Monday, June 26, 2023

Maximizing Potential: Understanding Working Capital Funding for Canadian Businesses



Unlocking Business Growth: Working Capital Funding Sources & Debt Financing Solutions in Canada

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Bridging the Gap: Working Capital Funding Solutions in Canada




We're not shocked - You won't be either - a recent U.S. survey by CFO Magazine stated that cash flow and working capital and accessing working capital funding sources was the biggest concern of any owner / financial manager.


So let’s get right to the point, what are your alternatives to cash flow success? The good news is there are a handful of other options, including operating lines of credit from your bank or your non-bank lender.


You can employ accounts receivable financing or invoice discounting if you are a smaller firm. If done properly (and many times, it is not), it can turn your firm into literally an ATM cash flow machine, as you generate instant cash flow for all your sales. This type of facility comes at a cost, and we find there are many misconceptions about the cost of this type of financing and, most importantly, how it works.






Accessing the right working capital funding is essential for success in today's fast-paced business environment. Whether you're a small startup or a larger company aiming to grow, having sufficient funds is vital for sustainable expansion. However, navigating the world of business financing can be overwhelming due to the numerous options and terms involved.


In the complex world of business operations, it is crucial to understand the concept of working capital and the importance of securing adequate funding. Operating capital is the financial lifeblood that keeps the business running smoothly daily.


It allows enterprises to meet short-term obligations such as purchasing inventory, paying employees, and managing day-to-day expenses. Companies often seek external funding sources to enhance their working capital, highlighting the necessity of financing options for startups and established corporations.


Welcome to Canada! We are pretty sure we are in the same boat as we talk to clients who seek alternatives to debt financing and liquidity for their companies.





Working capital is vital for the functioning of any business as it represents the available funds for day-to-day operations. These funds handle expenses like supplier payments, payroll, and inventory management. Insufficient working capital can impede a company's ability to meet financial obligations, hindering growth and profitability.


Maintaining a healthy level of working capital is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides a safety net during unexpected expenses and economic downturns, enabling businesses to endure challenging times.


Secondly, it empowers companies to seize growth opportunities, such as expanding into new markets or introducing new products. Lastly, having adequate working capital enhances stakeholder confidence, including that of investors, lenders, and suppliers, thus bolstering the overall reputation and credibility of the business.

While businesses can generate working capital from profits and equity, many rely on external funding to bridge the gap between cash inflows and outflows.


The other key item in the study was that business, in general, was dissatisfied with their banking relationships - again, no real surprise.

So we all agree there is a gap in working capital solutions for Canadian businesses. Let’s discuss why that gap exists and, more importantly, there are alternatives to taking on more debt financing while increasing cash flow in your firm.




Before choosing a working capital funding option, assessing your business's specific needs is essential.

  • Assess your business's cash flow patterns, considering seasonal or cyclical fluctuations.
  • Analyze your working capital cycle, including inventory conversion, accounts receivable collection, and supplier payment time.
  • Evaluate your current working capital position by calculating the current ratio and comparing it to industry benchmarks.
  • Determine your growth plans and future working capital requirements, such as expansion, product launches, or entering new markets.
  • Understand your long-term working capital needs to select a funding option that aligns with your business's growth trajectory.




Traditional Working Capital Funding Sources

  1. Bank Loans:
  • A common source of working capital funding via working capital facilities
  • Requires collateral and a lengthy application process.
  • Offers competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms.
  • Suitable for established businesses with strong credit history and collateral.
  1. Lines of Credit:
  • Flexible financing option with a predetermined borrowing limit via commercial banks under a revolving credit facility
  • Interest is only paid on the borrowed amount.
  • Useful for managing short-term cash flow needs.
  • Beneficial for businesses with fluctuating working capital requirements.
  1. Business Credit Cards:
  • Provides convenient access to more working capital funds.
  • Offers a revolving line of credit for various business expenses.
  • Business owners can earn rewards and build a credit history.
  • Requires careful management to avoid high-interest rates and overspending.





As we have written in the past, we always tell clients the best program in Canada, bar none in our opinion, is the government small business loan program, which is underwritten by our good friends in Ottawa.  Great rates, terms and structures; what more could you ask for?  Historically the program only offered financing for equipment, leaseholds and real estate - debt financing via long term loans.


In 2022 changes to the program added working capital loans/cash flow solutions -  Government loans are available via participating financial institutions. Some business credit unions are also a lending institution for the program.


BDC, Canada's non-bricks and mortar government crown corporation, also offers a permanent working capital loan solution via a long-term loan working capital finance solution that can help a business with seasonal variable working capital business needs.

Companies also have the ability to cash flow their Government refundable tax credits for r&d via Sr&ed financing bridge loans.




1. Invoice Factoring: Invoice factoring is a financing option where businesses sell their accounts receivable to a third-party company, known as a factor, at a discount. The factor then collects payment from the customers. This provides businesses with immediate cash flow to meet their working capital needs. Invoice factoring suits businesses with outstanding invoices and may be an option for those with less-than-perfect credit who wish to improve net working capital.


2. Merchant Cash Advances: Merchant cash advances, also known as a short-term working capital loan, provide businesses with temporary working capital via a lump sum payment in exchange for a percentage of future credit card sales. This option is prevalent among retail and hospitality businesses with a high volume of credit card transactions. Merchant cash advances offer quick access to funds but can have higher fees and interest rates than traditional financing options.

Clients are increasingly more interested in hearing about non-bank lenders as sources of working capital because these firms can more readily approve financing for your inventory and receivables. The 'buzzword' around this industry is asset-based lending, and we advise clients to check it out because, in many cases, it’s the ultimate solution to working capital success.


3. Asset-based lending involves using a company's assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, or equipment, as collateral for a loan.

  • Businesses can access a revolving line of credit based on the value of their assets.
  • This funding option suits businesses with valuable assets but may have stricter borrowing terms and requirements.
  • Asset-based credit lines provide flexibility and support working capital needs by leveraging existing assets to secure financing. Businesses pay interest only on funds drawn down under the credit facility.

So let's summarize -  if you qualify for bank financing, employ it!


Many of our clients don’t, so consider great alternatives for working capital funding sources, such as asset-based lines of credit, receivable financing, or sometimes even securitization.




Case Study 1: ABC Manufacturing

  • ABC Manufacturing, a small manufacturing company, utilized a line of credit for working capital funding.
  • The flexible funding helped the company purchase raw materials and meet payroll obligations.
  • Access to the line of credit also allowed ABC Manufacturing to take advantage of supplier discounts.
  • Improved cash flow management enabled the company to invest in new equipment.
  • The investment in new equipment led to increased productivity and profitability.

Case Study 2: XYZ Tech

  • A technology startup, XYZ Tech, faced cash flow gaps due to delayed customer payments.
  • To address this challenge, XYZ Tech opted for invoice factoring to bridge the gap.
  • By selling accounts receivable, the company received immediate funds for operational expenses.
  • The funds obtained through invoice factoring also supported product development initiatives.
  • XYZ Tech continued its growth trajectory and secured new contracts without cash flow constraints.

These case studies demonstrate the significant impact of working capital funding in supporting business growth and overcoming financial challenges. Utilizing a line of credit and invoice factoring helped these businesses manage their cash flow, seize growth opportunities, and succeed in their respective industries.







Securing working capital funding is only the first step. To maximize its benefits, businesses must also effectively manage their working capital. Here are some tips for managing working capital effectively:


  1. Cash Flow Forecasting:
  • Develop a cash flow forecast to anticipate inflows and outflows.
  • Identify potential shortfalls and take proactive measures.
  1. Inventory Management:
  • Optimize inventory levels to avoid tying up excessive working capital.
  • Implement just-in-time systems and negotiate favourable terms with suppliers.
  1. Accounts Receivable Management:
  • Implement strategies to improve collections and reduce aging of trade credit offered to clients
  • Offer incentives for early payment and consider invoice factoring.
  1. Accounts Payable Optimization:
  • Negotiate favourable payment terms with suppliers around current liabilities on the balance sheet
  • Maintain good relationships by paying on time.
  1. Expense Control:
  • Regularly review expenses and identify cost-saving opportunities.
  • Implement measures without compromising quality.


Accessing the right working capital funding is crucial for businesses, regardless of size. Evaluating your business needs and considering the advantages and disadvantages of various funding options, including traditional bank loans and alternative financing solutions, is important.


By understanding your working capital requirements, selecting the appropriate funding option, effectively managing your operating capital, and drawing insights from successful experiences, you can propel your business to new levels of success. Remember, working capital funding is not merely about surviving but thriving and achieving remarkable growth for your business.


In summary, when utilized effectively, working capital funding can provide the necessary fuel for growth and enable your business to reach unprecedented heights.


Whether you opt for traditional or alternative financing, you must comprehensively understand your unique requirements and make informed decisions accordingly. Keep in mind that working capital funding goes beyond mere survival; it has the potential to drive your business toward unparalleled success.


So if your firm has a thirst for liquidity (!), call  7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who will work with you to solve your cash flow challenge.




What are the Pros and Cons of Traditional and Alternative Working Capital Funding


  • Lower interest rates compared to alternative financing options.
  • Longer repayment terms provide businesses with more time to repay the loan.
  • Established relationships with banks can lead to future funding opportunities.
  • Traditional financing options are often more suitable for larger businesses with established credit history and collateral.

Cons of Traditional Working Capital Funding:

  • A lengthy application process and strict eligibility criteria can make securing funding challenging for small businesses.
  • Collateral requirements may limit the accessibility of traditional financing options.
  • Banks may be more risk-averse, making it difficult for businesses with less-than-perfect credit to obtain funding.



What are the  Pros  and Cons of Alternative Working Capital Funding


  • Quick access to raise funds allows businesses to address immediate working capital needs.
  • Less stringent eligibility requirements compared to traditional financing options.
  • Suitable for businesses with less-than-perfect credit or limited collateral.
  • Some options, like invoice factoring, can help improve cash flow management.

Cons of Alternative Working Capital Funding:

  • Higher fees and interest rates compared to traditional financing options.
  • Limited funding may not be sufficient for businesses with substantial working capital needs.
  • Some options may require businesses to relinquish control or ownership.


How Can A Business Choose the Right Working Capital Funding Option for Your Business


Choosing the right working capital funding option for your business requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Cost:
  • Evaluate interest rates, fees, and charges associated with each option.
  • Calculate the total borrowing cost to compare affordability.
  1. Repayment Terms:
  • Assess repayment schedules and their impact on cash flow.
  • Consider the ability to meet other financial obligations.
  1. Accessibility:
  • Determine eligibility criteria based on credit history and collateral.
  • Some options may be suitable for businesses with imperfect credit or limited collateral.
  1. Speed of Funding:
  • Consider the urgency of accessing funds.
  • Evaluate approval and funding processes for different options.
  1. Flexibility:
  • Evaluate the usage and repayment flexibility of each option.
  • Options like lines of credit may offer more flexibility.

By carefully evaluating these factors and aligning them with your business's needs, you can choose the working capital funding option that best suits your requirements around internal and external sources of business capital.



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