Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Receivables Financing Counterpunch – Making Factoring Cost Work For Your Company

How much is it? No we aren’t in line at a department store, we're sitting with our clients who are always asking what the true cost of factoring receivables is and if a receivables financing facility is their real solution for working capital problems. They ask other questions also, such as how the facility works and what is the best type of facility for the Canadian business marketplace, so we we'll cover those off also .

We don’t think there is more of a mis understood business financing in Canada, notwithstanding the fact that receivables financing is growing in popularity traction everyday. The biggest stigma around the topic is really the true cost, and we use the word true cost because many Canadian business owners and financials managers simply don’t understand the components of that true cost, and moreso, how these costs can be significantly offset and reduced.

We'll point out that coming up the rear fast and furious behind true cost are the issues of how the facility works and what type of facility is the best one in Canada - as there are several types.

To properly address our issue lets quickly define our subject - factoring, ( also called receivable discounting and invoice financing ) is simply the sale of your receivables to a third party firm, that firm providing you with immediate ( and we mean same day!) cash to finance your business

One of the misconceptions clients have around pricing is related to the fact that you receive (depending on who you are dealing with) 80-90% of your invoice amount in a receivables financing scenario. This must be taken into account when you are looking at total factoring cost.

One thing that constantly disturbs us is that the terminology mumbo jumbo that many factor firms use when they are offering you pricing on your facility. That’s why it makes total sense to talk to a trusted, credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor that will work with you through the (industry created) maze of factoring, factoring cost, and day to day paper flow.

You can quickly and easily focus in on the true cost of factoring by simply keeping in mind three things that you need to know - they are:
1. The percentage that you are advanced on your invoice (refer to our previous comments)
2. The discount rate charged on the advance
3. The length of time that you typically collect your receivables in

Most business owners are not readily facility with their DSO, their ' day’s sales outstanding '. You have to be, because it’s an ongoing measure of the time it takes to collect your receivables in days. It’s calculated simply by taking your receivalble on an annual basis, multiplying them by 365 (days) and then dividing that number by your sales for that time period.

Therefore, if you know your collection period, and get an honest, clear answer on our three points you can easily determine the cost of factoring.

Let’s give you a clear example: Your factor firm advances you 80% of your invoice. Their discount rate is 3%. So if you are in the lenders shoes your annual return on the client (that’s you!) is simply: Discount rate % times 365 days Divided by number of days invoice is outstanding.

In Canada that rate is typically going to work out to be in the 1.5-3% per month range depending on the lenders perception of the size and quality of your accounts receivable portfolio.

Is that expensive financing? You tell us, because if you take into account the receivables financing facility provides you with unlimited cash flow to generate sales and profits, and that you can use the cash to offset financing costs, well... we dont think so .Costs can be offset by using the funds to take supplier payment discounts, and purchase in larger volumes and better prices re your inventory needs, etc.

Speak to that trusted, credible business financing advisor we spoke of, he or she will guide you through the receivable discounting maze and set you on course with the right facility at a price that makes sense to you.



Sunday, October 31, 2010

Is Financing Inventory and Financing Purchase Orders Actually Possible In Canada ? Yes You Can!

It's not a myth or urban legend. Financing inventory and financing purchase orders in Canada is actually possible and in most circumstances the cost of this financing is significantly offset by your firms ability to increase sales, generate additional profits, and lower competitive pressure .The bottom line is of course more larger orders and contracts, in some cases from clients you were not able to satisfy in the past based on our financial strength or other challenges.

Let's step back a bit and define some of our key metrics. In its simple form the financing of inventory is simply your ability to finance, or rather, ' margin' inventory on an ongoing basis. The inventory is of course simply the collateral. Clients talking to us about seeking specialized inventory financing are often in the position of having inventory form a large part of their current assets, in conjunction with accounts receivable of course.

So in a perfect world you go to your Canadian chartered bank and ask they to finance you inventory and free up cash flow. It’s that simple right? We can hear you already in the background, and we'll be the first to admit it’s not a perfect world. Even seasoned Canadian business owners and financial managers realize the inventory is not high on the list of bank financing in Canada, especially if you are a small or medium sized firm that does not have the bench strength to satisfy typical bank criteria which focus around everything EXCEPT inventory, i.e. ratios, covenants, external collateral, personal guarantees, etc.

For inventory financing to make sense you should realize that your inventory has to be marketable, it can’t be old, stale and slow moving. You also have to be in a position to demonstrate that your inventory turns regularly, and that you have sufficient gross margin to carry the financing costs associated with financing inventory and financing purchase orders. P.o. Financing is of course the ' kid sister ' to inventory finance, and such a facility contemplates direct payment to your suppliers by the p.o. financier , allowing you to of course satisfy supplier payment amounts and terms, while at the same time fulfilling client orders and contracts .

So if the bank is not your best bet how actually are these two asset categories financed? The reality is they are financed by specialized firms, and in the case of inventory pure play financing we encourage clients to bundle their inventory financing with a full asset based lending line of credit via a non bank private finance firm. This type of facility margins both inventory and A/R to maximum leverage, giving you in essence unlimited working capital to grow.

To qualify for financing inventory and financing purchase orders you should generally have solid management and industry experience, good accounting and reporting around your inventory, as well as the aforementioned marketable product that can be resold by the financier if a problem arises.

Speak to a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on ensuring your understand the benefits and qualifications for this valuable financing tool and strategy.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

How To Finance Your Film tax credits in Canada - Cash Flow your Incentive Grant Today

Many producers, directors and owners of Canadian projects in film, television and digital animation are not aware of their potential capability to finance film tax credits and monetize those tax incentives into real cash flow, working capital, while enhancing return on equity for their projects.

Let’s examine how these credits work, who they are available to, and why Canadians and foreign owners of projects should consider the monetization of these valuable non repayable film tax incentives. Although we traditionally talk to clients around ' film ' you should never forget that both television and animation in Canada is eligible for these same incentives.

In essence you are simply taking advantage of the Canadian federal and provincial governments desire to in effect ' subsidize’ the cost of your productions. If they're offering, why aren’t you taking?!

In essence its basically about geography and content -as the two levels of Canadian government are focused on attracting employment and foreign capital to Canada - it is their belief ( and why would we even question it ) that these productions advertise Canada, bring capital spending to Canada and, probably most importantly, stimulate employment - thereby generating tax revenue . But enough of our economics lecture - let’s get down to real world basics on film tax incentives and film tax credit financing in Canada.

Owners of productions are eligible for pure non repayable grants under approximately 6 different programs based on the four genres of film, tv, animation, and the sometimes forgotten ' music’ industry .

The grants, as we mentioned are non repayable, and very generous, often approximating 30 - 40% of your production budgets in various categories. We tell clients it is essential to tie yourself to a solid entertainment accountant who focus and expertise will allow you to craft a budget that maximizes the most eligibility of your expenses. Certain categories of expenses are known as ' qualifying ‘and the include labor and actual non labour expenses. The government issues guidelines on these budgets and what qualified - you can spend 1 , 5 or ten hours looking through government literature, or, alternatively, do as we recommend, speak to a trusted, credible and experiences film tax financing consultant who can guide you through the whole process of film tax credit financing in Canada .

Film tax incentive financing can be accomplished when you have received your final approval and certificates - for example, if you are shooting or filming in Ontario you would file under what is known as the OPSTC -- The Ontario Production Services Tax Credit.

So you have filed your claim, and completed your production. Next item on the agenda - waiting! Care not to wait - then finance you claim, which essentially is the financing and discounting of your claim with the claim as the key collateral. Want an even more supercharged solution - finance your claim while you are in production and receive cash flow and working capital to enhance the overall financing plan.

Film tax credit financing in Canada - its available, its generous, use it, and, if you need to, finance your claims!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Friday, October 29, 2010

How The Right Franchise Financing Will Successfully Solve Your Franchise Cost Challenge !

You have selected, or are selecting a Canadian franchise. You're down to those two last seemingly minor questions - how much does the franchise cost, and what franchise financing is available! Pardon our questions, but those are hardly minor points.

Franchise opportunities in Canada seem unlimited these days as the industry continues to grow and grow. A huge portion of the Canadian economy is services by franchisors and their franchisees in Canada.

There is no one method that serves all you’re financing needs for your new proposed business. However several tried and true methods of financing are utilized successfully everyday in Canada; let’s explore some of those methods and hopefully provide you with tips, strategies and tactics to successfully complete you business acquisition. In most cases you will be buying, or building a franchise with your franchisor partner, in some instances you are negotiating with an existing franchisee to purchase their business. Both of these scenarios are financed differently.

In the case of purchasing an existing franchise a more formulaic approach is available to you. The basic process involves negotiating a fair price around the business, validating the financial statements of the owner, and, more often than not, obtaining an appraisal of any of the hard assets and leaseholds of the business. The appraisal value is a key point in your overall financing strategy. We also caution business clients to take some time to ' normalize' the financial statements of the existing business. This is what even sophisticated financial analysts do when they are looking at a merger or acquisition type scenario. The process simply involves taking a look at all the costs and expenses and eliminating those that might not be relevant as you move the new business forward.

Quick example on the above: Previous owner is taking 80,000.00 out in salary; you feel you can continue with a 50k salary - that obviously allows you to put 30k of profit and cash flow back into your business assumptions. You might well want to utilize the services of a trusted, credible and experienced financial advisor who can assist you in this area if you are a non- financial type!

The most common method of financing a franchise in Canada, existing or new, is a BIL .Great says our clients, now what is that?! It’s the technical name for the Canadian governments Small Business Financing program, and it provides up to 350k in financing for your business. Sounds great, right?

The challenge our clients face is typically understanding the criteria of the program , how it works, what information and back up is required to process a financing, and what other types of financing might compliment this proven and popular strategy. (We have found equipment financing or leasing to be a great add on complement to the government loan strategy)

Franchise financing around the franchise cost should not be viewed as coming from your franchisor, they are in the business of building their empire, not financing yours! That is a common misconception among clients.

However, in the case of purchasing an existing franchise you may well want to negotiate at least a nominal (or greater if you can!) vendor take back to compliment the overall financing. It’s a great strategy that motivates you and the current franchisee to work together to continue the success of the business.

Our final point and tip around franchise cost is clearly to assess what your own investment will be in the business. Typically franchise lenders are looking to get a very reasonable owner equity or down payment on the transaction, which is of course relative to the size of the business you are buying or starting.

Speak to a trusted Canadian business financing advisor to ensure you have a clear strategy and a solid plan to finance your entrepreneurial vision.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Thursday, October 28, 2010

3 Ways To Supercharge Access To Business Lines of Credit And Asset Loans

Canadian business financing has a new success story when it comes to business lines of credit and asset loans. Although it’s clearly been around for awhile we run into tens of clients who haven’t even heard of the solution, but boy do they know they have a business financing problem! The ' supercharger' we are referring to is an ABL; an asset based business line of credit.

Let's make sure you understand the basics first - and it’s actually quite simple. An ABL facility is a revolving line of credit, which, surprise, surprise, is typically offered by an institution other than a bank! That’s what really surprises some of our clients. These business lines of credit, or asset, or asset loans are credit facilities that support your receivables and inventory, just as they would if your firm qualified or had access to a Canadian chartered bank facility.

Can we add a little more ' supercharging' to the mix - yes we can. The Abl facility can actually include equipment and real estate which can be bundled into the facility if your firm has those assets for additional leverage. So what is happening is that you as a Canadian business owner or financial manager are using your ' asset rich' status and monetizing that into temporary working capital and cash flow. That’s a good thing.

So who in Canada is already ' supercharging' their credit facilities outside of the bank environment? Literally thousands of companies, including some of the largest corporations in Canada. We would point out though that the general lower end of this type of facility typically is 250k, but after that the sky is the limit with respect to transaction size. There is a common perception out there that this type of financing is for companies that are experiencing financial challenges - and to be fair , because the program is asset based these business lines of credit and asset loans are available to firms who are doing well, and those not doing well or experiencing dire challenges . That accessibility for corporations and industries of all types is what is fueling the asset based line of credit facility growth in Canada.

It's never a perfect world, so we advise clients to expect a higher cost of funds than that of a Canadian bank facility - but at what cost would you pay more for a facility that margined all your assets, including fixed assets and real estate. When proper value is agreed upon with your firm and the asset based lender you can actually margin and utilize cash flow on your unencumbered equipment and equity in real estate.

In summary, first, you can supercharge your working capital and cash flow via an ABL facility, which is a direct alternative to any method you are utilizing today. Secondly, your liquidity could literally double if you are in a position to monetize some of your equipment and or real estate, without taking on any additional debt! And, thirdly the facility does not exclude any type of firm from applying, so you can take advantage of Canada's newest form of financing today! , thereby accelerating your growth and profits.
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Alternatives and Tips On Working Capital Finance By Banks

Canadian business owners and financial managers seeking working capital finance by banks or other sources are generally experiencing growth in sales and profits. That’s the good news, which is of course offset by the fact that this type of success requires additional working capital.

Liquidity has become the name of the game and ' cash is king' even today never seems like a worn cliché. A recent study by the Conference Board of Canada indicated that the key worries of business owners were working capital cash flow. (Also referenced were ' regulatory issues and competition')

So you have assets... but can those assets generate workign capital finance by banks or other alternate sources.

For working capital purposes it’s all about ' current assets ' which include typically receivables and inventory. As you invest in those two assets to generate sales your working capital needs go up, and your ability to manage and turn over those assets plays a key role in the sourcing of working capital by banks, and non bank institutions.

You should not be afraid to enter into traditional or alternative working capital solutions if you have properly managed current assets - you are simply monetizing for liquidity, and that’s rarely a bad thing.

So are Canadian chartered banks the solutions to your working capital needs. Probably, possibly, maybe is our answer, meaning that if your firm is capable of meeting bank criteria for a revolving line of credit your needs typically can be met. Of more and more concern to our clients is their ability to not be able to generate sufficient financing for the sister of receivables, aka inventory.

That then takes us into an alternative for bank financing, which is the fast growing area of asset based financing, in particular asset based lines of credit. These facilities cost more, but give you total margining of the market value of your receivables, inventory, and , guess what, we'll throw in equipment and real estate if you want to temporarily margin them for working capital. And remember, your balance sheet is not taking on debt when you enter into either a bank or alternative asset based line of credit, you're simply monetizing your financials for cash flow.

The reality is that alternative methods of financing are growing more popular - yes they are more expensive, but if your firm generates sufficient margins and return on equity your ability to tap into virtually unlimited working capital can prove to be a very positive experience.

The reality of working capital finance by banks or alternative methods is always the same - you need to determine your asset turnover, there will always be times when you need a bulge in inventory and A/R to fund your growth.

Liquidity, that’s what it’s all about. Speak to a trusted, experienced and credible Canadian business financing advisor in order to ensure your traditional and alternative business financing options are first, clear, and second, available!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Take Back Productivity With Equipment Financing Leasing in Canada

Yours customers have heard the news - you have invested in new assets to better serve their needs and demonstrate your firms long term commitment to their business. That’s a clear, however intangible, benefit of equipment financing leasing in Canada.

The ability to increase production or streamline your business processes is often served by asset acquisition - acquiring those assets via a lease financing option is clearly the smart thing to do .

Competition is heating up everywhere, locally, nationally, and of course globally. That’s why your ability to invest in new assets such as production equipment, computer technology, business equipment, etc will put you at the top of the pile when it comes to today’s highly competitive environment.

Investing is always a long term strategy, so it is necessary to finance long term assets with a finance strategy such as equipment financing leasing - you are matching the long term benefits you will achieve through the assets with a same long term financing strategy. Your accountant calls that ' matching means to your needs ' - Intuitively to you as a business owner it’s simply cash flow 101!

It clearly does not make sense to any Canadian business owner or financial manager to pay cash and deplete cash flow and working capital resources and then to only receive the benefits of that cash outlay over a longer period of time.

Many of the production assets that we see clients acquire come from either the U.S, Europe, and in some cases even Asia. The 2010 strong Canadian dollar lends itself to strong buying power based on the currency and the willingness of the foreign suppliers to make sales.

When we thing of shop floor and production equipment we think of long term assets that will have a very useful economic life - in many cases they will even hold a residual value many years ago . But then... theres computer and technology. Those assets cost a lot, depreciate quickly, and as they become more and more productive that is offset by the need to constantly upgrade - think servers, pc's, laptops. Etc. Once again, equipment financing leasing to the rescue! Your ability to upgrade, replace, or extend current leasing of technologies is enhanced by a lease financing option. And think of those cash flow advantages. We pity the poor Chief Information Officer at medium sized and larger firms that constantly must wrestle with capital expenditures in such large and constant amounts.

We all here about ' crunching the numbers ' - in leasing, with the aid of a financial calculator you can very quickly identify budgeted amounts and cash outflows. There are only 5 simple parts of an equipment lease calculation- the term of the lease, the interest rate, the value of the equipment, the end purchase option, and of course the payment . Knowing any 4 of those allows you to quickly calculate the final remaining piece of the puzzle in your budgeting scenarios.

One of the greatest financiers of all time, J P Getty is often quoted as saying - ' if it appreciates buy it, if it depreciates, lease it '. That’s the strategy you probably should adopt on every asset acquisition, and utilizing the variety of equipment financing leasing options is the common way to approach that lease versus buy decision.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor that will help you achieve and overcome your obstacles to competitive innovation.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :