Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Business Cash Flow Problems? Solving The Mysterious Disappearance Of Your Company’s Working Capital

How The Other Half Deals With Business Cash Flow Financing

OVERVIEW – Information on business cash flow problems in Canadian business. How can working captial challenges be solved internally and externally

Have business cash flow problems? Ever feel like putting out on ' APB'
on working capital for your company, in an earnest search to solve the disappearance of your cash flows? We've got some internal (as well as external) solutions. Let's dig in.

Top experts tell us that the key to successful working capital is to understand the techniques you have available to manage business capital flows.

We've long been a fan of the ' DUPONT MODEL ‘. Without getting to technical its a formula developed by a DuPont engineer many years ago that assesses how your profit margins , asset turnover, and debt load work together to show you how you are doing on sales and cash . It can be set up on a simple spreadsheet and can nicely tracked to show you how you are ' INTERNALLY ' managing assets and business cash flow. Check it out.

But why do you actually have to have a strong handle on cash flows. One simple reason is that it underpins your business and gives you credibility with all your lenders, as well as owners of course.

A lot of clients we meet are still in early or, alternately ongoing development of their products and services. Developing that costs money and if your firm is taking advantage of the SR&ED program in Canada (trust us, your competitors are!) then you also have the ability to finance your SRED claim for immediate cash flow. It is a great tool to fund your company, most particularly if you're in early stages of revenue.

Your gross margins are also an important part of your cash flow. Think about it. The ability to cover your costs, realize greater profits, and then turn over assets such as inventory and receivables basically creates a cash flow source for your firm.

Those sales at a higher price allow you to monetize current assets via bank credit lines and non bank asset based business lines of credit. Keep in mind that you, the business owner or financial manager can dramatically affect cash flow in 3 ways:

Turn assets over more quickly
Lower your costs
Raise prices

We'll let you take care of costs and pricing, and our focus will be on asset monetization and proper borrowing.

If your firm can satisfactory manage your inventory and A/R they will always yield more cash flow.

When you borrow to finance cash flow and working captial you do that through either working capital term loans or asset monetization... What though are the factors that dictate who you can borrow from and how.

Those factors include:

The size of your company - i.e. assets and revenues
Your current overall cash flow situation
Financial credibility re current borrowing arrangements, quality of financials

The rates and costs of different types of working capital financing ( receivable finance, inventory financing, SR&ED finance, asset based non bank lines of credit, Canadian chartered bank financing ) vary based on those factors noted above.

If you're anxious, or require further investigation into the how ' THE OTHER HALF ' deals with the disappearance of cash flow seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of success in business cash flow problems .. and solutions!

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial = Cash Flow Financing for Canadian corporations

Have A Question /Comment On Our Blog Or Canadian Business Financing Alternatives ?


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Phone = 905 829 2653

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Friday, October 18, 2013

Small Business Loans In Canada : The Secret Language Of The SBL Loan

The Problem With Govt Loans Isn’t What You Think

OVERVIEW – Information on government loans in Canada . What is the real secret to achieving success with the SBL Small Business Loan?

Small business loans in Canada
, via the Govt SBL loan might not be what you think. The problem with achieving financing success with the program is really about understanding the secret language of the small business loan. Let's dig in.

No loan financing in the SME sector (Small to Medium Enterprise) gets more attention than SBL small business loan. It provides real capital, in fact billions of dollars a year, to close to 8000 new and existing businesses in Canada in the Canadian marketplace.

Capital in the program is used to either start a business (including a franchise by the way), and to grow and expand a company. One aspect of the ' secret language ' of the program simply knows what the loan can be used for. It's only for equipment, leasehold improvements, and real estate. By the way that ' equipment ‘category covers technology such as computers, telecom equip and application software.

Although the total program size is dwarfed by big business in Canada it still is a key component of the Canadian business finance landscape.

Another aspect of the ' secret language ' of the SBL loan is the fact that business owners and entrepreneurs need to understand that it is a real, and viable alternative to business capital when they cant access it from the bank.

Looking for some irony
in your business life? Well here is some, while the Canadian chartered banks wont typically lend you funds to start a new business or franchise without personal collateral they are happy to do that when the Govt backs up your loan . By the way... we're not complaining... we're ' just sayin' ...!

How does the business owner/entrepreneur ' decode' the approval process of SBL language? It's not as hard as you think. You should be able to demonstrate your business experience, provide a business plan and cash flow that make sense (and show repayment ability), and be able to put a minimum of 10% down as your equity injection in the business.

Yes of course government loans in Canada are debt - they are in fact structured as term loans on your balance sheet - but its good debt when you're improving your business, acquiring assets, and generating profits. By the way, the actual rates and loan structures of the small business loan are simply very attractive, including the limited (and dreaded) personal guarantee.

Government loans are a great finance tool when you can build and grow your sales.
A lot of business failures simply revolve around not enough revenue via their marketing plan.

Consider Government loans in Canada, particularly the SBL small business loan as a way to get a new or existing business to the next level. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of success in helping you achieve SBL loan approval/success.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.

Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

7 Park Avenue Financial = Govt SBL Loan Expertise

Business Loans In Canada. Here’s Some Intelligence For Commercial Loans Approvals

Want An ‘ Out Of The Box ‘ Path To Business Loan Success In Canada?

OVERVIEW – Information on successfully securing business loans in Canada. What are the ingredients to successful commercial loans approvals

Business loans in Canada
, unfortunately, don’t come in an ' out of the box ' path to instant approval. So lets explore some real world ' market intelligence' around commercial loans in Canada. Let's dig in.

The reality around preparing for a business loan financing involves considering who the submission is for. In some cases it might be for a bank, in other cases a commercial finance firm. The far end of the spectrum of a private equity or VC type financing definitely requires a business plan. However, that’s ' equity '... and we’re talking debt!

So a key point out of the gate is to focus business loan submissions around cash flow and repayment. We'll let our VC/Private equity friends worry about the economy, your industry, market potential, etc... we're focusing on getting approved for a business loan and repayment.

So if we had to emphasize the key points around business loan success in Canada they would categorically be:

Quality of collateral
The ability to meet ratios and covenants that might be required
Cash flow analysis -historical and future
Personal financial info/credit of the business owners

When it comes to business loans from banks it's important for the business owner/financial manager to understand that ' branch banking' isn’t really what it used to be! That's because the majority, if not all business credit decisions are made by underwriters at head office. That's why it's critical to get a strong recommendation on your submission from your branch banker.

There's an old joke that goes as follows: ' It's technically impossible to give a banker too much information '. We're not sure we agree 100% with that, but it's pretty close we would say, so your ability to answer 'negative issues' and ' questions' with quality financial and business information is key.

Loans are always going to be repaid from cash flow, so if you're not bringing new or more personal equity into your company be prepared to demonstrate the cash flows and collateral quality of your financials.

If you’re applying for a Govt SBL loan through your bank the challenge for this type of commercial loan is very straightforward. You need to simply understand the very clear criteria around this program and fulfill the application needs with that info. Those criteria are fundamental - a business plan, personal credit info, cash flow forecast, a premises lease, and business owner info/experience.

There's not ' out of the box' instant solution for business loans in Canada. But some homework and common sense will go far. Seek out and speak to a trusted , credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of Success ; providing you with that business loan intelligence you need.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial = Canadian Business Loan Expertise

Have A Question /Comment On Our Blog Or Canadian Business Financing Alternatives ?

7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

= 905 829 2653

= sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Business Finance Strategy Doesn’t Have To Be A Long List : Growth Strategies For The SME Sector In Canada

How To Design Growth Financing Strategies

OVERVIEW – Information on achieving the right business finance strategy for Canadian business owners/managers. Planning for growth strategies
might not be as complicated as you think

A business finance strategy doesn't necessarily have to be the long list of technicalities when it comes to financing the SME (small to medium enterprise) in Canada. Designing growth strategy can be a simple plan or process around getting the financing you need. Let's dig in.

While a business plan and formal cash flow forecast of needs aren't critical to your planning finance for your business they will go along way to understanding your needs, particularly the cash flow estimates which will dictate how much financing is required, and when.

Remember also that Canadian business financing comes from various sources - that includes Canada's chartered banks, commercial credit unions, insurance companies, and independent commercial finance companies - Canadian and subsidiaries of U.S. firms.

Remember also to consider some sources of financing that never make it to the top of the obvious list when the business owner of financial manager is planning financing. They include suppliers, and even the government, primarily through the BIL/CSBF program, commonly known as the SBL loan.

Don't forget also that if your firm has a research component you can file SR&ED claims, and, more importantly finance them as soon as you have filed, recovering valuable cash flow for ongoing growth and development of your products or services.

Also we are in a never ending discussion with clients on asset turnover and sales when it comes to business finance. Why? Simply because better asset utilization will increase profits and cash flow, and those profits, kept in the business, are... you guessed it... a source of financing!

When thinking about your finance needs it's important to ' bucket' those needs into the category of either debt or equity - two very different kettles o fish! How you arrange you’re financing via debt or equity dramatically affects the returns and risk to owners and other stakeholders, i.e. your lenders.

Top experts in finance always tell us that the proper use of debt in your overall capital structure is a great way to fund your operations and provide better return to owners. At the far end of the spectrum though is the fact that too much debt brings risk and potential bankruptcy when cash flow cannot repay those arrangements.

We're huge fans of asset monetization as an alternative to debt. A growing business will always have receivables, inventories, contracts, etc. Those can be financed via the bank or a non bank lender, providing you with ongoing cash flow but without taking on long term debt with fixed repayments.

Remember also that the stage your business is in actually will in many ways dictate to you what type of financing is achievable and through whom. That financing is going to come from:

Receivable finance
Inventory financing
Lease back of assets
Equipment finance
Bank lines of credit and term loans
Govt SBL loans
Working capital term loans
Mezzanine cash flow financing

The name of the game always in growth financing is to determine the amount of cash/capital you need before the crunch arrives. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with a business finance strategy and provide alternatives that make sense.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.

Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial = Growth Financing Expertise

Have A Question /Comment On Our Blog Or Canadian Business Financing Alternatives ?

7 Park Avenue Financial

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Phone = 905 829 2653

= sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Buying A Business ? Survival Tips In Canada For Financing Your Business Purchase

Take Error And Controversy Out Of Business Acquisition Financing

OVERVIEW – Information on financing a purchase when buying a business in Canada . Key issues in financial success in a merger/acquisition

Buying a business
in Canada is the alternative to growing your existing company ' organically ‘, or starting a business from scratch. But how does the business owner/ entrepreneur avoid some of the mistakes and controversy than can arise out of the purchase in business acquisition financing? Let's dig in.

The attraction to buying a company has probably never been greater - whether it's finding a company that is (supposedly?) a great bargain or simply fulfilling the dream of entrepreneurial independence it’s all about potential success, and profits.

Financing the purchase of a business is the place where the error, challenge and controversy we have hinted at must be avoided. The reality is that not every bank or commercial finance entity (we’re speaking of debt financing or asset monetization, not ' EQUITY ‘) can always meet all the finance needs you require to complete a purchase successfully. And that’s talking about capital to acquire, as well as ' working capital/cash flow' to operate and grow.

So what are the sources for business acquisition loans? In Canada they might include Canadian chartered banks, commercial credit unions, and commercial finance companies via ASSET BASED LENDERS, equipment lessors, and the government of Canada via a SBL /CSBF loan or a working capital term loan via its Crown corporation lending entity.

A very solid route for the SME sector when it comes to acquisition finance is the above mentioned SBL loan. If the business you're acquiring has less than 5 Million in revenues and has real assets it’s a great way to buy a business.

While our focus is on loans and asset monetization for your business purchase don't also forget that there has to be some sort of buy equity , in effect your ' down payment ' for the purchase . While 100% financing might be possible in very unique circumstances never forget that banks and other lenders will want to see some of your personal funds into the transaction. That varies from anywhere between 10-50% depending on the quality and structure of the transaction.

Equity capital is also risk capital and the purchaser should understand that; i.e. mortgaging the home might not be the optimal strategy! Suffice to say though that the amount you contribute to the transaction clearly is a strong measure of your commitment to the venture, and lenders respect that.

Vendor take backs, aka ' Seller financing' can be a solid way to make a transaction happen. It allows you to put a final piece of the puzzle in place one you have lined up your other capital. The seller may wish to help you out in that manner not out of the goodness of their heart, but to realize some tax benefits as well as allow a purchase to happen that otherwise may not have. Naturally large per centage seller financing is optimal... for you... but not the seller!

When you are looking at a vendor take back in structuring a deal remember that there has to be some finance terms around the VTB. Quite often we see interest rates payable by the purchaser, on the VTB portion at or near current bank type rates.

Critical to understand is your ability to convince your lender that the Seller financing part of the deal not be considered debt. That could throw certain ratios and covenants out of the whack which may not allow your lender or lenders to complete a deal.

Remember also 'share ' sales are not really financeable in the SME sector, so a total focus must be around an ' asset' based purchase, even if some of those assets are intangible! By the way, that goes for existing franchises also in the booming Canadian franchise industry.

Putting the right financing in place when you're buying and financing a business in Canada is a key element of your future success. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with purchase financing that makes sense for your individual deal.

Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Have A Question /Comment On Our Blog Or Canadian Business Financing Alternatives ?


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Phone = 905 829 2653

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Monday, October 14, 2013

Business Financing Options In Canada Can Be Crafted For Your Funding Needs

Looking For An SME Commercial Finance Playbook?

OVERVIEW – Information on business financing options in Canada. Funding your business needs is all about ensuring you understand all the alternatives

Business financing options
in Canada require a ' crafting' of your specific needs to your firm and your industry. While all entrepreneurs can be forgiven for thinking their company is special the reality is that many of the needs of any industry are in fact quite similar as they relate to capital needs, cash flow dynamics, etc. Let's dig in.

How does the Canadian business owner and financial manager ' tap into ' the right finance options? Ultimately it comes down to 3 sources of long term or operating capital - Canadian chartered banks, the government, or independent commercial finance and leasing companies .

In some cases the financing you undertake will be temporary, other times it will be long term in nature. Temporary financing are very valuable in that they are often more accessible, solve urgent needs, but of course come with a higher borrowing cost. The goal of every owner/ finance manager, particularly in the SME sector is to ensure that over a long period of time you have the operating capital you need... to survive.. and grow.

One positive aspect in government’s role in business is the programs they underwrite for some very ' niche ' financings. One of these is the SBL - The Government small business loan program. Providing financing up to 350k for firms with less than 5 Million in actual or projected revenue is what this program is all about. And coupled with very generous rates, terms, and loan structures that satisfy even start ups or franchisee borrowers we can heartily recommend that program to any client.

The banks of course are the govt ' operating partner' in the SBL loan program. If we have to state one thing we personally have never liked its how each bank has it’s over version of how they administer the program - trust us that some banks are better than others in this regard.

We're the last to be fond of heavy govt involvement in business - but we're the first to have a strong respect for
SR&ED credits for research, as well as the film/TV and animation credits that populate the Transmedia industries in Canada. And the better news is that both of these tax credits can be financed either when filed or in some cases before. Your ability to ' cash flow' the government promise to pay you is... quite frankly... a good thing.

Credit unions in Canada have never been major lenders to Canadian business - that is changing a bit... some seem more interested than others, but their localized approach and limited funding has some challenges for Canadian business borrowers.

What then are some of the other alternatives that can be crafted into providing your firm with all your business financing needs? They include cash advance programs for retailers, asset based non bank lines of credit for revolving credit facilities, and equipment finance firms. All of these tend to be the domain on non bank commercial finance firms.

While non bank solutions are always available, they tend to be more expensive, so the business owner/manager must be prudent around cost and benefits of non bank capital.

We're talking mostly about debt financing and asset monetization, not equity business funding. So it’s all about ensuring you're able to match the benefits of any funding with the cost of that capital. While capital might be high because of your firms particular circumstances it can still help you grow revenues and turn profits.

We're reminded about Warren Buffett’s
great line ‘PRICE IS WHAT YOU PAY, VALUE IS WHAT YOU GET '. His bottom line was simple... business financing options might be considered expensive but never let them overtake ultimate value when it comes to choosing business funding, particularly non bank in nature.

If you’re looking for the right ‘ playbook’ or script on proper business funding seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your business funding needs.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.

Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial = Canadian Business Funding Options

Have A Question /Comment On Our Blog Or Canadian Business Financing Alternatives ?


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Phone = 905 829 2653

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com