Monday, August 18, 2014

Accounts Receivable Finance Solutions In Canada : Break Free With This Receivables Purchase Strategy That Works - Confidentially

Use Accounts Receivable Financing To Fund Your Company Just Like The Big Guys

OVERVIEW – Information on accounts receivable finance solutions in Canada . Why a Confidential receivable purchase finance strategy works when it comes to cash flow

Accounts receivable finance
solutions are both used and needed by any size of company, all the way from start up to the largest corporations in the world. But there's a difference in how companies finance their current assets such as A/R, but it's still possible for companies in the SME sector to achieve the same benefits. Let's dig in.

The methods that Canadian business employs, what they are called and how they work is ' the nut ' of the matter. For instance some of the large mega corporations in Canada (and the U.S.) use a process called ' Securitization' that is the essence of what we're talking about - a receivables purchase strategy.

How does that process work, and can it be used in some manner by the smaller firm who is looking to cash flow their current assets, primarily the receivables generated from commercial sales .

It's important to always understand that A/R financing is never really a ' loan’. Typically it's just a ' systematic' method of cash flowing your sales as soon as you generate a sale - if your choose!

By the way, the essence of good accounts receivable management never changes , whether you' re using securitization or a comparable alternative such as what we'll discuss - CONFIDENTIAL A/R FINANCING . At the heart of anyone selling on credit is prudent risk management, good collections, prompt invoicing, allowing for bad debt, etc.

Whether your firm is securitizing receivables or financing them via a confidential receivable finance solution it’s always about the ' aging ' of the receivable. Typically the benchmark for uncollectibility and financeability is 90 days - after that timeframe the A/R lender, bank, or commercial finance company etc assumes that those accounts are uncollectible, and unfinanceable.

What then is the essence of Confidential A/R finance that can be used by any company that wishes to finance sales growth? It could not be simpler. Your firm bills and collects its own receivables - cash for those sales is sent directly to your bank - allowing you to finance operations and most importantly growth. The solution is optimal for those firms that cannot achieve any or all of the bank financing they needed vis a vis a proper business credit line.

If you're looking for ' big guy ' solutions for your business and want to ' break free' from the lack of commercial financing seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business Financing Advisor with a track record of success who can assist you with a receivables purchase strategy that works.

Stan Prokop - 7 Park Avenue Financial :

Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 90 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations . Info /Contact :


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' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

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