Thursday, February 26, 2015

Takeover Financing In Canada : Grown Up Business Acquisitions Solutions

Financing Your Takeover In The SME Commercial Finance Sector In Canada : Valuation Financing Done Right

OVERVIEW – Information on takeover financing in Canada . Business acquisitions finance in small to medium enterprise area comes with numerous obstacles that can be overcome with the right solutions

Takeover financing in Canada , when it comes to lower end of the corporate market still requires ' grown up ' finance similar to that used by the ' big boys ' .

What motivates the business owner/manager to consider business acquisitions and what challenges come from understanding how to finance fixed assets, receivables and inventory, and intangibles? Let's dig in.

The takeovers, mergers and acquisitions we read about daily are more often than not larger companies that in many cases are public. A very significant amount of information is available on these deals, so given the relatively easier way to value and finance those firms the questions becomes: How do you value and finance a private company in Canada?

Market expansion is really the ' catch all ' reason most use for contemplating a takeover. The ' subset ‘reasons include:

Adding new products
Maximizing economies of scale
Reduce competition

In many takeover cases certain assets can be sold to help finance the acquisition. On an ongoing basis the acquiring firm will always try to focus on speeding up the deal and not incurring unneeded expenses.

At the heart of the takeover need is the ability to assess value of assets, as well as cash flow and profit analysis.

The whole area of “Asset Valuation ' comes with the need to understand that both fixed, current, and goodwill assets must be viewed in different ways. Fixed assets represent earning power so the often large differences in value relative to book value, market value, replacement cost, etc must be thoroughly assessed.

Receivables and Inventory represent operating cash flow and should be analyzed in the context of day’s sales outstanding and inventory turns respectively. If these two assets are not ‘turning ' properly a lot more time should be spent in analyzing why.

Ways to finance your takeover? They include various types of asset based lending, commercial bank loans, sale leaseback strategies, unsecured cash flow loans, as well as the Govt Small Business loan for small transactions. The ability to minimize debt and arrange the right type of asset financing for short and long term needs is key.

Growing organically is of course great - growing via an acquisition or merger is great also - and often quicker! SME Commercial firms in Canada are probably in the thousands, with many of those firms have underutilized and under managed assets of all types - equipment, real estate, etc. If you're looking to investigate and execute on takeover financing to expand your business seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with ' grown up ' finance solutions.

Stan Prokop
- 7 Park Avenue Financial :

Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 90 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations . Info /Contact :


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' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

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