Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Showing posts with label business loan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business loan. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Receivables Funding In Canada . The Good , The Bad And The Ugly ! Sales Of Receivables Factoring Works If …..

Information on Receivable Financing in Canada

It's probably just us, but when it comes to business financing in Canada no other method of financing your business is as controversial or misunderstood as sales of receivables financing, aka factoring funding.

Let's examine some key points that will clarify the ' Good, Bad and Ugly ' of receivable financing in Canada.

Let's start off with the ' good ' as we think you will soon might find that the ' bad' and the ' ugly ' are simply misunderstandings , but we'll let you decide.

So whey do Canadian business owners and financial managers embrace this newer form of financing in Canada. Simply because it supercharges your cash flow - by selling your A/R you in effect maintain cash flow for operations, and eliminate the need for additional debt or taking on or putting in new equity. We constantly remind clients that the dilution of your equity is in fact the costliest method of financing, everyone pretty well agrees on that.

Another point in our ' Good ' column is that if structured properly your sale of receivables financing sets you up for unlimited capital and cash flow - simply speaking your working capital grows lock step with your sales. Not too many other methods of business financing can make that statement.

The Ugly. The following point is simply the most recognized complaint when we talk to clients. It involves the mechanisms under which A/R financing works. 99% of the structures used by factor companies involve the factor firm validating the credit worthiness of your clients, and getting involved in the billing and collecting of your receivables. Why. Their answer would be that you have sold them the receivable and it’s theirs to collect.

So that’s bad, right? Most Canadian business owners and financial managers that we speak to would say they would prefer to bill and collect their own receivables, and maintain those client relationships that are so important. Enter ' the good '! Here's the good news, most Canadian businesses contemplating sale of receivables funding / factoring are eligible for what we term ' Confidential receivables financing ‘. Utilizing that mechanism your firm bills and collects its own receivables, maintaining total control on the billing and collection function. You in term remit those funds to your finance firm, simply because you have been advanced those funds already.

The Bad. Here is where misunderstanding reigns supreme in A/R financing. It's the ' price ' or ' cost ' of this method of business financing. When you finance a receivables portfolio a factor firm buys your A/R at an ongoing discounted price. That price, on balance, in Canada is 2-3%. Business owners in Canada confuse that purchase discount fee as an interest rate, and that’s a large part of the problem. In reality its how you manage that 1.5-2 % that ultimately reflects your total cost of financing. You can manage that cost by adjusting part of the cost into your cost of sales - we remind you that you’re already absorbing a large cost by carrying receivables and inventory already.

And by the way, with that new found sale of receivables funding cash flow you can now take supplier discounts if they are offered, which by the way, are generally in the 2% range. Want more good, rather than bad or ugly?! You can now enhance your purchasing power with suppliers, and if you choose (not always recommended by us) you can offer extended terms to your clients that your competitors might not be able to.

The bottom line today. Thousands of Canadian businesses embrace sale of receivables funding / factoring everyday.

Consider speaking to a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor to wade through the good of this method of business finance, and you might just find that bad and ugly are either misunderstood or don't exist . That’s a working capital solution!

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Dear Abby : What Do I Need To Know About An Asset Based Revolving Credit Facility And ABL Loan? Signed: Anxious

Information on asset based financing in Canada

Dear Anxious - A great question and now for some hopefully great answers on the subject of an asset based revolving credit facility for your company.

No doubt you have heard about the relatively newest form of business financing in Canada .What you may not understand is simply how an ' ABL ' loan is different from comparative offerings, such as the traditional chartered bank line of credit.

While is has many similarities to its competitors in daily utilization, the benefit of the facility tend to be significantly more enhanced for firms such as yours.

Typical borrowing facilities of this type are secured by two key assets, your receivables and inventory. Your goal when you enter into such a facility is clearly to optimize working capital around whats available today, and what you might need in the future. That’s where an ABL loan comes in. By giving your asset based lender the security around those two assets you create a borrowing margin immediately available to yourself.

We know you're asking yourself ' so whats so different about that ‘... ‘Haven’t you just described what a
bank line of credit facility is?’? The true merit of the asset based revolving credit facility is twofold, if we're going to keep things simple.

First of all the advance rates or the amounts you borrow can be significantly more than in other more conservative facilities. It is certainly no unusual to achieve an 85-90% advance rate on your eligible receivable, those under 90 days. And when it comes to inventory, don’t get us started ; because once its clearly understood what type of inventory you carry, what the general turnover is, and how you capture and track this asset you can usually borrow anywhere from 30- 70% against your inventory line .

The other key benefit is the absence of a lot of those ratio and covenant restrictions imposed by traditional financing, including the de-focus on areas such as your personal guarantees.

Let’s keep things simple. If you weren’t getting any significant inventory margining before, and were getting standard 75% a/r advance we can safely say that many companies can increase their borrowing capacity by anywhere from 50-100% on day one .. Via their ABL loan facility.

We keep using the term ' ABL LOAN ‘, but the reality is that your company is taking on zero additional debt in a true asset based line of credit scenario . You are simply ' monetizing ' assets for liquidity. Your facility goes up and down everyday, in the true business cycle as you buy inventory, reduce payables, generate sales, and of course collect them. It’s as simple as that.

So, who is eligible for this type of business borrowing? As we said, we like to keep it simple, so the reality is that any business requiring a working capital line of credit in excess of 250k is in fact eligible. And, get this, you can be public, private, doing well, financially challenged, or even in bankruptcy proceedings. We think we can safely say that ABL financing doesn’t discriminate - if you have assets your eligible in some form for this great new trend in Canadian
business financing!

Well that’s it ‘Anxious’. Want more info? Consider speaking to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on the merits and differences in asset based revolving credit facilities in Canada.

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Take Charge Of Your Business Asset Finance Today Via A Revolving ABL Credit Facility

Information About Asset Based Lending In Canada

We meet a lot of business owners that say they don't necessarily feel ' in charge ' when it comes to business asset finance and their ability to secure a proper revolving line of credit.

ABL credit, i.e. the asset based line of credit via a non bank facility is one way the Canadian business owner can take charge and regain control o their business financing needs .

Asset based lenders exist in a wide variety of forms in Canada... today we're focusing on the true asset based lender that provides, outside the bank environment, business lines of credit .

Where it gets a little confusing for Canadian business is that some day to day terms are intermingled to make this form of finance confusing to some. Trust us, its not confusing!

Hopefully even we can be forgiven for contributing to some of that confusion sometimes, as we have positioned ABL Credit as a non bank solution. But in reality even some of the banks participate in this type of finance via separate boutique divisions within the chartered banks. It's at that time its important to know who to deal with and why.

True asset based lines of credit revolve around one thing, the ultimate liquidation of collateral. Simply speaking the security and liquidity in the business asset finance LOC focuses on the underlying collateral that you're borrowing against. As we have noted in the past that collateral consists of receivables, inventory and equipment for the most part. (Real estate can also be added in sometimes.)

So what’s different about ABL credit when it comes to a comparison to a Canadian chartered bank? The simple explanation is that in a bank line of credit your ratios and covenants have to be performing, as set out and agreed to by the bank and yourself, with a revolving ABL facility you need to ensure those assets are operating, ie turning over, and hopefully growing.

That's probably our most significant point today, that being that your assets secured under the ABL facility must have a solid liquidation and market value. In revolving business asset finance you typically borrow 90% of A/R, and 30-70%, as negotiated for inventory and equipment.

The appeal of Asset based lines of credit is that it pertains, in Canada, to all sizes of firms. While larger facilities tend to be in the millions of dollars a financing program of this manner can be set up for a minimum of 250k if in fact your firm is smaller. But we repeat... essentially there is no upper limit.

Want to regain control and take charge of your business financing
. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on how revolving business asset finance can help your firm.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Looking For Asset Financing ? Looking To Double Your Business Credit Line?

Business lines of Credit that Work !

Information on a business line of credit known as an ABL facility via an asset based lender . This type of asset financing can double your access to business credit and working capital

You're on the hunt, and the prey is business financing under an asset financing scenario you have heard so much about. Let’s examine what an ABL facility is, who is the asset based lender that offers this financing, and, oh yes, do you qualify?

To say that business credit financing is top of mind these days with Canadian business owners and financial managers is clearly an understatement. With the economic clouds clearing on the horizon after the 2008-2009 business credit meltdown business owners are looking for growth financing.

And the reality is that the type of operating facilities that you are looking for are getting tougher to secure from Canada's major chartered banks. We are of course referring in general to firms that have some sort of challenge, because medium sized and large Canadian firms with great balance sheets, profits, and solid cash flows can access great credit terms from the banks.

Unfortunately that isn’t the client profile we're talking to everyday - as owners we meet have challenges such as inability to secure the operating cash they need, the requirement to acquire additional assets, or even a full acquisition of a competitor. And that economic turbulence we mentioned earlier usually means that many firms are coming out of a turnaround type environment and are slowly getting their financials back in order. Therefore the ability to secure an ABL facility (abl = asset based lending) for inventory and receivables becomes the goal in asset financing.

So what is the real difference in asset financing under and abl facility compared to a bank line of credit, commonly called a ' revolver ' in business finance. The best way we explain it to clients is that the bank focus is on cash flow, the asset based lender focuses on assets. Big difference!

So, does your firm qualify for abl financing? In general, as we stated, any firm with assets of receivables, inventory, equipment and real estate qualifies. Where the challenge comes in is deterring the overall quality of those assets as well as the size of the facility. An ABL facility is generally available for any firm with over 250k in a combination of receivables, inventory, and equipment. In certain cases even tax credit receivables can be financed.

Where you as a business owner have to focus is the choice of a partner in this type of financing. If your facility requirements are in the millions of dollars and you have high quality business assets (i.e. collectible receivables, inventory that turns) you can access significantly more credit than under a normal bank facility - at rates commensurate with bank financing.

Small firms pay a premium for this type of facility, but when you consider you can access almost all the business credit you need under such a line of credit, coupled with the ability to grow profits and revenues and take on additional orders... well , we'll let you decide if that’s worth a premium .

If you want to comfortably walk the business financing minefield in ABL and feel you aren't 100% conversant with the players, requirements, and pricing then consider seeking a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor in this area .

P.S. If you found your access to business credit has just doubled, don’t say we didn’t tell you!

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Looking for Debt Financing ? Don’t Ignore Working Capital Funding Sources

You’ve got Options for business financing in Canada

Information on sources of debt financing and working capital cash flow solutions for growing and operating your business in Canada

We're not shocked - You wont be either - a recent U.S. survey by CFO Magazine stated that cash flow and working capital and accessing working capital funding sources was the biggest concern of any financial manager.

Welcome to Canada ! We are pretty sure we are in the same boat as we talk to clients who seek alternatives to debt financing and liquidity for their companies.

The other key item in the study was that business in general was dissatisfied with their banking relationships - again no real surprise.

So we all agree there is a gap in working capital solutions for Canadian business. Let’s discuss why that gap exists, and, more importantly is there alternatives to taking on more debt financing while at the same increasing cash flow in your firm.

As we have written in the past we always tell clients the best program in Canada, bar none in our opinion is the government small business loan program, which is underwritten by our good friends in Ottawa. Great rates, terms and structures, what more could you ask for. Well here’s the problem, the program only covers equipment, leaseholds and real estate - that’s called debt financing. So not working capital or cash flow is ever going to come out of that program for your firm. Let's move on then.

We can start by defining our working capital problem by simply saying it’s the day to day liquidity in your business that we are talking about - essentially the amount of funds you have in your company that could be liquid if you didn’t have them tied up in inventory, accounts receivable, and in some cases prepaid current assets. And of coruse the ' double whammy' comes in when you have your obligations on the other side of the balance sheet, i.e. accounts payable and term loans.

Working capital funding sources come from two areas, debt and the monetization of those current assets. We prefer monetizing and cash flowing things like A/R and inventory as opposed to debt financing, which infers a long term commitment.

So let’s get right to the point, what are your alternatives to cash flow success. The good news is there are a good handful of alternatives - they include operating lines of credit which can come from your bank or your non bank lender. Clients are increasing more interested in hearing about non bank lenders because these firms can more readily approve financing for your inventory and receivables. The ' buzz word' around this industry is asset based lending, and we advise clients to check it out, because in many cases it’s the ultimate solution to working capital success.

If you are a smaller firm you can employ accounts receivable financing , otherwise known as invoice discounting. If done properly ( and many times it is not ) it can turn your firm into literally an ATM cash flow machine, as you generate instant cash flow for all your sales . This type of facility comes at a cost and we find there are many misconceptions about the cost of this type of financing, and as importantly, how it works.

So lets summarize -
you aren’t going to get working capital from our friends in Ottawa - if you qualify for bank financing employ it! Many of our clients don’t, so consider great alternatives for working capital funding sources such as asset based lines of credit, receivable financing, or in some cases even securitization.

So if your firm has a thirst for liquidity (!) speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who will work with you to solve your cash flow challenge .

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Franchise Financing Loans In Canada

Franchising Loan - Are You Approved? Here's How

Information on
franchising loan
strategies to ensure approval for the entrepreneur

Franchise financing approval in Canada is a key aspect of the entrepreneurs challenge to purchase and build a business. Canadian business people purchase franchises because they wish to profit and be successful on an already proven business model. We of course assume they have picked the right franchise!

What mistakes can be made in franchise financing as it relates to the purchase of a new or existing franchise? Naturally solid planning and careful preparation of a business plan increases the chance of success.

Whether a business is a franchise business or not the under pinnings of a successful finance strategy are important to long term success. Business owners, bankers, other lenders and financial analysts always look at the relationship between debt and equity – in simply language that means how much you yourself are putting into the business and how much you are borrowing. If you borrow too much you are considered ‘over leveraged. Therefore in the course of purchasing your franchise you should be prepared to make a personal investment in the business also – that’s a given – it cannot all be OPM, which is and an acronym for ‘Other Peoples Money ‘.

So of course when we meet with clients they always ask ‘how much do I have to put into the business? The answer is as follows – many franchisors will actually insist on a certain amount of money being put down , because based on their actual experience with their own locations and other franchisees over time there develops formulas as to what is an optimal investment by yourself .

Also keep in mind that if you, as an example, are purchasing, say, a large unit of a restaurant chain that transaction might be in the 1 Million dollars range. Let’s say you put 25% down of 250k. Another franchisee might be buying a service oriented business that does not have and furthermore does not require fixed assets such as leaseholds, equipment, etc. If that business cost 100k to purchase a 25% down payment is of course only 25k, much less than the 250k other franchisee had to put down in absolute dollars. So our point is simply that if the purchase price of your franchise is asset intensive, and has a higher dollar value you must naturally assume that a large absolute dollar amount of financing is required. That probably is clearly the appeal of many service based franchises that do not require assets.

So how are asset based franchises financing in Canada. There is in our opinion a large amount of dis information on franchise financing in Canada – therefore new and prospective franchises are encourage to speak to a trusted and credible franchise financing expert . That is simply because you will know your options and strategy much better. It certainly doesn’t hurt, if you can, to speak to other franchisees in the franchise system that you are looking at purchasing.

In some respects there is a benefit to purchasing an existing franchise from a current franchisee in the system you are looking at. Our observation is that those units come with a higher price , for the simple reason they are proven already, they have sales, profits, and cash flows that you can analyze , with your franchise financing expert, to determine the overall viability of the business .

We have worked with a number of prospective franchisees who actually are comfortable in buying a franchise that is not doing so well because they strong feel they can turn it around. So there are in effect buying a business that is proven, but temporarily distressed in some manner, usually relating to issues such as poor sales revenues, etc.

Franchises in Canada are financed predominantly by one major government program that is in existence – we have found that by utilizing this program, and complimenting that financing with a working capital term loan and lease and equipment financing (if applicable) helps to ensure overall franchise financing success.

In summary, ultimately you as a business owner have to be comfortable with what you are purchasing – but you should also take comfort in knowing that franchise financing is available in Canada, and simply needs to be tailored to the type of business you are buying, its size and asset requirements, as well as the utilization of proven and available financing methods such as the government CSBF program we referred to.

Investigate your opportunity, plan financing carefully, execute on that financing and your chances of success increase immensely

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.

Friday, December 14, 2018

How To Finance A Franchise – Options Galore? !

Everything You Need To Know About Franchising Finance Options In Canada

Information on franchise financing options in Canada. Franchise loans must be suited to the franchise business model and financing requirements

Entrepreneurs who wish to purchase a new or existing franchise are always asking us ‘What are my Financing Options?”. The ability to choose the right financing option (in reality it is the right mix of financing options) is one of the most important aspects of your entry into the purchase and running of a successful franchise in Canada.

It is of course very rare that a franchise can be purchased for all cash, as the amounts involved can be very significant. And in fact, as we will demonstrate, in many cases that would actually be the wrong thing to do. Even the largest and most successful corporations in the world take on debt, there is good debt and bad debt of course (as consumers we now that also. By utilizing the right mix of debt and your own equity you can properly ‘leverage’ the business for greater rewards and returns.

We will use a quick and somewhat blatant and unrealistic example just to illustrate our point. Let’s say that you wish to purchase a franchise for 250,000.00, which is certainly not an uncommon amount. You have the option of paying cash for it (lets pretend!), or you can put 10,000.00$ down and borrow the rest. At the end of one year your franchise nets 20,000.00 in net income, let’s assume. If you had only put in 10,000.00$ of your own money you have generated a 200% return on equity. Even Warren Buffet would be jealous of you. However, had you put in 250,000.00$ of our own money you can clearly see you have many years to go before you get a positive return on your significant initial investment.

So what's our bottom line ? Simply that debt and the right amount of leverage can be a good thing, and it’s an excellent way to measure the potential returns in any business, including your investment into a Canadian franchise.
Let’s return to our core topic, financing your franchise. The reality is that are several options in Canada to finance your purchase. Those options can relate to either a new or existing franchise – both are quite financeable. One of the main reasons you might wish to consider purchasing an existing franchise is that in some cases the track record and the assets in the business might present an easier case for financeability.

Franchise financing in Canada is absolutely a specialized type of financing. When we sit down with clients to evaluate their options d and focus on the quickest and best way to achieve franchise financing success we can summarize your financing options in the following manner –
-Government Small Business Loan – (By far the most common and popular)

-Your own personal equity or down payment (typically from 10-50%)

- Equipment and asset financing

- Working Capital Term Loan

- Operating facility for ongoing requirements

- VTB – (Vendor take back) – in some cases the franchisor or the seller of the current franchise will waive full payment and agree on a final pre agreed upon payment to be made at some point in the future

Whether you consider yourself financially astute, or if you are concerned and worried that you don’t know enough about financing in general, it is strong recommended you align yourself with a trusted, credible and experienced advisor in franchise financing. Understanding your options, picking your options, and executing on those options within your timelines is the key to franchise financing success.

7 Park Avenue Financial :

South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Business financing for Canadian Firms , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing , Equipment Leasing , franchise finance and Cdn. Tax Credit Finance . Founded 2004 - Completed in excess of 100 Million $ of financing for Canadian corporations .

' Canadian Business Financing With The Intelligent Use Of Experience '

Stan has had a successful career with some of the world’s largest and most successful corporations.
Prior to founding 7 Park Avenue Financial in 2004 his employers over the last 25 years were, ASHLAND OIL, ( 1977-1980) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, ( 1980-1990) ) CABLE & WIRELESS PLC,( 1991 -1993) ) AND HEWLETT PACKARD ( 1994-2004 ) He is an expert in Canadian Business Financing.

Stan has over 40 years of business and finance executive experience. He has been recognized as a credit/financial executive for three of the largest technology companies in the world; Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment and Cable & Wireless. Stan has had in depth, hands on experience in assessing and evaluating thousands of companies that are seeking financing and expansion. He has been instrumental in helping many companies progress through every phase of financing, mergers & acquisitions, sales and marketing and human resources. Stan has worked with startups and public corporations and has many times established the financial wherewithal of organizations before approving millions of dollars of financing facilities and instruments on behalf of his employers.