Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

ABL Asset based lending just might be the solution you are looking for in Canadian Business Financing

Information on an abl asset finance company business line of credit for your firms revolving credit facility needs . Leverage business assets for liquidity

Can an ABL asset based finance company, via a new business line of credit make your transition from financing pain to financing power? We think there is a strong case for that, and here's why.

Thousands of companies in Canada find themselves constantly challenge when it comes to ensuring their company has the right financing in place to both survive and grow .

For the small and medium sized business owners and financial managers in Canada there are some serious issues on the table: the jobs of employees, the value of the asset base in your company, and the ability to at a certain point in time to transition that business to a family member or third party.

Management therefore needs to realize that any turnaround in the business often will revolve around their own commitment to explore new types of financing that will in effect turn that ' pain’ into ' power'.

Financial challenges and problems require that they be identified early. There are a number of tell tale signs of trouble in your firm that often might be clear, or not so obvious. They include pressure from your bank on your operating line, financial losses that will ultimately link back to cash flow problems, pressure from other competitors in your sales environment, and sometimes issues you could never control such as new market forces.

The business line of credit, whether it's via a bank or an ABL asset finance company is often a key driver in your transition from pain to power. If your firm currently has a Canadian chartered bank line of credit you are subject to certain restrictions.

This facility is ultra dependent on a large number of key factors such as profit, operating performance which is measure via ratios and covenants, and your availability to provide collateral inside and outside the business. And personal guarantees as most Canadian businesses know are key to a long term bank relationship in many instances,

Canadian businesses are often in the position of having their business lines of credit are somewhat of a scapegoat for short term losses and a trend to unprofitability.

So if your firm finds itself in a downward or negative spiral what’s the solution? As we said a solid one might just well be a non bank business line of credit from a commercial ABL asset finance company.

But why can such a facility save your company, turn it around, and ensure that pain to power transition. We would offer up that it’s simply a case of the ABL firm taking a sign cant amount of more risk with your business. That risk though is somewhat measured from their point of view, as they focus predominantly on your overall asset base.

So you new ABL term sheet takes all your receivable, inventory, equipment, and in some cases real estate and rolls it up into one new large revolving credit facility It goes without saying that your firm must have good records and controls, and reporting capability, but at the end of the day the ' power ‘as opposed to the ' pain’ is now in sight.

When the business owner considers that ABL typically provides 85-90% lending against A/R, 30-70% on inventory, and then throws in an equipment component also... well... you get the drill - your firm has just reached a higher level of liquidity.

This new facility will, as time goes on, repair your company. Pressure from trade creditors will subside, you can take advantage of new growth opportunities, and sales can be back on track to grow.

You achieve this new higher level of borrowing by being able to supply regular on going info on your assets, and in most cases you'll be subject to a quarterly, semi annual or annual visit from your ABL lender.

If a turnaround in your financing fortunes is required you just may have discovered it. Consider speaking to a credible, experienced and trusted Canadian business financing advisor on you can successfully reverse your business challenges.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Exploit Your Business Cash Flow Problem ! Financing Your Balance Sheet

Do You Know How To Mine Your Financials For Cash?

Information on solving a business cash flow problem and implementing financing for the Canadian balance sheet

Your business cash flow problem. A lot of times it can be avoided and or fixed by examining your balance sheet and implementing solutions either traditional or alternative that address that problem and challenge.

Canadian business owners and financial managers have a tendency to always look at their income statement, not the balance sheet. We suppose it’s the entrepreneur in them that drives that focus - the idea of generating more sales and lowering or maintaining their costs. That sales number in effect becomes their ' business scorecard, one that seems easily measured and one that facilitates compensation, and egos!

But when you business is all of a sudden facing a business cash flow problem all of a sudden those assets on the balance sheet will often be your only savior , if managed and financed properly . When you understand how to manage and scorecard those balance sheet assets you're going to win at the cash flow game.

Getting converted! That's what balance sheet finance is about - turning those assets in a manner that generates cash flow and managing and arranging your liabilities so that they don't consume that cash.

In reality those assets on the left hand side of the balance have already arranged themselves in the proper order. By that we mean they are listed in the same order always that reflects their ability to be liquidated for working capital. Of course that order is cash, inventory, receivables and equipment. That's the pecking order of cash we could say.

Cash is cash on your balance sheet - not exactly a prolific statement and most businesses in the Canadian small and mid sectors don't typically show a lot of cash on the balance sheet. It's therefore time to move on to the A/R - here where your credit extension to clients becomes critical in the entire process.

Inventory and equipment make up the balance of the balance sheet, with inventory varying in nature - it might be raw materials, work your firm has in process, or goods ready to ship.

If you are fortunate enough to have the balance sheet and income statement that meets a Canadian chartered bank approval your savior in a business cash flow problem is a bank line of credit. The bank secures your assets and you borrow against them, based on agreed upon borrowing margins.

But what if your firm doesnt not have the ability for financing balance sheet assets. That’s when the overall financial health of your company becomes critical - in effect: The patient is at risk!

When sales are growing and receivable and inventory is building cash flow challenges become readily apparent. And as your company gets older some of that A/R and inventory is, respectively, uncollectable or unsellable.

The business owner has a tool, or tools to measure cash flow and operating performance. We have always called them ' relationships' - the text book calls them ' ratios '. It’s the relationship between certain balance sheet items that allow you to keep score in business. Simple tools such as days sales outstanding, inventory turnover and debt to equity are great scorecards for your business.

In Canada you have a solid handful of solutions in financing your balance sheet and preventing those cash flow problems that can bring the patient to near death mode if not managed properly.

Those solutions include bank facilities, and when they can't be attained other solutions include receivable financing, inventory finance, asset based non-bank lines of credit, tax credit monetization, and supply chain finance, aka purchase order financing.

Don't focus solely on the income statement - properly exploit and manage that balance sheet! Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on cash flow problem solutions.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Dealing With An Equipment Lease Company Seem Like The Occult Of Capital To You? Financial Leasing Is Common Sense. Here’s Why.

Take The Mystery Out Of Canadian Equipment Finance

Information on financial leasing in Canada . Searching for the right equipment lease company for your capital needs isn’t as tough as you think !

Not fully up to speed on how, when and why to deal with an equipment lease company in Canada. Financial leasing doesnt for capital assets your business needs doesn't have to seem like the occult to your company. Let’s establish some common sense ground rules on equipment leasing in Canada. Enter clarity!

It tends to start at the ‘leasing versus buying ' decision. Whether you are a start up, in the SME sector, or a major corporation financial leasing of an asset will often work far better than an outlay of your firm’s cash in the form of a purchase.

An oft touted but oh so true advantage of an equipment lease is simply that it allows you to maintain up to date assets, thereby allowing your company to stay both productive and competitive . In many cases it’s quite costly as it can be costly to maintain obsolete assets that are deteriorating in value.

In the case of computing or telecom power for your firm the increased power, capacity, and all those bells and whistles of a new technology makes lease financing a perfectly logical financial decision.

In Canada businesses spend billions of dollars each year on new capital asses - Again, that can be rolling stock, plant equipment, telecom and computer assets, office equipment... basically anything! And in North America 80% of all firms utilize the concept of financial leasing to acquire that asset.

How much you pay in your lease contract is determine by two things, of course it’s the rate inherent in the lease, and secondly, the type of lease you enter into and its structure.

In Canada you pretty well have two choices - the capital lease and the operating lease. When you choose an operating lease one of the key benefits is simply that your monthly payment will be smaller. At the end of the lease term the asset isn’t quite fully paid for. Why is that? Simply because the lessor, or another third party who you need to know about, right about now! has made a residual investment in your transaction . In essence they made up the difference at the time your asset was paid for by the financial leasing company.

So now what then? You're at the end of the term of the lease and you don't own the equipment! Don't despair, because if you have a properly crafted operating lease you are the ' fork in the road '. Your options now are to purchase the asset for its current fair market value, return the asset, or thirdly enter into an extension or upgrade on your transaction.

Capital leases seem to a more straightforward kettle of fish. Your payments are traditionally more than an operating lease, if only because you are paying in full, with interest, for ownership at the end of the term.

When you are at the start of your transaction, our previously referred to lease vs. buy decision what must you consider to make one of the two choices above.

Those issues for consideration are monthly payments and cash flow, down payments, the obsolescence issue on your asset, your firm’s current cash flow situation, and your credit arrangements with existing lenders.

Canadian firms who want to grow their business and manage their assets properly should consider dealing with a solid equipment lease company or advisor as a partner for the future. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor for help in making the right decisions in this critical aspect of your company's business.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Sunday, March 4, 2012

The 3 Commandments Of The FMV Fair Market Value Operating Lease - Myth VS. Reality In Canadian Finance Leases

Why We Love Canadian FMV lease finance options!

Information on the fmv fair market value operating lease in Canada . What are the benefits and issues around this type of financing versus standard finance leases.

The FMV fair market value operating lease. It's not a bad example of, in our case, the 3 commandments of what this type of leasing finance affords Canadian business owners and finance managers. More about those 3 three later.

Leasing is hardly the ' cutting edge ' in Canadian business financing. It's been around almost... well... since the Dead Sea was sick! Business has always benefitted from this type of finance; pretty well every industry in Canada utilizes it.

We have always maintained that lease finance removes something from your business. It removes what we long ago termed as the ' obstacle to innovation ' that your company might be facing. That obstacle is known to you by another term - COST!

Businesses in Canada choose to invest in new assets, whether they are on the shop floor or in the Computer room for a variety of reasons .Quite often the access to new technology does a number of things for your firm. It can reduce your labor costs, allow you to work more efficiently and faster, and generally stay more ahead the of the next guy... i.e. the competition.

We have rarely found a naysayer when it comes to equipment financing in Canada. That's not hard to understand, because in fact over 80% of businesses in Canada utilize either one of the two types of lease finance available in Canada. The simply reality is that the lease decision is most often driven by the cost of the asset and the amount of internal or external capital you must raise to acquire those assets.

Back to our three commandments. They revolve around the focus of one of those two types of equipment lease options accessible to yourself. That is what is known as the FMV operating lease. And those commandments are in fact better termed as ' choices’. The 3 commandments are : Thou shalt return ; Thou shalt purchase ; Thou shalt upgrade/extend .Let's explain.

Entering into an FMV fair market value lease gives you the option of returning, purchasing, or extending/upgrading the lease asset. Exercising any one of those three options puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to maximum flexibility.

Naturally there are always some challenges - a good example being if your lessor is a great distance away. Our advice then? Ensure you know the cost of returning that asset, and... who bears that cost! You don't want to lock yourself into a provision that makes poor economic sense, diluting one of the key benefits that are a part of the lease.

Another key point for you to consider is simply the expected value of the asset at the end of the lease term. In the case of computers and telecom equipment it might be nominal; in the case of larger costly ' yellow iron' type of assets it might be significant. Utilize some business experience and product intelligence at the start of your transaction to determine what in fact those values might actually turn out to be.

Also, define with your lessor how FMV is determined. An unscrupulous lessor might in fact try and take advantage of the definition of FMV. Simple advice: Watch out for the actual language in the FMV verbiage in your lease. Some lessors might even be flexible enough to define that value of that asset based on their own or industry experience. In technology financing Gartner Group think tank type data estimates useful life of tech assets. And in other asset categories the internet has played a great role in determining auction and residual values of all types of assets.

Operating leases can significantly lower your overall cost, the proverbial ' monthly payment. Even more flexibility comes when you can bundle in other costs to acquire the asset - example: installation, etc.

Trading in or returning the equipment and entering into a new lease can often be a win / win for yourself and the lessor. Your get newer technology, the lessor gets the value of the returned asset, and the Canadian leasing firm retains you as a good, paying client!

The decision to enter into an operating lease should be part of your overall decision to finance assets. In technology it’s a huge driver of equipment and software sales. Your other options is of course to either purchase the asset for cash , or enter into a capital lease to own the equipment at end of term .

Always remember though to consider responsibly the 3 commandments of the FMV operating lease - purchase, return, or upgrade /extend. Maximum benefit for minimum cost.

Speak to a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in Canadian lease financing.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Confessions Of An SBL Government Loans Super Fan . The Canada Small Business Loan

Looking For A Creative Way To Finance Your Start Up Or Small Business In Canada? Here’s How!

Information on small business government loans in Canada. Why the SBL loan is a preferred financing vehicle for thousands of businesses like yours.

SBL government loans. I guess you could call us a fan, even a super fan. The word fan comes from the root word ' fanatic ‘, denoting an ' enthusiastic devotee. So why is the Canada small business loan the recipient of our full support. Let's try and preach to some of the potential unconverted.

More and more businesses in Canada, new, and established, are seeking loans backed by the government. Talk about a great co-signer! And remember that we are talking about a loan, not a grant. We're always being asked about ' grant money’... free money in essence. We're sure it's out there somewhere, we just haven't found it, and we're equally believers in the ' there is no free lunch ' concept!

The SBL loan is a great choice for business when you're in a touch economy; it’s all about choosing the right lender under the program and ensuring you are aware of some basic rules and regulations that allow you to qualify for the program. We feel quite strongly that every Canadian business owner can actually do a great job of pre-qualifying themselves in advance.

Let's recap some of those basic qualifications. They include being a Canadian citizen or being eligible to legally borrow in Canada. That's just common sense. Although you only have to only guarantee 25% of the loan personally that comes with the understanding that you have a reasonable personal credit history. In Canada the credit bureaus work on a ‘scoring ' basis, and for purposes of SBL government loans you should at least have a score of 650.

The questions of rates and structures always comes up in connection with questions from clients. Interest rates are ultra competitive given that you business is either completely new, or has under 5 Million dollars in revenue (That’s the revenue cap under the program). Rates on the SBL small business loans are in the 3% over prime range and a small government fee can usually actually be added into the financing of the loan.

Any business financing application has strong elements of one thing - and that’s common sense questions. You should therefore be prepared to address some very basics, including a resume or bio on yourself, a description of your business, a cash flow repayment plan (that’s critical). Additionally some supporting documents are required, all of which in our opinion are again. very ' common sense ' oriented. They include a copy of your tax return, your incorporation data, a premises lease, etc.

It's a great idea to also have a clear idea of the financing you are requesting. The three categories of assets that can be financed under the program are equipment, leaseholds, and real estate. Unfortunately it’s not a cash loan per se, so there are no working capital or cash flow borrowings under the program. And by the way that’s a popular misconception.

We should also add that you need to inject a minimum of permanent equity, in effect your ' down payment ' of 10% of your total borrowing.

It’s strongly recommended that you investigate the power of the Canada small business SBL loan. You just might find you will become a super fan also! Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor for help with this great program.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financia
l –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Friday, March 2, 2012

Who Else Wants A Franchise Financing Loan ? Franchisee Info On Canadian Franchising Loans

Secrets of Success In Canadian Franchising Finance

Information on securing a franchise financing loan in Canada . Franchisee Success is about franchising loans that suit your project.

A franchise financing loan. It’s one of two things you need to successfully gain your entry intro entrepreneurship - the other is of course selecting the right franchise and being approved for it!

Franchising finance in Canada requires a focused commitment by yourself as a franchisee. It is a combination of positioning yourself as ' finance worthy ' and at the same time ensuring you create the perception that you can successfully run and grow a business in the Canadian franchising environment.

Getting that franchise loan can be a challenge and a journey if you don't have some proper preparation done in advance. And don't despair, it doesnt have to be a solo journey. You can easily amass a core team of solid help - they might include your franchise lawyer, a banker or accountant, or a Canadian business financing advisor. Their advice and experience alone can take you over the top, which in your case is.. you guessed it.. Approval.

There still exists the odd would be entrepreneur out there that thinks that 100% OPM might actually work in Canadian franchisee finance. OPM is of course ' Other People Money ' and we can categorically say that 99.999999 % (have we made out point?!) of franchise loans in Canada require an equity contribution from you, the owner.

Don't even ask your next question; we know it already: ' How much do I as an owner have to put into the business to make the financing work?". For a starter that’s partly a wrong question or assumption already because you should be thinking in terms of financing the franchise so that is has a proper combination of debt and equity... and also the ability to grow via having some working capital for operations.

The majority of franchises in Canada probably don't necessarily have an accounts receivable component... but you certainly need cash flow for inventory, operations, payroll, your salary, etc!

In Canada some very popular and established financing programs can accomplish financing your new business with only a 10% equity component - however to both qualify and be successful at the same time additional equity is often needed to make certain financial rations work.

In certain cases your franchisor might be able to steer you towards some financing success - either through a referral or relationships they have established sources. The mistake here is that franchisees sometimes assume this either guarantees approval, or that the franchisor in some manner will support or guarantee the financing. A word of advice from experience - this is not the case!

Actually though the best co-signer in Canada has stated they are willing to guarantee the majority of your financing. What? We can see the expression on our clients faces as we make that statement. However in reality it's true, because the government of Canada in fact guarantees the financing they make under the Canadian BIL / CSBF program. And the majority of franchises in Canada are in fact financed in this manner. Talk about some great help!

We view getting a successful franchise financing loan as the ' hard aspect' of getting your franchising dream in place. Their is a ' soft' component to all this of course ; for example presenting yourself professionally, demonstrating your experience, and ensuring you have a crisp and complete proposal in place.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with franchisee financing in this exciting industry component of the Canadian economy.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Is ABL Everything You Need And More In Canadian Business Financing ? The Asset Based Line Of Credit Facility Works Hard!

Business Financing Come Apart? Investigate ABL Today.

Information on the ABL asset based line of credit facility . This business financing mechanism is the solution to full business lines of credit via a/r, inventory and equipment margining.

Could an ABL asset based line of credit in fact be all the business financing your Canadian company needs? It's rare that one form of business finance in Canada meets everything you are looking for in a finance solution - quite often there needs to be a combination of solutions that make the final package work for yourself.

We can make the case the ABL facility in fact just might be the perfect solution for you - everything you are looking for in a revolving credit facility.

The revolving business line of credit... revolves... it’s as simple as that. The facility is an all encompassing umbrella around your key business assets - 99% of the time that includes the current and fixed asset triad - receivables, inventory, and equipment. Truth is told real estate can often be factored into the same facility.

The security that your firm provides for those assets becomes what the lender calls the ' borrowing base ' for you facility. A true asset based facility will have no form of notification to your clients, suppliers, etc. That's an important differentiator when it comes to benchmarking other types of financing.

Up to now we can forgive the majority of first time clients exploring an ABL for asking ' so what in fact is the difference between this type of finance and a Canadian chartered bank line of credit?

One key difference exists and emerges very quickly for the Canadian business owner or financial manager. It's simply that ' more ' in our case is better, and ' more ' in this case means more liquidity and cash flow. Another not so subtle difference is that the majority of firms utilizing an ABL asset based line of credit in fact qualify for financing when in fact they would never be a candidate for traditional bank financing.

That’s why a broad spectrum of Canadian business utilizes business financing of this manner. Does your company find itself in one of these industries: wholesale distribution, retail, and manufacturing? The bottom line is that pretty well every industry in Canada is serviced by ABL finance.

So why would your firm in fact consider a major all encompassing change in its working capital requirements. The unfortunate reason is that we would venture to say that the majority (but not all) of Canadian ABL users either doesn’t qualify for bank financing or they in fact qualify but simply can't get the amount of liquidity they need. They are in fact ' capped '.

With reference to our ' not all' comment above, it may come as a surprise to many but some of the largest and most successful corporations in Canada, firms with revenues in the billions have forsaken traditional bank lines and focused on an ABL facility . In the ABL environment your firm can be public, private, small, large... it's one size fits all.

Facility sizes for an entry level ABL tend to be in the 250k range, but it's important to note that there is no upper limit from there - facilities in the tens of millions of dollars can be arranged.

Your new business line of credit works because the ongoing monitoring and margining of collateral (via your reporting) maximizes liquidity. Typical advances are 90% of A/R, 30-70% on inventory, and market values of equipment and real estate.

It doesnt take long for the busines owner to realize that with those margins that in some cases there overall cash flow access can be improved anywhere from 50-100% , and we've seen that time and time again.

So is ABL a one size fits all? You can certainly make that case when you consider the facts above. Speak to a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your asset based line of credit needs.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :
