Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Inventory Financing as a Working Capital Solution





Unlocking Capital Potential: Inventory Financing in Canada

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        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


Email - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss    your needs



Inventory Financing as a Working Capital Solution for Canadian Businesses 





If your Canadian firm relies heavily on inventory, embracing inventory financing should be a vital component of your comprehensive working capital loans/financing strategy to help cover business expenses and increase purchasing power.


Obtaining the necessary financing for inventory to sustain and enhance sales and profits has become increasingly challenging.


Working capital financing in areas such as inventory finance supports a business's daily operations, including expenses like inventory purchases. Unlike long-term loans that typically address overhead costs, working capital loans focus on meeting immediate and continuous needs.

Securing working capital financing can be pivotal in maintaining a sustainable business model.


Understanding Inventory Financing / The Essence of Inventory Financing


Inventory financing is the capacity of your firm to secure a short term loan advance or operating facility, depending on your inventory levels. Several key concepts must be understood for this process to be effective:


Banks might offer unsecured lines of credit, also referred to as a business line of credit. These unsecured lines are usually targeted toward small businesses.


Valuation of Inventory

The valuation of inventory requires an agreement between your business and the inventory financier regarding the worth placed on the stock.


The Challenge of Understanding Inventory

Understanding the real value of inventory, especially considering the diverse industries and business models in Canada, is complicated. This complexity lies in determining the true worth of a specific industry's inventory and how it could be remarketed if liquidated.


The Stance of Canadian Banks

Given these complexities, Canadian chartered banks often hesitate to advance significant financing against inventory based on their focus on risk mitigation. Any funding provided is usually formulaic, focusing on the overall operational, financial, and collateral situation and is often not a long term financing solution for the company.


Solutions for Canadian Business Owners


Canadian business owners need genuine inventory lenders who can determine the maximum funding against ongoing inventory, whether in raw materials, work in progress, or finished goods. Each of these categories requires specialized lender knowledge.


Specialized Inventory Financing Firms in Canada

Fortunately, there are firms in Canada specializing in inventory financing, including floor plan financing. However, the primary focus here is on pure inventory financing.


Benefits of Inventory Finance for Buyers:


  • Borrowing Against Inventory: This enables you to secure financing against inventory in transit, offering flexibility in funding.


  • Enhanced Working Capital Efficiency: Helps streamline operations by improving the efficiency of your working capital, allowing for better financial management.

  • Liquidity Boost: Provides an immediate increase in liquidity, aiding in financial stability and growth opportunities.


  • Supplier Relationship Strengthening: Ensures faster payment, fostering stronger supplier relationships and increasing trust.


  • Negotiation Leverage: Improves your ability to negotiate favourable pricing on large purchases, giving you a competitive edge in procurement.


  • Revenue based financing is utilized by some firms to fund inventory needs - It's a straightforward process based on companies that have good sales and profits and have cash needs versus the requirements around a traditional bank loan


  • Purchase Order Financing - purchase order financing emerges as a valuable solution. P O Financing can enable the business to acquire the essential materials and fulfill the order successfully This innovative approach empowers you to expand your business by successfully undertaking orders that might have otherwise seemed financially daunting.


Working with a Trusted Canadian Business Financing  Advisor


Work with a trustworthy, credible, and experienced advisor in inventory financing, one capable of delivering a solution that complements or even replaces your current financing with an asset-based credit line. This specialized approach should maximize the total value of your receivables and inventory to vastly improve cash flow.


Inventory as a Competitive Advantage

When inventory is a crucial part of your company’s working capital financing and sales process, your ability to continually generate cash flow and working capital against this asset can become a significant competitive advantage for continuous growth and profits.




Inventory financing can be vital for businesses, especially when aligned with certain operational characteristics and market conditions. Here are the detailed scenarios when inventory financing becomes an attractive option:

  1. High Inventory Turnover Ratio:

    • Definition: This refers to a high frequency of converting inventory into sales. A high inventory turnover ratio indicates that the business is efficiently selling its stock, thus lessening the time between buying the merchandise and receiving payment for sold goods.

    • Advantage for Financing: Lenders see a reduced risk with this ratio, as the inventory is quickly sold. This makes the business a favourable candidate for inventory financing, often leading to more favourable terms and rates.

  2. Seasonal Demand Fluctuations:

    • Businesses that experience significant seasonal sales may need extra inventory during peak times. Inventory financing allows for the flexibility to stock up without straining cash flow.

  3. Expansion Opportunities:

    • If a business wants to expand into new markets or launch new products, it may need to purchase significant inventory upfront. Inventory financing helps cover these costs, promoting growth without crippling the finances.

  4. Irregular Cash Flow Patterns:

    • Companies with irregular cash flow can use inventory financing to ensure they always have products on hand, even when cash might be tight.

  5. Leveraging Buying Power:

    • Inventory financing can empower businesses to make bulk purchases, qualify for volume discounts, and strengthen relationships with suppliers by ensuring prompt payment.

  6. Crisis Management:

    • In times of unexpected challenges, such as supply chain disruptions, inventory financing provides a safety net, ensuring business operations continue without hindrance.

  7. Startups and Small Businesses:

    • Smaller businesses, particularly those without a long credit history, may find traditional loans challenging to secure. Backed by tangible assets, inventory financing may offer a more accessible funding avenue.


Inventory financing makes sense not only when a business has a high inventory turnover ratio but also in various other scenarios concerning liquidity, growth, leveraging buying power, and crisis management. Understanding the specific needs and dynamics of the business is essential to determine when and how to utilize this form of financing best. By aligning inventory financing with business strategy, companies can enhance their financial agility and competitive edge. 


Inventory financing offers an optimal solution for working capital when understood and managed effectively. By seeking specialized guidance and tailored solutions, Canadian business owners can leverage inventory financing to fuel growth and prosperity in a demanding market.


Several financing methods necessitate a trade-off for the business owner, in some cases often involving a dilution in owner equity. For entrepreneurs who value retaining complete ownership of their business, short-term loans present a solution to financial difficulties. This allows them to address business financing challenges while still maintaining total control over their enterprise.


Call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible, experienced Canadian Business Financing advisor who can assist you with business funding needs.





 What is inventory financing, and how can it benefit my Canadian business?


 Inventory financing is when businesses secure short-term advances based on inventory levels. It offers an optimal solution for generating working capital and sustaining growth for Canadian companies.

    • Asset-backed financing using inventory as collateral-  businesses pay interest only on funds that are drawn down
    • Funds are usually 50%-90% of inventory value.
    • Terms depend on inventory volume, turnover ratio,  annual sales level, etc.
    • Repayment period: 2-36 months.
    • Interest rates vary based on personal credit score/business credit score, inventory value, unsold inventory levels, etc.
    • Additional charges may include appraisal fees, origination fees, and prepayment penalties.

Through inventory financing, small businesses can access funds that might have otherwise remained tied up in unsold inventory. This capital can be utilized to cover business expenses or to purchase more inventory. 

Companies want to ensure they have enough inventory on hand as well as the ability to acquire more inventory when needed as well as having the ability to reduce costs of goods sold with good cash flow practices.

Inventory financing can assist a company via the supply of liquidity needed to buy its inventory. This financing method also helps them prepare for fluctuations in cash flow that are associated with payment terms and delivery times.



How is the valuation of inventory determined?


Inventory valuation is an agreed-upon process between the business and the inventory financier. Understanding the worth of the inventory is crucial for determining the right working capital finance solution and the amount that can be financed by the lending institution. 



Why do Canadian banks shy away from inventory financing? 


Canadian banks often find it challenging to understand the value of diverse industry inventories, making them cautious in advancing significant financing against it.


Can I use inventory financing for raw materials and finished goods?


Inventory financing can be applied to raw materials, work in progress, or finished goods. Specialized knowledge from the lender is required for each category.


What type of specialized firms offer inventory financing in Canada? 


Various specialized firms in Canada focus on inventory financing, offering tailored solutions for different types of inventory for businesses focused on capital raising and wishing to take advantage of innovative financing solutions to increase sales via a financing option that makes sense for their firm.


How can I find a trusted advisor for inventory financing?


Seek a credible, experienced advisor specializing in inventory financing who understands the Canadian market and can deliver solutions tailored to your needs.


Is inventory financing a good option for small Canadian businesses? 


Inventory financing is a viable option for Canadian businesses of all sizes, as it allows them to leverage existing inventory for working capital.


How does inventory financing contribute to competitive advantage? 


Inventory financing via a working capital loan solution enables continuous cash flow and working capital, providing a competitive advantage for ongoing growth and profits.


What are the risks involved in inventory financing? 


Risks in inventory financing can include incorrect valuation, over-financing, and potential issues in liquidation. Working with a specialized firm or advisor can help mitigate these risks.


Can inventory financing replace my current financing structure?


Inventory financing can sometimes replace or complement your existing funding with a more focused, asset-based line of credit, maximizing the value of your inventory and receivables.


How can inventory be utilized to improve working capital management?


By minimizing unnecessary inventory and enhancing inventory turnover rates, well-orchestrated inventory management becomes vital for boosting working capital performance. A more favourable net working capital ratio can be realized by reducing stagnant inventory, escalating inventory turnover cycles, and preventing excessive stock accumulation.


What are some other uses of inventory financing?


Inventory financing is a  beneficial financial solution tailored for companies facing specific circumstances:

  1. Seasonal Operations: Businesses engaged in seasonal activities find inventory financing immensely advantageous. It aids them in effectively managing their production cycles, which often demand the immobilization of funds.

  2. Cash-Intensive Production Cycles: Enterprises with production cycles that necessitate substantial cash investments can also greatly benefit from inventory financing. Particularly, these businesses must strategically plan for significant stock quantities to capitalize on cost efficiencies. This demands a considerable amount of cash.

The absence of appropriate inventory financing exposes such companies to significant financial challenges that could impede sales and profit growth.

Moreover, inventory financing plays a pivotal role for brands that source their products from distant locales like Asia. Frequently, these brands encounter the need to front substantial expenses before their inventory can be put up for sale.



Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Saturday, August 19, 2023

How to Qualify for SR&ED Tax Credit Financing and Why SRED Loans Work!


 You’re looking for SRED Tax Credit Financing! 

Financing R&D in Canada: The Ultimate Guide to SR&ED Tax Credits

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

Or Email us with any questions on Canadian Business Financing

Email: sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com



Unlocking Financial Potential With SR&ED Financing with Canada's SR&ED Tax Credit Program 


Introduction: Get with the Program! Understanding SR&ED Tax Credit Financing


"Get with the Program!" is a familiar phrase in business. It rings particularly true when discussing the SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) tax credit financing in Canada. This program grants immediate access to vital cash flow, enabling Canadian companies to stay ahead of the competition.



The SR&ED Program: An Overview for Canadian Business Owners - The Mystery Behind Underutilization! 


Despite being an essential resource, the SR&ED program remains underutilized by many Canadian business owners and financial managers. Those who ignore the program and the potential for financing their tax credits miss opportunities that their competitors might seize. It's a competitive edge that can support immediate cash flow and working capital needs.



Financing Claims: Step-by-Step Guide 


Financing a claim begins with eligibility. The SR&ED program, widely regarded as one of Canada's best government grant initiatives, offers non-repayable funding for research and development activities within the country.


With almost 20,000 firms benefiting annually, a gap exists where many eligible firms miss out on free financing and vital help with cash management without taking on unnecessary new debt or not having to dilute further owner equity.




Qualifying Expenses: More than Just Research 


Qualifying expenses for the SR&ED program encompass equipment, training, overhead portions, eligible salaries, and the core research of the sr ed project involved in creating innovative products and services.


To qualify for Canada's SR&ED program, a project must meet three criteria: Technological Advancement, Technological Uncertainty, and Technical Content.


These aspects ensure that the project has contributed to technical knowledge, faced challenges or uncertainties, and followed an iterative process to overcome those obstacles.

The spirit of the SR&ED program is to foster innovation, but it does not require the project to be world-changing or financially successful.


The Canada Revenue Agency determines eligibility through five questions that evaluate whether the project tackled a novel scientific or technological problem, formulated and tested specific hypotheses, followed a scientific approach, and resulted in technological advancement.


Notably, advancements must be scientific or technological, not merely business-related, and unsuccessful attempts at innovation may still qualify if they align with the program's criteria and contribute to the company's knowledge base.


SR&ED Program Cash Flow: How It Works Eligibility and Financing Your Claim


Once you've determined eligibility and interest in preparing and financing your claim, it's time to act. SR&ED program cash flow comes from the claim filed. In Canada, up to 75% of your total claim can be financed, translating to a bridge loan of 70 dollars for every 100-dollar claim filed. These funds are versatile and can be used for working capital, payable reductions, equipment purchases, and further R&D.



Expertise Matters: Choose the Right SRED Consultants To Write Your Claim 


Successful SRED claims require qualified consultants who understand your industry versus an in house team which might not have the expertise. They enhance your claim and lend credibility to ensure full approval. Even if the claims face adjustments later, filing a claim still makes sense.


Submitting a claim for the SR&ED program requires completing the T661 Technical Narrative. This essential document details the project's initiation, challenges, and solutions. Crafting the narrative is a delicate balance of art and science; specific frameworks are available to help create a coherent and convincing account.


Conclusion: SR&ED Tax Credit Financing: An Opportunity Worth Exploring


SR&ED tax credit financing is about Canadian businesses monetizing a receivable, the SR&ED claim itself, and enjoying non-repayable cash now rather than later.


A  Sr ed loan is another opportunity to bolster your financial cash flow position and gain a competitive edge via the tax incentive based on your eligible expenditures.


For a deeper understanding of how cash flow for SR&ED claims can benefit your business, call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a credible,  knowledgeable, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor. Explore the potential and let your business thrive with SR&ED tax credit financing.


By embracing this government-backed program, Canadian business owners can leverage innovation, foster growth, and stand firm in a competitive marketplace. The SR&ED tax credit financing program isn't just a financial tool; it's a strategic business asset.




What is the SR&ED tax credit program in Canada?


It's a government grant program providing non-repayable funding for research and development activities within Canada, helping businesses access immediate cash flow.


The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program offers tax incentives to promote research and development (R&D) within Canadian companies across all sectors and sizes. The incentives include an income tax deduction, an investment tax credit (ITC), and sometimes a tax refund. Managed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the SR&ED Program provides over $3 billion in tax benefits annually to more than 20,000 claimants, marking it as Canada's most substantial federal support for business R&D. 


How can my business qualify for the SR&ED program?


Your business may qualify by engaging in eligible research and development activities in Canada, including equipment, training, overhead, salaries, and research expenses.


Can I finance my SR&ED claim?


Yes, you can finance up to 75% of your total claim, allowing immediate access to funds for various corporate purposes.


Why should I consider SR&ED financing?


SR&ED financing offers immediate cash flow and working capital, allowing you to invest in further growth, such as equipment acquisition, research, and development.


How do I file an SR&ED claim? 


A qualified SR&ED consultant with knowledge of your industry can assist in preparing and maximizing your claim.


What can I do with the funds from SR&ED financing?


The funds can be used for working capital, payable reductions, equipment purchases, and further research and development.


How does A  SR&ED Loan program financing for cash flow work?


It arises from the claim you file, allowing a bridge loan of up to 75% of your claim, translating into immediate access to funds for basic research qualifying under the program. No payments are made for the duration of the bridge loan, and the loan is collapsed and paid out when the government approves and funds the claim.


Are there any risks in SR&ED tax credit financing under the SR ED Tax Incentive Program?


Even if the claims are adjusted later, filing a claim makes sense, and choosing an experienced consultant can minimize risks while funding your refundable tax credit for applied research.

Businesses can earn the SR&ED investment tax credit (ITC) to reduce income tax payable. Companies must ensure their r&d is focused on scientific or technological uncertainty to help ensure a sr ed refund.


How do I find the right Canadian business financing advisor for SR&ED?


Look for a trustworthy, knowledgeable, and experienced advisor, such as 7 Park Avenue Financial, who understands the SR&ED program and your industry's needs and can offer the best and competitive rates for SR ED loans in Canada.


Why is the SR&ED program underutilized?

Lack of awareness or interest in free funding, and a misunderstanding of the program's benefits, often lead to underutilization among eligible firms.


Is SR&ED a tax credit?


The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit functions as a collaborative initiative led by both federal and provincial governments in Canada to assist Canadian controlled private corporations investing in r&d.


Its purpose is to incentivize and assist businesses in engaging in research and development (R&D) efforts, especially those they might hesitate to undertake due to various constraints.



Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Friday, August 18, 2023

Working Capital Sources In Canada : Tracking Different Business Credit & Finance Solutions To Grow Your Business



Customized Financing Solutions: A Guide for Canadian Entrepreneurs

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


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  EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


sources of working capital finance for business credit from 7 Park Avenue Financial


Introduction: 'Made to Measure Approach to Canadian Business Finance


Working capital finance options can provide customized solutions for most Canadian businesses for a company's short term operational needs.


Despite misconceptions that they lack real choice in business credit solutions, business owners and financial managers have the means to find the perfect cash flow solution - whether that is permanent working capital from commercial banks or cash-flowing business assets such as receivables and inventories.


Here's how to navigate to the ideal financial structure.


Identifying Working Capital Needs and Challenges


Understanding the business credit needs requires firsthand experience in handling working capital difficulties. Most businesses will face this challenge at some point, as it's a day-to-day reality for many around the challenge to raise funds.


Working Capital Explained: Investments, Assets, and Goals


Working capital, essentially your operational capital, involves your company's investments in receivables and inventory. It's all about managing these current assets effectively, aiming for the optimal monetization of receivables and inventories.


The Importance of Assets, Profit, Liquidity, and Turnover


The complexity of working capital often arises from understanding the nuances of assets, profit, liquidity, turnover and the relation between internal and external sources of financing.

Grasping these concepts will lead to a clearer understanding of working capital solutions.


The four main components of working capital are accounts payable, accounts receivable via trade credit extended, inventories, and cash & cash equivalent.


 Strategies for Managing Working Capital


Working capital management focuses on short-term assets like A/R and inventory. Realizing that liabilities, like payables, can be an asset in net working capital management is essential for progress.

Measuring Working Capital: The Cash Conversion Cycle


A perfect way to gauge your working capital needs is by checking the 'cash conversion cycle.' This method measures the time a dollar takes to flow through your company, providing valuable insights into gross working capital and business performance.


Advantages of Working Capital


  • Solvency of Business: More working capital than current liabilities ensures a company's solvency, allowing for flexibility in various purposes.


  • A good working capital position will help secure financing from a lending institution or commercial finance company -  Having cash on hand makes it easier to secure loans, even if the company's credit rating is poor. This is vital for small and medium-sized businesses.


  • Regular Supply of Raw Materials: Adequate working capital ensures a steady supply of raw materials, potentially reducing production costs.


  • The exploitation of Favorable Market Conditions: Positive working capital allows a company to take advantage of favourable market conditions, boosting profitability.


  • Ability to Face a Crisis: Good working capital provides the financial cushion to navigate crises and implement necessary changes in the business. Many companies face seasonal variable working capital in their business.


Enhancing Working Capital through Different Financing Sources


Increasing turnover can be accomplished by accelerating cash flow through borrowing against receivables or utilizing a factoring process to solidify working capital.


Some key working capital finance sources include:


  • Asset-based non-bank credit line  -  a revolving credit facility - borrowers only pay interest on funds drawn down on the facility - allowing the business to access funds for operating expenses. An asset-based credit line, also known as an asset-based loan or asset-based line of credit, is a type of financing secured by a company's assets. These assets could include inventory, accounts receivable, machinery, or other tangible assets. The credit line is typically set up as a revolving line of credit, meaning the borrower can draw funds up to a predetermined limit and pay them back on a continuous basis.


  • Sale-leaseback strategies - A sale leaseback strategy is a financial transaction where a company sells an asset it owns (such as real estate, machinery, or equipment) to another party and then immediately leases it back.


  • A/R factoring/Confidential Receivable Finance -  Accounts Receivable (A/R) Financing, also known as factoring, is a financial transaction where a company sells its outstanding invoices (accounts receivable) to a third party, called a factor, at a discount. This allows the company to receive immediate cash rather than waiting for the customers to pay their invoices, thereby improving liquidity and cash flow. A/R Financing can be an attractive option for companies that need to manage working capital more efficiently.


  • Working capital term loans


  • SR&ED Tax Credit Financing - SR&ED tax credit financing is a financing solution around  the process of obtaining a  bridge loan or advance based on the anticipated value of an SR&ED claim


  • Merchant Advance/ Short Term working capital loan - the business owner's credit score is essential to the business lender. -

    A Merchant Cash Advance aka " (MCA) " is a form of financing that provides a lump sum of capital to a business in exchange for a percentage of future sales, plus a fee. It's a popular financing option for businesses, especially in the small business area for firms not qualifying for traditional bank loans.


  • Vendor and trade sources -
  • Extended Payment Terms: By negotiating longer payment terms with vendors, a business can delay cash outflows. This delay allows the company more time to generate revenue from sales before paying its suppliers, providing more flexibility in managing cash resources.

  • Aligning Receivables and Payables: Vendor trade credit can help a business align its payables with its receivables. If a business has payment terms from customers that match or are shorter than the terms with its vendors, it can use the revenue from customer payments to cover the vendor payments, smoothing out cash flow.

  • Reducing Need for Short-Term Financing: By effectively utilizing trade credit, a business might reduce its need for short-term borrowing or lines of credit. This can save on interest and fees, allowing funds to be used elsewhere in the business.

  • Leveraging Vendor Financing for Growth: Vendor trade credit can act as an interest-free short-term loan, providing a business with the ability to invest in additional inventory or other growth opportunities without the need for external financing.

  • Enhancing Supplier Relationships: By consistently meeting payment terms, a business can build trust with its vendors. This relationship may lead to more favorable trade credit terms in the future, such as longer payment periods or even discounts for early payments.


Long-Term Solutions: Asset-Based Lines of Credit and More


Working capital solutions in Canada are focused and practical. These solutions may include working capital term loans or asset-based lines of credit.


Understanding and Choosing the Best Working Capital Solutions

Working capital management is about comprehending its core principles and assessing your firm's performance in key areas like turnover. It involves selecting the solution that fits your firm's long-term or short-term needs.


Key Takeaways:


Definition: Working capital is the amount of liquid assets a company has, minus any liabilities.

  • Primary Purpose: Working capital loans and asset monetization strategies allow companies to finance and grow their businesses without relying on more expensive external funding.


  • Use in Operations: Utilized to fund ongoing operations, such as bringing new products to market and paying for design, development, and distribution.


  • Importance in Larger Companies: Emphasized in large companies that need to finance numerous staff and supplies and are thus more affected by changes in working capital.


  • Relevance to Small Businesses: Small businesses require some working capital for smooth operations.


  • Indicator of Financial Position: A company with high working capital is viewed as having a better financial position than one with insufficient working capital.




Call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted and experienced working capital business financing advisor. These professionals can help you determine the best financial choice for your Canadian firm, ensuring you stay on the right financial path.





What is working capital financing, and why is it important for Canadian businesses?

Working capital financing refers to various financial strategies that help Canadian businesses manage their short-term financial needs and liquidity. It includes managing assets like receivables and inventory to ensure smooth daily operations and growth.

How can working capital financing benefit my business?

Working capital financing and affordable working capital loans enable your business to maintain a healthy cash flow, invest in growth opportunities, and handle unexpected financial challenges. It helps efficiently manage inventory, receivables, and payables, contributing to overall business stability and a healthy temporary working capital position.

What are some common sources of working capital financing for small business / SMEs in Canada?

Common sources of funding for short term financial health include alternative sources of financing such as asset-based non-bank lines of credit, inventory finance,  A/R factoring,  purchase order financing working capital term loans, sale-leaseback strategies, and SR&ED Tax Credit Financing, among others.


These tools offer flexibility to tailor solutions to your business's unique needs. Companies seeking traditional financing via financial institutions who qualify via traditional lenders such as banks or credit unions will typically achieve the lowest borrowing interest rates.

How can I measure and manage my working capital needs effectively?

You can utilize tools like the 'cash conversion cycle,' which measures how long it takes for a dollar to flow through your company. Properly managing your A/R, inventory, and payables versus taking on long term loans, and seeking professional financial advice can also enhance your working capital management.

Should I consult a professional working capital business financing advisor?

Yes, a trusted and experienced working capital business financing advisor can guide you in determining the best financial options for your firm in generating and raising short term capital. Their expertise in the Canadian economic landscape can provide customized solutions that align with your business goals.

What is reserve margin working capital?


Reserve margin working capital might imply a business maintaining an additional buffer of working capital beyond what is required for day-to-day operations. This could be a risk management strategy to ensure that the company has enough liquidity to meet unexpected expenses or opportunities.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Factoring In Canada – Invoice to Cash Conversion – Benefit of Alternative Financing



Instant Cash Flow Solutions: Understanding Factoring Financing in Canada

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com



Receivable Financing in Canada: The Ultimate Strategy for Business Growth 


Introduction -  Understanding Factoring Financing for Accounts Receivable in Canada


In today's economic climate, Canadian business owners and financial managers are constantly exploring alternative financing options.


Factoring in Canada, known as receivable financing or discounting, stands out as an increasingly popular strategy. This guide will help you understand how it works and its many benefits tailored to the Canadian market.


The Emergence of Factoring in Canada


Factoring/invoice financing may seem like a recent trend, but it's a method that's been around for a century in Canada.


With the constant need for innovative cash flow and working capital solutions, businesses of all sizes have started to embrace this form of financing to cash flow unpaid invoices for a ' factoring fee', versus unsecured bank financing. Banks do not offer factoring services - as they finance receivables under bank business lines of credit.


Debunking Myths and Understanding the Process


At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we feel the mysterious aura around factoring needs to be dispelled. It's time to focus on the actual merits of this strategy for business owners, especially in the context of an immediate working capital solution and cash flow financing.



 Traditional Financing Options 


Canadian businesses can choose from various asset financing solutions, such as working capital term loans. However, these often can lead to increased debt levels and can negatively affect the balance sheet and overall leverage.



Equity Financing: A Double-Edged Sword


Another alternative is injecting additional equity into the company, which may dilute ownership. This option is usually less attractive to many Canadian business owners.




 Factoring as a Win-Win Solution  


Factoring is a unique solution that doesn't increase debt or dilute ownership. Financing current assets like receivables allows you to maintain control over your business while enhancing cash flow.


 Factoring as an Alternative Financing Mechanism


Factoring is the immediate sale of accounts receivable invoices, offering a flexible and customized approach. Business owners can factor in one,  several invoices or all, retaining complete control over their operations.



Benefits of Factoring 


This method provides immediate cash flow, enabling businesses to pay suppliers, buy more inventory, and generate sales and profits without additional debt.


 Determining if factoring financing is right for your business depends on your specific needs and financial situation. Factoring may be an excellent solution if you have outstanding accounts receivable and need immediate cash flow.


Consider factors like your cash flow needs, your industry, and the terms you usually have with clients. Consultation with a financial advisor or a factoring specialist in Canada can provide tailored insights based on your unique situation around different factoring companies and their financing solutions.


  • Debt-Free Funding: Since invoice factoring is not a loan, it provides funding without adding debt.
  • Non-Dilutive Capital: It doesn't dilute ownership or control over the business.
  • Unlimited Access to Capital: There's no ceiling on the amount that can be obtained through factoring.
  • Faster Turnaround Time: Compared to bank financing, factoring offers quicker access to funds.
  • Saves Time on Accounts Receivable: Factoring helps manage accounts receivable, saving time that might be spent chasing unpaid invoices.



 Choosing the Right Factoring Partner in Canada 


The challenge is not factoring itself but selecting a trustworthy and experienced partner. Competitive rates, control over the process, and maintaining customer relationships are essential. Missteps in these areas could lead to undesirable consequences. Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team!


 Pricing and Expert Guidance


Pricing is a critical aspect in Canada. Without guidance from a credible business financing advisor, setting up a non-optimal facility at a non-competitive price is risky.


 Conclusion:  Factoring in the Canadian Business Landscape


For owners and financial managers of small and medium sized companies  Canadian business borrowers seeking to thrive in a competitive market, factoring could be the key to unlocking untapped potential.


Factoring allows businesses to fill cash flow gaps without committing to a long-term loan, enabling them to cover recurring expenses like payroll, rent, and utilities while waiting for clients to pay their invoices.


Additionally, it offers the financial flexibility to fund growth strategies, invest in new equipment, and make other significant purchases that promise strong returns on investment. It also provides an opportunity to capitalize on seasonal business trends, such as buying inventory in bulk, thus leveraging timely market opportunities.


In conclusion, factoring remains a vital and popular financing strategy in Canada. It is a flexible solution that allows business owners to liquidate accounts receivables within the balance sheet's current assets as needed. Funds are available instantly, enhancing the potential for growth in sales and profits.


Call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can provide you with all your business financing needs.






 What Is Factoring Financing, and How Does It Work in Canada?

Factoring financing is selling accounts receivable invoices to a third party, called a factor. It provides immediate cash flow to Canadian businesses, enabling them to pay suppliers and invest in growth without additional debt.


How Can Factoring Help My Canadian Business Grow?

Factoring services allow your company to convert unpaid invoices/receivables into instant cash, providing liquidity that can be invested back into the business. This enables Canadian companies to buy inventory, pay suppliers promptly, and take advantage of growth opportunities without waiting for clients to pay invoices.


Are There Risks Associated with Factoring Financing in Canada?


 Like all financing options, non-bank accounts receivable financing has its risks, such as selecting the wrong factoring partner. Working with a reputable and experienced partner such as 7 Park Avenue Financial, a leading finance company,  can mitigate these risks and ensure that you secure a competitive rate without damaging customer relationships.


The business owner/ and financial manager should also clearly understand factoring fees, as the lender price is a fee, not an interest rate per se.


If an invoice remains unpaid, the company is still responsible for the invoice if they have not chosen a non-recourse factoring solution.


  • Customer Contact Required: Invoices must be verified, which may require contacting customers. This could potentially affect relationships with customers. At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we recommend Confidential Receivable Financing as the optimal solution - allowing clients to bill and collect their own invoices while retaining all the benefits of receivable finance.
  • Complicated Bookkeeping: Factoring can be complex to record in accounting, adding a layer to financial management.
  • Potential Hidden Fees: Some factoring companies may charge hidden fees like service fees or minimum volume fees, though it's noted that not all companies, such as FundThrough, have these fees.


If an invoice remains unpaid the company is still responsible for the invoice if they have not chosen a non-recourse factoring solution.


Does Factoring Financing Bring Debt to My Business?

No, receivable factoring financing is not considered debt. Instead, you are selling your receivables at a discount to a factoring company, converting assets into liquid cash without adding liabilities to your balance sheet.


How Can I Find the Right Factoring Partner in Canada?


 Finding the right invoice factoring companies for your business requires due diligence. Look for a reputable firm with a business financing reputation. and experience in your industry, competitive rates, and transparency in their process.

Seeking guidance from a credible business financing advisor in Canada can also help you identify the best fit for your needs regarding factoring companies in Canada.


 What Types of Businesses Can Benefit from Factoring Financing in Canada?

Factoring financing can benefit various businesses in Canada, from start-ups to established enterprises. Industries that deal with extended payment terms or seasonal fluctuations in cash flow often find factoring companies particularly helpful. It's a versatile financing option tailored to suit different business needs and sectors under a factoring contract / factoring agreement.


Are There Any Specific Legal Regulations for Factoring in Canada?


Yes, invoice factoring is subject to various legal regulations in Canada, and it's essential to comply with these laws. Engaging with a factoring partner who understands the legal landscape, such as licensing, consumer protection, and privacy laws, ensures a smooth and lawful process. It's advisable to consult with a legal or financial professional familiar with Canadian regulations to navigate the complexities.


How does factoring Work?


  1. Selection of a Factor: Many independent and bank-affiliated factoring companies specialize in different business sizes, volumes, or industries (e.g., textiles).
  2. Review Process: The chosen factor will assess the client's creditworthiness and your past success with invoice collection.
  3. Negotiation: If approved, you will negotiate with the factor to sell your invoices. Typical arrangements might include paying 85% to 90% of the invoice's face amount and advancing a percentage based on factors such as client creditworthiness.
  4. Fees and Charges: Expect to pay fees ranging from .8% to 1.5% of the total invoice amount for every 30-day unpaid period after factoring. These fees might be negotiable and can vary between factors.
  5. Payment Process: Payments are usually advanced within one to three days. The factor then collects the total invoice value from your client, and once paid, they will pay the remaining balance to you, minus any fees.


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Wednesday, August 16, 2023

From Startups to Corporates: A Canadian Guide to Equipment & Technology Financing



Navigating Equipment Financing: What Every Canadian Entrepreneur Needs to Know

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Finding the Right Lease: Equipment Financing Strategies for Canadian Firms 


Introduction: Understanding Equipment Financing in Canada


Canadian entrepreneurs and financial managers should be well-informed about essential factors when considering an equipment financing and leasing transaction for an equipment purchase within the Canadian marketplace.


Without adequate knowledge and insights into these crucial aspects, one might be unprepared for a leasing strategy. In this guide, we will explore the types of leases available in Canada, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to make an informed decision tailored to your needs at the most competitive interest rates.



Types of Equipment Leases in Canada / Capital Leases vs. Operating Leases: What’s the Difference? 


The Canadian market has two primary lease categories for funding equipment purchases: capital leases and operating leases.


Your choice between them depends on whether you aim to own the equipment eventually or merely utilize it. The choice significantly influences the pricing and financial structure of the transaction.


  • Capital Lease: This option allows you to make fixed payments over time, ultimately resulting in equipment ownership. The payments cover the equipment's cost and financing charges, allowing you to retain ownership at the end of the lease.

  • Operating Lease: Typically lasting around three years, an operating lease enables you to pay for equipment used over a specified term. It’s especially suitable for technology equipment like computers and offers significant cash flow and balance sheet benefits.



Advantages of Equipment Leasing for Canadian Businesses 

Key Benefits and Considerations


Leasing equipment offers various obvious advantages to Canadian businesses, which include:


  • Cash Flow and Working Capital Preservation: Helps maintain liquidity.


  • Higher Loan-to-Value Financing: Usually requires only a nominal down payment. 100% financing is often available


  • Credit Facility Preservation: Long-term asset acquisition is matched with a long-term lease, preserving other credit facilities.


  • Collateral Considerations: In most cases, the financed asset is the only collateral needed.


  • Tax and Write-off Benefits: Consult your accountant to maximize your transaction using tax incentives and investment credits.


Potential Disadvantages and Risks of Equipment Financing


No single financing strategy fits all firms.


Leasing might have perceived or real higher costs. If undertaking a  sale-leaseback financing and the asset's value is below the sale price, you might face a capital gain tax. Understanding insurance, installation, purchase options, and potential restrictive covenants is essential.


Key Takeaways :


  1. What is equipment financing?

    • A flexible business loan or lease to acquire equipment.
    • Payments made over time  to match the term of the lease with asset useful life
    • Avoids the need for hefty upfront costs and a down payment
  2. What types of equipment can be financed?

    • Technology, machinery, vehicles, and more.
    • Includes office technology, medical equipment, and heavy construction machinery.
  3. How does the equipment financing process work?

    • Efficient approval processes
    • The simple application process, prompt evaluation.
    • Funding is often disbursed within a day.
  4. What credit score do I need to qualify for equipment financing?

    • Determined by multiple factors, not just credit score. The focus is on the asset
  5. Can any industry get equipment financing?

    • Suitable for most industries, including healthcare, heavy equipment financing construction, IT, etc.
    • Tailored solutions are available for lease and loan repayment terms
  6. What are the benefits of equipment financing for new or used equipment?

    • Preserves capital, increases cash flow, offers fixed low rates and flexible terms.
    • Potential tax deductions, no large down payments needed - allowing preservation of existing credit facilities
  7. What is the difference between equipment leasing and equipment financing?

    • Leasing: pay to use without ownership.
    • Financing: purchase and own while repaying over time.
  8. Can used equipment be financed?

    • Financing options for new and pre-owned equipment. Used assets must be commercial transactions at arm's length
  9. What are the tax benefits of equipment financing?

    • May provide tax benefits under CICA accounting rules
    • Deductions for the full purchase price of qualifying equipment.
  10. Can I pay off my equipment financing loan early?

  • Early payoff allowed; specifics depend on the agreement terms of each lease
  1. What types of payment plans are available for equipment financing?
  • Tailored to business needs, including monthly, quarterly, and seasonal payments.
  1. Why should I choose 7 Park Avenue Financial for equipment financing?
  • Decades of experience, and quick approvals.
  1. What happens at the end of an equipment financing term?
  • Typically, ownership of the equipment and specifics varies by agreement.




Leasing remains a vital source of long-term working capital for Canadian businesses.


A careful understanding of the types, benefits, and potential downsides can guide you in making an informed equipment financing decision. Don’t overlook this significant option, but use the insights provided to tailor a lease financing strategy that aligns with your firm’s unique requirements.


At 7 Park Avenue Financial, our core competency lies in financing solutions for business equipment and technology, furnishing small and medium-sized businesses with the equipment, vehicle, and software financing they require at competitive rates, all while cutting out the frustrations typically associated with traditional bank loans or another conventional financial institution.


Our clients enjoy the simplicity of filling out a straightforward application without requiring tax returns and financial statements to finance equipment when not necessary-  receiving a decision promptly.


7 Park Avenue Financial provides customized solutions and extensive equipment finance solutions for rolling stock, furniture, and software lease and loan agreements at competitive interest rates ( fixed or variable ) unaffected by inflation. We make the process of getting started as uncomplicated as possible - whether its traditional financing or non-bank finance alternatives.


7 Park Avenue Financial has provided financing solutions for Canadian businesses for over 17 years by consistently delivering business financing solutions in areas such as business equipment financing and leasing solutions and cash flow financing funding that businesses like yours demand.





What is equipment financing, and why is it important? 


Equipment financing for business funding of assets allows businesses to lease or purchase equipment without paying the full cost upfront. It helps conserve cash flow via structured monthly payments to match payments to cash flow, maintain credit lines, and enable growth. Often miscellaneous soft costs can also be bundled into the transaction.


What's the difference between a capital lease and an operating lease? 


A capital lease leads to equipment ownership around equipment needs , while an operating lease/ fair market value lease is more like renting, allowing use without ownership. Both have different financial implications. 

Are there any tax benefits to leasing equipment in Canada?


Yes, leasing equipment can provide tax write-offs and investment credits, maximizing the financial benefits of your transaction.


What are the potential drawbacks of equipment leasing?



Drawbacks might include perceived higher costs or potential capital gain taxes in some sale-leaseback scenarios. It's essential to understand the specific terms and covenants. 


How does equipment financing affect my cash flow? 

Equipment financing lenders allow the company to conserve cash flow by spreading payments over time, which can be crucial for liquidity and financial stability.



Is equipment financing suitable for small businesses or startups?


 Equipment loans and leases can be tailored to suit businesses of all sizes, including small businesses and startups, providing flexibility in growth and operations. For small ticket transactions often only a one page credit application is required - Credit scores of owners do not significantly impact approvals in this method of asset financing and there is no minimum annual revenue requirement.



How can I determine the right lease type for my business?


 Evaluate your long-term goals, such as whether you want to own or use the equipment. Consulting with a financial expert such as 7 Park Avenue Financial for equipment financing needs can help tailor a strategy to your needs. Small transactions can often be approved same day or in just a few hours.


What kind of equipment can I finance?


From technology like computers to heavy machinery/ construction equipment, a  wide range of equipment or technology for any business use can be financed through capital or operating leases.



How can I ensure I get the best equipment financing deal? 


Thoroughly understanding the types of leases, benefits, and potential downsides and consulting with a financial advisor can ensure that you choose the best financing strategy for your business.


Is equipment the only collateral required in leasing deals?


In most cases, yes. The  financed asset in the lease/loan agreement via equipment financing companies in Canada is typically the only collateral needed, making it a less risky option for many businesses.



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