Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Tax Credit Financing In Canada : Maximized | Financing Canadian Tax Credits



Funding Your Future: Tax Credit Financing for Canadian Businesses

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


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EMAIL - sprokop7parkavenuefinancial.com

7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


Tax Credit Financing in Canada: Maximizing Government Incentives for Canadian Businesses




For Canadian business owners seeking financing solutions to optimize their government tax credits, Tax Credit Financing in Canada provides an excellent option.


This alternative financing avenue is particularly beneficial for companies eligible for the SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) program and various Canadian film tax credit programs.


The  Canadian Government has implemented various initiatives, including offering refundable tax credits to eligible corporations and other types of businesses.  These tax credits are powerful incentives, allowing businesses to engage in research and development while expanding their market share, achieving higher earnings, and enhancing productivity across almost all industries in Canada. 


The financing of these tax credits helps companies access these lucrative incentives soon.



How Your Company Can Leverage  SR&ED Tax Credit Financing 


When you opt for tax credit financing, such as SR&ED, you effectively generate cash flow and working capital for your business, recovering expenses already incurred. The best part is that funds from SR&ED and film tax credits are non-repayable, essentially functioning as a type of grant.



Understanding SR&ED, FTC, and OIDMTC Programs 


The programs relevant to tax credit financing in Canada include sr ed claims under the  SR&ED program, Film tax credits, and OIDMTC animation credit. Each of these government initiatives provides different opportunities for Canadian businesses to access funding and enhance their financial position.


The terms "FILM Tax Credit" and "OIDMTC" (Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit) refer to specific incentives designed to encourage the production of media content within certain jurisdictions.


  1. Film Tax Credit: The Film  Tax Credit usually refers to incentives provided by governments to encourage film, television, and sometimes even digital media production within a particular region. These credits can differ from one jurisdiction to another but often provide rebates or reductions in taxation related to production costs. These incentives are created to attract producers to shoot and/or produce their content within that region, fostering the growth of local industries and providing employment opportunities2.

  2. OIDMTC (Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit): This is a specific tax credit available in the Canadian province of Ontario. The OIDMTC provides a refundable tax credit to companies that develop and market their own interactive digital media products within Ontario. This includes a wide array of digital media, ranging from video games to educational content. The intent of this tax credit is to stimulate growth in the digital media sector within the province, encouraging innovation and the creation of high-quality, skilled jobs.


Both of these credits have specific criteria and guidelines that must be met to qualify, and they are often overseen by particular government agencies or departments that manage their administration and compliance.


Streamlining  The Tax Credit Financing Process With 7 Park Avenue Financial


7 Park Avenue Financial assists customers in generating financing once they have filed their claims. Typically, SR&ED claims are filed simultaneously with corporate tax returns. The financing process can be completed within 14 days, although certain complexities and financial issues might cause some delays.

Ensuring there are no CRA tax arrears is crucial to prevent claim offset, and in cases where arrears exist but are smaller than the claim, arrangements can be made to pay Ottawa and secure the remaining financing benefits.


SR&ED Claims can also be financed on an accrual basis, prior to a formal filing of the claim for their work in scientific and technical knowledge r&d.


First-Time SR&ED Claims and Financing

First-time SR&ED claims require additional due diligence to assess the claim's quality and the company's overall financial standing. However, financing can be secured for first-time claims with proper preparation and the assistance of reputable SR&ED preparers, who can bolster the claim's credibility.



Understanding Loan-to-Value Ratio  - How Does The SR&ED Loan Work? 


Regarding SR&ED claims that undergo financing, the typical loan-to-value ratio stands at 75%. This means that upon financing approval, approximately 75% of the total provincial and federal claim amount is provided as working capital.


Repayment occurs in full once the claim is adjudicated when the business has filed its income tax return, is approved, and receives funding from the government, eliminating the need for monthly payments.



 Utilizing Funds for Working Capital


Canadian business owners and financial managers often utilize tax credit financing funds for short-term working capital needs. This strategic approach helps businesses maintain liquidity and address operational requirements efficiently.


The Cost of Tax Credit Financing Versus Debt Financing -  A New Source Of Growth Capital


7 Park Avenue Financial has been assisting clients with SR&ED and Film Tax Credit Financing since  2005! We offer the best financing rates on sr&ed and film tax credits and the Bank Of Canada's rate changes generally do not affect tax credit financing.

 Film Tax Credit Financing

In specific scenarios, particularly in the film tax credit financing domain, projects can receive funding before filing the final claim, subject to demonstrating eligibility. Proving successful filing and approval in previous years further strengthens the chances of obtaining early access to funds.



Tax credit financing presents a creative financing solution mechanism for companies looking to tap into the potential of government tax credits at both the federal and provincial levels


Unlike traditional financing options that involve diluting ownership through equity investments, tax credit financing enables companies to access funds without giving away ownership equity. Therefore the financing is non-dilutive and ensures that businesses can maintain full control over their operations while gaining access to much-needed capital in earlier stages of growth - especially important for startup and pre-revenue firms.


For Canadian businesses looking to optimize their government tax credits, Tax Credit Financing offers a viable and attractive solution. By leveraging programs like SR&ED and film tax credits, businesses can access non-repayable funds to enhance working capital and fuel their growth.


Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who is an expert in traditional and alternative business financing solutions.


Seeking advice from experienced advisors can further enhance the benefits of this Canadian alternative financing strategy.



How Can Tax Credit Financing  Help Fuel Business Expansion


The availability of tax credit financing expedites the process of accessing the benefits of government tax credits. By obtaining financing against their eligible tax credits, businesses can accelerate their growth plans and innovation initiatives. This financial boost empowers companies to invest in research and development, expand their product offerings, and explore new markets both domestically and internationally. As a result, Canadian businesses can confidently embrace expansion opportunities and compete at the global level.


How Can Startups Benefit from Tax Credit Financing In Canada


Startups and small businesses often face significant challenges when it comes to funding their ambitious projects and growth plans. Tax incentives and tax credit financing level the playing field, providing these emerging ventures with an opportunity to access crucial capital without the need to secure traditional loans or seek external investors. By empowering startups and small businesses, tax credit financing contributes to the diversification of the economy and encourages entrepreneurship across various sectors.


Why Should A Business Consider 7 Park Avenue Financial for Tax Credit Financing


While tax credit financing offers tremendous advantages, navigating the intricacies of government programs and processes can be daunting for businesses. Partnering with experienced advisors and financial experts well-versed in tax credit financing becomes essential for maximizing the benefits. These specialists guide businesses through the application and financing procedures, ensuring a smooth and successful journey to accessing the incentives they rightfully deserve.

Businesses that do need to pay income tax can still receive refundable tax credits and be eligible for tax credit financing.


What are business tax credits In Canada?


  1. Business tax credits are incentives provided exclusively to companies for eligible activities to reduce their tax liabilities and access government funding.

  2. There are two types of business investment tax credit: refundable and non-refundable.

    • Non-refundable credits are applied against income tax payable and depend on the amount of tax owed.
    • Refundable credits/ cash refunds , like the first $3M of an accrued SR&ED refund, are granted to Canadian controlled private corporations regardless of their income tax payable status under the sr ed tax incentive  program via scientific and technical knowledge research including scientific of technological uncertainty
  3. Refundable tax credits benefit even pre-revenue companies, allowing them to receive government incentives for eligible expenses, such as research and development (R&D), without owing taxes.

  4. Eligible business activities for tax credits include infrastructure upgrades, digital expansion, technological advancement , sustainability efforts, market diversification, and areas of innovation like the sr ed tax credit program for scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED).

  5. Tax credits differ from tax deductions. Tax credits directly reduce a business's tax liability, while deductions lower taxable income. Business tax credits are more substantial incentives specifically tailored for companies.


How Does Tax Credit Financing Work with 7 Park Avenue Financial?


Canadian businesses receive significant funding through tax credits for eligible expenses, but accessing these funds can be a waiting game, with disbursement typically happening annually after tax claims are filed. However, with the assistance of 7 Park Avenue Financial, organizations can access these funds sooner through tax credit financing.


As a financing company, 7 Park Avenue Financial leverages the security of future tax credits to extend loans to enterprises, providing them with the capital needed to invest in growth and innovation projects. By using refundable tax credits as collateral for financing, businesses can utilize the funds to support ongoing activities or undertake other eligible ventures, ultimately enhancing the refund they will receive from the  Canada Revenue Agency 'CRA".



Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Sunday, August 6, 2023

How To Decide if Financing Receivables Is a Solution for Your Working Capital Funding




You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

Or Email us with any questions on Canadian Business Financing

EMAIL -sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com


The R R Factor: A New Approach to Financing Receivables & Working Capital Funding in Canada



Understanding the Receivables to Revenue Ratio (R R Factor) 


We call it the Receivables to Revenue Ratio or simply the R R factor. Unlike rest and relaxation, the R R factor will guide Canadian business owners in recognizing the right time to explore advanced methods of accounts receivable financing and working capital funding.


The receivable-to-revenue ratio is a financial metric that provides insight into a company's ability to turn its accounts receivable into cash. It measures how effectively a company manages its credit sales and collections and helps alert to negative working capital.


Here's how you can calculate it:


Receivables to Revenue Ratio = (Accounts Receivable / Sales Revenue) x 100



Interpretation: What does the Receivables to Revenue Ratio Tell  Business Owners 


  • Accounts Receivable: This is the amount of money owed to the company by its customers for goods or services that have been delivered but not yet paid for.

  • Sales Revenue: The total amount of money the company earns from its products or services sales.


Measuring Your Receivables Revenue Ratio


  • High Ratio: A higher ratio could indicate inefficiency in collecting and converting payments into cash. It may mean that a company is extending credit to customers who are not paying their bills promptly, which can impact cash flow and liquidity.

  • Low Ratio: A lower ratio could indicate that a company efficiently converts its credit sales into cash quickly. It may imply strong credit policies and collection practices, ensuring that the money owed is collected promptly.


In short, a receivable-to-revenue ratio is essential in assessing a company's liquidity and cash flow management. It offers insight into how well a company manages its credit policies and how quickly it's turning credit sales into cash. If mismanaged, it could lead to potential cash flow problems and increased risk, mainly if a significant portion of sales are made on credit.


The Importance of Calculating the R R Factor


Here's a powerful tool that's straightforward and potent in assessing cash flow challenges. It's called the receivables to revenue ratio, and by examining your year-end balance of A/R and translating it into weeks of sales, you'll have a historical perspective on your cash flow and working capital needs.


Tackling Working Capital Funding Challenges with Receivables Financing


But what does a company do when traditional borrowing for working capital seems daunting? Increasingly, Canadian firms are turning to factoring or accounts receivable financing. This method might seem complex, but it's quite simple once you comprehend the pricing and day-to-day functioning.



The Simple Solution -  Invoice Factoring / Financing Accounts Receivables 


Choose daily, weekly, or monthly intervals to sell your receivables on the company's balance sheet. When you make a sale, you receive immediate cash, transforming accounts receivable into an ATM for Canadian entrepreneurs and finance managers. Discovering this ultimate cash flow solution can be a game-changer for small businesses and companies of all sizes. But what are the downsides?



The Two ‘Catches’ of Financing Receivables


While accounts receivable financing might seem attractive, there are two 'catches' that businesses need to understand and address.


Cost of Financing

The first is the cost compared to a traditional bank loan / unsecured financing, which typically ranges from 9%  per month in Canada and in some cases, 1.15%/mo, referred to as a discount fee. Though this might seem expensive many business owners do not consider the carrying cost of the receivables and the 'opportunity cost' – the potential for higher profits using cash flow from receivable financing.


Why Isn’t Every Canadian Business Using Receivable Financing?


The reality might surprise you; large Canadian firms often utilize this financing method for funding a company's sales revenue. Their financial strength allows for more flexibility in managing this facility daily, often enabling them to bill and collect their receivables - something rarely found in the Canadian market. 7 Park Avenue Financial's recommended solution is Confidential Receivable Financing, allowing a business to bill and collect its receivables while achieving all of the cash flow benefits of A/R financing.



Seek out the unique 1% solution that allows this flexibility. Your business can secure competitive working capital funding and virtually limitless cash flow growth.

Call 7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted,  credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who will ensure you have the best and lowest cost capital funding solution tailored to your business, allowing you to unlock growth solutions and profits.





What is the Cash Conversion Cycle?

The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) is a critical metric that measures the time it takes for a company to convert its investments in inventory and other resources into cash flows from sales. It encompasses three stages:

  1. Days Sales Outstanding (DSO): Time taken to collect payment after a sale.
  2. Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO): Time  taken to sell inventory.
  3. Days Payable Outstanding (DPO): Time taken to pay suppliers.

The formula for calculating the  company's cash conversion cycle 'CCC ' is:


Keywords related to CCC include working capital management, liquidity, operational efficiency, cash flow management, inventory turnover, and accounts payable/receivable.


What is Debt Financing Versus Equity Financing?


Debt Financing: This involves borrowing money, typically through loans, bonds, or other debt instruments, to be repaid with interest. It's a way for businesses to raise capital without giving up ownership. Keywords include interest, principal, creditors, leverage, and fixed obligations.

Equity Financing: This entails raising capital by selling shares or ownership in the company. Unlike debt financing, there's no obligation to repay the funds. Instead, shareholders may receive dividends and have a say in the company's operations. Keywords include shareholders, dividends, ownership, dilution, and capital structure.


3. What is the Impact of Currency Exchange Rates in A/R Financing?

Currency exchange rates are vital in accounts receivable (A/R) financing, particularly for businesses dealing in multiple currencies. The fluctuation of exchange rates can:

  • Affect the value of receivables, leading to currency risk.
  • Impact on the cost and availability of A/R financing.
  • Create complexities in managing international trade credit.


What are Alternative Financing Options for Receivable Financing in Addition to Factoring?

In addition to factoring, alternative financing options for receivable financing include:

  • Invoice Discounting: Selling invoices to a third party at a discount but maintaining control over collections.
  • Asset-Based Lending: Utilizing assets like receivables and inventory as collateral for a loan.
  • Supply Chain Financing: Collaborating with suppliers and financial institutions to optimize working capital across the supply chain.
  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending: Leveraging online lenders and their platforms to match borrowers with individual lenders.



What is a working capital loan?


A working capital loan is a specialized type of loan designed to finance the daily operational expenses of a business. Unlike traditional loans, often used to finance long-term investments or capital expenditures, working capital loans cover short-term needs like payroll, rent, inventory purchases, and other day-to-day expenses.

This type of loan is particularly beneficial for businesses with cyclical or seasonal revenue patterns, where there might be gaps in cash flow. It helps companies maintain smooth operations when expenses or income are high.

There are various types of working capital loans, including:

  1. Line of Credit: Offers flexible access to funds up to a specific limit, allowing businesses to draw and repay as needed.
  2. Term Loans: Provides a lump sum of capital paid back over a set term with interest.
  3. Invoice Financing: Advances funds based on unpaid invoices, enabling businesses to manage cash flow without waiting for customer payments.
  4. Trade Credit: Involves obtaining goods from suppliers with a deferred payment agreement.

The primary goal of working capital loans is to ensure liquidity and financial stability in the short term, allowing businesses to continue operating smoothly regardless of fluctuations in revenue or unexpected expenses.


What is the difference between a working capital loan and financing receivables?


Both working capital loans and receivables financing are essential tools in managing a company's cash flow and liquidity, but they serve different purposes and function in distinct ways. Here's an outline of the key differences:

Working Capital Loan

  1. Purpose: Aimed at funding the day-to-day operational expenses of a business, such as payroll, rent, utilities, and inventory. It's a tool to smooth out cash flow fluctuations.
  2. Structure: This can be a term loan, line of credit, or other forms of short-term financing. The structure is often flexible, catering to the general working capital needs of the business.
  3. Collateral: May or may not require collateral, depending on the lender's requirements and the borrower's creditworthiness. If needed, collateral can include various business assets.
  4. Approval & Terms: The lender assesses the overall financial health of the business, including credit history, profitability, and financial stability. The terms can vary widely based on these factors.

Financing Receivables (e.g., Accounts Receivable Factoring or Invoice Discounting)

  1. Purpose: Leveraging unpaid invoices or accounts receivable (A/R) to generate immediate cash. It helps bridge the gap between invoicing a customer and receiving payment and avoids the need to borrow money via term debt.
  2. Structure: Selling or using the A/R as collateral to get an advance from a financial institution or factoring company. The advance is typically a percentage of the invoice's face value.
  3. Collateral: The collateral is the receivables themselves. The lender's security is tied to the quality and collectibility of the financed invoices.
  4. Approval & Terms: The lender's focus is often on the creditworthiness of the invoiced customers rather than the company seeking financing. The terms are closely tied to the receivables' value, age, and risk.

While working capital loans provide a more general form of financial support for daily operations, financing receivables is a specialized method tied to leveraging unpaid invoices to improve cash flow. The former takes a broader view of the business's financial health, while the latter is closely related to specific transactions and the creditworthiness of the company's customers.


Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Saturday, August 5, 2023

SR&ED Financing in Canada: Turning R&D into Cash Flow How Canadian Businesses Boost Cash Flow with CRA SRED



From R&D to Cash Flow: SRED Financing and CRA SR&ED Tax Incentives Funding in Canada

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

Or Email us with any questions on Canadian Business Financing

                             EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com




Canadian R&D's Secret Weapon: An Insider's Guide to SRED Financing







Looking to cash flow your claim under Canada's  Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program tax incentives, a massive program under the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that distributes around 3-4 Billion dollars annually in non-repayable SRED grants to privately-owned Canadian firms. Ready to explore cash flow funding for your investment tax credit? Let's dig in!


Understanding the SR&ED Program: A Boon for Canadian Businesses Investing In R&D


Basics of SR&ED Program

There's a head start for Canadian business owners and financial managers well-versed with the SR&ED program. This initiative, technically called the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program, offers billions of dollars through non-repayable grants across all Canadian business sectors. The claim refunds support innovation, development, and technological advancements in the Canadian economy.


The Importance of Claim Size For Financing


While we often hear that size doesn't matter, in the case of your CRA SRED claim, it indeed has significance. The claim size affects the overall ability to finance your application, which brings us to the decisions you must make as a claimant. Typically any reasonable claim size can be funded.


Financing the SR&ED Claim: Options and Considerations


Financing Options: Bank vs. Private Sector


Is SR&ED financing achievable? And if so, who finances these claims? Though some chartered banks in Canada finance SR&ED claims, it's subject to many bank-specific criteria. The reality is that 99% of the time, SR&ED claims are financed by private-sector boutique firms. Seeking the expertise of a credible and experienced SR&ED financing consultant such as 7 Park Avenue Financial can be the right path to navigate the process easily and quickly!


 Selecting  SR&ED Financing - The 7 Park Avenue Financial Solution


Choosing your SR&ED partner wisely is crucial if your Canadian claim exceeds a reasonable amount for financing. Claims are generally financed more efficiently at 75% of the 'loan to value' (LTV) relationship. Thus, on a 250k claim as an example, you could net 75% of the combined federal and provincial claim, enhancing your working capital and financial position.


No payments are made during the loan term - When CRA processes your claim, you receive the remaining 25%, less financing fees, for the short-term sr&ed bridge loan. Simple as that!


Conditions for Financing Your SR&ED Claim


To finance your SR&ED claim, certain conditions must be met, including confidence in the preparation by an experienced party, the need for cash flow, and consideration of SRED rates. The timing is also crucial as SR&ED financing can usually be achieved within 2-3 weeks, given due diligence around the claim and related applications. Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team about achieving the best-sr&ed loan rates in Canada.



What are the Benefits Of Financing SR&ED Claims in Advance Of Filing  Your Claim With CRA? 


  • Equity and Control:

    • No need to give up equity, board seats, or Personal Guarantees
  • Cash Flow and Growth:

    • Extends runway before an equity round.
    • Facilitates hiring talent for growth.
    • 7 Park Avenue Financial offers financing up to 75% of the quarterly accrued R&D expenditures to early-stage, pre-revenue, and of course, high-growth businesses.
    • Provides advanced funding as early as three months into the tax year.
  • Capital Structure and Financing:

    • Optimizes capital structure by minimizing the cost of capital.
    • Secures enough money for expenditures.
    • Offers secure financing options
  • Positive Impact on Business Growth:

    • Dramatically and positively impacts the growth trajectory.
    • Non-dilutive capital that extends cash flow runway.
    • Enables financial flexibility for better scaling decisions.
    • Adding sales, marketing, and development resources 12 months early can lead to a 1.5x higher valuation over 24 months.






  • SR&ED Program Overview:

    • Provided by the Canadian government.
    • Funds new or improved technologies, products, and materials.
    • Available across industries, including life sciences, manufacturing, software, and agriculture.
    • Open to various company sizes and ownership types.
  • Complexity and Requirements:

    • Requires both technical and financial justification to CRA.
    • Statistics show that about 25% of claims get audited.
    • Inadequate documentation and time tracking may lead to the denial or reduction of claims.
  • Refund Timelines and Financing:

    • Standard refund time is 18+ months after the fiscal year start.
    • Quarterly cash advances against accrued SR&ED for quicker capital access.
    • SR&ED financing provides an immediate cash injection without giving up equity.
  • Eligibility Criteria For SR ED Expenditures:

    • Technological Advancement: Enhancing technical knowledge under the tax incentive program
    • Technological Uncertainty: Facing technical challenges or uncertainties in areas such as new or improved material and basic research
    • Technical Content: Iterative process to overcome challenges or uncertainties.
  • CRA’s Evaluation Questions:

    • Presence of scientific or technological uncertainty.
    • Effort in formulating, testing, and modifying a hypothesis.
    • Procedure aligned with the scientific method.
    • Resulting in technological advancement.
    • No existing solution was found.
    • A record of tested hypotheses and results.
    • Areas such as sales promotion and quality control do not qualify
  • Refund Rates for Small-medium sized Canadian controlled private corporations (SME CCPCs):

    • ~64% of eligible salaries.
    • ~32% of eligible sub-contractor fees.
    • ~42% of materials consumed or transformed.
  • Tax Credit Rates for Public or Foreign-owned Companies (or CCPCs over the SME limit):

    • ~36% of eligible salaries.
    • 18% of eligible sub-contractor fees.
    • 24% of materials consumed or transformed.



Conclusion: Utilizing SR&ED Financing for Growth


If your company seeks to retire term debt, manage payables, increase sales, or reinvest in R&D, SR&ED financing can be essential. By leveraging this unique financial opportunity, Canadian firms can unlock their potential and pave the way for innovation and growth in various sectors.

Call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and knowledgeable SR&ED financing expert who can help your firm navigate this valuable avenue successfully - and quickly!




What is SRED Financing? 

SRED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) Financing is a Canadian program that offers non-repayable grants to privately-owned firms investing in R&D. It aims to foster innovation, technological advancements, and economic growth. 


How can companies invest in R&D benefit from SRED Financing?


SRED Financing allows companies to accelerate their working capital and cash flow by financing their eligible R&D claims to advance scientific knowledge in their industry. It provides an immediate funding source, allowing businesses to reinvest in further research, retire debts, or manage payables.


 Who is eligible for CRA SRED Refunds?


CRA SR ED investment tax credits are available to Canadian privately-owned scientific research and experimental development firms. It includes companies across various sectors that meet specific scientific or technological advancement criteria for tax credits as defined by the Canada Revenue Agency.


How do I apply for SRED Financing in Canada?


Applying for SRED Financing involves preparing a claim detailing your eligible R&D activities and expenditures. Many companies seek the expertise of a knowledgeable SRED financing consultant, such as 7 Park Avenue Financial to guide them through the process.


What is the role of CRA in SRED Financing?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers the SRED program, evaluating claims and distributing grants. The CRA's SRED guidelines outline the qualifying activities and expenditures, ensuring transparency and fairness in the distribution of funds.



Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial.

Friday, August 4, 2023

How To Finance A Business Acquisition in Canada Seize the Opportunity: Innovative Financing Methods for Acquiring a Business


Demystifying Business Purchase Finance: Canadian Options - A to Z!

How to finance the purchase of an existing business

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial 

        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today 


CALL NOW - DIRECT LINE - 416 319 5769 - Let's talk or arrange a meeting to discuss your needs

EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com





Business owners and entrepreneurs should know there are many ways to finance an acquisition when it comes to a prospective business purchase. Still, not all options will work for every buyer.


Let's cover common and not-so-common methods to fund a business purchase via a business loan/debt financing and what they entail so you know which one might be right for your situation, given that financing an acquisition can be challenging without the right information or assistance.! Let's dig in!




In today's competitive business landscape, acquiring an existing business is often a strategic move that can lead to growth and expansion.


While buying a business comes with many potential benefits, financing the purchase can be complex and challenging. Financing is critical to your transaction!


Let the 7 Park Avenue Financial team show you the standard and not-so-common methods of funding a business purchase through various channels such as business loans, debt financing, government loans, and even seller financing.


We'll explore the factors buyers must consider, including the amount of funding required, the difference in financing small versus large purchases, and the type of financing needed post-acquisition.






How much funding do I need to buy this business?

Is there a difference in financing a small purchase or a larger one

What type of owner equity/down payment is required

Does the business need to have substantial assets

Can a purchase be completed with ' no money down '  ( Spoiler alert - it cant)

What type of financing do I need post-acquisition

When should I commence looking for financing, and what is a typical ' optimal financing structure.'





When you buy an existing business, the funds for this acquisition come from your cash and personal equity contribution and any external financing used to access competitive interest rates. The appeal to buying an existing successful business is that it is typically significantly easier to buy a company rather than start one! However, the ability to buy a business on an all-cash basis based on personal financing is often limited, even in smaller transactions.


The right financing makes a business purchase more affordable. Business owners will also recognize that additional funding might be required and should be planned for to run and grow the business post-acquisition.  The bottom line? Business buyers should focus on the right financing and ensure they will benefit from a return on their investment.




Entrepreneurs have many financing options they can use to buy companies. The most common ones will include one or various debt/cash flow/asset monetization and equity components. Smaller private transactions don't consider IPO/Venture Capital firms, Private equity firms - it's as simple as that.





With seller financing, you can purchase a business without having to come up with all the funding if a seller note is part of your negotiation. The seller provides an allotted loan amount that might have different amortizations and repayment options.


When a business is sold, the seller prefers to get paid immediately. But sellers also have different perspectives on how much money should be offered as an incentive for someone else’s purchase of their business. Some might want more while others less, depending on their preferences or financial situation regarding a seller loan/note. Often tax considerations will be a part of that decision.


Many sellers want full payment as soon as possible and don't usually offer financing assistance -  However, on average most will often cooperate with finance between 5% - 20%. This amount varies substantially based on each transaction type -

Buyers should also be aware that :

Lenders view seller financing as positive

They will require that the seller subordinate to their security/loan




Industry Canada, via the Canada Small Business Financing Program, offers government-backed loans, one of the best financing options for small business owners purchasing smaller businesses. The government-backed guarantees allow lenders such as Canadian banks and credit unions to provide capital with confidence that they will be compensated in case of a default.

The terms and rates on an SBL loan can sometimes even beat out traditional alternatives with competitive interest rates and monthly payments based on a term loan structure, so explore all your choices before applying and talk to our  7 Park Avenue Financial team about how this type of loan might make your purchase easier.


Government business loans can be an excellent option for financing small businesses under a purchase. The program provides lender guarantees and safety measures for acquisitions with firms of less than 10 Million dollars in revenue, along with those competitive rates and attractive financing terms under a standard term loan structure. Financing can also be augmented or sourced via the financial institution and  Canada's crown corporation business development bank, a non-bricks and mortar organization throughout Canada.


Buyers contemplating government loan assistance should know there are some minimum qualification guidelines. Still, participating financing institutions, as lenders, have the freedom to add their criteria for a small business purchase.


Basic qualifications under the program are good credit scores, the ability to put down some owner equity and disclose personal financial resources, and ensuring you have solid business experience in the target industry, as demonstrated by a solid business plan.





While conventional loans / unsecured loans might be more challenging to achieve than government financing assistance for the purchase price of existing businesses, they come with more stringent requirements that can challenge some business purchasers under a business credit score review.


Here, the focus is often on assets, personal collateral, excellent personal credit, and good business and management experience - A solid and realistic business plan should often accompany this type of financing request. 


7 Park Avenue Financial prepares business plans for clients that meet and exceed bank and commercial lender requirements.


The most typical bank/finance firm loan for your acquisition will be a conventional term loan. Focus on ensuring you can meet the requirements of traditional financing institutions while limiting giving up personal assets for lender security. Also, goodwill and intangible assets are difficult to finance under most circumstances.



When purchasing a business, a prospective owner can finance part of the purchase by assuming some company's existing liabilities. These may include outstanding loans and trade payables, transfer of existing licenses, etc.


How these debts are considered depends on how much power sellers give up during their sale;  Also, note that certain debt assumptions require lender approval, so ensure all parties agree before moving forward!




Finding the proverbial ' friend and family ' investor,  or what is known as a family office, to participate in an acquisition is difficult.


Acquaintances and specialized networking events can be a source of information when you need to augment personal funds. Investors and family offices can be flexible, don't conform to conventional lending standards, and might consider equity financing. Third parties you don't know are also very selective in who they work with. They play a similar role as a private equity firm or venture capitalist would but for significant opportunities in acquisition financing.



Equity injections are common in all business acquisitions when you are looking to obtain financing. The buyer must put down some cash as collateral, and it can't come from just the seller's resources.

Depending on your purchase's size and credit risk, anywhere from  10% to 40 percent is usually required as an equity injection. For government loans, a smaller equity injection demand is typically required.

Owner equity usually comes from personal finances such as savings accounts and retirement funds- though it's important to note that other cash in kind, such as our aforementioned seller financing, can be viewed as an additional financing source.



Many buyers of a business looking to maximize their financing while limiting their equity injection overall often use the business's assets, like equipment or real estate, for other business collateral to complete an acquisition.

Leveraged assets in buyouts are becoming more common in Canada.

The structure can be simple at first glance; however, an intricately negotiated set of terms often makes it difficult without professional assistance from seasoned business financing advisors or a lawyer or accountant familiar with these types of transaction methods.

Many buyers assume that every leveraged buyout or asset-based lending solution requires no equity injection from the buyer. This assumption is incorrect. The misunderstanding is based on how transactions are described in popular business media.

Business purchasers like asset-based lending solutions and leveraged transactions as it helps limit new equity.




When a company is purchased, it should be recognized that further funds will potentially be required to run and grow the business under the constraints of the current financial statements and financial performance of the existing company.


Most businesses will require additional funding to cover the initial operations on an ongoing basis for a new business purchase.


Cash flow problems often arise because clients / existing customers will pay their invoices in a less than timely fashion - Balance sheet funding solutions such as factoring, business line of credit, asset-based lines of credit, equipment financing, and sale-leasebacks all can provide additional capital for the business you are acquiring.




  1. Diverse Financing Options: From traditional bank loans and non-bank commercial finance firms to government-backed loans, numerous financing avenues are available for purchasing a business in Canada.

  2. Seller Financing Insight: Learn how seller financing can be part of your negotiation and what terms and considerations are often associated with this creative method of funding the business purchase

  3. Importance of Timing: Understanding when to start looking for financing and recognizing the optimal financing structure can make a difference in the transaction's success.

  4. Understanding Equity and Down Payment Requirements: Knowing what's required and what can be leveraged is crucial from owner equity to down payment structures. Acceptable Debt-to-equity ratios are essential to lenders!

  5. Government Loan Assistance: Know how Industry Canada's Canada Small Business Financing Program can provide competitive terms for small business acquisitions.

  6. Leveraged Buyouts and Asset-Based Lending: Learn how assets like equipment or real estate can be used as collateral to maximize financing and limit equity injection.

  7. Assessment of Post-Acquisition Financing Needs: Recognize that additional funds may be required for growth and smooth operation in areas such as business lines of credit to support sales growth.

  8. Friends, Family, and Family Offices as Resources: Explore unconventional financing methods through acquaintances, specialized networking events, or family offices.

  9. Professional Guidance is Key: Whether it's seasoned business financing advisors such as 7 Park Avenue Financial,  or specialized lawyers, seeking professional assistance can simplify the process and help avoid common pitfalls.





When buyers seek financing too late in their transaction, they are often left in the dark or behind. The best time to consider financing options is well before you are ready to submit an offer.


Make sure that your transaction is contingent on obtaining financing and ensuring you have adequate protection. Speak to  7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor with acquisition financing experience to assist you with a smooth and successful business transfer.




Can I finance the purchase of an existing business?

You may be surprised to learn that business financing can be a challenge. Bank loans can often take months before they're approved.

A more immediate solution for your capital needs includes potential combinations of seller financing, asset financing, non-bank asset-based lender solutions, and cash flow and asset monetization strategies. Non-bank solutions typically come with higher interest rates but are a more accessible form of capital.


What is Seller Financing in a business acquisition?


Seller Financing allows some business owners to loan buyers the money to buy their business, often reflecting the seller's confidence in the company or a need to incentivize buyers due to a limited market to sell the business.


The decision to offer such financing can be an essential negotiation point. Typically, seller financing won't cover the total purchase price, so buyers must make a down payment, possibly from other personal financing sources. Requirements can vary, but a good credit score is generally expected, though prime borrowing status is unnecessary.


What are the points to consider when buying a business?


When buying a business, these are the essential steps to follow to secure financing :

  1. Conduct Due Diligence: Request and evaluate all critical company documentation on business credit history, including financial statements, tax returns, assets/equipment lists, client and supplier data, employees' records, and necessary contracts. Additionally, assess other elements with material impacts, such as licenses, patents, debts, and specific conditions like lease terms, renewal options, and personal guarantees from landlords, especially if the location is crucial to the business.

  2. Structure the Deal: Negotiate the purchase price, agree on other terms, and determine the financing methods for the acquisition.

  3. Finalize Legalities: Prepare and execute all necessary legal documents to ensure the transaction complies with the law and reflects the agreed-upon terms.



 What are the issues to consider When Buying a Business?


  1. Assumption of Debt: Consider buying just assets or the entire business, including assets and liabilities (debt).

  2. Financing Operations upon Purchase: Plan for the funds needed to operate the business after purchase, with multiple financing options:

    • Cash Reserve/Self-Funding: Utilize the business's cash reserves; bring in additional money if needed in addition to being prepared to provide a personal guarantee

    • Line of Credit: Borrow up to a specific limit, pay interest only on borrowed amount; provides immediate access to funds, similar to business credit cards.

    • Invoice Financing: Finance business invoice receivables to improve working capital and meet short-term liquidity needs; includes solutions like invoice discounting and factoring, commonly used by small businesses who are unable to access all the bank credit they require to fund sales and growth




How hard is it to get a loan to buy an existing business, and can you get 100% business acquisition financing?

Depending on several factors, getting a loan to buy an existing business can be challenging. Here's what to consider:


Difficulty in Obtaining a Loan:

  1. Credit Score: Lenders typically require a strong credit history from the buyer.
  2. Business's Financial Health: If the existing company has strong financials, it might be easier to secure a loan.
  3. Industry and Market Conditions: Getting a loan might be more challenging if the industry is considered high-risk or out of favour
  4. Down Payment and Collateral: Some lenders often require a significant down payment or collateral.
  5. Experience in the Industry: A lack of experience might make lenders hesitant.


Can You Get 100% Business Acquisition Financing?

While it is not common, 100% financing for a business acquisition might be possible but is very rare.

  1. Strong Relationship with a Lender: If the buyer has a solid history with a lender, they may be more willing to provide total financing for the business venture
  2. Exceptional Business Opportunity: A lender might consider full financing if the purchased business has solid financials and a proven track record.
  3. Seller Financing: Combining traditional lending with seller financing might allow you to cover a portion purchase price in addition to your equity investment/down payment
  4. Government Programs: Some government-backed loan programs may allow for a higher loan-to-value ratio- such as the Canada Small Business Financing Program


However, even in these cases, 100% financing is rare in the Canadian business landscape and typically comes with stringent requirements, higher interest rates, and closer scrutiny.


It is generally advisable to have a reasonable down payment and to consider a combination of financing options rather than relying solely on a loan for 100% of the purchase price.

Consulting with a Canadian business financing advisor such as 7 Park Avenue Financial, which specializes in business acquisitions, can provide insight into the available options for your particular situation.



Thursday, August 3, 2023

Working Capital Financing Cash Flow Solutions In Canada


Navigating Working Capital Financing: A Canadian Business's Roadmap

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        Financing & Cash flow are the biggest issues facing business today 


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EMAIL - sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com 




Expand Your Business: Exploring Working Capital Financing Cash Flow Solutions in Canada 






Working capital financing in Canada has undergone major changes with the emergence of various traditional and non-traditional lending options.


Businesses looking to navigate short-term obligations around their company's financial health now have diverse solutions to explore. Let's dive into the details to understand what might be the best fit for your enterprise.


Who Provides Working Capital Loans in Canada?

Traditional Lenders

Canadian banks and business-oriented credit unions have been the go-to solutions for owners seeking positive cash flow in business lines of credit and term loans. However, in the wake of recent years, the landscape has changed, with various non-bank commercial lenders stepping into the scene.

Non-Bank Alternative Lenders in Canada


These non-traditional lenders often cater to SME COMMERCIAL FINANCE needs and demonstrate a greater understanding and risk appetite for sales growth, receivable financing, inventory loans, PO Financing, and equipment leasing under the general heading of alternative financing.



Government Loans And Grants: Are They Suitable For Your Business? 


While many seek government grants, it is crucial to note that most grant-type programs might not serve the average Canadian business owner's needs related to working capital.


The Canada Small Business Financing Program

The two notable exceptions are the government-guaranteed Small Business Loan, or CSBFL, and the federal SR&ED program. SBL government small business loans provide beneficial rates, terms, and structures but primarily focus on equipment and leasehold loans. The SR&ED programs provide billions annually for firms investing in r&d.


Is Your Company Investing in Research and Development?


If your company invests in R&D, the SR&ED program might be suitable. SR&ED credits can also be financed, turning them into a great source of initial cash flow.


Working Capital Term Loans and Mezzanine Finance


The less-known cash flow loans or mezzanine loans cater to accounts payable needs, reaching up to $250k for small and medium-sized businesses. These loans are often termed short-term working capital loans, providing quick access to cash, albeit at higher rates.



Non-Bank Asset-Based Lines of Credit / Unsecured Loans


These large-scale loans (often over $1 Million) from non-bank sources provide working capital and are generally unsecured. The more you invest in current assets, the more financing and focus will be required for daily operating activities. For more information on non-bank asset-based lines of credit and asset-based loans, click here.




  1. Traditional Banks and Credit Unions are often the first options, but alternative lenders are becoming popular.

  2. Non-Bank Alternative Lenders may provide more flexibility for SMEs and offer numerous asset-based and cash-flow solutions without requirements such as collateral and guarantees often demanded by Canadian banks.

  3. Government Grants and Programs can assist in specific cases. Talk to 7 Park Avenue Financial about grant financing solutions.

  4. Asset-Based and Unsecured Loans offer flexible options for increasing working capital and liquidity.




Seeking to overcome negative working capital?


Working capital may hold varying interpretations for different entrepreneurs, yet the core principle of genuine cash flow and funding current business assets stays constant.


True working capital financing encompasses the funding of immediate assets like accounts receivable, inventory, and purchase orders. Asset turnover and current asset management are critical to business success.  Some government initiatives could suit your needs, including term loans, leasehold enhancements, etc.


With these perspectives, Canadian entrepreneurs can arm themselves with the knowledge and self-assurance to explore many options in working capital management and funding. The choices, from conventional bank financing to exclusive government schemes and asset-backed lending, are diverse and extensive.


Make well-informed choices and drive your enterprise forward by selecting the apt working capital financing strategy tailored to your situation.


Working capital may signify diverse things to various business owners, but the underlying truth of real cash flow and capital management is unaltered.


Authentic working capital management is linked with financing short-term assets like accounts receivable, stock, and procurement orders. In the Canadian context, numerous opportunities are available, and pinpointing the right solution can substantially boost business advancement.


Prefer an  ‘expert ‘in business financing? Call  7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business Financing Advisor with a track record of long-term success in helping companies with finance solutions for enhancing the growth of their products and services.




What is a cash flow loan?

A cash flow loan is a good funding tool for entrepreneurs needing financial help. These loans are helpful to new businesses or companies that want to find salespeople and invest in marketing campaigns, product research and services; they can be instrumental when an entrepreneur faces low liquidity after the decline of funds from credit lines.


A cash flow loan can be the perfect funding tool for many entrepreneurs. This is especially true for companies growing quickly and have significant funds invested in receivables and inventories or limited assets to offer as collateral.


These loans are helpful after an unforeseen liquidity shortfall has occurred, preventing growth from happening because these events cause a company's finances to become strained. Quick business decisions need to be made oftentimes without all the necessary information on hand.


What are the primary sources of working capital financing in Canada?

The primary sources include traditional banks and credit unions, non-bank alternative lenders, government grant programs like the Canada Small Business Financing Program, and asset-based lines of credit or unsecured loans.


 How do non-bank alternative lenders in Canada differ from traditional lenders?

Non-bank alternative lenders often have a greater understanding and higher risk appetite for growth areas like sales, receivable financing, and inventory loans. They offer flexibility and cater more to SMEs compared to traditional lenders.


Are government grants suitable for working capital needs in Canada?

 Most government grants may not serve the needs of average business owners for working capital. However, programs like the CSBFL and SR&ED offer specific grants and loans that can support business financing needs.


How can the SR&ED program benefit companies investing in R&D?

Canada's SR&ED program is a non-refundable grant that covers around 40% of cash spent on R&D. SR&ED credits can also be financed into an 'SRED LOAN', providing a valuable source of working capital.

 What are the benefits of non-bank asset-based lines of credit for businesses in Canada?

These loans offer flexibility in providing working capital as they are often unsecured and have higher limits. They enable financing current assets like receivables, inventory, and equipment, enhancing business growth capabilities.


How are working capital and cash flow related?

Cash flow and working capital are vital elements in financial analysis and business valuation, sharing similarities but also having distinct differences.

  • Cash flow focuses on money movement and operational finance.
  •  A Company's Working capital position assesses short-term financial health by comparing current assets to liabilities.
  • Both are essential in financial analysis and business valuation, with distinct but related roles.

Cash Flow:

  • Summarizes the company's cash holdings (account balances, cash and cash equivalents, cheques, etc.).
  • Indicates money flowing in and out of the company and the assessment of a company's ability to meet financial obligations and helps determine how much cash or financing is needed
  • Positive cash flow: income is higher than expenditure.
  • Negative cash flow: expenditure is higher than income.
  • Operating cash flow refers to financing day-to-day operational business, including costs, investments in new equipment, etc.
  • The cash flow statement shows annual cash flow and liquidity.

Working Capital:

  • The difference between current assets and current liabilities in the financial statements creates net working capital - either positive or negative,  on the balance sheet - this calculation is known as the working capital ratio.
  • The amount available to pay current liabilities.
  • Positive working capital: current assets are higher than current liabilities
  • Negative working capital: current liabilities are higher than current assets. How to calculate working capital movement in a business is vital to financial success.

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