Saturday, June 24, 2023

Bridging the Cash Flow Gap: The Value of SR&ED Tax Credit Loans



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Transforming Tax Credits into Cash: An Exploration of SR&ED Financing 


Your business success hasn’t been based on doing what your competition does, but if they are utilizing SR&ED financing to grow their business, doesn’t it make sense to investigate why CRA SRED claims, when financed, might put you a step ahead of the competition?


We think so, and if the Scientific Research and Experiment Development Program aka 'SR&ED') pours billions of dollars into Canadian company coffers every year to encourage Canadian businesses in r&d and to advance scientific knowledge in their industry - So why wouldn’t you want to accelerate the access to cash for those claims and maintain your competitive posture in your industry?





In the rapidly changing business world, innovation is paramount. Yet, it can often be challenging, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to fund these innovation projects. The financing of Canada's Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) solves this hurdle.


This government initiative offers tax incentives to businesses via eligible sr ed and who are engaged in research and development, fostering a culture of innovation.


But what if you need funding immediately for your projects? This is where SR&ED financing shines. It allows you to convert your tax credits from eligible expenditures into funding upfront, enabling you to expedite R&D projects, attract top-notch professionals, and embrace advanced technologies. This article will delve into the advantages of SR&ED financing tax incentive program,  highlighting its pivotal role in fostering growth and innovation for all businesses.


SR&ED program encourages Canadian businesses to undertake R&D activities by offering cash refunds or tax credits on qualifying expenditures. SR&ED financing allows access to these benefits upfront instead of waiting months for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to process your claim.


This process typically involves lenders advancing a portion of your expected SR&ED refund upon claim submission, even before the CRA has reviewed it. Once the claim is processed and the refund issued, the loan is settled from these proceeds, with any leftover funds going to the business. This approach bolsters your cash flow and fuels your research, operations, and overall business requirements.





SR&ED financing is a unique approach enabling businesses to tap into their prospective SR&ED tax credits earlier. Rather than waiting for the government to process tax credits, firms can secure immediate funding to bolster their innovation efforts.


Providers of SR&ED financing assess a company's eligibility for these tax credits and typically offer a 75% loan to value of the anticipated credits as a bridge loan upfront.


This capital can be leveraged for various needs, including research and development projects, hiring of specialists, equipment acquisition, or business expansion and working capital.


This form of financing proves especially advantageous for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which might struggle to access conventional funding from traditional financial institutions such as bank loans or venture capital due to their size, inadequate collateral, or lack of a verified track record. SR&ED financing offers a solution geared towards their innovative operations, providing the necessary funds to drive their growth.


SR&ED financing is non-dilutive venture debt and does not affect owner equity!




Conventional financing methods, like bank loans or equity financing, might not be the best fit for funding innovative ventures. Banks typically demand collateral and might be reluctant to back projects with unpredictable results. Simultaneously, equity financing requires parting with a degree of company ownership and control, a step many entrepreneurs may not prefer. It is in this context that SR&ED funding comes into play.





There are several key benefits to consider when it comes to SR&ED financing:


  • Quick Fund Accessibility: Bypass the long approval processes typical of traditional funding sources with SR&ED financing. It allows businesses to promptly commence innovation projects, keeping them competitive and ready to capitalize on market opportunities.

  • Equity Retention: SR&ED financing facilitates companies to keep full ownership and control. Unlike equity financing, which demands a share of ownership for funding, SR&ED financing relies on tax credits, thus preserving business ownership.

  • Flexible Funding Use: The freedom to allocate funds as required is a major advantage of SR&ED financing. It can be directed towards research and development, hiring skilled professionals, procuring equipment, or expanding operations, depending on what best serves their innovation goals and business needs.

  • Improved Cash Flow: Accessing SR&ED tax credits early enhances a company's cash flow, allowing them to settle immediate financial commitments, pay employees and suppliers, and manage operational expenses. A healthier cash flow can also cushion unexpected costs or market changes.

  • Lower Financial Risk: SR&ED financing curbs the financial risk related to innovation projects. By utilizing anticipated tax credits for funding, businesses can lessen the risk of project failure or financial hardships, fostering peace of mind and focusing on driving innovation and growth.




To qualify for SR&ED financing, companies must meet certain eligibility criteria. While the specific requirements may vary depending on the financing provider, there are some common criteria to consider:


  • Qualified SR&ED Activities: The business must undertake scientific research and experimental development tasks that meet SR&ED tax credit qualifications. This typically involves systematic investigation and experimentation to create or enhance products, processes, or technologies.

  • Residency in Canada: Eligibility for SR&ED financing requires businesses to be Canadian-owned and physically situated in Canada. This ensures that the funds support local businesses and the Canadian economy.

  • Financial Stability: Financing providers might evaluate a company's financial solidity and creditworthiness to ascertain its capacity to repay the financing. Startups or firms with limited financial history may still qualify, but they must present a viable business plan and show growth potential.

  • Documentation and Compliance: Firms must maintain adequate documentation and abide by SR&ED program's reporting prerequisites. This includes keeping track of eligible activities, costs, and providing supporting documentation for their SR&ED claims.


It's worth noting that while SR&ED financing providers assess a company's eligibility, the final determination on the amount and terms of the financing can vary. Companies are recommended to engage experienced financing providers who can guide them through the process and help optimize their funding potential.



The financing of your SRED claim via what we could call an SRED bridge loan is a recognized and solid manner to recover working capital faster. The very essence of having an SRED claim filed, of course, means you will recover your funds, but doesn’t it make sense to recover them sooner, putting cash flow and working capital back to work for your company?


In business, it’s all about timing, and in case you haven’t noticed, things aren’t exactly moving slower in Canadian business today. So is it advantageous to get immediate cash for your sr&ed  claim instead of waiting several months, sometimes up to 9 or 12 months, for your funds? 


You probably don’t need e cash flow these days - therefore, we strongly recommend waiting for your cheque from the feds; it’s 'in the mail! However, if you're among the many clients we meet that could use additional cash flow today, you should consider financing your claim.

What are the mechanics of having your claim financed? Ask clients such as yourselves. To say that SR&ED financing is a niche industry requiring knowledge and expertise is a bit of an understatement. That is why we strongly suggest you work with a trusted, credible and experienced business financing advisor who will walk you through a fundamental process.


Unleashing Your Business Potential with SR&ED Tax Credit Loans


SRED financing will, nine times out of ten, get you approximately 75% of your total SR&ED filing as a cash flow bridge loan. Why 75%? It is simply because the remaining 25 %, which still belongs to you, is held back as a buffer to cover any adjustments the good folks in Ottawa might make to your claim, and it also helps to cover the actual financing charges.


However, it’s easy to see that if you have a claim, for example, of 300k, an immediate cash flow loan of 75% generates some real cash back into your firm. Which, of course, per the program, is, in effect, a non-repayable grant.

Could the benefits be any clearer - The Canadian government is reimbursing you with your R&D funds, and you are accelerating that reimbursement straight back into working capital. Use the funds for whatever general corporate purpose - pay payables, buy new equipment, reinvest in more R&D, it’s your call!

The mechanics of SRED finance are simple - have a claim prepared by a credible consultant or accounting firm via a final project report. Complete a simple business financing application, go through standard due diligence as you would any financing, and execute a financing document which, in effect, collateralizes the SRED tax refund for your SR&ED loan. The entire process can be completed within a few weeks with the right amount of commitment.

If your SRED claim was prepared by a consultant who did it on contingency, you could even pay them out of the financing - at that point, everyone is happy!





At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we have worked with many firms working on groundbreaking technology in areas such as the environment, healthcare, and software development. Their ability to access sr&ed financing and secure additional business capital and cash flow allowed them to accelerate research and build company valuation.

Software companies we have worked with often use these funds to attract technical talent and sales and marketing staff.  

The bottom line - sr&ed funding helps fuel innovation!

These case studies demonstrate how SR&ED financing can provide the necessary funding to fuel innovation and help companies achieve their growth objectives. Whether you're a startup or an established organization, SR&ED financing can be a game-changer in accelerating your innovation initiatives and staying ahead of the competition.



Innovation fuels business growth, but funding such endeavours, especially for SMEs, can be daunting. Here, SR&ED financing emerges as a solution. By converting your SR&ED tax credits into upfront funding, you can expedite R&D projects, recruit skilled personnel, and invest in advanced technology.


The benefits of SR&ED financing include immediate access to funds, equity preservation, funding flexibility, improved cash flow, and reduced financial risk. It's a powerful tool for companies aspiring to propel innovation and growth.


To fully leverage SR&ED financing, understanding its eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits is crucial. Collaborating with reputable financing providers, maintaining documentation for SR&ED activities, and crafting a robust business plan can help maximize your funding and drive your innovative initiatives. Keeping abreast of program updates and exploring complementary funding sources to SR&ED financing is also advised.


Whether you're a startup or an established firm, SR&ED financing could be instrumental in funding your innovation and staying competitive in today's dynamic business environment. Harness the potential of funding SR&ED to power your innovative pursuits.


Choose an experienced SR&ED financing provider with a comprehensive understanding of the program requirements. They can guide you through the application, help you optimize your funding, and ensure you comply with the SR&ED program.


Your competition probably finances their CRA SRED claim - why not increase your cash flow and maximize your refund for the best uses your company can utilize? That’s a competitive financing strategy that works! Call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible, experienced Canadian Business Financing Advisor who can assist you with your sr&ed financing and other business finance solutions.




 What is The application process for SR&ED financing

The application process for basic research funding in  SR&ED typically involves the following steps:


  • Initial Consultation: Companies can engage with SR&ED financing providers to grasp eligibility requirements, funding alternatives, and the projected financing amount. This preliminary discussion assists companies in determining if SR&ED financing aligns with their needs and objectives.

  • Application Process: Should a company opt for SR&ED financing, it needs to apply to the financing provider, detailing the company information, its SR&ED activities, financial history, and forecasts. The application is then reviewed to assess the company's eligibility.

  • Assessment and Due Diligence: The financing provider performs an evaluation and due diligence procedure to scrutinize the company's eligibility, financial soundness, and growth potential. This could involve reviewing financial statements, income tax return, and SR&ED documents, and potentially conducting interviews or site visits.

  • Finance Agreement: Once the company fulfills the eligibility criteria and completes the evaluation, a funding agreement detailing the financing terms and conditions is drafted. This agreement outlines the financing amount, repayment terms, interest rates, and any additional applicable fees or obligations.

  • Fund Disbursal: Post the signing of the funding agreement, the financing provider disburses the agreed funds to the company. These funds can be immediately deployed to bolster the company's innovative initiatives and growth strategies.


What are typical  misconceptions about SR&ED financing?

Despite its benefits, several common misconceptions about the sred investment tax credit and how  SR&ED financing of sr ed tax incentives can deter companies from exploring it. Let's address some of these misconceptions:


  • Exclusively for Large Companies: SR&ED financing isn't limited to big corporations. It's particularly beneficial for SMEs, any Canadian controlled private corporations,  providing them with funding avenues that might be inaccessible through traditional methods, thus enabling them to compete with larger industry counterparts via their work in scientific or technological advancement.

  • Complex and Time-Consuming Procedure: The SR&ED financing application process may require certain documentation and due diligence, but seasoned financing providers can simplify and navigate the process for companies. They are well-versed with the SR ED credit program prerequisites and can aid companies through the complexities and assist in documentation around payroll records, purchase invoices for the sr ed  project  etc.

  • Limited to Specific Industries: SR&ED financing isn't industry-specific. Firms from various sectors engaging in innovative activities, including software development, manufacturing, biotechnology, clean energy, and others, are eligible for SR&ED tax credits and can access financing based on those credits for their work around scientific and technological uncertainty. Note that the commercial production of new or improved material does not qualify for sr&ed, as do not sales promotion, quality control, market research, etc

  • Prohibitively Expensive: The cost of SR&ED financing depends on factors such as the financing provider, company eligibility, and the specific terms of the funding agreement. Despite potential costs, the advantages and immediate funding access to conduct research often surpass these expenses in sr ed projects.


However, it's important also to consider potential downsides:


Cost: SR&ED financing can be pricier as interest rates may exceed those of traditional bank loans due to the inherent risks involved.

  • Dependence: There's a risk of companies becoming excessively reliant on SR&ED financing, which could lead to issues if their SR&ED claim is scaled back or rejected.

  • Reduced Net Benefit: Given that the loan is paid off using the SR&ED refund, the company ultimately derives a lesser net benefit from the SR&ED program.


It's vital for businesses to thoroughly weigh their options and consult with financial advisors around sr ed eligibility criteria before opting for SR&ED financing. They should also ensure a strong SR&ED claim and a comprehensive understanding of the program's requirements.

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