Saturday, August 5, 2023

SR&ED Financing in Canada: Turning R&D into Cash Flow How Canadian Businesses Boost Cash Flow with CRA SRED



From R&D to Cash Flow: SRED Financing and CRA SR&ED Tax Incentives Funding in Canada

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Canadian R&D's Secret Weapon: An Insider's Guide to SRED Financing







Looking to cash flow your claim under Canada's  Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program tax incentives, a massive program under the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that distributes around 3-4 Billion dollars annually in non-repayable SRED grants to privately-owned Canadian firms. Ready to explore cash flow funding for your investment tax credit? Let's dig in!


Understanding the SR&ED Program: A Boon for Canadian Businesses Investing In R&D


Basics of SR&ED Program

There's a head start for Canadian business owners and financial managers well-versed with the SR&ED program. This initiative, technically called the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program, offers billions of dollars through non-repayable grants across all Canadian business sectors. The claim refunds support innovation, development, and technological advancements in the Canadian economy.


The Importance of Claim Size For Financing


While we often hear that size doesn't matter, in the case of your CRA SRED claim, it indeed has significance. The claim size affects the overall ability to finance your application, which brings us to the decisions you must make as a claimant. Typically any reasonable claim size can be funded.


Financing the SR&ED Claim: Options and Considerations


Financing Options: Bank vs. Private Sector


Is SR&ED financing achievable? And if so, who finances these claims? Though some chartered banks in Canada finance SR&ED claims, it's subject to many bank-specific criteria. The reality is that 99% of the time, SR&ED claims are financed by private-sector boutique firms. Seeking the expertise of a credible and experienced SR&ED financing consultant such as 7 Park Avenue Financial can be the right path to navigate the process easily and quickly!


 Selecting  SR&ED Financing - The 7 Park Avenue Financial Solution


Choosing your SR&ED partner wisely is crucial if your Canadian claim exceeds a reasonable amount for financing. Claims are generally financed more efficiently at 75% of the 'loan to value' (LTV) relationship. Thus, on a 250k claim as an example, you could net 75% of the combined federal and provincial claim, enhancing your working capital and financial position.


No payments are made during the loan term - When CRA processes your claim, you receive the remaining 25%, less financing fees, for the short-term sr&ed bridge loan. Simple as that!


Conditions for Financing Your SR&ED Claim


To finance your SR&ED claim, certain conditions must be met, including confidence in the preparation by an experienced party, the need for cash flow, and consideration of SRED rates. The timing is also crucial as SR&ED financing can usually be achieved within 2-3 weeks, given due diligence around the claim and related applications. Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team about achieving the best-sr&ed loan rates in Canada.



What are the Benefits Of Financing SR&ED Claims in Advance Of Filing  Your Claim With CRA? 


  • Equity and Control:

    • No need to give up equity, board seats, or Personal Guarantees
  • Cash Flow and Growth:

    • Extends runway before an equity round.
    • Facilitates hiring talent for growth.
    • 7 Park Avenue Financial offers financing up to 75% of the quarterly accrued R&D expenditures to early-stage, pre-revenue, and of course, high-growth businesses.
    • Provides advanced funding as early as three months into the tax year.
  • Capital Structure and Financing:

    • Optimizes capital structure by minimizing the cost of capital.
    • Secures enough money for expenditures.
    • Offers secure financing options
  • Positive Impact on Business Growth:

    • Dramatically and positively impacts the growth trajectory.
    • Non-dilutive capital that extends cash flow runway.
    • Enables financial flexibility for better scaling decisions.
    • Adding sales, marketing, and development resources 12 months early can lead to a 1.5x higher valuation over 24 months.






  • SR&ED Program Overview:

    • Provided by the Canadian government.
    • Funds new or improved technologies, products, and materials.
    • Available across industries, including life sciences, manufacturing, software, and agriculture.
    • Open to various company sizes and ownership types.
  • Complexity and Requirements:

    • Requires both technical and financial justification to CRA.
    • Statistics show that about 25% of claims get audited.
    • Inadequate documentation and time tracking may lead to the denial or reduction of claims.
  • Refund Timelines and Financing:

    • Standard refund time is 18+ months after the fiscal year start.
    • Quarterly cash advances against accrued SR&ED for quicker capital access.
    • SR&ED financing provides an immediate cash injection without giving up equity.
  • Eligibility Criteria For SR ED Expenditures:

    • Technological Advancement: Enhancing technical knowledge under the tax incentive program
    • Technological Uncertainty: Facing technical challenges or uncertainties in areas such as new or improved material and basic research
    • Technical Content: Iterative process to overcome challenges or uncertainties.
  • CRA’s Evaluation Questions:

    • Presence of scientific or technological uncertainty.
    • Effort in formulating, testing, and modifying a hypothesis.
    • Procedure aligned with the scientific method.
    • Resulting in technological advancement.
    • No existing solution was found.
    • A record of tested hypotheses and results.
    • Areas such as sales promotion and quality control do not qualify
  • Refund Rates for Small-medium sized Canadian controlled private corporations (SME CCPCs):

    • ~64% of eligible salaries.
    • ~32% of eligible sub-contractor fees.
    • ~42% of materials consumed or transformed.
  • Tax Credit Rates for Public or Foreign-owned Companies (or CCPCs over the SME limit):

    • ~36% of eligible salaries.
    • 18% of eligible sub-contractor fees.
    • 24% of materials consumed or transformed.



Conclusion: Utilizing SR&ED Financing for Growth


If your company seeks to retire term debt, manage payables, increase sales, or reinvest in R&D, SR&ED financing can be essential. By leveraging this unique financial opportunity, Canadian firms can unlock their potential and pave the way for innovation and growth in various sectors.

Call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and knowledgeable SR&ED financing expert who can help your firm navigate this valuable avenue successfully - and quickly!




What is SRED Financing? 

SRED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) Financing is a Canadian program that offers non-repayable grants to privately-owned firms investing in R&D. It aims to foster innovation, technological advancements, and economic growth. 


How can companies invest in R&D benefit from SRED Financing?


SRED Financing allows companies to accelerate their working capital and cash flow by financing their eligible R&D claims to advance scientific knowledge in their industry. It provides an immediate funding source, allowing businesses to reinvest in further research, retire debts, or manage payables.


 Who is eligible for CRA SRED Refunds?


CRA SR ED investment tax credits are available to Canadian privately-owned scientific research and experimental development firms. It includes companies across various sectors that meet specific scientific or technological advancement criteria for tax credits as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency.


How do I apply for SRED Financing in Canada?


Applying for SRED Financing involves preparing a claim detailing your eligible R&D activities and expenditures. Many companies seek the expertise of a knowledgeable SRED financing consultant, such as 7 Park Avenue Financial to guide them through the process.


What is the role of CRA in SRED Financing?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers the SRED program, evaluating claims and distributing grants. The CRA's SRED guidelines outline the qualifying activities and expenditures, ensuring transparency and fairness in the distribution of funds.



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