Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

How To Obtain Business Financing In Canada / From Capital to Success: How Debt Financing Fuels Business Expansion



Business Financing: Exploring Debt Financing and Cash Flow Solutions

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing business today



7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769


The Path to Financial Freedom: Exploring Debt Financing and Cash Flow Strategies


Business financing in Canada has never been as important as in recent times. A company can fail in the best of times, whether it's poor finance practices around your existing financing strategy or simply the inability or lack of knowledge around business capital, cash flow, and working capital solutions. At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we believe any firm can benefit from a better overall financing strategy.




Business financing plays a  key role in how your business grows and operates on a daily basis. One aspect of financing your business is taking on debt - Debt finance works in different ways and has implications around costs and pros and cons around balance sheet debt.  We'll take a look at managing debt and costs and look at cash flow and asset-based lending solutions as well. The question of ' How much debt is right for your company is important - here is an article from the Harvard Business Review on the subject.


And boy, have things changed! Long gone are the days when funding a company simply revolved around low-interest long-term bank loans, when approval seemed cumbersome but ultimately successful.




Debt financing is a business financing mechanism that allows companies to raise capital - and requires repayment of a combination of principal and interest. It differs from equity financing which requires giving up partial ownership in the business. Debt financing is generally regarded as a less expensive form of financing than equity.




Taking on debt financing that requires principal and interest payments has a substantial influence on a company's cost of capital - Ensuring the business owner understands the relationship between the cost of debt and how this capital is deployed is key to ensuring ongoing profit of the business.  Also, lenders and owners measure the relationship between debt and equity and the amount of debt relative to the company's capital stack- Lower debt is preferable and helps the company ensure future funding will be available for growth and the financing of day-to-day operations.


7 Park Avenue Financial's vision was founded specifically on that landscape that changed. No secret that these days, not all business borrowers fit the mould of traditional financiers such as the Canadian chartered banks.





Safe to say that interest rates play a key role in taking on debt in your business. Overall business creditworthiness will always affect the cost of financing and the lowest rate that can be achieved. The ability of the company to ensure it can maintain appropriate covenants and balance sheet ratios is key to how lenders view debt financing.

The right combination of debt and equity will ensure access to capital and the ability to grow cash flow and maintain ownership and control of the business.





Debt financing has several advantages including the ability to use capital for accelerated growth of the business - Interest payments are a business tax deduction and the lower cost of debt financing is preferred over the owner having to give up equity ownership to raise capital.

The challenges of debt funding include the business risk associated with cash flow not being sufficient to make payments which have several negative consequences.





Many cash-flow financing solutions are available withing the asset-based lending business landscape in Canada. These solutions differ from cash flow-based financing and don't rely heavily on projected cash flows - instated they focus on monetizing the business assets on the balance sheet - accounts receivable, inventories, fixed assets, commercial real estate, etc.  Each business will have to determine which option may be preferred over the other.



Many businesses try online lenders - yet while the applications and loan process is viewed as online, there is a distinct lack of personalization that your company and industry might need. Even worse, the multitude of online lenders confuses the business owner, if not downright deception, in a few circumstances.

In the case of the short-term working capital industry, which evolved out of the U.S. Merchant cash advance loans, many Canadian borrowers have found they can approach and get approved by several lenders.. in effect, they ' stack ' new loans on top of each other

When investigating online solutions, we encourage clients to ensure they are dealing with a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with a track record of business financial success to eliminate any disastrous financing.

A proven solution towards the path of solid business financing is to analyze short and long-term cash flow needs ( a cash flow plan ) that allow your company to understand where liquidity is needed.

An  ' informed ' business borrower armed with proper knowledge of the types of financing and the cost of their financing needs is the best scenario to strive for. In many cases, your industry will typically benefit from many of your competitors' financing types, which can assist your own firm's funding journey.

While many owners/ managers and entrepreneurs in general focus on sales revenue growth as the key metric to success, that motivation has to be complemented with good cash flow management & financing solutions geared to your cash flow and asset monetization needs.

Sales will drive a lot of your financing choices and will, in many cases, dictate or suggest what type of debt finance or asset monetization you will utilize.  While it's important to be optimistic about sales growth, that same revenue issue can be a source of stress regarding cash flow.

One reason why? Simply because building inventories and receivables and investing in new assets are cash uses, not sources, as our good friends accountants would say.

While cash flow and sales budgets are important  and reflect good management  the real world dictates that  Murphy’s law will often kick in, which might mean:

Large New Sales or Contract Opportunities

Seasonal cash flow needs

Loss of a major customer




ANSWER:  A traditional or alternative business line of credit ( traditional = non-bank)

1. Canadian Chartered banks

2. Non-bank commercial finance asset-based credit lines

It often takes new/used assets to build and grow a business, i.e. equipment, machinery, rolling stock, technology a la computers, software, etc. In that case, equipment lease financing is your best bet as it conserves cash flow and matches the benefits of the asset in question to cash outflows. From start-up to mega-corporations, 80% of all-size businesses utilize lease-based asset financing.



Newer businesses and smaller businesses, including startups, should consider the Canadian Govt Small Business Loan - aka the  ' SBL ' loan. That loan is guaranteed by the govt and only requires a 10% personal guarantee against the loan, which can be anywhere up to 1 Million dollars depending on the asset you wish to finance. A good owner personal credit score is required.

Cash flow concerns boil down to liquidity.  The 2nd most liquid asset you have on your balance sheet is receivables. Collecting them promptly and financing them properly is key to business success.

For those firms that can't access or get approval for the amount of business credit line, they need numerous solutions are available, the most popular often being  A/R financing via a ' factoring' or 'Confidential Receivable Financing ' invoice financing program. This solution monetizes sales as you generate revenues - instant cash. Key advantages include instant liquidity and no additional debt on your balance sheet and the ability to forecast cash flow needs.

Businesses in Canada's SME sector (small to medium enterprises) will never have too much cash. Increasing sales, buying assets, and hiring people drain cash- sometimes slowly, other times not so slow!

Some other solid real-world solutions to cash flow and loan needs include:

SR&ED Tax Credit Financing

Sales Leasebacks

Unsecured cash flow loans

Short Term Working capital loans

Mezzanine Financing  ( Unsecured cash flow term loans )





Debt financing of some amount is a critical tool for companies that want to grow - allowing the business to leverage business capital and maintain control of ownership of the business. Accessing business financing at reasonable rates is always more beneficial than equity financing - but the business owners must ensure repayment and debt load can be managed effectively.


Many cash-flow financial solutions and asset-based lending combined can help the business manage finance costs and ensure the relationship between debt and equity is optimal and can help sustain the company's growth ambitions.


Businesses can achieve these goals by managing cash flow on a day-to-day basis via cash flow planning and sales projections.

Financing a business in Canada, in ordinary or extraordinary times, takes some time, knowledge and access to funding solutions that are in your firm's best interest. Stay educated and ensure you are working with someone on your side when it comes to maintaining finance solutions tailored to your business health.


At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we call that ' Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '!





What is the difference between debt financing and equity financing?


 Debt financing involves borrowing money that must be repaid, while equity financing involves selling ownership stakes in the company. Debt financing allows the company to retain ownership control without diluting ownership while leveraging capital.

What are the advantages of debt financing?


Debt financing allows businesses to leverage a small amount of capital for growth, the interest payments on business loans come with tax deductibility, and the company retains ownership control. It is also generally less costly than equity financing.

What are the risks associated with debt financing?


One risk of debt financing is that interest must be paid to lenders regardless of business revenue and financial performance via the company's expected cash flows.  This can be particularly challenging for businesses with inconsistent cash flow. Additionally, taking on too much debt can increase the cost of capital and reduce the value of the company when wrong investment decisions are made.

How does cash flow-based lending differ from asset-based lending?


Cash flow-based lending relies on credit terms around projected future cash flows of a company to determine loan eligibility, whereas asset-based lending considers the balance sheet assets as collateral. Cash flow  lending is suitable for companies with strong projected cash flows but limited physical assets, while asset-based lending is often preferred by companies with valuable assets but potentially tighter margins or unpredictable generated cash flows around cash flow projection.

What are the factors to consider when choosing between cash flow-based and asset-based lending?


 When deciding between cash flow-based and asset-based lending to borrow money, companies should consider their future cash flow stability, availability of collateral, and their specific financing needs around sustainable growth  Cash flow-based lending may be faster and require less collateral, but asset-based lending can provide access to larger loan amounts based on valuable assets. Companies with consistent cash flow and strong balance sheets may opt for asset-based lending, while those with strong projected cash flows but limited assets may prefer cash-flow-based lending.


How does debt financing affect cash flow

Debt financing can have both positive and negative effects on positive cash flow:

Positive Impact: Debt financing can provide a boost to cash flow in the short term. When a company secures a loan through debt financing, it receives an infusion of capital that can be used to fund operations, invest in growth opportunities, or meet immediate financial obligations. This injection of funds can help improve cash flow by ensuring that there is sufficient liquidity to cover expenses and maintain a healthy working capital position reflected in the cash flow statement

Negative Impact: On the flip side, debt financing requires regular interest payments and eventual repayment of the principal amount. These financial obligations can put a strain on cash flow, especially if the company's revenue streams are inconsistent or there are challenges in meeting the scheduled payments. The outflow of cash for interest payments can reduce the amount of available cash for other operational needs, potentially affecting the company's ability to invest in growth initiatives or respond to unexpected expenses.

Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Alternative Financing Business Loans In Canada: A Smarter Working Capital Solution For Growth Financing ?



Breaking Boundaries with Alternative Finance: The New Face of Business Loans


You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing business today



7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com




Business Loans in Canada come from ' traditional ' or alternative loans and working capital sources.





Around the time of the 2008 financial crisis, the nature of business financing and access to capital changed in Canada - a lot .. and can we not even talk about the Pandemic, please! Traditional lenders in Canada consolidated and somewhat retreated from SME financing in Canada. Alternative lenders have stepped in over the last number of years to fill the void, offering  Canadian business financing solutions that are accessible when compared to a traditional business loan.


For any business, large or small, access to business capital is critical - As a company's needs evolve, it is more evident than ever that non-bank business financing can provide every type of finance a business needs to grow. Let's dig in on the types of working capital and cash flow solutions you need.


Working capital and cash flow loans exist in more abundance than ever. So if you're a business owner or financial manager looking for help with small business financing outside of other companies' traditional thinking, let's dig in on types of business financing that make sense for your company!






Alternative financing offers a large variety of Canadian business finance solutions; these include short-term working capital loans,  receivable financing solutions, non-bank business lines of credit, asset-based financing, and tax credit financing for r&d of film projects.


Traditional lending often entails complex application processes and strict requirements, with approvals primarily based on credit rating. Conversely, alternative financing offers a more accessible route with a streamlined online application process, faster turnaround, and a focus on a business's potential, making it an attractive option for businesses seeking swift, reliable funding.



Historically business owners and financial managers with SME COMMERCIAL FINANCE   asset finance and working capital needs worked through traditional channels, almost always' the bank. '  These firms traditionally don't have access to bank loans or the capital markets/venture capital. Given up on equity crowdfunding? So have many others! And don't forget equity funding will always demand a small percentage of your business - if not more!


Competition and efficiency in the Canadian lending markets have brought several new and different types of alternative capital solutions to your business - the challenge is knowing which is the right good option for your company and how one accesses capital in this manner.




The golden solution in the past has been 'unsecured bank lines of credit ', focusing on companies with proven cash flow, great balance sheets, and good history for companies and owners. The problem is that thousands of firms, maybe yours? ... can't meet all those requirements, as logical as they might seem (if you're a banker).


Numerous alternative cash flow sources have grown steadily in Canada - one of the fastest-growing is in the area of receivables finance/invoice finance/invoice discounting,  where the ability to use your sales as collateral via business A/R overall credit rating is the appeal.




Some great solutions are derived from this method of invoice factoring for business owners via the financial channels of a third-party factoring company for accounts receivable. For example, historically, your clients had to be notified of this process and financing. Not so fast, though! Utilizing Confidential Receivable Finance for unpaid invoices - acting as almost a bridging loan that allows you to generate immediate cash flow as your business sells and generates revenues while giving you the option as your firm takes responsibility to bill and collect with no notification to other parties as customer pay.



A factoring company, via accounts receivable factoring/ invoice financing, is, in fact, one of the most popular funding as an example of non-bank lenders who provide alternative funding.  Unlike banks, each  A/R  financing solution has its own benefits, so talk to the  7 Park Avenue Financial team about what suits your business model when you're looking for easier access and a streamlined approval and application process.




When acquiring assets for your company (equipment, technology, vehicles, software, etc.) Equipment leasing is a bit unique in that it embraces both traditional forms and alternative finance needs. Almost any asset can be financed with considerable flexibility regarding monthly repayments, amortizations, prepayments, down payments, etc. Interest rates are very competitive regarding equipment lease financing - as well as it is a solid alternative to a bank loan with more stringent credit requirements in the traditional financial system.


That is what small business owners want to hear!


Clients often ask us why we are so bullish on alternative financing solutions. For a starter, don't get us wrong - Bank financing in Canada has a low cost, has a lot of flexibility, and provides virtually unlimited access to capital. Still, when it comes to unsecured business loan requirements, many firms can't meet bank criteria for borrowing.

But when ' the bank says no, '   working capital loans and asset monetization strategies from alternative lenders might work.


But reality sets in when many business folks realize that banks prefer ' upstream ' - namely, more significant deals with high-quality credit companies. Top experts tell us that one recent survey indicated over 40% of firms in the small to medium enterprise sector in Canada don't fully qualify for bank financing.





Alternative lending solutions are available for a broad range of business finance needs. Each type of financing suits a specific need around cash flow and working capital that help to fund business growth and profits.


P O financing


Tax Credit Financing (sr&Ed / film and TV)


Leasehold Improvements Financing


Condominium Corp Finance Loans


Management buyouts/acquisitions


Commercial Property Finance


Non-bank Asset-based business lines of credit


Bridge loans against real estate and equipment


Working capital short-term loans - Initial loans are typically based on a percentage of your sales financial history - Online lenders/peer-to-peer lending sites often offer this solution, also known as a merchant cash advance. Your business agrees to repay the loan on repayment terms that are on a typically fixed installment basis. Good owner credit history/credit score required.


It's no secret that organizations such as the CANADIAN FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS.  Companies consistently cite that the SME COMMERCIAL FINANCE  needs of the Canadian economy always focus on the lack of and access; to.. more capital!


The Power of Alternative Lending: Empowering Businesses 



Many business owners and financial managers find their firms turned down by traditional bank financiers and are sometimes unaware of the criteria for SME borrowing in Canada when they want quick access to funding.


Small and medium-sized businesses must understand that traditional banks type financing will always revolve around the ' infamous ' 5 C's of business credit -












Sometimes, you may want to ensure you have a solid business plan. The 7 Park Avenue Financial team prepares business plans that meet and exceed bank and commercial lender /alternative lenders' requirements. Startup funds and startup funding, in general, are difficult to access if you are not adequately prepared.






Canadian small and medium-sized business in Canada needs access to reliable sources of working capital - When conventional financing is not available and timelines to access traditional funding are long Canadian businesses can access alternative lending solutions that provide flexibility and ease of access to financing.  Alternative finance solutions are a compelling and needed alternative to traditional funding to support the growth of a business.


The bottom line?  Your business has finance alternatives for alternative lending solutions versus traditional financing for a financial product suited to your needs.  Business finance for small businesses in Canada will always be a challenge - but solutions do exist.


Speak to 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with business loans and working capital solutions that make sense for your company and industry.




What is alternative finance?


Regulated banks and similar financial institutions are great for many businesses. Still, the criteria they impose on smaller firms often can be too much to handle regarding bank loan requirements for business. Alternative lending refers to the need for other financing options versus traditional financing options so small companies may thrive and prosper in their respective markets without being suppressed by an unfair playing field favouring larger enterprises with more resources than these small and medium-sized businesses and startups have access to presently.


Alternative finance is a well-utilized commercial financing vehicle for available funding when companies can't raise funds based on their trading history. Alternative finance/ structured finance refers to non-bank financing via p2p lending, 3rd party commercial lenders / accredited investors, hedge fund managers, etc., who lend money..typically at higher interest rates and who view this as an alternative investment in alternative asset classes.


 What is alternative financing for small businesses?

Alternative financing refers to non-traditional methods businesses can use to obtain funding versus a traditional bank loan. These methods deviate from traditional financial institution such as standard bank loans and traditional business financing, including merchant cash advances, invoice factoring, or an online line of credit. They are primarily utilized by small- and mid-sized businesses looking for flexible, fast, and more accessible funding solutions via alternative business lending.


How does alternative financing compare to traditional bank loans?

Unlike traditional bank loans, alternative business financing offers quicker approval times, less stringent credit requirements, and a more streamlined application process than conventional bank loans. While traditional loans can take weeks or months to process for a business looking for a small business loan, alternative funding sources often approve and deliver funds within a few business days. However, alternative financing can have higher interest rates and shorter repayment terms than traditional loans.


Why is alternative financing becoming more popular among small businesses?

Alternative funding for small business loans is growing in popularity due to its flexibility and accessibility compared to traditional bank financing. Small businesses often face challenges obtaining traditional bank loans, like rigorous credit checks, long approval times, and high collateral requirements. Alternative financing provides a solution by offering various lending products, including asset-based loans and invoice factoring, focusing on the overall business performance rather than just credit history.


What types of alternative financing options are available for small businesses?

A wide range of alternative business loans and financing options are available for small businesses. Some of the popular ones include merchant cash advances, where companies receive a lump sum in exchange for a portion of future sales via the working capital loan based on an annual revenue calculation; invoice factoring, where businesses sell their unpaid invoices to a lender for immediate cash; business lines of credit, allowing firms to borrow as needed; and asset-based loans, using a company's assets as collateral to secure the loan.


What factors do alternative lenders consider when approving a business for a loan?

The alternative lender will look at various factors beyond business and personal credit scores. Alternative business lending criteria can include time in the business/industry, monthly sales, cash flow, and overall health. In many cases, alternative business lenders use technology to evaluate these factors quickly and efficiently, making the application process faster and simpler than traditional methods.


Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Saturday, May 13, 2023

SR&ED Tax Credit Financing : Your Cash Flow & SRED Loan 'How To' Primer



Revolutionizing Cash Flow with SR&ED Loans: A Game Changer for Canadian Companies

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing businesses today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

                  EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com 


From Tax Credits to Immediate Cash: The Magic of SR&ED Loans



SR&ED tax credit financing allows owners/financial managers to fully explore the cash flow potential of Canada's SRED program. 


SRED financing is a financing process that allows a business to access the cash for their sr&ed tax credits before the government refund arrives, which in many cases can take many months - That whole process goes by several names - ie sr&ed financing, sr&ed loans, and even sr&ed factoring as your claim is, in effect, a government receivable. Let's dig in




Canada's Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program has been a benefit for thousands of companies every year as these companies take advantage of the sr&ed federal tax incentive program - It is of course the Canadian government's way of encouraging businesses in Canada to work on research and development (R&D) projects within Canada.


The challenge within the program is that businesses face a cash flow challenge as they spend on r&d and then wait to receive their tax refunds due to government delays around claim approval, a potential claim audit, and review, etc - Naturally PSAC CRA strikes never help also!

So the Sred loan process changes that cash conundrum into a solid financial tool that solves the cash flow challenge around research and development.




SR&ED loans are a  truly innovative financing solution that allows a business to beat the slow release of refundable tax credit refunds by the government - aka    Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).


So how difficult is it to finance your SRED claim?  It involves a very typical business financing application, as well as a full backup for your SRED claim, including who prepared it, details of any previous year's submissions and approvals, etc.



The actual sr&ed loan process could not be easier - A  simple application process around the company information, as well as information on your actual sr&ed claim, is all that is required.  The vast majority of companies in Canada hire' sr&ed consultants' to write and prepare their claims.  Knowing your claim is prepared by an experienced and credible sred consultant simply enhances both approvals of your claim by CRA, as well as the same time enhancing its ability to be


A company can choose various financing options around funding sred claims - they include funding claims before they are filed, financing filed claims on a one-time basis, or arranging for timely disbursements depending on cash flow needs,


KEY POINT - The collateral for the claim is the actual refund itself, no payments are made during the loan period - and claims are typically financed at 75% of the claim amount - Companies receive the final 25%, less accrued financing costs when the claim refund is paid by the government.


Talk to 7 Park Avenue Financial on how you can receive the lowest financing rates in Canada for your sred refund.


Whether your business is a first-time, or multiyear claimant everyone is in the same boat - waiting for the refund cheque. Occasional audits of either your technical claim or the financial aspect of the claim can further prolong your receipt of funds.


In talking to many clients we can safely say that most firms who have a commitment to R&D capital probably could put those funds to alternative uses.





The uses of SR&ED loans go well beyond basic cash flow needs - In the majority of cases, it allows businesses to fast-track and complete their research and development - thereby enhancing the valuation of the company which is so critical in the early stages of a business.


Opportunities that arise in the interim can be taken advantage of, and business owners love the fact that sr&ed finance is non-dilutive in nature - that has a great appeal to the entrepreneur attempting to build value and maintain ownership.


Simple concepts such as hiring additional technical staff can add to larger claims and greater business success.



Bridging the Gap: How SR&ED Loans Are Driving Canadian R&D Forward 



Clients we meet use SR&ED refunds for working capital, buying new equipment, reducing payables, and of course also furthering their R&D enhancements. In essence, you're enhancing and continuing to expand your business.


Therefore as powerful a tool, as an SRED claim is, the reality is that it itself can create short-term cash flow problems. Those challenges are on top of the ones Canadian business owners and financial managers face every day, slow receivables, demanding payables, opportunities to purchase more inventory, or in some cases invest in equipment and long-term fixed assets.


How then does monetizing your SR&ED claim address your overall working capital and cash flow position?  Simply that you can monetize your claim as soon as you file it, or even while you're preparing the claim. That's called an SR&ED accrual or SRED credit line facility.


SRED, aka SR&ED tax credits, are financeable! So your ability to finance your claim simply allows you to receive approximately 75% of your claim today in the form of an SRED bridge loan. And remember, that's not additional debt on your balance sheet, since the SRED loan is in fact offset or collateralized by the full value of your actual SRED refund. 


Talk about kick-starting cash flow - you're receiving cash for non-repayable refundable tax credits under the program.


Even if your firm is experiencing financial challenges you are still very much in the position of being able to discount, or in effect factor your SRED claim, because that is the asset that supports the financing. Many firms that look to SRED Loans for cash flow are also start-ups in many cases, or at a minimum, early-stage firms - in all industries.


An SRED cash flow loan can be completed in a week or two assuming your full ability to provide backup on the claim, info on your firm, etc. It's a very basic process.




SR&ED loans are a solid solution for any business in Canada focusing on r&d and wishing to address the cash flow challenges that come with that investment - SRED loans bridge that critical gap between executing your r&d project and waiting for your tax credit refund - Whether your company is established, or a startup let sted tax credit financing alleviate cash flow pressures around the large amount of r&d you are spending. These short-term bridge loans bring no long-term debt to the balance sheet and come at competitive financing costs much less than other financing solutions such as long-term longs or short-term high-interest working capital loans.


Call 7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted, credible, and experienced SRED finance expert who will no doubt help them accelerate the financing of sr ed credits for cash management - ending the waiting game!




What is the sr&ed loan process?


The sr&ed loan process involves the company detailing basic claim preparation on  r&d activities on the research project - That process, often via an sr ed consultant, includes technical reports and summaries,  as well as supporting documentation on eligible expenditures around the technological innovation in the project.  The sred loan application is a basic loan application based on the collateral of the sred refund itself and comes with competitive rates compared to many forms of financing.

After basic due diligence around the company and the claim which typically takes a few days, a term sheet is provided to the borrower.  Loans are typically in the 75% range of claim or accrued sred work values and the loan is collapsed and repaid in full to the commercial lender/ financial institution  when the sred refund arrives - Businesses can also take advantage of advance funding for claims  for their financing needs, prior to filing  the formal claim at  financial year end with their corporate tax return

What is the Sr&ed Program?

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program is a Canadian tax incentive program for Canadian firms that is designed to encourage businesses of all sizes and in all sectors to conduct research and development (R&D) in Canada. These tax incentives come in three forms: an income tax deduction, an investment tax credit (ITC), and, in some cases, a sr ed refund.



Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Get Your Business to the Next Level: Exploring Different Financing and Funding Options



From Commercial Loans to Government Funding: A Comprehensive Guide to Business Financing

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing businesses today



7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Innovative Business Loans and Funding Solutions to Drive Your Company Forward


Business financing needs, aka ' business loans'!  in Canada might be requiring you to ' test the water ‘. But the question that begs to be asked by small business owners  is :

"What amount of capital do you require for your company and, equally important, what is the desired or best funding solution".




Business owners know that cash flow and the right financing solutions are the lifeblood of a business - from startups to established businesses any company that wants to both expand or generate additional cash flows for funding day-to-day operations - Numerous financing options, both traditional and alternative in nature are available for the business loans and funding you need to succeed.


Small and medium-sized companies rarely qualify for the venture capital sought by major tech firms, etc - they want ' main street' /'real world' lending solutions. Let's dig in!






Most commercial loans are for established businesses that have been in business for years - startup financing is always a challenge in Canada.  Whether it is a startup or a business already doing well financing can help grow and expand while maintaining efficient day-to-day operations.

A commercial loan can be secured or unsecured - secured loans are asset and collateral-based - assets financing includes accounts receivable, inventory, fixed assets and technology,  rolling stock, and real estate.


Unsecured loans tend to be cash flow based and can come in the form of unsecured bank lines of credit or cash flow mezzanine type financing solutions that focus on the quality of the cash flows of the business to meet debt obligations.




Business loan requirements will typically include basic information on the business including financing statements and cash flow projections - Often a business plan is required and in almost all instances will help with funding approval. 7 Park Avenue Financial prepares business plans for clients that meet and exceed bank and commercial lender requirements.



A full-scale business plan might well be required for larger financing - we're typically talking 1 Million ++ $, and that includes solid executive summaries, cash flow forecasts, etc. But in the ' SME “market (small to medium enterprise) (where a lot of action takes place!) that's definitely not necessarily the case.



We'll point out though that any small business owner/financial mgr in the SME environment who can't provide basic info such as financial statements,  owner info, background story, etc is somewhat doomed to failure in achieving their company financing goals. In some cases, a third-party business financing advisor/consultant might be the best person to move your financing needs forward.


Borrowing limits will always be based on the type of financing needed as well as interest rates commensurate with the credit quality of the business.


Keep in mind also that whether it’s a small or large amount of due diligence you will always be required to submit a proper application and relevant backup info - For example - aged receivables, payables, articles of incorporation., tax obligations, etc. 


The personal credit history of borrowers will always come up in most commercial loan applications, and in small business financing in Canada, the personal credit of owners is closely tied to how they run their companies in the eyes of lenders. Credit bureau scores can be easily checked at firms such as Equifax and a good minimum score tends to be in the 650 range. 






Many companies in Canada are always working on various .. let us call them ' projects ' which require business capital. The challenge is what type of debt capital or cash flow finance will assist them with any particular project. In some cases, it might simply mean complementary funding to existing loans or business credit lines.


Although there seem to be more ' service ' oriented companies than ever before thousands of firms continue to have the basic needs revolving around the investment in receivables and inventory they make in funning and growing their business.  Conservation of cash is always important when it comes to running day-to-day operations while keeping long-term goals in mind.






Many firms like yours might work hard to obtain larger new orders or contracts in perhaps new geographic or product and service segments of your business. Getting those large new orders/contracts places a strain on day-to-day working capital and cash flow needs, so solutions such as purchase order financing or a short-term working capital loan might well be the solution.


Other needs for capital might revolve around basic sales and marketing dollars or the ability to purchase additional products at a significant discount when the opportunity arises. We've met many business owners of the years here at 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL who shared with us stories about being able to pay C.O.D. for an order, thereby allowing them to negotiate up to a 5% discount on that prepayment.


Let's not forget that your suppliers carry inventory and a/r investments also!    What will always distinguish a company focused on borrowing capital is its ability to show a well-experienced management team and the ability to produce financial reporting as required by any bank or commercial lender.


Always ensure you understand the implications that come with new financing when you already have a senior lender in place. The best solution is of course to have a proper ' cobbled together ' suite of finance solutions that bring the desired level of capital and flexibility.




Debt financing and cash flow financing are non-dilutive in nature - Don't forget that any new owner/equity capital has the effect of diluting ownership - so although debt and cash flow solutions might seem expensive they are always cheaper than giving up equity ownership via the dilution process.


Naturally new capital can come in the form of new owner equity (not what we are talking about here today) or debt and asset monetization. ( That's what we're talking about today ), namely true borrowing and working capital solutions.







Traditional loans from financial institutions such as banks aren't always accessible by many businesses - As well banks have lengthy application processes and much more strict criteria for loan approval and eligibility. Alternative Financing solutions are available to the business owner for :



Cash Flow Moneitzation

Asset and technology purchases

Business expansion


What you are starting a business or focused on improving cash flow solid financing solutions can help you stay ahead of the game, grow sales, and be able to meet business needs around unexpected expenses.


What then are the basic financial solutions available in SME COMMERCIAL FINANCE? They typically include the following, and all come with a different interest rate and repayment structure -


A/R Financing - (includes factoring, Confidential Receivable Financing)


Inventory Finance


Bank credit lines/term loans


Non-bank full business credit lines – ‘ ABL’ loans


Equipment Finance/sale-leasebacks - equipment loans




Government of Canada Guaranteed Small Business Loan Program (this just in! New limit is $1,000,000.00) - Probably the best government-sponsored financing program - Many business owners/ entrepreneurs quite rightly look to the government of Canada for financing programs in the Small business sector. No secret that economists tell us that the 'SME' sector in fact drives the Canadian economy.


The Canada Small Business Financing Program - ' CSBFP' is a great start for those looking for capital. Although not as robust an offering as its U.S.  SBA /  small business administration counterpart, the 'SBA' program ( what's with all these acronyms?!) is a viable way to start and grow a business. Monthly payments are made under a term loan structure and a limited personal guarantee is required.


Of interest is the fact that many franchises are financed through this program, it's close to a perfect fit for that!


Government business loans are available to Canadian business owners who are looking for financing. Although the Canadian government has many different programs in place to help all businesses, they tend to focus on providing small business loans the most. After all, keeping small to medium-sized businesses afloat helps add to local economies and makes the country a more diverse and interesting place to live.


Government small business loans may be a viable option for Canadian entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses. Here is some information about Canada’s loan program to help finance small businesses, known as the Canada Small Business Financing Program or CSBFP. Eligibility is for that firm with under 10 M in sales, and even proprietorships and partnerships can apply. The primary assets financed under the program include leaseholds and equipment and even real estate. The program is often, as we noted in the case of franchises, used to purchase an existing business from a seller or franchisor.


Many clients we talk to here at 7 Park Avenue Financial are misinformed about what can or cannot be financed under the program - etc.



SR&ED Loans- Refundable tax credit financing


Royalty Finance


Franchise Loans


Working Capital Loans - Merchant Cash Advance


Unsecured cash flow loans



Our experience tells us that timelines often drive the financing need, with, unfortunately, many clients demonstrating reactive as opposed to proactive financing searches. Some transactions definitely require more time than others to successfully be completed, and unfortunately, some firms don't have the financial resources to control their destinies! Aka ' running out of cash!


Can we provide a guarantee around your business financing needs? Yes, we can! We guarantee that your financing search may well become time-consuming and frustrating and challenging! 




Looking for the right financing options to help your business survive.. and grow?! Whether it's a commercial loan from traditional financiers or an alternative lending and funding option it's important to be well-informed about your options. Get the right business advice about your financing needs and get ready to watch your business grow


When it comes to debt and working capital financing call  7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted, credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your business finance needs.




What are the main types of financing for businesses?


 The main types of financing for a business include:


Business credit cards and working capital loans / online lenders

Term loans/installment loans

Government Loans

Lines of Credit

Commercial mortgages

Equipment financing /leasing

Business owners own financial resources


What is the difference between secured and unsecured business loans? 


Secured business loans such as business term loans are backed by collateral, such as business assets such as real estate, vehicles, or machinery. Personal assets are sometimes used as collateral for bank-type financing. In contrast, unsecured business loans do not require collateral and are based on the borrower's creditworthiness and when used as a  business line of credit the borrower will pay interest only on funds used. Because secured loans provide the lender with collateral in case the borrower defaults, they typically have lower interest rates and longer repayment terms than unsecured loans.



What types of funding solutions are available for small businesses in Canada?

In Canada, small businesses have access to a variety of funding solutions at competitive interest rates, including commercial loans, business loans, alternative lending solutions, and funding options for specific business needs such as business expansion, starting a business, improving cash flow, and property finance. Each funding solution has its own eligibility criteria, borrowing limits, and interest rates, so it's important to do research to find the right fit for your business. Government small business loans work well for a number of startup and early-stage financing needs and are available from banks and credit unions. The maximum loan amount under the government loan program is 1.1 Million dollars.


How can I apply for a business loan?

To apply for a business loan for business finances the business owner will need to provide a detailed business plan, financial statements, and cash flow projections. The interest rate on a business loan is typically based on the Bank of Canada policy rate, plus an additional amount that reflects the level of risk being taken by the lender. It's important to do your research on different lenders and their application processes to find the right fit for your business needs.  Minimum personal credit score requirements in the 650  range is required on most business loans ( as well as personal loans )  - Timing on receipt of loan funds should always be considered as alternative financing typically delivers a faster financial solution.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Working Capital Strategy And Structure / The Fix Is In For Business Cash Solutions



Guide to Boosting Your Business's Working Capital

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing businesses today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

From Cash Crunch to Cash Flow: Transform Your Business with Effective Working Capital Management


Working Capital Strategy?  Clients don't believe us at first, but believe it or not when it comes to business cash flow the Canadian business owner /manager has almost as many choices as there are types of apples!  Understanding key issues as well as getting the right working capital structure is key. Let's dig in.




Working capital solutions are strategies and business financing solutions that a company can use to manage cash flow while ensuring the business has enough funds to cover day-to-day operations. A business can also focus on asset turnover strategies to optimize cash flows in the business. Whether it is optimizing inventory turnover or focusing on days sales outstanding while managing payables will all help a company secure financing in key areas of its business.


That working capital structure will be the lifeblood of a business and is typically measured by the difference in current assets and current liabilities on the balance sheet. Poor or negative working capital will often lead to financing distress in the business.





Your business liquidity is the company's ability to access cash or convert key current assets such as account receivables and inventory into cash - allowing your business to meet day-to-day obligations.  Business owners should monitor key ratios/relationships on the balance sheet and cash flow statement to better understand the financial health of the business - They will signal a company's ability to calculate working capital and address cash flow issues and protect from insolvency. 


Does the owner/finance manager really have to be over-worried when it comes to cash flow availability concerns?  When you don't address those issues what in fact can happen? Lots actually.!


We're the first to focus on the negative and downside but cash flow unavailability leads to:


Employee issues


Potential downsizing of your business


Inability to grow and expand





Working capital structure and tools come from your ability to plan, analyze and make the most of using your assets to monetize capital.  Doing these sorts of things right often puts you well ahead of competitors, who we can assure you have their own problems!



Stay Ahead of the Game: Essential Working Capital Management Techniques


Those Bay Street folks call it the ' working capital ratio ' - which many lenders look at also. It's simply the relationship of short term assets to current liabilities, and believe us, you want more of the former! It's a short-term measuring stick for your cash flow and ability to pay short-term debt obligations such as leases, loans, suppliers/accounts payable, and employees!


Accounts receivables and inventory management are all about asset turnover, leading to more positive financial ratios that are acceptable to owners/lenders and those holding term debt on your company.



Revolutionize Your Business's Cash Flow with Proven Working Capital Techniques 


If there's any good news it’s the fact that growth and asset growth allow you to access more cash flow solutions. But you have got to know how to do that, what amount and type of financing you need, and what the cost of some of those solutions are.




The essence of working capital strategy and structure is knowing the amount of liquidity in your business. One of the greatest ironies of business is that a company can have abundant and significant assets, but if you can't convert those into cash, or monetize them with the right finance solutions ... well... you know the outcome of that.


So it’s the management of your working capital accounts (cash on hand or available, inventory, accounts receivable ) that allows you to stay in ' positive mode '. Oh, and by the way, those payables on the other side of the balance sheet can drastically affect your overall working capital and business cash success. Managing payables to the max in a positive manner affects cash flow from your operations!





Business owners in the SME sector quickly realize that your overall cash flow success drastically affects your sales, buying, planning, and asset acquisition. When you think of it all of that essentially becomes your whole ' cash conversion ‘ story -  in a term we use often it's really the story of how 1 Dollar flows through your company, from start to finish.


Remember also that your current or future lenders are looking at your cash flow ability all the time. They're evaluating their risk relative to the amount you are borrowing.







How can you address the right cash flow structure? Best solutions in a business loan  include, but are not limited to:



A/R Financing  -  Both  managing and financing accounts receivable properly will optimize your overall cash flow and working capital - funds from sales can be deposited into the business account the same day a company generates sales from its products or services

Inventory Loans  -  Inventory turns are key ensuring you are not tying up cash in excess inventories - Companies should focus on supply chain management and just-in-time inventories to ensure cost-effective inventory practices.

Access to Canadian bank credit

Non-bank asset-based lines of credit

SR&ED Tax credit financing - filed claims or even accrued expenses for r&d  can be financed in a sr&ed loan to aid in a company's liquidity around their research and development projects

Equipment / fixed asset financing

Cash flow loans

Royalty finance solutions


Purchase Order Financing


Short-Term Working Capital Loans / Merchant Cash Advances  - A permanent working capital loan or short-term loans such as a  merchant cash advance will provide additional business liquidity and help the net working capital position when negative cash flow occurs. A personal guarantee and good credit score of business owners is required for ' MCA's"




Government small business loans and grants are also available for many small business owners, and changes in the program in 2022 added significant borrowing capability to the program.




Factors determining working capital business needs include -


The business model of your industry

The operating cycle of your business - ie how long does it take for a dollar to flow through the company- it is the timing around outlays of cash required to sell or produce goods and services to the time of receiving payment - every industry will vary

Efficiency and asset turnover  in receivables and inventory- Here is an excellent article by Harvard Business Review on internally managing cash

Cash Flow

Business goals of the owner





Business owners know managing and financing working capital properly ensures short-term financial health - By monitoring key liquidity indications in your financial statements, a business can implement best practices of financing and managing working capital around key assets such as receivables, inventories, as well as obligations around account payable. 


Working capital loans and other funding solutions will strengthen a company's financial position and help ensure long-term success.


Call 7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted, credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your working capital structure and needs.




What is Cash Working Capital

Working capital is the amount of cash and other current assets a business has available after all its current liabilities are accounted for. Understanding the working capital requirement how much working capital you have on hand to pay bills as they come due is critical to the success of an organization focused on working capital management.


What is the relationship between cash and working capital? 


Working capital represents the current assets minus the current liabilities on the company's balance sheet - known as the working capital formula. Current assets include cash and cash equivalents, inventories, and accounts receivable. The cash flow is a flow quantity that is generated by every financial transaction and has an effect on the liquid funds of the company from a goal of positive working capital for business needs and reflecting the importance of working capital.


What are Working Capital Management Best Practices

Effective management by small business owners of working capital involves closely monitoring cash, inventory, accounts receivables, and accounts payables. Optimizing these elements ensures a sufficient level of working capital to fund interest payments, allowing businesses to operate without disruption and allowing for potential business growth. Best practices for working capital management include improving collections procedures, maintaining optimal inventory levels, and negotiating favorable payment terms with suppliers. Additionally, businesses can explore various working capital funding solutions, such as lines of credit, invoice factoring, and trade financing. Cash flow projections will help project related expenses the company may incur.


How Does Managing Accounts Payables Affect Cash

Optimizing accounts payables management and other short-term obligations is a key factor in cash flow from operations - Payable terms can often be negotiated with suppliers and a business can reduce costs by taking advantage of prompt payment discounts.




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