industry might take on a project that takes a month or two to deliver on, and another month or two, or more !.. to get paid. That’s the working capital challenge.

Knowing the value and the timing of your assets is key to financing business credit lines. Once the business owner/financial manager have a handle on the working capital cycle of a company the solution becomes a lot more achievable.

Having access to business credit for cash flow allows you to constantly stay ahead- its better to be planning growth than reacting to cash flow shortages in your operations. Simple very basic trends can be determined by having regular monthly financials and charting your trends in A/R, inventory, sales, etc.

Term lenders that you might have in your business (term loans, equipment leases, etc) want to rely on the fact that your cash flow from operations can retire your monthly obligations.

It should be pointed out also that if your business is ' capital intensive ‘for fixed assets, etc you simply require more access to commercial credit business lines.

Bank or ABL lines will finance on an ongoing basis the value of your A/R and inventory. In the case of ABL your fixed assets are also thrown into the mix, allowing you to borrow on a revolving basis against the value of those assets, together with inventory and receivables.

While bank pricing is lower and more flexible companies that are growing quickly and can’t access ' traditional ' financing should consider Asset based lines of credit.

If you are looking for the ' secret sauce' deliverable in a business credit line seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in achieving working capital and cash flow success.

Stan Prokop
- 7 Park Avenue Financial :

Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 90 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations . Info /Contact :

7 Park Avenue Financial = Canadian Business Credit Line Financing Expertise

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