Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Art.. and Science of Buying a Distressed Company In Canada


Buying Distressed Businesses in Canada: Risks, Rewards, and Financial Strategies

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 Guide to Acquiring a Distressed Business in Canada: Insights and Financing Strategies





In Canada's dynamic business environment, investment opportunities in private company distressed businesses are ever-present.


Acquiring a distressed business may seem daunting for entrepreneurial individuals as prospective buyers or existing business owners.


But it can be profitable with the right strategy, guidance, and financing. This article will explore the essential factors to consider, the challenges to navigate, and the financing options available to support purchasing a distressed business in Canada.


Potential Rewards of Buying an Existing Business in Canada


Distressed businesses can represent a golden opportunity for determined entrepreneurs in Canada. With the economic struggles caused by events like the Covid Pandemic, businesses seek rescue or acquisition.


Financial institutions are lending again, paving the way for potential gains. Rigorous due diligence is imperative, as entering a bad transaction post-agreement can lead to unexpected challenges.




Many startups stumble not because of incompetence but due to insurmountable obstacles that deter their success path. By focusing on acquiring distressed businesses, entrepreneurs can leverage existing momentum at a discounted price while working towards profitability, mitigating some of the risks associated with starting anew.


The Complexity of Buying a Troubled Business


The failure rate for new businesses can be overwhelming. The alternative of purchasing distressed companies across various sectors and turning them around can alleviate this fear and has it's own advantages. While the venture is still high-risk, the potential rewards are often worth the gamble.


Negotiations with Lenders and Creditors


Generally speaking, when taking over a distressed company, liaising with creditors and devising a strategic, operational plan is crucial. A well-thought-out approach ensures that necessary improvements are made without drastically impacting cash flow. The ability to search public records for judgment liens etc is essential.



Your Due Diligence Process - The Essential First Step 


The world of distressed business acquisitions is rarely perfect. Understanding the "buyer beware" principle is vital in finalizing or negotiating a purchase price adjustment.


A thorough due diligence investigation is crucial when acquiring a distressed business, as there may be limited recourse after the purchase. This investigation must rigorously analyze why the company is struggling, including factors like debt, significant liabilities, loss of key management, or poor execution. Only after understanding these issues can the buyer and their team develop an effective strategy for the acquisition


Conducting diligent investigations before the purchase, including considerations for legal aspects, intellectual property, contracts, and patents, is crucial to protect oneself from unforeseen liabilities while evaluating potential distressed assets.



Managing Debt and Assessing Growth Finance Options 


Evaluating the level of debt when considering a distressed business for acquisition is a key factor. Proper business financing and a sound financial restructuring process will determine whether the company represents good value or just a cheap price.

Understanding why a distressed business fails is vital. Analyzing past management decisions and operational failures helps devise a solid plan to turn the business around. Has the company lost key management is a crucial question to investigate.


Key Takeaways:


Evaluating Your Opportunity:


  1. Valuation and Potential Upside:

    • Is the valuation low enough to compensate for the risks?
    • Is the potential upside high enough?
    • Note: The price is the most attractive element of buying distressed companies.
  2. Expertise Alignment:

    • Does the business fall within your area of expertise?
    • Caution is advised if you are not familiar with the market sector.
  3. Potential for Turnaround:

    • What resources or plans can you provide that the owner didn’t have?
    • Identify the problems causing distress, and act like a doctor for the business.
    • Consider the quality of the post-transaction team, technology, automation, and customer stabilization.

Finding and Acquiring the Distressed Business: 4. Finding the Business:

  • Via a broker specializing in distressed company transactions.
  • Through word of mouth, business information sites, or online bankruptcy court filings.
  1. Assembling a Team:

    • Consider hiring a lawyer specializing in distressed business transactions.
  2. Types of Acquisition:

    • Through bankruptcy or a non-bankruptcy 'fire sale'.
  3. Performing Due Diligence:

    • Talk with the company's employees to understand the internal state.
    • Retain the best workers and align their interests.
  4. Understanding Customer Perspectives:

    • Speak with customers if the business is service-based.
    • Be aware of customer goodwill and potential problems during bankruptcy.
  5. Benefits and Risks:

    • Acquiring distressed companies can grow the customer base and revenues cost-efficiently.
    • Carefully assess unique risks and rewards and assemble the right team for success.




Buying a distressed business should only be done if you understand the issues and plan to turn it around with a clear exit strategy.


The idea that purchasing a troubled business is a bargain is misleading, and such investments should be approached like any other, with careful research and due diligence. If the business is part of an industry with declining demand, making a reasonable profit might be unfeasible, and investing in a distressed company requires selecting one with a future demand for its product or service.


Still, Acquiring a distressed business in Canada is a complex yet potentially rewarding venture. Entrepreneurs can capitalize on these unique opportunities with careful planning, astute financing, and expert guidance, such as from 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with business acquisition requirements.




What is Due Diligence?

Due diligence is a comprehensive investigation conducted before an asset acquisition to determine the value and purchase of assets. Thorough due diligence is vital for ensuring a fair and transparent transaction. It is a critical component in the buying process for businesses and ensuring you avoid unseen potential significant liabilities.


 What is a Stalking Horse Bid?

This term refers to a strategic bidding process where a potential buyer makes an initial offer before other interested parties or waits for others to bid to determine their position. This tactic is commonly used in distressed business acquisitions.


What is a distressed business?

A distressed business is a company struggling financially and unable to meet its obligations. It often needs urgent restructuring or acquisition to avoid bankruptcy and move toward a favourable transaction structure under fair consideration.

How can buying a distressed business be profitable?

Acquiring a distressed business at a discounted price and implementing the right turnaround strategy can generate significant profits as the company recovers and grows.

What are the risks of acquiring a distressed business in Canada?

Risks of a distressed target include potential hidden liabilities, extensive debt, operational challenges, and the possibility of failing to turn the business around, resulting in a bankruptcy process.

How can I finance the acquisition of a distressed business?

Financing options include bank loans, commercial finance companies, or seeking guidance from financial advisors specialized in acquisition finance like 7 Park Avenue Financial.

What is due diligence, and why is it essential?

Due diligence for prospective buyers of the seller's business is a thorough investigation of all aspects of the company, such as assets, liabilities, and potential risks, to ensure a fair and transparent transaction.

What's the difference between asset purchase and share purchase?

When acquiring a private company, the ability to purchase assets rather than shares/equity is generally preferable for two main reasons: obtaining a stepped-up tax basis in the assets and minimizing unwanted liabilities.


In the case of a severely distressed company, there may not be tax benefits to an asset deal. Still, it remains the wiser option to reduce liability/risk due to potential undisclosed liabilities or issues like potential tax liabilities and fraudulent activities. Each deal must be unique and negotiated with professional guidance, including tax counsel.

Asset purchase involves buying specific assets and liabilities, while share purchase involves buying the entire company's ownership. Asset sales often reduce risks and liabilities around any potential fraudulent transfer of assets of seller's creditors, for example, or successor liability claims.

How does management assessment help in buying a distressed business?

Assessing past key management decisions and operations helps identify the root causes of failure, guiding your strategy for turning the business around. Accessing key information in the target's business is critical to understanding past day-to-day operations and business dealings.

Assessing past key management decisions and operations helps identify the root causes of failure, guiding your strategy for turning the business around.

Accessing essential information about the target's business is critical to understanding past day-to-day operations and business dealings. It is necessary to build the best possible case that "fair consideration" or "reasonably equivalent value" will be paid for the business.

Can distressed businesses be found in all industries?

Yes, distressed businesses can be found across various sectors, each offering unique opportunities and challenges for potential buyers in a distressed asset sale under a competitive bidding process when other buyers are involved.


Several businesses for sale in all industries may be financially distressed, prompting management to seek a sale, even within entire troubled sectors. Specialist intermediaries with turnaround expertise can be helpful, especially if the buyer has proven to be decisive and efficient. Investors should be ready to sort through many poor opportunities and be aware that good ones may have competitive bidding, making the actual value of a distressed company hard to determine.

How can 7 Park Avenue Financial assist in acquiring a distressed business?

7 Park Avenue Financial offers expertise in acquisition finance, providing insights, advice, and support in acquiring distressed companies in Canada.



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