Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Looking for Ways To Finance a Franchise ? There Is Only 1 Way When Financing a Franchise Investment!

You're there. You have made the decision. You're committed. You have timelines now. We're talking about your franchise finance decision and the next challenge you have in the franchise process - financing a franchise. How many ways to finance a franchise are there? Only one... the right way! And we'll show you how.

The ability to finance your franchise properly and satisfy the requirements of the franchisor without putting you overly in debt is what it’s all about of course. And if you do it right then you of course have the potential to grow a business, profit from it, and build owner equity for either long term resale of personal financial gain. That's simply what it's all about, and boy does it help if you like what you are doing, at the same time taking on the entrepreneurship role in Canadian business.

The good news is that your are lucky, because franchising couldn’t be any hotter or more popular. Franchises move goods and services in the billions in Canada, and you're now part of that movement.

But let’s be realistic, whether it’s a franchise investment of any other business start up the same critical needs apply relative to planning and financing.

Homework. Did you hate it in school? Well here it is again because we strongly suggest to clients that you are now in homework mode when determining how financing a franchise works. It’s all about planning, which includes ensuring you have a profitable potential business on your hands, as well as understanding ways to finance a franchise in Canada.

Business plans are critical to your franchise investment. It's a case of demonstrating your business has both profit potential plus, and this is what interests the lender, that you have the ability to repay your debt and loans. The franchisor naturally is interested in long term success of the chain, and your ability to pay royalties as they become due, usually monthly.

When you address the franchise finance decision you must consider a number of items - they are as follows - what is the total all in cost, what methods are available to finance each part of the cost breakdown, and finally, and perhaps most importantly, how is the actual financing done.

The costs to assess in a franchise finance investment are as follows - the initial franchise fee, the cost of fixed assets or leaseholds to your business - i.e. equipment, signage, vehicles if required, etc. And finally, if you did all that and didn’t address working capital for ongoing operations and growth then you are setting yourself up for failure.

Clients are always looking to us for a magic solution and a one stop finance strategy for their franchise investment. The closest we can come to that is the government BIL/CSBF loan, under which the majority of franchises are financing in Canada. You can successfully augment this strategy by equipment financing for a variety of assets as well as a small working capital loan, usually unsecured. Don't forget also that your own owner equity investment becomes the final piece of the puzzle.

And getting back to our business plan, ensure that you have covered off all the debt you need and that if reflects your ability to pay it back.

Financing a franchise. Challenging? Yes, we guess so. Possible? Of course. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with franchise experience who will help you navigate, successfully, the only way to finance your new business - the right way!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Why Asset backed business loans And Asset Lending Make Your Business Financeable For Growth

When was the last time you really found business loans solutions that made total sense for your firm. We're thinking that you will say ' right about now!" after you finish hearing what we’re going to tell you about asset lending and asset back lines of credit in Canada.

Looking for understatements .?We always are. Here's one... ‘Business financing has never been more difficult to achieve than in the last couple years ‘! Now that’s an understatement. It seems to be all about problems and never about solutions.

What if there was a type of business financing in Canada that made all firms eligible yet at the same time gave you access to unlimited amount of credit , and only had one requirement . Too good to be true? Not necessarily. And what is that requirement our clients always ask, and the answer is ' assets ‘.

Canadian asset lending via a non bank asset backed line of credit makes business loans sense today more than it ever has before.

Let’s get to the core of the solution, and then you'' see how that solution can fix your current financing challenges. This type of business operating loan is a revolving line of credit that is secured by inventory, accounts receivable, and other balance sheet asset accounts as may be applicable. (Typically those might be equipment and real estate in some cases)

Is there a size that seems to make the most sense when you contemplate such a financing. We have found through experience that clients that require at least a 250k/mo operating working capital requirement are the best candidates for this type of financing. There is virtually no upper limit on asset based line of credit financing in Canada!

We always come back to the word ' assets' in discussing the availability of this type of financing. On a day to day basis you monitor your receivables, inventory, etc and simply draw down against them. As you can see the facility fluctuates every day simply because each day your firm bills new customers, collects receivables from past sales, and purchases inventory and converts that product into a sale and resulting receivable. That whole process is known as your operating cycle.

Asset backed lending in Canada is a secured form of lending that grows as you grow. That’s the main difference from a chartered bank line of credit, which typically has fixed limits and imposes all sorts of other conditions re rations, covenants, collateral, and personal guarantees on the business owners and managers. That’s now that asset lending via bank line of credit is about in Canada.

The key qualification difference here is that a large amount of the approval process for this type of facility revolves around verifying your assets such as the quality of your receivables, inventory turns, , and your ability to ' scorecard' your business via proper financial reporting every month around receivables and inventory .

Does our solution make sense? We think it does if you are in one of several categories, including not being able to access bank credit, not being able to access enough bank credit, and if your firm is in a growth mode and has assets that can be financing for working capital needs .

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can guide you through the asset backed line of credit strategy for your firms survival, growth, and profit.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Staying Afloat via cash flow financing – Cash Flow for Business Solutions

So we're all in agreement, right ? - staying afloat is better than sinking... and talking to clients seeking cash flow for business seems to be mostly what we are doing these days. Cash flow financing for your business, whether you like it or not is at the top of the ‘ worry pile’ for Canadian business owners these days.

We'll discuss the problem, how you measure the problem, and, most importantly, some great solutions both traditional and alternative. And by the way, alternative is fast becoming traditional, but more about that later!

In talking to clients about business financing and business cash flow we always get the distinct impression they feel their business is unique - and that may be so but the truth of the matter is that the cash flow financing challenges you face are being faced by everyone else in and out of your industry.

As a business owner you can be forgiven for thinking your business cash flow financing challenges are unique, probably because of the mix. What do we mean by the mix? Simply that each h company and industry has difference levels of inventory, receivables, payables, all of which factor uniquely into the working capital challenge.

In fact, whether you like it or not, about 80%, yes 80% of all you assets are in receivables, inventory, and to some extent prepaid.

Your ability to ' turnover' these assets is what makes your business successful, or not.

Each industry has different gross margins, and if you have great gross margins then you can withstand a bit less turnover that is required in inventory and receivables. If you are in a low gross margin business turnover is absolutely critical. And you measure that turnover by three key metrics, inventory turns, days sales outstanding or collection turnover, and finally days payable outstanding.

Turnover drives working capital and many business owners kind of know that, but more often than not aren’t focusing on improving that turnover.

So , lets get back to staying afloat , which is what its all about !There are a number of cash flow financing solutions that allow you to address cash flow financing for your business . If it was a perfect world you would have all the liquidity you need from you bank, but bank financing is always a challenge for business, and in many cases inventory is not part of the financing mix that is available.

There are at least 5 great cash flow for business solutions available to help you succeed in Canadian business financing. These include the selling of your receivables, which can be done confidentially, and thereby generating instant cash flow for your company. For firms with 250k+ in assets and receivables you are in a position to be a candidate for a fully margined A/R and inventory working capital facility, available through a non bank solution. Larger firms with significant investments in working capital (receivables and inventory) are eligible for asset based lending which is in our opinion the ultimate Canadian working capital solution.

Most business owners don’t know they can access cash flow financing via the financing of Purchase Orders (p o’ s) and contracts. They allow you to consider orders significantly higher than you could have ever handled in the past. And, finally firms with relatively good financial standing can access unsecured cash flow working capital term loans via non bank lenders.

So whats it all about. We think we have been fairly clear, and hope you agree. It’s about understanding your cash flow financing challenges, measuring them via the turnover of working capital accounts, and finally, accessing any one of the five, yes 5! solutions we have provided .

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor as to what makes sense for your firm.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Save Thousands When Utilizing Lease Financing Via Equipment Lease Companies In Canada

Your lease financing strategies in Canada are a balancing act, but do you know how to manage, or even locate the best lease companies in Canada? It's pretty clear to us that our clients are keenly aware of the tight balancing act you face whenever you contemplate an equipment financing acquisition .

We're reminded of the definition of ' Saving ‘... which is simply the act of managing a resource such as your capital and putting it to work in the best manner . But do you have to give up something to get a solid equipment financing approval with a structure that makes sense to your company. We don’t think so, and we will show you how to navigate, successfully! The maze of what is known as equipment financing in Canada.

We are reminded that the best way to be successful in achieving the benefits that lease financing bring to the table is to simply ' visualize ' them. More often than not in lease financing you are focusing on getting a return on investment on your acquisition, and structuring it financially in a way that makes sense.

Can you, as we maintain, save thousands of dollars on an equipment lease when you ' do it right’? We believe you can. But first you have to focus on why you financing the equipment, and why certain lease companies in Canada may or may not be your best bet when you finance.

You finance equipment for some very basic reasons - lets cover them off... and we get rid of the most boring one first, accounting. The accounting treatment of a lease is very important and often mis understood or not properly address when we discuss the issue with clients. For instance, if you can keep the lease off balance sheet you have just delivered a greater return on asset value to the owners or shareholders of your firm. That’s a key measurement used by owners, lenders and investors when they look at your firm. If you firm is capital driven, meaning you need lots of capital to run your business then structuring the right type of lease will have immeasurable positive effect on your performance and operating ratios.

Many operating lenders structure your credit agreements around your rations, and properly handled and accounted for leases can be a real positive in this regard.

Financial and cash flow reasons also drive owner behavior when lease financing in Canada. It's all about working capital preservation. Even negotiating a lower down payment or a higher balloon payment at the end of your lease can save you many thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your transaction. Those savings can be re invested into the company to generate further sales and profits.

Have you made the mistake of acquiring technology on a lease and then having to write down the book value of the lease half way through the transaction when you have just discovered, surprise, surprise! That your technology is now obsolete! Matching the tem of the lease with the useful economic life of the lease can save you thousands in potential equipment write downs in the technology area - think computer investments, telecom systems, etc.

We hate it, but most of our clients are focused on only one thing, which is the proverbial lease rate. Unfortunately equipment lease companies in Canada know this and can do a real number on your firm when it comes to camouflaging the true rate in a lease - this is done by quoting you payments calculated in arrears, getting first and last payments in advance, increasing the size of a security deposit, or charging you per diem rates for project type financing when leasing is required.

If you have all the time in the world and know every nuance of Canadian lease finance then by all means attend and address all of those issues and strategies. Alternatively, speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who will structure the right lease that focuses on benefits that are real to your firm, saving you thousands in the process. That’s a solid plan to save money !

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Monday, December 20, 2010

Why Confidential Factoring Discounting Is Your Secret Cash Flow For Business Weapon!

In terms of a secret weapon in business one assumes if you had this one you would have a competitive advantage? And that’s what we think confidential factoring discounting will deliver once you understand why it might just be a solid alternative for cash flow for business in Canada.

We're talking about regular and special here. Regular factoring or invoice discounting or receivable financing (all these terms are interchangeable) is the financing of your receivables for instant cash flow and working capital,

This type of financing is becoming more commonplace everyday. When we talk to clients about what they perceive the financing to deliver on the two most common issues they bring up are that they don’t really like how it works on a day to day basis, and secondly, the cost factor seems to always come up.

We think we can dispel both of those issues when it comes to providing a better alternative to address both concerns and misconceptions that our clients have.

We need to step back a bit though and first understand what this type of factoring discounting is, and why the current ' vanilla ' offering in Canada doesn’t work for clients.

At its core the facility is simply ' monetizing ' (a fancy word for ' turning into cash’) your receivables for immediate cash. Your ability to collect your receivables faster creates cash flow and eliminates a lot of business stress! If you have the ability to obtain conventional bank financing naturally you probably would be financing your receivables through the bank - yet in the current economic environment bank credit is more difficult to achieve, and, to make matters worse in many circumstances we see the amount of credit you can get from a commercial bank in Canada is simply not enough for your needs. That’s where the working capital challenge sets in.

So, ' regular ' factoring for cash flow for business works as follows - you generate an invoice, you sell the invoice and receive cash, usually the same day. Sounds great so far right. However, now what happens is that your customer is contacted by the factor firm and they verify the invoice and receipt of goods and services. They also are in collection mode directly with your clients, according to whatever your terms are. The cost of this type of financing in Canada ranges anywhere from 7-8% per annum to 1-3% per month. Factors determining prices are your firm’s general financial profile, the size of the facility you need, and the types of customers and industries you sell into.

So that’s ' regular ' and we can here our clients now saying this sounds kind of ok , but the customer intrusion level is highly undesirable .

That’s where confidential factoring discounting comes in. Here's the kicker. You bill and collect your own invoices! You have now regained total control of your factoring facility, are achieving all the benefits, and it is you who decides what amount you wish to finance on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. And whats more ' special' is simply the fact that the costs of confidential factoring discounting are essentially the same. We also spend a lot of time with clients showing them how they can offset a huge part of the cost of this type of financing via some time worn cash management strategies .

One or two caveats are that the facility should generally involve a receivables portfolio size of at lease 250k, and you have to be able to demonstrate solid operations regarding maintaining updated financials, billing cleanly and properly, and posting payments to the ledger properly.

Not everyone in Canada knows or is aware of this type of financing. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced business financing advisor as to how this type of financing gives you a major competitive edge over firms using the ' regular' version!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -

Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Why You Need Film Tax Credits and Why the Canada Film Tax Credit System Works For Your Project

If they are offering, why aren’t you taking? That's what we ask clients when they bring us questions on film tax credits, how the Canada film tax credit system works, and , most importantly, how can they get their share!

You can call it of course anything you want, an incentive, a non repayable grant/credit, but the bottom line is that Canada has proven itself very serious in the introduction of very healthy tax credits that are non repayable and can form a significant part of your overall film, tv and animation credit financing strategy .

Ours is not to question why... but its pretty clear Canada is serious about stimulating and growing the Film, video and animation industries. The latter, animation is slowly gaining more traction everyday. Naturally job creation and tax and revenue generation from these projects is probably high on the list of ' why' for the government, but again, we want our clients to take advantage of the program, not to debate it!

The credits themselves come out of the government’s tax policy and while they used to be viewed as cumbersome the process has been significantly streamlined over the years, and the overall generosity of the program has continually been increased.

The tax credit is clearly a financial incentive, but at the end of the day we find out clients aren’t viewing it as much as an incentive as in fact a key part of their overall financing strategy. It's necessary to step back and understand the key components of a project financing and why film tax credits have clearly gone straight to the top of the pile as a ' must have ' relative to your overall project financing .

Depending on where you shoot, product, or post produce your project the credits can be anywhere from 25- 45% as a general range. (It varies by project and by genre of project - i.e. Film vs. animation, etc).

The Canada film tax credit provides you with a certificate which is then monetized by the government in the form of a non repayable cheque. Naturally in a perfect world you would arrange your debt and equity financing for your project, calculate your tax credit on the project and then consider yourself fully financed. The tax credit cheque would come from Ottawa after you have filed for it along with the tax filings you have submitted for the specific legal entity project.

But, alas, it’s not a perfect world apparently, and boy could your independent project utilize those funds sooner rather than later. That’s where film tax credits, when financed, can bring valuable cash flow and working capital to your project. When properly financed with the right partner finance firm your credits can greatly assist in the cash flowing of your project, providing valuable working capital during production. We read one article recently that referred to your overall project financing as a ' toolkit ' with a number of potential financing tools inside. Clearly the Canadian film tax credit is one of those tools!

The logistics around the financing of your tax credit can be as simple or as complicated as you make them. Our clients choose simple, so they surround themselves with a good media accountant and legal advisor, they have a finance budget and strategy in place, and they borrow against that eligible tax credit. With the right team around you, you can specifically identify exactly how much you will receive and what amount can be financed.

So , bottom line, call it a subsidy, call it a grant, call it a tax credit, call it anything you want, but utilize the Canada film tax credit as a key role in your independent film, tv or animation strategy . Speak to a trusted, credible, and, oh yes, experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you to prepare and monetize your claim.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Friday, December 17, 2010

Great Reasons to take your sr ed claim and access sred financing via specialize sred funding Canada Programs

Gimme a reason .That’s what clients often ask when we talk to them about the benefits of both filing a sr&ed claim, and then considering sred financing as a cash flow strategy around sred funding in Canada for cash flow and working capital .

You want reasons, and we have reasons for you to consider...Businesses of all size in Canada utilize the sr&Ed program in Canada to be eligible to receive a huge portion of their expenses in R&D via a non repayable tax credit.

When we tell clients they can utilize a sred financing strategy to increase cash flow and working capital via the r&d credit, well, frankly, they almost cant believe it .

There isn’t a day when the government isn’t issues cheques for millions of dollars on the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (aka " sred!) Program, so let’s all agree that you are eligible for your share. And if you're working on processes and products and re design in your industry then the salaries, products and equipment and even some overheads are taken into account when you file a sred claim.

The sr&Ed claim process is all tied into Canada Revenue Agency. They receive your claim and process it at the same time you file you year end tax return. If you are ok with ' waiting’... and most of our clients are not, you will get a significant cheque back from Ottawa in a number of months.

Clients are always asking us how long they have to wait for a refund, and if there is any way to speed up the process. Far be it from us to be the ones to be telling someone from the government to speed up the process. But what we do advise clients to consider is to finance their sred funding credit as soon as they file it.

Why would you want to finance a tax credit? There are only two reasons, cash flow and working capital now! By monetizing your tax credit you are in a position to take the government rebate and put it to positive use within your company. And what are those positive uses? It's the basics, reduce your payables, buy new equipment, re invest in your entire sr&ed claim process to increase your competitive advantage...and on it goes, basically use those funds for any worthwhile purpose .

How long does it take to finance a claim and whats involved? That's not an untypical question. In our experience claims are financed within two to three weeks. And could the process be any more simple - its all about completing a simple business financing application, utilizing your sred claim as collateral, and undergoing any normal due diligence . Claims of any size can be financed, it typically makes sense to finance claims that are in excess of 130k... but smaller claims can be monetized also.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor around sred funding Canada claims. And use that cash flow which you have achieved in a timely fashion to grow your sales and profits.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


We finance the little guy .
P.S. We finance the big guys also!