Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Real World Lessons On Inventory Financing from Purchase Order To Cash

Information for Canadian business owners and financial managers on non bank inventory financing and purchase order finance . How do these finance mechanisms work, and are they alternatives to bank financing that make sense for sales and profit growth .


It's possible. It’s certainly not easy though, but inventory financing and purchase order finance are two little known and under utilized Canadian business financing strategies for business owners and financial managers.

In certain industries, probably yours if you are reading this! , inventory is one of your key assets. The turnover and financing of that inventory play a key role in your sales and profit growth. You ability to purchase and turn inventory are key to the earnings you generate. That’s why when clients ask for information on their ability to finance purchase orders and inventory it becomes critical that they understand their options and the cost of those options.

It's worth stepping back a bit and focusing on the fact that your ability to manage your inventory will play a key role in the ability to finance it. Simply speaking your ability to demonstrate turnover of product, controls in purchasing, and as important, and your firm’s ability to demonstrate reporting around this key current assets on your balance sheet.

The purchase order/contract and sales generation is of course the ultimate balance act for any firm - no inventory, or improper levels wont allow you to fulfill sales, too much inventory can drain cash flow .

Financing inventory in Canada really boils down to two essential solutions, your bank, or independent finance firms who are willing to take greater risks and offer you additional leverage on financing your products. Why do they take more risk - simply because it’s their business to understand your industry and the nature of your products and the ultimate salability or liquidation value? Their expertise in this area translates into greater borrowing power for your firm - and that’s a good thing!

Investing and monetizing your inventory is a good thing, provided that the inventory produces a solid rate of return - therefore financing and management of your products is key to overall business success.

Inventory financing and purchase order finance is Canada is available, it’s also specialized. As your firm generates new contracts and purchase orders that you are having a challenge in fulfilling (because of finance and cash flow pressures) you should consider finding an alternative source of financing based on your overall current business financing with your senior lender, typically a bank.

Specialized inventory financing and purchase order finance firms are most likely your problems solution. Funding is provided to fund the cost of your products with your suppliers, and the actual day to day finance strategy is much focused - payments are made to your suppliers, often directly, allowing you to receive product, and ship, thereby generating a receivable. Receivables turn into cash and the cycle is complete.

Inventory finance works best when it involves a holistic approach of collateralizing the purchase order, the inventory and the receivable that you generate as sales revenue .That by its necessity typically involves a non banking institution, i.e. the private independent finance firms we've discussed. One tool, an asset based line of credit which collateralizes inventory, A/R, and even equipment is often the total solution you are looking for.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced business financing advisor to ensure you understand solutions available to inventory and p o financing for long term sales and profit growth.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Are There Canadian film financing banks For My Tax Credits?

It’s happening! Your project in film, animation, or television is moving forward - you've got shooting locations, principal photography details lined up, cast set, crew in place... but wait... someone forgot to take care of the film financing though!

Canadian film financing is certainly does not have dissimilar challenges from any other film geography in the world - its all about a great or interesting script, a solid cast, and , oh yes , funding and being cost efficient .

The reality is that your film project (again, we are always talking also about t v and animation in the same breath) has to be run like a business - because that’s what it is. In fact the reality is that 99.9% of all production is in fact set up as SPV's (special purpose vehicles) that reflect the financial success of just that one project.

So you project is funded just like any other company, with debt and equity , and has all the usual challenges around financing, payroll, accounting, meeting budgets, etc.

We always smile when we hear the phrase - ' I'm from the government and I am here to help’. But, guess what, in the case of the Canadian film, TV and televison industry you can make the case the generosity and clarity around the government tax credits for the industry are second to none, in the world, actually.

Your project owners, whoever they might be, want to know that you are fully financed. In Canada, using a broad brush example of 30 - 40% that money can come from our friend in the government, typically a combined federal and provincial formula, depending in which province you choose to shoot, post produce, etc.

When we talk to owners and producers of productions, either those having taken place, or in planning, it’s clear the road is a long hard one, it’s never easy! That’s why we encourage clients in Canadian film financing to monetize their tax credits and ensure they have the proper advice around structuring their budgets and what qualifies.

Many are surprised to hear that your productions can be financed on an accrual base. That is to say by working with film financing banks and private finance firms you can ' cash flow ' your project as you are in production. Again, the government is offering to help you with cash flow, and your film financing bank or private independent finance firm will cash flow those non repayable tax credits. It’s clearly a win win.

We’ve always felt that the tax credits in Canada for production services credits benefit independent producers, although we are assured major studios utilize them also. So as an owner or executive producer who is challenged with film financing you're automatically 1/3 of the way there in finding your equity and debt backers, by virtue of tax credit monetization.

As a producer or owner of a production you want to ensure the project is financed properly and responsibly - talk to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian film tax credit consultant to ensure you're cash flowing your project to your maximum benefit.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

How To Leverage SRED (SR&ED) Tax Credit Financing And Factoring for Cash Flow

Leveraging your SRED (SR&ED) Tax credit via the financing and factoring of your claim is a responsible way to maximize cash flow and working capital. It’s all about timing, and if your firm requires additional working capital financing the ability to cash flow or discount your claim for working capital today is a clear and viable option.

Canadian business owners that partake of the program in Canada clearly have recognized the benefits of research and furthering their competitive position in product and services. Although tens of thousands of firm take advantage of the program we are always amazed at the number of our clients that either have not heard of the program, much less take advantage of it.

Let’s do a short primer on the program, and more importantly, the financing aspects of your claim. And trust us, we are not talking about going to your chartered bank for that financing, as this type of financing is somewhat boutique and niche requires specialized financing and financing assistance.

The federal SRED program is s of course for private companies that qualify for a non repayable tax credit, in effect a grant from the government for a large percentage of their R&D spending. Your ability to recover that cash flow is of course a very positive aspect, but, the ability to finance your claim as soon as it is filed, ( in some cases before ) simply is one more alternative in today’s challenging cash flow environment to monetize a short term asset and turn it into cash flow .

So how does Sred (Sr&Ed) tax credit financing and factoring work? We use the term factoring because its becoming more broadly understood and accepted in Canada - so what we are simply saying is that your sred (sr&Ed) claim is in effect a receivable, and in the same manner that you would consider financing a receivable is really the same logic and methodology around a sred financing.

Is it difficult to finance a Sr&Ed? We keep that explanation to our clients very simple. If you have a sred that has been prepared by a qualified consultant or accountant and your company has viability then your claim is financeable. Is that complex, we don’t think so.

Have you ever applied for any type of business financing before? What was involved? - Typically it was filling out an application, providing back up documentation, and clarifying, if required to a business lender, any information that required explanation. Guess what, that’s the SRED process also.

A claim can be financed in a matter of weeks, which we think is a very typical time for any type of business financing these days. After a basic business application and review of your sred a term sheet is issued. Typically the main collateral for the financing is of course the sred claim itself. In Canada its typical to receive about 70% LTV for your claim, meaning that if you calim is 300k you would receive immediate financing for 70% of that amount .Whats the monthly payment clients ask? Here's the good news, there is none. You put that cash flow to work and when your claim is finalized, adjudicated and paid by Ottawa then you receive the other 30% of your claim , minus of course the financing costs, which typically are in the 1.5 -2% range per month .

Speak to a trusted, credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on how SRED (SR&ED tax credit financing and factoring works. Cash flow today from a government non repayable grant - How could you not consider that option!


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Secret of Franchise Financing Loans

It's appealing, we know that. It’s the idea of owning your own business that is a proven brand and money maker. Franchise financing loans can help you address your entrepreneurial vision of owning a franchise in Canada. The ability to own your own business and generate profits and wealth is of course appealing to all.

Picking your franchise in some ways is half the battle, as you probably have been focused on purchasing a new or existing franchise that matches your skills, interest, and experience. The other half of the battle and some say the harder one (we would agree) is arranging franchise financing loans that make sense for your business and your own personal situation.

As we point out to clients, whether entrepreneurs are starting a major manufacturing company that might employ hundreds, or a pizza shop with a staff of three two considerations come to mind, always - they are debt and equity. We're of course referring to how much you will put into the business, and how much business credit for a franchise loan can be accessed.

So are there some great secrets and tips we can share with yourself as a prospective entrepreneur - there sure are.

First tip/secret # 1 is simply to investigate carefully the financial requirements that your franchisor requires. These must be addressed in a solid and dedicated manner. If you don’t understand the requirements how can you address them? So ensure you understand the amount of financing the franchisor recommends. Is that all? Definitely not, that’s where our previous concept of planning was mentioned. Make sure you consider two other aspects of the business financing; they are working capital for daily operations, and some sort of plan for long term growth or expansion.

It's probably not written in stone somewhere, but we have always felt that clients aligning themselves with a major brand that has a larger number of multiple units have a strong chance of financing success. Of course that isn’t always the case, as some new concepts in a number of industries continue to be introduced all the time, but it sure helps if the lender is enamored by the franchisors brand and success.

Another great tip and secret is simply that as opposed to spending all the time on the business itself when you are discussing financing, rather also focus on your own personal financial situation and experience. This is absolutely one of the most important criteria that banks pay attention to - namely how have you run your personal affairs, and at the same time do you have the type of business of management experience.

Some franchisees think because they don’t have very direct experience it might hinder their financing - the reality is by properly positioning your skills in a general sense, i.e. previous sales experience, customer service, etc you can capitalize on general business skills required to run any business .

You may not like to hear the news, but the reality is that you do in these times need a sizeable personal investment into the business, aka your owner equity. Those typical ranges between 30-50% depending on the size and nature of your franchise. In some cases you might be in fact buying an existing franchise from another franchisee who wishes for some reason to 'move on.

Let’s share probably our greatest secret in financing your franchise - the government of Canada. Many clients are surprised to hear that a government program known as the CSBF / BIL program is the largest financier of franchises in Canada. Its underwritten, structured, and supported by the government and offers great rates, terms and structures for amounts up to 350,000.00 - that amount was increased from 250k in previous years.

A final secret - experts are preferred - Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor on how you can efficiently and successful gain knowledge on franchise financing loans for your new business.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Asset Based Lending is the Only Business Credit You Will Ever Need

It's possible, and we've seen it work all the time. How could one type of business financing, i.e. asset based lending, be the only business credit tool our firm will ever need?

Typically when we meet with clients to talk about non-bank alternatives to cash flow and working capital challenges we speak in terms of many type of financing being complimentary to each other - example : factoring and purchase order financing . In most cases one type of Canadian business financing is not necessarily going to do the entire job you need - Except..! Except when it’s an Asset based lending solution for business credit.

'ABL' is sort of the new kid on the block - it’s vastly popular in the U.S. and gradually taking off in Canada, some say in fits and starts, which is partially due to the entry and departure of various firms that dominate the market.

ABL, which is our acronym for the solution can be tailored very specifically to be the total one stop financing solution your firm needs. The two greatest dynamics of ABL is that it offers your business more credit availability (isn’t that what it’s all about) and at the same time can be customized to your industry and specifically, your company!

In its purest form is simply putting in a customize loan facility to allow you to draw daily against the value of your receivables, inventory, and in many cases fixed assets and real estate. It’s kind of the business version of a home equity line of credit we like to explain to clients!

But wait a minute, clients say, isn’t it exactly what a bank does. Well, yes, and absolutely no! Conceptually it is still the same, but the asset based lending business credit facility focuses solely on the assets, so you will rarely , if every hear terms such as rations, covenants, outside collateral, personal guarantees, etc in the context of an ABL solution .

So is it the right financing tool for your firm - we'll let you be the judge of that. But if your firm required a working capital and cash flow revolver in excess of 250k and you have some financial challenges you are immediately a candidate. Oh and by the way, you absolutely need to have receivables, inventory and fixed assets to get this type of facility, that’s really the main premise.
Typical candidates we work with all the time have margin pressures, they don’t have the business financing in place to support sales growth and new orders, , or they have some real business and balance sheet issues revolving around restructuring, turning around, coming off a bad year, receiving a mega contract, etc .. If that sounds like you we can assure you that you're a candidate for asset based lending business credit.

Key benefits of the facility are greater cash flow, no covenants or ratio maintenance, and the ability to take advantage of opportunities otherwise not available.

So is it the be all and end all financing solution. Only you as a Canadian business owner and financial manager can decide - so speak to a trusted credible and experienced business financing advisor to see if this type of business credit is for your firm.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Surviving A Working Capital Financing and Funding Challenge

Did we really even have to mention it, but a major CFO survey, just released, stated that ' Cash flow is Top Concern Priority for 2011 ‘. When has working capital financing and working capital funding in general ever been more important.

Let's take a look at the Canadian situation and how you can solve some of those working capital challenges that were re iterated as concerns in the survey, which was done, by the way by TD. And by the way, putting ' surveys' aside, we'll offer some ' real world' solutions to some of the issues highlighted in the bank survey!

Intensity? The survey actually used that word when Canadian business owners and financial managers described their necessary day to day attention to working capital management. As a business owner you have to look at your overall structure and ensure you can manage cash flow on a day to day basis.

The survey intimated that although you could cut costs to manage and conserve cash flow most Canadian business owners don’t feel that’s the optimal strategy, only 7% actually.

Access to working capital financing and working capital funding was a major concern by respondents. We are reminded of headlines that say things like ‘90% of all jobs aren’t advertised”. Well, do you know what, when we sit down with clients we strongly feel that they often don’t understand that 90%of financing options aren’t generally known to Canadian business. Did you know there are hundreds of non - bank finance entities, all very unique in nature, that finance receivables, inventory, purchase orders (yes, purchase orders! tax credits (you can finance a tax credit? - YES you can!).

The survey indicated that technology is by far the top area of planned capital investment, and you should be aware there are a number of solid capital and operating lease solutions that provide you with total flexibility in acquiring, and more importantly, using technology .

Alternately the Canadian lease financing industry is back on its feet and numerous solutions for equipment acquisition via leases, loans, bridge loans, etc are available.

Want those real world alternative financing solutions we talked about - consider non bank asset based lines of credit or receivables discounting. Your cash flow is at risk if you aren’t properly managing your A/R and financing it in a manner that suits your firm’s business model and cash conversion cycle.

You could of course stop your life and spend a lot of time investigating these solutions but we strong recommend to clients that they simply seek a trusted, credible, and experienced business financing advisor to sour the working capital financing and working capital funding they need for short term liquidity and long term survival .

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sasquatch ? UFO’s ? Great Asset finance and Equipment leasing Companies in Ontario ? – Myth or Reality ?

We'll go with reality with respect to great asset finance and equipment leasing options in Ontario. With the economy generally improving leasing continues to be a popular and successful method of acquiring the use of assets for your business. And the reality is that this method of asset financing has been in place for hundreds, some say thousands of years, so there is a lot to be said for a proven formula.

There are several key factors that drive the reality success of equipment financing in Canada - they revolve around tax benefits, conservation of capital, and quite simply a solid alternative to ownership. As a Canadian business owner or financial manager you want alternatives to ownership of assets that more often than not depreciate in value. That clearly is the chief advantage of the great asset finance and equipment leasing availability in Ontario.

At the end of the day it’s simply an alternative to ownership, while at the same time you are able to reap all the benefits of the assets without having had the need to put significant capital outlay at the outset. That’s a great option and business financing strategy. There is an age old saying in the lease financing industry which is that you benefit through use, not ownership.

And that additional cash flow allows you to invest in other resources and assets to make your business more profitable and competitive.

Obsolescence is always a concern for business owners who with to acquire new assets, whether they be for production in the plant or technology and computers in the back office. Leasing allows you to battle head on with the obscelescence factor given that you don’t want to outlay significant amounts of capital into assets that might have limited long term use. We continually advise clients to think of their computer needs and purchases in the past, and the constant need to upgrade technology while addressing your current and future needs. Can you even imagine in today’s times owning a computer for 3 to 5 years, it’s very doubtful!

Cash flow and buying power are often quoted in connection with great asset finance and equipment leasing strategies. The reality is that you can buy more if you have a financial strategy in place. Let's look at a simple example - and we will use our old friend computing technology as our poster boy for the example.

Lets say you need a new computer system for 250,000$ and the reality is that an alternate vendor has a better solution for 350,000$. If you were purchasing you have to wrestle down two key issues, laying out 250k , or alternatively coming up with an additional 100k of real cash to complete the second alternative purchase . The monthly lease payment on a 250k 3 year lease would be approx 7700 dollars, and on a 350k deal it would be approx 10 600 dollars . So as a business owner which solution do you want to wrestle with - paying either 250k or 350k out of working capital, or working an additional 3k into your operating budget?

Want to see some real magic? You could actually acquire the 350k system under an operating lease and bring that payment very close to the 250k system, but that’s a technical subject for discussion on another day.

So whats out bottom line, you are welcome to hop on the leasing industry train and take advantage of some great rates, terms, and structures via one of the most comprehensive and flexible asset finance strategies available to business.

So, Sasquatch, Ufo's? We're not sure, but Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced equipment leasing advisor who will help you maximize the benefits of this Canadian business financing proven strategy.
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :