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In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Guide To Buying An Existing Business In Canada


A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying an Existing Business in Canada

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing businesses today 


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Essential Guide to Buying a Business and Securing Financing in Canada


It's true that a key advantage to buying an existing business in Canada rather than starting one is that it allows entrepreneurs to skip the expensive—and risky—start-up stage of growing the right business.




Acquiring an already established small business in Canada offers an exciting prospect for potential business owners. The appeal lies in the possibility of skipping the demanding startup stage and instead investing in an entity that's already successful or has the potential to succeed.


Let the 7 Park Avenue Financial team guide you through the procedures involved in acquiring a Canadian business and ensure the necessary financial arrangements for a seamless, prosperous transition for the new business owner.






Buying a business with an established customer base, team, business plan and operation and staff can save you time and money - especially with companies that have a good track record around revenues and profits.


A new venture can take a long time to build revenue and become profitable, and the risk of failure is significant - In fact, only about half of the Canadian start-ups are still operating after five years !! According to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Safe to say that lenders are less likely to take a chance on a start-up. Expanding markets is a great strategy with proper resources and financing in place.



  1. Established Customer Base: One immediate benefit when acquiring an existing business is access to an already established customer base. This allows for an immediate generation of sales revenues without building brand awareness or attracting customers afresh.

  2. Proven Track Record: An existing business often comes with a well-documented history of its operations. This can be invaluable, providing insights into the business's profitability and growth potential.

  3. Saved Time and Effort: The acquisition of an established business saves significant time and effort that would otherwise be spent on startup tasks such as financing, securing permits, establishing supplier relationships, and hiring employees. This time can instead be dedicated to strategic planning and executing growth initiatives.

  4. Existing Infrastructure and Assets: In addition to the business itself, the acquisition often includes valuable infrastructure and assets like equipment, technology, and intellectual property rights. These assets can offer a significant advantage and provide a competitive edge in the marketplace.

  5. Reduced Risk: Purchasing an existing business typically presents less risk than starting a new venture. The viability and market demand for the company has already been demonstrated, reducing the uncertainties often associated with a new venture. This is particularly beneficial when entering a highly competitive market where establishing a new foothold can be challenging.


Business owners looking to sell typically have put in a lot of hard work and time into building up their companies, so they’re focused on proper valuation and finding the right purchaser.

Asset-based transactions tend to be more attractively priced when sold as part of a business purchase since buyers can benefit from the entire company’s history and future potential while utilizing those assets.


Businesses for sale typically come with pre-existing assets and customers, making it easier for new owners to grow the business... Acquiring an existing business also gives you the benefit of knowing exactly, with proper due diligence, the status of the company's financials and operations.


It's important to consider timelines and always have a realistic idea of how much it will cost to close the deal.




It can be difficult to find the right company to acquire—one that fits your existing business culture and strategic goals well. A poor choice can cause the acquisition to become a sinkhole for your time, money, and other resources.

Integrating a new company into your existing operations can be harder and more time-consuming than entrepreneurs realize, as your projected payoffs often don’t materialize as quickly as planned.

There are many potential benefits to integrating a new company into your business, but it is important to be aware of the challenges beforehand. It may be harder to impose your vision on a company with its culture and history than if you were to expand a business you already own.

Expansion can be risky, but it also offers opportunities for greater success.


The decision to acquire a company may rest on market and growth opportunities.
The acquisition may be a good strategy if your target company is undervalued because of market conditions.


Remember though, if your valuation is too high, you may need to obtain more financing, potentially reducing the long-term returns from the acquisition.




It is important to perform a thorough due diligence check before buying a business. Many entrepreneurs sell their businesses due to losses, legal issues, debts, and other significant challenges. It's important to know why a company is put up for sale before deciding to buy it.


Speaking with existing customers, employees, competitors, and other close watchers can help you gauge the business as an outsider and an insider. This will help you make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in the company. Investigating income tax, hst gst issues, and compliance is important in your due diligence.

Gauging how the business is doing from different perspectives can give you a complete picture of its current state and possible future.




After pinpointing a potential business acquisition, it is of paramount importance to correctly assess business value. This evaluation can be executed independently, or one can enlist the expertise of a professional to perform a detailed appraisal or implement a discounted cash flow valuation method.


Vital elements in this valuation process include the enterprise's sales revenue, net income/ profit, and EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization).


It's important to note that the valuation methodologies may differ depending on the specific industry of the business.





When determining a fair market value, business buyers should verify the P&L  financial statement's key areas, such as liabilities, earnings, and cash flow generating potential. Understanding the market will help determine the current price and how much people will pay for such a business, including specific fixed assets. In some cases, real estate and property might be a part of your transaction, often involving mortgage-type financing.


Including a third party in a business's valuation and sale process can help arrive at a fair value and quote a fair price. At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we spend much time working with buyers on proper valuation and financing potential.

Deciding what to do with the business's assets is important for both the seller/business owner and the buyer. It is helpful to know what these assets are before beginning negotiations. A clear plan for post-sale financing and asset acquisition will help manage expectations and avoid complications.






Once a potential business acquisition has been singled out, the paramount next step is to perform thorough due diligence, ensuring you uncover any concealed risks or problems.


Due diligence necessitates an in-depth investigation of all aspects of the business, including its financial status, operations, legal considerations, and other pertinent elements. It is crucial to delve deeper than the basic data the seller provides, meticulously examining the business's historical records, contracts, client relations, and reputation.


Firstly, the business's financial records should be meticulously examined, including tax returns, financial reports, and bank statements. Analyzing revenue and expense trends, profit margins, and the ability to generate cash flow is imperative. Look for any irregularities, uncommon transactions, or inconsistencies that may suggest financial mismanagement or possible risks.


Subsequently, the business's operations and infrastructure should be thoroughly evaluated. This includes assessing product or service quality, production methods, supply chain management, and distribution pathways.


Recognize any operational inefficiencies or constraints that could impact the profitability or scalability of the business. Additionally, the business's technological and IT infrastructure should be assessed, as antiquated or insufficient systems can inhibit growth and innovation.


Due diligence must also extend to legal matters, as this process is essential in uncovering any potential legal risks or liabilities.


Review contracts, leases, licenses, and permits to ascertain their validity and transferability. Identify any pending or potential legal disputes, regulation compliance issues, or intellectual property concerns. Engaging a competent legal professional to assist in this process and ensure all legal factors are meticulously inspected is advisable.


Finally, assessing the business's reputation and customer relationships should not be neglected. This can be achieved through market research, customer surveys, and an examination of online reviews to measure customer satisfaction and brand perception.


A damaged reputation or subpar customer relationships can substantially impact the valuation and future potential of the business to be acquired.





Negotiating the purchase of an existing business is a critical step that requires careful planning and strategy. The ultimate goal is to reach a mutually beneficial agreement that satisfies both parties. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when negotiating the purchase of an existing business:



  1. Develop a Robust Business Plan: Formulating an in-depth business plan that communicates your vision for the business post-acquisition and illustrates its capacity for growth is imperative. This strategic document will provide a basis for negotiation and justify the price you propose to pay. 7 Park Avenue Financial prepares business plans for clients that meet and exceed bank and commercial lender requirements.

  2. Comprehend the Seller's Intentions: Strive to understand the reasons for the seller to dispose of the business. Are they planning retirement, facing financial strain, or seeking fresh opportunities? Comprehending their motivations can aid you in customizing your offer and enhancing negotiation efficiency.

  3. Execute a Comprehensive Valuation: Establish a fair market value for the business considering its financial health, prevailing market conditions, and future growth potential. This informed valuation will solidify the foundation for your negotiations, ensuring you make a prudent decision.

  4. Highlight Negotiation Priorities: Ascertain the key terms and conditions of most importance to you, such as the acquisition price, payment structure, non-compete clauses, or transitional support. Recognize areas where compromise is acceptable and those where it isn't.

  5. Engage Expert Assistance: Contemplate employing professionals like business brokers, accountants, or lawyers to facilitate the negotiation process. Their specialist knowledge and experience can offer invaluable advice, safeguarding your interests throughout the negotiation.

It's essential to remember that successful negotiations necessitate open dialogue, adaptability, and an orientation toward mutually beneficial outcomes. Always be ready to acknowledge the seller's concerns and employ innovative solutions that cater to the needs of both parties.


Let the 7 Park Avenue Financial team assist you with the proper assessment of the assets and liabilities of the company.

We'll conduct a lien search to ensure no outstanding claims against the target business. In some cases, individual asset prices may need to be more carefully reviewed as part of the overview of business assets.

Review any existing contracts to identify any potential problems with the acquisition surrounding your purchase and sale agreement.





During due diligence, you should also work on financing for the transaction. Most businesses are purchased with a combination of debt and equity, meaning you as a buyer, should be prepared to come up with a reasonable part of the purchase price given the size and type of transaction and the type of financing available.


Financing options for acquiring a business


Acquiring an established business typically necessitates considerable financial commitment. While some purchasers might have sufficient personal resources, many depend on external financing methods.

Options include government loans, traditional bank loans, and alternative lending solutions via asset-based lending and cash-flow lenders.


  1. Traditional Bank Loans: This entails approaching banking or financial institutions for a loan aimed at business acquisition. A well-formulated business plan, financial forecasts, and collateral are required to secure such a loan. Interest rates and repayment conditions are subject to variation based on your personal credit score and the lender's prerequisites.

  2. Government Loans - The Canada Small Business Financing Program: Industry Canada provides specific loan programs for business acquisitions. These loans typically feature favourable interest rates, extended repayment durations, and reduced down payment requisites compared to traditional bank loans. However, the application process may be relatively intricate and lengthy. Many franchises are financed under the program and the program loan cap is 1.1 Million dollars.

  3. Seller Financing: There may be instances where the seller is open to financing a portion of the sale price. This agreement enables you to make consistent payments to the seller over a predetermined duration, usually with accrued interest. Seller financing can be mutually beneficial as it provides the seller an income while offering the buyer increased flexibility in acquiring the necessary funds. Existing owners often help finance the purchase of their business by providing vendor financing. Besides being an additional source of ' patient capital, 'the vendor’s investment motivates the seller to help make a smooth transition. Most sellers are encouraged to see the business succeed after they have invested in it so much time. Due diligence should always include investigating if seller financing is available, as it can alleviate some of the financial burdens in finding a loan.

  4. Asset-Based Lending: This involves using the company's assets, such as inventory, equipment, or accounts receivable, as loan collateral. This can be particularly advantageous for businesses possessing substantial tangible assets as the business's assets form strong collateral.

  5. Mezzanine Financing: Mezzanine financing is a combination of debt and equity financing often utilized to expand existing companies. Essentially, this type of financing is debt capital that allows the lender to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan isn't repaid on time and in full.


There are various business loans and financing options available in the Canadian market for financing existing businesses, which can help you secure the large funds required to acquire an existing business. If the company already exists and earns some profits, it is easier to convince traditional financial institutions such as banks to fund the acquisition.

 Unsecured business and cash flow loans may be a good option, but remember that unsecured loans typically come with higher interest rates than secured loans.




Two common structures are used to acquire businesses: a share purchase or an asset purchase. In a share purchase, the entire business is purchased; all assets and liabilities will be acquired. In an asset purchase, a buyer can pick and choose what assets it would like to acquire, and which liabilities to assume.  An incorporated business is the most common type of purchase, but partnerships and sole proprietorships can also be financed.




Acquiring an existing business requires meticulous planning, comprehensive due diligence, and efficient implementation.

Acknowledging that each acquisition is unique and does not lend itself to a uniform approach is essential. Thus, strategies and best practices outlined in this guide should be tailored according to specific circumstances and needs.


Call  7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible, experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your funding needs.


We know that securing the necessary financial arrangements for an acquisition can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Our dedicated team of experts will assist you at every stage, ensuring a smooth transition as you become a new business owner.




What is the process of buying an existing business

To find a business to purchase, you must first value the business.
• After valuation, you must negotiate a purchase price with the current owner(s).
• Once terms are agreed upon, submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to begin due diligence.
• During due diligence, ensure all business aspects are examined closely.
• If no red flags arise during due diligence, obtain financing and close the transaction.


What are the benefits of buying an existing business?

The product or service is already market-tested and has an established brand versus a new business as well as possessing existing cash flow in the business entity . This can significantly reduce startup time for business operations and make it easier to secure business financing via a business loan for the acquisition. Significant operational changes are necessary to take advantage of the available resources that may sometimes be required.


 What are Important  considerations when buying an existing business


When considering the acquisition of a business, several crucial factors need to be evaluated to ensure the success of your acquisition. They are as follows:


  1. Self-evaluation: First, a comprehensive assessment of your personal skills, experience, and resources is necessary. Consider whether you possess the required expertise to manage and expand the acquired business effectively. Additionally, evaluate your financial readiness for the acquisition, including the purchase price, operational expenses, and possible risks. Undertaking this personal assessment will help you determine if the acquisition aligns with your goals and whether you are prepared for the challenges it may bring.

  2. Conduct Market Research: The next step involves performing exhaustive market research to pinpoint potential acquisition targets. This process should take into account industry trends, market demand, and competitive factors. Seek businesses that either complement your existing operations or exhibit growth potential within your target market. Possessing a clear understanding of the industry landscape and the opportunities it presents is essential in ensuring the acquisition conforms to your long-term business strategy.

  3. Financial Health Assessment: Furthermore, it's crucial to scrutinize the financial well-being and performance of potential acquisition targets. This involves reviewing their financial records, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. It's important to gauge profitability, revenue growth, and potential risks and liabilities. Engaging in this financial due diligence will assist in determining the fair market value of the business, as well as identifying any potential warning signs or deal-breakers that might be in a struggling business.

  4. Customers may value a business's high-quality products or services, experienced employees, or relationship with the owner.

The successful acquisition of a business hinges upon the consideration of a myriad of factors. It is pivotal to assess the reputation and customer perceptions of a business, which can be achieved through market research and analysis of online reviews.


The presence of a unique product or service can offer a competitive edge, differentiating the business from competitors.


Additionally, the alignment of the company's culture, management style, and quality of work with one's personal philosophies and expectations should not be overlooked.


Long-standing employees often embody a significant advantage, possessing profound business and industry knowledge; conversely, a high rate of employee turnover warrants further investigation.


It is also imperative that one possesses sufficient knowledge of the business or industry prior to making a purchase, with the selected field ideally corresponding with one's skills, interests, and experience.


For those seeking to expand an existing business through an acquisition, identifying synergies in products or services, marketing and sales approaches, production and delivery methods, and employee integration can be beneficial.

Additional considerations should include potential hidden costs, such as leases nearing their expiry date or concealed financial burdens. Due diligence should be comprehensive, extending beyond mere financial statements to involve discussions with employees and suppliers. While the process of acquiring a business can be both time-consuming and costly, it can yield a valuable return on investment when executed correctly.


What are some common challenges in acquiring an existing business?



The acquisition of an existing business presents a number of challenges, each necessitating strategic solutions for successful navigation. Here are some of the hurdles you may encounter and strategies to address them:


  1. Business Valuation: Establishing the fair value of a business, especially those with intangible assets or unique market conditions, is complex. Thorough due diligence and professional assistance are vital to achieving a fair and precise valuation and the ability to secure financing.

  2. Cultural and Operational Integration: Merging organizations with differing cultures, work processes, and values can be daunting. It is imperative to identify these disparities early and strive for a harmonious work environment that encourages collaboration and synergy.

  3. Managing Employee Morale: Employees from the acquired business may harbour uncertainty or resistance toward change. Strategies for effective communication, transparency, and employee engagement can help assuage concerns and sustain morale during the transition.

  4. Maintaining Customer Satisfaction: Acquisitions may stir unease among existing customers. Proactive communication, addressing customer concerns, and ensuring a seamless transition can help preserve customer loyalty and satisfaction.

  5. Navigating Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Acquisitions often entail intricate legal and regulatory requisites. Engaging legal professionals can help traverse these complexities and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

  6. Managing Financial Risks and Cash Flow: Business acquisitions can exert pressure on financial resources and influence cash flow. Formulating a comprehensive financial plan, considering various financing options, and vigilant monitoring of financial performance can help alleviate risks and assess future cash flow needs.

By foreseeing these challenges and adopting proactive strategies, you can enhance the probability of successful acquisition and reduce potential disruptions.


Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Working Capital Business Financing Sources



A Guide to Business Financing Sources for Working Capital in Canada

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing businesses today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com



Leveraging Business Financing Sources to Optimize Working Capital in Canada 


Working capital and small business financing sources are available to Canadian business owners and financial managers in several ways. 




When we speak to clients about their needs and answer their questions in this area, it is simply a case of pointing out all the alternatives available and discussing what features and benefits of each type of facility make the most sense for their particular firm and industry.


Working capital represents a business's lifeblood and measures a firm's operational liquidity and short-term financial status. For firms operating in Canada, identifying the appropriate business financing to preserve and enhance more working capital is critical to growth, expansion plans, and continued profits.


Procuring the ideal financing is essential to a business's growth success. Business funding provides the needed resources to finance day-to-day operations, enter new markets, and invest in new technology and assets.


Business owners must examine various financing options to ascertain the best-suited solution to their unique requirements and situation. Each alternative comes with its benefits and drawbacks.




Choosing the right source of business financing is a vital business consideration. This decision calls for an assessment of numerous elements including the expense of capital, the level of control maintained, accompanying risks, repayment conditions, and harmony with the business model. The secret to success lies in striking a perfect equilibrium between cost and risk while simultaneously ensuring the funding source resonates with the company's immediate and future objectives.




Working capital financing is employed to fund your company's investment in short-term resources such as the company's investment in inventory and accounts receivable on the balance sheet - Working capital refers to key liquid current assets - short term financing solutions are also providing liquidity to support everyday operations like salaries/wages, overhead expenses, and other miscellaneous costs. 


Gross working capital  is the total amount of funds a company has in current assets versus Net working capital, which is the surplus calculated after deducting all current liabilities from current assets in measuring short term financial health and temporary working capital needs.


Often, small and medium enterprises rely on this form of financing when existing assets fail to cover their immediate liabilities.






Most working capital loans and financing alternatives are secured, but that is not the case 100% of the time. With reasonably good financial health and equity in your firm, a cash working capital loan can be achieved at solid rates, terms and structures. This is generally not the norm, though, as most lending to small and medium businesses in Canada is secured somehow.




Financing typically brings to mind traditional options like bank loans and credit lines, often the primary go-to for numerous businesses. Banks and similar financial institutions provide these solutions with longstanding reliability. Let's delve deeper into each choice:


Bank loans:  Term loans from banks are set financing amounts to be repaid over a set term, with interest. Suitable for businesses showcasing good business credit history and solid financial performance around cash flow, profits, and healthy balance sheets.


A bank loan provides stability due to the lowest fixed interest rates and repayment terms. However, startups or businesses with low credit scores might find bank financing not accessible - these firms should consider various alternative lending solutions.


Lines of credit: This versatile financing option permits businesses to borrow up to a defined limit, functioning similarly to business credit cards—Companies borrow and pay back as necessary, paying interest only on the borrowed sum, a revolving line of credit that fluctuates.

Lines of credit suit businesses needing short-term financing or those desiring a financial buffer for unforeseen expenses.





For larger corporations, unsecured cash flow loans are more often than not called ‘subordinated debt,' and they are term loans structured around the analysis of the company’s ability to repay based on future cash flow forecasting.


Small business financing for smaller firms is simply a working capital solution that might have some covenants attached relative to ongoing profits and cash flow metrics.  Again, we can summarize these offerings by saying that cash flow unsecured loans are generally only available to firms with very good financial health and prospects and qualify for bank loan criteria for approval.




In certain cases, the working capital and cash flow loans we have described above often relate to acquiring a business, with the funding provided to acquire the business.




A more common ‘working capital loan' is, in effect, not a  business loan per se but the financing of receivables and inventory / raw materials. In effect, your firm leverages these assets and turns them into ongoing working capital as you create inventory and receivables on an ongoing basis. In a line of credit facility, the business will pay interest only on funds drawn under the facility in this working capital finance solution from a lending institution.




Many business owners come to us and ask if there are ‘government loans' for working capital. The reality is that there is nothing available in Canada in that regard. The most common, successful and popular government loan program is the CSBFL program; thousands of businesses utilize this loan. The program is one of Canada's best loans to small businesses - bar none.


A solid business plan is a key program requirement - 7 Park Avenue Financial prepares business plans for clients that meet and exceed bank and other commercial lender requirements.




Government financing alternatives may present a viable business financing alternative for businesses satisfying certain requirements.

The Government Of Canada Small Business Financing Program:  SBL loans are loans for small businesses in Canada with less than 10 Million dollars in sales revenue. The government guarantees loans to approved lenders such as commercial banks and some credit unions.


Changes to the Canada Small Business Financing Program in 2022  provide for long-term loans, sources of working capital and line of credit solutions, and a new 1.1 Million dollar loan cap, including affordable working capital loans for seasonal variable working capital needs.


Small business loans via the federal government program are solid financial alternatives as they have competitive interest rates and extended repayment periods. They are appropriate for businesses that align with the Canadian government eligibility standards and provide funds for business needs, such as working capital, equipment procurement, or commercial real estate purchases.


Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team about how we can help expedite government loan financing.


Grants: These are non-repayable resources granted by the federal and provincial governments or other bodies to bolster specific business functions, research, or projects. Grants, not requiring repayment, thus become an appealing option for businesses. However, they are highly competitive, and the application process can be intricate and lengthy.  Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team about grant financing / matching solutions.




Some critical factors must be assessed and addressed when looking for a working capital solution. Many firms we meet can cure their working capital solutions by affecting a better turnaround in their receivables and inventory. Those are any firm's key working capital components of any firm to help address the company's short term operational financing needs via retained profits, etc.


A business has access to internal and external sources of capital, such as trade credit and delaying payables to vendor and trade sources - internal sources of financing and cash flow management. Businesses can also offer customers a prepayment discount if they pay before the terms credit period.




If your firm has been self-financing, you should consider a working capital or an invoice discounting facility. This injects immediate working capital into your company and is not treated as a loan on your books. You are simply converting accounts receivable money owed to the business into quick cash.


Financing a business through accounts receivable factoring involves converting outstanding invoices into immediate cash. In this process, the factoring company pays a large portion of the unpaid invoice total - typically in the 80-90 % range - Companies receive the remaining balance, less financing costs, when the client pays the invoice.


Factoring as a financing method and working capital example is available solely for businesses that operate on credit terms. In this arrangement, the borrower (the seller) delivers a product (or service) and bills the customer, expecting payment at a future date. This anticipated future payment is recorded as an account receivable (a current asset) on the seller's balance sheet.





Sometimes, a merchant cash advance, known as short term loans / working capital loans, might make sense for your business. These loans also finance future revenue receipts from credit cards / future credit card sales, which might apply to a retailer.


Many business owners we meet don’t even do basic cash flow planning. A straightforward template you can set up can easily show you what cash is coming in over the next three months, for example, and you already know your fixed and variable expenses. It’s as simple as that.


Working capital needs can be either short-term or long-term in nature. The cash working capital term loan we discussed earlier is a long-term solution for permanent working capital. On the other hand, converting your receivables and inventory via a working capital facility via a non-bank is immediate short-term cash flow.




Are those venture capitalists/ angel investors not in sight !? ( Venture capital in Canada is for the smallest percentage of borrowers in Canada - and requires you to give up owner equity. Friends and family are a solution, but rarely the right one unless you're bootstrapping a startup or are ok with an angel investor-type partner.


Selecting the appropriate financing option for your business is a major decision that could significantly influence the business's financial success. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of various financing alternatives and assessing your specific requirements is critical.


 It's crucial to seek professional advice and do the right amount of research on any business financing alternative.

Navigating the business financing landscape to secure working capital is critical to the success of any business operating in Canada. Understanding the intricacies of these sources, analyzing business needs, and making educated decisions are crucial for companies aiming to increase their working capital and boost their growth.


Work with a trusted, credible, and experienced advisor in real-world Canadian Business Financing solutions for small businesses in Canada.


Let the  7 Park Avenue Financial team assess your needs, evaluate the solution, and focus on implementing a facility based on the benefits of that type of financing. That is cash flow and working capital planning 101 when you want to finance your business for the growth potential you want to achieve.



Let the  7 Park Avenue Financial team assess your needs, evaluate the solution, and focus on implementing a facility based on the benefits of that type of financing. That is cash flow and working capital planning 101 when you want to finance your business for the growth potential you want to achieve.




What are the benefits of alternative lending?


Some may think that when people need financing, they are forced into traditional methods like loans from banks and other traditional lenders. However, there is an alternative option for entrepreneurs looking for working capital and startup funding; it's called "alternative lending." 


Successful startups and growing companies need working capital to grow. With no funding, they may never get off the ground- a scary reality for any entrepreneur seeking success in today's competitive market. If you're looking to avoid a traditional lender route, many options are available that could help a  business thrive! Finding out more about alternative financing methods is the first step towards getting what you deserve when it comes time to grow revenues and profits.


What is purchase order financing?


Purchase order financing is a short-term commercial finance option that provides capital to pay suppliers upfront for verified purchase orders. In such an arrangement, a third party agrees to provide a supplier with enough money to cover a customer's purchase order. Purchase order loans can finance an order in its entirety in some circumstances or just a portion of it in others.


What is the merchant advance short-term working capital loan?


 In return for a portion of daily credit/debit card revenues in the future, one can obtain merchant cash advances (MCAs), which are up-front payments into the company bank account based on future sales. The MCA is a sale of future income rather than a loan. Although this type of financing is pricey, it can be the best option for a company that performs a lot of credit card transactions but has little or no credit history. Companies in a seasonal business might use this short term finance solution for funding operating expenses.


What are crowdfunding and peer to peer lending?


In recent years, alternative financing options for raising funds have gained popularity among businesses, offering new avenues to secure funding. These options leverage technology and the power of the crowd to provide financing for share capital. Here are two alternative financing options worth considering:


**Crowdfunding:** Crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, have revolutionized the way businesses raise funds/capital. With crowdfunding, businesses can pitch their ideas or projects to a large audience and collect small contributions from individuals. Crowdfunding is suitable for startups and businesses with a compelling story or innovative product that can resonate with the crowd. However, it requires careful planning, marketing efforts, and the ability to create a compelling campaign to attract backers.

**Peer-to-peer lending:** Peer-to-peer lending platforms, like LendingClub and Prosper, connect borrowers directly with individual lenders. Businesses can apply for loans and receive funding from individual investors. Peer-to-peer lending offers flexibility, competitive interest rates, and faster approval compared to traditional bank loans. However, it may not be suitable for businesses with poor credit or those in need of large loan amounts.


What are the pros and cons of angel investors and venture capital for equity financing?


For businesses with high-growth potential, venture capital (VC) and angel investors can provide significant funding and expertise. However, these options come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

**Venture capital:** Venture capital firms invest in early-stage or high-growth companies in exchange for equity. They provide not only capital but also guidance and mentorship to help businesses scale rapidly. Venture capital is suitable for businesses with an innovative product or service, a large market opportunity, and the potential for significant returns. However, securing venture capital can be highly competitive, and investors often require a substantial ownership stake and influence in the business.

**Angel investors:** Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who invest their own money in startups or early-stage businesses and can assist a company in raising short-term capital. They provide capital, expertise, and industry connections to help businesses succeed. Angel investors are more flexible than venture capital firms and often invest in businesses that are too small or risky for traditional venture capital. However, finding the right angel investor can be challenging, and the process often involves networking, pitching, and building relationships.


What are factors to consider when choosing a financing option?


When evaluating and comparing different financing options, several factors should be taken into consideration:


1. **Business stage and growth plans:** The financing option that suits a startup may not be suitable for an established business. Consider the stage your business is in and its growth plans to determine the right financing fit.


2. **Creditworthiness and financials:** Lenders and investors assess the creditworthiness and financial health of your business before providing funding. Understand your credit score, financial statements, and other relevant factors to determine which options you qualify for.


3. **Interest rates and fees:** Different financing options come with varying interest rates and fees. Consider the cost of borrowing and ensure it aligns with your financial projections and ability to repay.


4. **Collateral requirements:** Some financing options and working capital loans may require collateral to enable the business to raise funds,  such as real estate or inventory, to secure the loan. Evaluate whether you have the necessary assets to meet these requirements.


5. **Repayment terms and flexibility:** Consider the repayment terms, such as loan duration, payment frequency, and flexibility. Ensure they align with your needs around more working capital and cash flow for business operations.


6. **Industry-specific considerations:** Certain financing options may be more prevalent or suitable for specific industries. Research industry-specific financing trends and consider whether there are options tailored to your sector.


Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Monday, June 19, 2023

SR&ED Refundable Tax Credit Financing : An Untapped Resource for Innovation Financing


SR&ED FINANCING FOR YOUR SR ED TAX CREDIT /Research And Development Tax Credit Canada

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Leveraging SR&ED Financing for  Business Growth


SR ED refundable tax credit financing could well be called the perfect marriage of cash flow and the maximization of government tax credits for research in Canada.


These ' SRED LOANS '  for your research and development spending help to power the economy in several ways - which is, of course, why the Canadian government provides billions of refunds each year to qualified claims via sr&ed credits and the sr&ed tax credit program. Let's dig in.





Discover the power of SR&ED refundable tax credit financing! This Canadian government program incentivizes businesses to invest in research and development through refundable investment tax credits. Businesses can leverage these credits to access upfront funding, unlocking the full potential of a business. By exploring the benefits of this financial tool, you can enhance cash flow, support growth initiatives in r&d efforts, and maximize your financial potential.

With SR&ED refundable tax credit financing, you can receive funds before your claim is processed and approved by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).


  1. Eligibility:

    • SR&ED tax credits are available to certain types of companies.
    • Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPCs) are eligible for refundable tax credits, while other companies qualify for non-refundable tax credits.
  2. How it Works:

    • SR&ED financing provides a loan based on the anticipated return from the SR&ED tax claim around sr ed projects
    • This helps address cash flow challenges, especially for startups and small businesses that require reinvestment in their operations and can't access  traditional financing via financial institutions such as banks and credit unions
  3. Application Process:

    • The application process requires a detailed claim of the research and development work performed, along with associated costs as well as documentation around the claim
  4. Benefits and Risks:

    • Benefits of SR&ED financing include immediate access to cash.
    • Risks can include financing costs ( but sred finance interest rates are low and competitive)  and the possibility of the SR&ED claim being denied or reduced by the CRA.
    • A SR&ED investment tax credit  can be deducted from income tax as well as also being a refund in the tax year
  5. Case Studies:

    • There are hundreds of case studies of successful companies using SR&ED financing to support research that can illustrate its real-world implications and benefits.
  6. Comparison with Other Funding Options:

    • Comparing SR&ED financing with other funding options like grants, traditional loans, and equity financing provides a broader understanding of available R&D funding choices - SR&ED funding is non-dilutive  to owner equity and brings no long-term debt to the balance sheet





We're the first to admit and agree that even the program's name is a bit too fancy and might well turn off many applicants. (SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT  ... aka ' SRED'!) That conjures up men and women in white coats, labs, etc. Yet the reality is that thousands of firms in almost every industry in Canada regularly successfully file claims for those billions of dollars we've mentioned. While some folks call them ' sred grants, ' they are, in fact, refundable tax credits and not a grant!




Refundable tax credit financing is a financial strategy that empowers businesses to access funds based on the value of their SR&ED tax credits. Instead of waiting for future tax credits, businesses can secure immediate cash flow through specialized financing companies. This unlocks the potential of SR&ED credits, enabling businesses to invest in growth initiatives and enhance their financial position.

The advantages of refundable tax credit financing are significant. It offers instant access to funds and allows businesses to utilize their tax credits without affecting their cash flow. This is especially beneficial for startups and small businesses that may lack the necessary capital for operations and research and development endeavours.







Cash flow is essential for the survival and success of any business. It represents the movement of money in and out of a company and is vital for its day-to-day operations. Positive cash flow allows a business to meet financial obligations, pay employees, and invest in growth.  Negative cash flow can lead to financial struggles, missed opportunities, and even the risk of financial failure.

Managing cash flow becomes particularly challenging for businesses involved in research and development (R&D) activities. These projects often require significant upfront investments, with returns realized over a longer timeframe.

This creates a cash flow gap, where businesses struggle to cover expenses while awaiting the benefits of their R&D efforts.


To address this challenge, refundable tax credit financing provides a solution. By unlocking the value of SR&ED tax credits, businesses can bridge the funding gap and ensure a consistent cash flow. This empowers them to sustain their project investments, attract business talent,  and pursue growth opportunities without the limitations of limited capital.






Cash flowing your claim maximizes and accelerates funds for eligible applicants, typically private companies and partnerships. Many business owners and financial managers who either are not fully aware of the program or misunderstand it for sr&ed funding somehow feel they need to show profitability or other forms of creditworthiness to both files and finance their claim.


Let's explore the benefits of utilizing refundable tax credit financing:

  1. Immediate access to funds: One of the key advantages of refundable tax credit financing is the ability to gain immediate access to funds. Rather than waiting for future tax credits, businesses can receive upfront cash, enabling them to invest in their operations and growth initiatives right away.

  2. Enhanced cash flow: By monetizing their SR&ED tax credits, businesses can improve their cash flow significantly. This infusion of funds provides the necessary resources to cover expenses, meet payroll obligations, and invest in crucial research and development activities, reducing reliance on existing capital reserves.

  3. Flexibility and control: Refundable tax credit financing offers businesses the flexibility to allocate funds according to their specific needs. Whether it's expanding their workforce, acquiring essential equipment, or entering new markets, businesses have the freedom to utilize the funds in a manner that aligns with their growth strategies and objectives.

  4. Risk mitigation: Research and development projects inherently carry risks, making financial stability paramount. By leveraging refundable tax credit financing, businesses can mitigate some of these risks by ensuring they have the necessary funds to support their operations. This reduces the financial burden and allows businesses to focus on innovation and achieving their goals with greater confidence.



The fairly technical work in preparing a claim is usually handled by an SR&ED consultant. These folks prepare the majority of claims, and having a credible/experienced consultant is one key factor that enhances your claim's ability to be financed.


Qualified consultants help to maximize a claim add credibility to their approval from Canada Revenue and, as we noted, help the financing approval.


When businesses aim to claim SR&ED benefits, they are required to submit a comprehensive T661 Technical Narrative. This document outlines the project's objectives, the technical hurdles encountered, and the efforts made to overcome them. Claims can be made for three types of expenditures: employee and owner salaries or wages, fees paid to Canadian subcontractors, and material costs.


While businesses cannot claim the full amount of these expenses, they are eligible to claim significant portions, with Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPCs) typically having higher claim potentials compared to non-CCPCs.




The total cost of preparing and financing an SR&ED tax credit filing claim for the r&d tax credit in Canada is really two separate matters. Preparation consultants typically work on a contingency fee, although the fee for service preparation is absolutely available also. We've observed business owners appear to prefer consultants on contingency because these folks absorb all the time and financial risk involved in filing a claim.




SRED Loans are usually ' bridge loans ' - your company receives 75% of the total claim as a cash flow loan - no monthly payments are made in the interim period while you are waiting for claim approval. That other 30% of your funds? You receive it as soon as the claim is approved and funded by the govt, less financing costs.


One top expert compares your SRED claim under Canada's sr ed program to a well-executed high school class experiment that’s well documented and supported by Canada Revenue Agency CRA.




Let's explore some real-life case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of refundable tax credit financing: At 7 Park Avenue Financial we've worked with many technology companies that include startups and firms focused on software development such as tech firms specializing in developing cutting-edge software solutions.


To create their groundbreaking product, these firms conduct extensive research and development activities and encounter cash flow gaps due to the upfront costs involved.


By utilizing refundable tax credit financing, they can access immediate funds based on their SR&ED tax credits. This injection of capital allowed them to hire additional developers, enhance their product, secure new contracts and grow sales revenues. The financing provided the necessary cash flow boost, positioning them for rapid growth and success.


Manufacturing companies that heavily invest in research and development will often have multiple ongoing projects requiring significant capital investments, they can turn to refundable tax credit financing.

By leveraging their SR&ED tax credits, they access funds that enabled them to expand their operations, acquire new equipment, and develop innovative products. The financing solution around nd the sr ed refund ensured a positive cash flow, empowering them to continue innovating and staying competitive in the market.


CONCLUSION - Scientific research and experimental development tax incentive program



SR&ED financing has the potential to revolutionize businesses seeking to strengthen their research and development endeavours, enhance their capacity for innovation, and gain a competitive advantage. As the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) streamlines the application process and expands its acceptance of diverse projects, the SR&ED program becomes a vital pathway for Canadian businesses aiming to elevate their innovation strategies. It is imperative for businesses to grasp the program's intricacies, recognize the potential benefits it offers, and make informed choices that propel their innovation aspirations forward.


Our final point on tax credits today for Canadian businesses? Simply that if you're not familiar with either the program itself or the financing of your claim, seek out and speak to 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in that beautiful marriage of cash flow and the govt refundable sr ed credit.





How does sr&ed refundable tax credit financing work?

Refundable tax credit financing is a relatively straightforward process that involves working with specialized financing companies. Here are the general steps:


  1. Eligibility assessment: Determine if your business qualifies for SR&ED tax credits by evaluating your research and development activities to conduct research and expenses against the government's eligibility criteria around scientific and technological uncertainty and furthered technical knowledge - i.e. Did the effort involve formulating  a result specifically aimed at reducing or eliminating  uncertainty

  2. Application and filing: File the necessary documentation, such as technical reports and financial statements, to apply for SR&ED tax credits. Ensure accuracy and completeness for maximizing potential credits

  3. SR&ED review and approval: Your application will be reviewed by the government to assess eligibility and determine the value of tax credits. Additional information or clarification may be requested based on the technical challenges involved. Once approved, you will receive a Notice of Assessment.

  4. Engaging with a financing company: Explore options for refundable tax credit financing with a reputable company specializing in SR&ED tax credits, considering their industry experience in the sr ed claim process. Accrued sr ed claims can also be financed prior to filing for more effective and immediate cash management

  5. Agreement and funding: Enter into an agreement with the financing company, specifying the funding amount of the eligible sr ed loan,  fees, interest rates, and repayment terms. Once signed, funds will be provided based on the value of your SR&ED tax credits

  6. Using the funds: Utilize the funds to support your business activities, such as research and development of continued sr ed expenditures, expanding operations, or improving cash flow. Have a clear plan in place to ensure effective use and contribute to business growth.


What are the eligibility criteria for SR&ED and refundable tax credits?


  • Scientific or technological advancement: Research and development activities should result in advancements beyond current knowledge or availability.

  • Systematic investigation or search: Activities must involve a systematic approach to advance scientific knowledge or create new technologies.

  • Experimental development: Projects should include experimental development to achieve technological advancement or create new products, processes, or materials.

  • Technical uncertainty: The projects must address technical uncertainties that require investigation and experimentation.

  • Documentation and record-keeping: Maintaining detailed documentation and records, such as technical reports, financial statements, and project descriptions, is essential to support SR&ED claims of these tax incentives


It's important to consult with tax professionals or specialized consultants to ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and maximize your chances of qualifying for SR&ED tax credits.


What is the role of a sr&ed consultant?


Working with specialized consultants or tax professionals who have expertise in SR&ED tax credits can significantly improve your chances of success. These professionals can help you navigate the complex eligibility criteria, ensure accurate filing, and maximize your refundable tax credit financing options.


What are  4 Common misconceptions about  sr&ed and refundable tax credit financing

Despite the many benefits of refundable tax credit financing, there are some common misconceptions that prevent businesses from taking full advantage of this financial tool. Let's address these misconceptions and provide clarity:


  1. Misconception: It's too complicated.

    • Clarification: Working with specialized consultants or financing companies simplifies the process and provides expert guidance.
  2. Misconception: It's only for large businesses.

    • Clarification: Refundable tax credit financing benefits businesses of all sizes, including startups and SMEs.
  3. Misconception: It's too expensive.

    • Clarification: While there are fees and interest rates, the immediate access to funds and increased cash flow offset the costs. Evaluate the long-term impact on business growth and profitability.
  4. Misconception: It's risky.

    • Clarification: By partnering with reputable financing companies and conducting due diligence, risks can be mitigated. Choose a financing partner such as 7 Park Avenue Financial with a proven track record and industry experience in Canadian business financing and investment tax credit financing and sr ed tax incentives


What are some Alternative financing options for businesses

While refundable tax credit financing is a powerful tool, it's essential to explore other financing options that align with your business's needs and objectives. Here are some alternative financing options to consider:


  1. Traditional bank loans:

    • Lower interest rates and longer repayment terms
    • May require collateral and have stringent eligibility criteria
  2. Grants:

    • Government funding for specific costs
    • Non-repayable funds
    • Specific eligibility criteria and detailed application process
  3. Venture capital:

    • Suitable for high-growth potential businesses
    • Equity investment in exchange for funds
    • Provides significant capital and industry expertise
    • Involves giving up partial ownership and control
  4. Government funding programs:

    • Beyond SR&ED, explore other government funding programs
    • Grants, loans, or subsidies available
    • Supports various purposes like export development, innovation, and job creation
    • Research and understand specific programs and eligibility criteria in your jurisdiction


What is The Economic Impact of SR&ED Financing on Canadian Innovation

  1. Encourages R&D investment by providing tax incentives and grants.
  2. Stimulates economic growth through increased innovation and technological advancements.
  3. Enhances productivity and competitiveness of Canadian businesses.
  4. Attracts foreign investment and skilled talent to the country.
  5. Strengthens collaboration between industry, academia, and research institutions.
  6. Diversifies the economy by promoting innovation in various sectors.

These factors collectively contribute to Canada's long-term competitiveness and prosperity by fostering a thriving innovation ecosystem.


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