Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Showing posts with label abl loan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abl loan. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Best Business Line Of Credit Solutions In Canada ? Read On !

Every Business With Working Capital Needs Requires a Business Line Of Credit

Whether you call them Operating Lines of Credit , or a business line of credit, or even Asset based lines of credit via ' non-bank' lenders, these asset based lending and corporate finance solutions are fast becoming one of the most flexible and popular methods for small, medium, and large customers to finance their operations .

What if your business does not qualify for a bank credit line ? The solution ? Asset based lending is getting increasing popular with Canadian firms.Terms are more accommodating, and are usually ' non covenant' based . Unpredictable cash flows and seasonality are often other reasons why an asset based line of credit has substantial appeal to business owners and CFO's. These operating loans are totally focused on the assets of the business , most predominately receivables and inventory . The total focus of the facility is the ' Current asset ' portion of your balance sheet, ie receivables, inventory.

In certain cases equipment, real estate, and intangibles can be financed . Credit line facilities are set up based on your borrowing requirements relative to your receivable and inventory assets . Generally receivables under 90 days are financed, as those > 90 days infer uncollectability . Although some focus is placed on over all viability and secondary sources of repayment overall the focus is on the business assets . Rates vary based on size of facility, overall asset quality, and the lender pricing model.

This type of financing provides the firm with significantly more liquidity as the Canadian chartered banks usually lend only 50-75% on current asset categories such as receivables and inventory .

More and more Canadian businesses in the small and medium sized enterprise space are finding it difficult to achieve the operating lines of credit they need from our traditional lenders such as the Canadian chartered banks. These firms are turning to asset based lenders . In our experience many companies are not even aware that such a financing option exists .

Asset based lending places less emphasis on proven track records and financial strength , instead focusing on key business assets such as accounts receivable, inventory, and in some cases equipment and real estate .

True asset based lending should not be confused with ' factoring '. In a factoring environment the company in effect sells their receivables to another firm at a discount . Asset based lending allows the company to bill and collect its own receivables . The loan is paid down and reduced , in a fluctuating manner , as the company collects its invoices .

This type of financing can in effect become a strong lifeline in the current liquidity and credit crisis . Banks traditionally margin receivables in a more conservative manner , and further significant reliance is placed on the customers over all financial health with respect to the current balance sheet and income statements .

The one negative aspect of this type of lending is that it comes with a higher cost . The lender usually has a higher cost of capital and is looking for a significantly higher return than a traditional chartered bank .

In most cases more reporting by the company is often required . That is to say they are more often submitting updated reports related to current receivable and inventory levels . Overall a more rigorous due diligence is in place .

The current asset based lending market in Canada is still quite small , but the industry is clearly growing .

In summary, small and mediums sized businesses should check out asset based lending , ie an ' abl loan ' , as an alternative to traditional bank financing . Due to the complexity and relative lack of knowledge around this industry the firm should work with a trusted business financing advisor . Asset based lending can provide unlimited liquidity to firms who are growing - because it focuses on the assets, not the balance sheet and income statement !

Business owners and managers should seek qualified assistance in locating an asset based lender that suits their industry and overall financing requirements re loan size, etc . A study done by the CIBC several years ago indicated that business owners who sought out trusted financing advisors had revenues 76% above those who did not seek a business financing specialist or trusted advisor . Traditionally these types of loans or operating facilities are for firms with under 50 employees .

Asset based lending in Canada is a classic case of a source of capital at the right time, given the current turmoil in the financial and credit markets . Many special situations can be addressed by a constructive asset based line of credit - these include buyouts, cross border projects, and debt restructuring .

Many firms that are even in bankruptcy or receivership can avail themselves of a true asset based lending agreement . Although it is often a more expensive type of financing the case can be made that the asset based financing is much cheaper than the firm issuing additional equity and diluting ownership . Key benefits are improved cash flow, stronger reporting capabilities and the maximization of receivables and inventory financing .

Whether you are seeking of small business line of credit or if your firm has substantial working capital needs owners and financial mgrs should ensure they speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of business finance success who can assist you with your traditional or alternative finance needs.

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Does An ABL Loan Deserve A Full Chapter In ‘ The Book Of Awesome’? Asset Revolving Line Of Credit Facts For Canada !

Here’s What You Get With An Asset Based Line of Credit

Information on why the ABL asset loan and revolving line of credit in Canada is a perfect solution for interim and long term financing needs .

Is an ABL loan, i.e. an asset revolving line of credit really a candidate for a position in the business Book of ' Awesome '? We think so. Here's why.

While many forms of Canadian business financing have been around for, well... almost ever... an asset based line of credit is somewhat of the new kid on the block in the context of financing vehicles for business owners and financial managers in Canada.

A key emphasis in various forms of business financing is the concept of ' cash flow' when it comes to repayment of your loans and borrowing facilities. That’s where the ‘asset crowd ' differs; the asset based line of credit focuses on assets not necessarily cash flow.

So why are more and more Canadian firms, start up, small, and large in size using this method of business lines of credit? Simply because if your business has solid assets in receivables and inventory it immediately qualifies for ABL loan finance. While we do use the term ' loan ' often in the context of our description of this method of finance in reality its not a loan per se, its a monetization of the asset on the left hand side of your balance sheet .

And by the way, although we specifically mentioned A/R and inventory it can include fixed assets and real estate, even tax credits as part of the mix. But truth is told receivables and inventory make up the majority of the asset based line of credit.

So who in fact uses, and considers this type of finance. It certainly runs the gamut, from wholesalers and distributors, major retailers (here the focus is on inventory), manufacturers, etc. If there is a bottom line, whether you are a service or product oriented company ....it’s simply that if you have A/R and or inventory you qualify.

A quick note that some of the largest and most recognized companies in Canada (and the world) utilize ABL.

Several types of Canadian business financing in Canada are considered somewhat ' alternative ' when they are bench'marked against traditional business lines of credit. However our perception is that the ABL loan becomes a bit more popular everyday - it's absolutely positively not the ' last resort ' scenario that some seem to make out.

Pricing on the asset revolving line of credit differs. While it absolutely can be competitive with bank pricing for firms of that quality quite often it comes at a higher cost , but, and its a but but ( so to speak!) it provides you with significantly more liquidity. That's because margining of a/r tends to be in the 90% range, even higher on occasion, and inventory financing within you facility can range anywhere from 30- 70%... which in some cases is 30-70% more than you are getting today !

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in determining if ABL is right for you. You just might now understand why an ABL loan seems to definitely qualify for its chapter in the Book of Awesome.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :
