Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Do You Know How To Finance Your Business - Finance Companies & Banks & Goverment Funding Options

How To Finance A Business: Solutions You Might Not Have Considered !

Keeping your company rolling - It's all about how to finance your business
in both good and challenging times . Every business owner and financial mgr recognizes there will always be ' cash crunch ' time at sometime down the road .

Prudent business people know that they should always be exploring financing options , especially when they are considering major growth opportunities , expanding into new markets or products, etc.

A key part of the business funding challenge is your firms finance itself on a daily basis - that's all about meeting supplier obligations , managing receivables and ensuring you have the optimal funding in place. A business bank loan will often be the most perfect solution , if your firm qualifies !.. for day to day business lines of credit . Bank interest rates are low and revolving credit lines help in finance inventory and receivables .

In some cases it it a question of working capital to finance that build up in a/r and inventories. Your firm might consider a short term working capital loan - these are extremely popular these days. Alternatively a long term ( typically a 3-5 year ) term loan injects that permanent working capital you have been looking for, into the business.

Large orders and contracts - The good news is your firm has or can secure large new orders or contracts previously not available. The challenge? How do you finance these when a typical business bank loan is not the solution ?

One solution is purchase order or supply chain financing . That type of solution allows you to buy and pay for the resources or staff that you need and helps cover the major cash gap that occurs considering the time you get the order to the time your firm gets paid .

Expanding sales and profits is the goal of the majority of business owners and finance mgrs in Canada. In a number of cases that means ' capital intensive ' and cash must be conserved while at the same time acquiring the assets you need to grow revenues. Equipment financing is probably the most popular method of financing assets , and in fact experts tell us that 80 per cent of all firms at one time or another utilize lease financing options .

Banks also provide equipment loans, typically these are ' term loans'. and often don't provide the flexibility to upgrade or swap out the asset. We urge clients to perform the ' lease vs buy' analysis when considering acquiring new assets

Government funding ? Absolutely ! Thousands, yes thousands of firms each year take advantage of the Canadian government small business loan program, wherein the government guarantees a large portion of your financing to the bank providing the loan. This program has great rates, terms, and yes, even flexibility . By the way, in many cases it's the ultimate start up financing vehicle, and even covers buying an existing business in most cases.

Make Business Finance Work For You

Our bottom line ? Your firm will always at sometime down the road require extra financing. If you need help to explore the options offered by commercial finance companies , or government loans , seek out and speak to a trusted , credible and experienced Canadian Business Financing advisor
with a track record of success who can assist you in ow to finance your business.

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

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Click Here For 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL website !

7 Park Avenue Financial provides value added financing consultation for small and medium sized businesses in the area of cash flow , working capital , and debt financing .

Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

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