Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Friday, June 16, 2023

7 Ways To Finance A Business Acquisition in 2023



You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing business today


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com








Acquire a company?  That’s one way to beat the ‘organic growth ‘path to business success, and it can be a proven strategy  ... when done properly.  How then does the owner/entrepreneur successfully finance a business acquisition?


Some experience in the area helps - given that different sources of finance in this area demand different approval criteria for successful advantages of acquisition to eliminate financing risk in financing an acquisition. Let's dig in.





Acquiring a business provides business owners and entrepreneurs with opportunities for growth and expansion. However, financing such an acquisition is a crucial aspect that requires careful consideration to eliminate acquisition risk around the target company.  Understanding the different methods of acquisition financing will provide buyers of a business with the opportunity to acquire a company successfully.





Acquisition finance is all about the business capital you need to fund the purchase of a business. It provides the immediate resources you need to complete the acquisition and commence operations and benefit from areas such as the economy of scale.





The ability to buy a company with a working and successful business model can't be overestimated - employees, existing assets and a revenue base are all good things! ' Time to market is virtually eliminated, via an established client base, given that building a brand and market share takes time!

Existing cash flows make it more feasible to attract additional financing to grow the business. These days it is all about the supply chain in your industry, so an existing network of suppliers, vendors and systems and processes is more than invaluable!


For more info from the Harvard Business Review on those ' rules ' and benefits to acquiring a business, click here for the article. We particularly like HBR's rule # 5 on how to acquire a business with a loan  - don't buy a failing business!








When buying/acquiring a business or merging your business into another (That’s the 'M ' in m&a), it’s important to visualize the company's ultimate structure. While it's preferable that your target business has little or no debt, strong cash flow, and valuable assets, the reality is that's not always going to be the case. Therefore different types of acquisition financing are required to shore up the overall ' business valuation' of the target company in connection with your process of due diligence and a better guarantee of being successful with acquisition financing lenders.




As we have said in the past, financial statements don't provide a ' magic number ' for value, but properly completed (and available), they should show you the business's cash flow situation. Again, the past is not the future, so careful examination of future financial potential is key in a financial acquisition.


Prior to pursuing closing a business acquisition buyer should focus on a proper level of due diligence which will typically involve a solid analysis of the target business and close examination of financial documents such as a business credit report, the financial statements / federal income tax returns,  quality of assets, liabilities and areas around sales and marketing such as market position and growth potential. Solid due diligence = informed decision-making.


It is often appropriate to seek the advice and guidance of a trusted business finance advisor such as 7 Park Avenue Financial, as well as your accountant or lawyer - all of whom can provide expertise in evaluating risk and financing options, and terms of sale, and ensure an optimal financial structure is achieved.






Buyers must also determine if they are buying the ' shares' of the business or the ' assets.' There's a big difference in tax obligations here, and this is where it's best to consult your lawyer or external accountant.  Sellers need to consider the fact that there is no real ' market ' for private company shares.  The buying and selling of businesses rely then on proven ' formulas' for valuing a business.





Different industries are valued in different ways  - Valuation may be done on income,  market comparables, and valuation of assets. etc. Prospective purchasers should focus on gross and net income and what adjustments might be needed to make those numbers make sense in the acquisition -


Smaller businesses need to be looked at differently as they typically generate only small profits. Numerous adjustments must be made to ' normalize ' the financials. That process will provide a more accurate picture of cash flow and profit.


Those valuations typically include giving a multiple to cash flow, profits, sales, or some combination of those. In some cases, it's all about the business's assets,' so both a buyer and seller would benefit from a third-party independent appraisal of any assets on the balance sheet if required. While sellers will maintain an overall ' glossy ' outlook on assets... it's buyer beware when it comes to sellers' risk.


On larger, more complex transactions, a 'fairness opinion' will help a transaction - that type of solution to value is much less rate in the SME/SMB marketplace for acquisitions and buyouts.


Example: Specialized assets will require additional due diligence. A good example of that might be intellectual property.  Additionally, real estate might often be a part of your transaction. That can be addressed in several ways - as that type of asset is typically, but not always, held in a separate holding company as part of a long-term owner strategy. 


The quality of the financials and the business's performance historically dictate what type of financing you will need to complete a transaction when financing an acquisition with debt. Poor profits, high levels of debt, and other operational deficiencies will dictate finance solutions. Ultimately understanding the working capital and assets is key. Remember also that in the small to medium enterprise area, ' Goodwill  ' is rarely, if ever, financeable on that balance sheet.


The ability to  ' sell yourself ' as a manager with skills is key.





Let's get back to our actual financing options when acquiring a business and those sources of funding.


They include:


Canadian chartered banks - Bank loans and lines of credit from traditional financial institutions such as credit unions and banks  can offer the ability to secure loans and lines of credit for acquisition financing at favourable rates via cash flow lending solutions. Purchasers seeking bank financing must meet strict loan criteria and the ability to demonstrate sales revenues, profits, and an asset base of collateral. Owners should be able to demonstrate a minimum credit score in the 650 range via a personal credit report.



The Government  of Canada guaranteed ' Small Business Loan.'  The government of Canada's federal loan guarantee program can finance business acquisitions under 1 Million dollars. It provides financing for purchasing an existing business with low down payment requirements and offers competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms under a term loan structure.


Similar to bank financing borrowers must meet traditional loan requirements around net worth, personal credit score, business and income history, etc. Many franchises are financed under these government small business loans via this program in Canada, and changes to the Government SBL program in 2022 increased loan size and type of financing available. The program is similar to the U.S. SBA loan and variable-rate loans are also offered, as well as a limited personal guarantee.


Asset-based loans and lines of credit - are utilized for leveraged buyouts and asset-intensive companies, thereby providing maximum leverage on assets for the existing company


Sale-leaseback strategies on owned assets with loan payments around tailored cash flow needs


Unsecured cash flow term loans / Mezzanine Finance


Seller financing participation - i.e. the 'VTB.' / Vendor financing and seller financing in a business sale.  Establishing a creative earn with the seller will almost always help your transaction. This type of finance contributes to the buyer's down payment and benefits both buyer and seller as it brings some financial flexibility into the transaction and reduces borrowing costs around the buyer purchasing the existing business outright.


Buyer equity - equity financing vs debt financing must be balanced according to your goals and capability to successfully complete the transaction.


One or more often, a combination of these finance solutions will help finalize a financing structure that works best for your purchase. The interest rate on any debt financing will vary based on deal size and type of financing.  A business plan for financing will almost always be required to effectively present your transaction most positively. 7 Park Avenue Financial business plans meet and exceed bank and commercial lender requirements.


Taken into consideration also must be the financing for equipment that might be needed to grow the business - that is most often accomplished via effective equipment leasing to conserve working capital.


While larger deals might be able to secure private equity or a public listing for financial success, the real meat and bones of the small to the mid-market area of acquisitions rely on those 7 strategies ( or combinations of them ) that we highlighted above. Many firms are also acquired via a management buyout - Click here for information on buyout financing solutions.




 Buyers of a business should ensure they have solid post-acquisition financing in play with a realistic plan to ensure financial viability s the newly acquired business moves forward - This includes lines of credit, lease financing of new asses and technology, and good financial management and cash flow and cost controls.







Most of the advantages of buying an already established business are obvious, most notably, eliminating the challenge of starting a  business from scratch. However, there are also some potential risks and disadvantages, such as the costs associated with the value placed on assets, brand, goodwill, proprietary technology, etc. If you as a buyer have limited expertise in the target company industry, the learning curve can be steep - As one of our mentors once said, ' tuition is costly in the school of experience'!


Other issues to contend with are the potential inability to address employee issues or properly assess future financing needs. We all hate surprises, and the surprise around potential product/service and client issues can be a major challenge. In the technology environment, reinvestment in outdated assets can prove to be a financial burden.


Naturally, with a proper level of due diligence, the vast majority of issues can be addressed in the early stages of preparing your offer to purchase.




Acquisition finance should be viewed as strategic planning around the various financing options available, ensuring the business is best positioned for a successful acquisition. Focusing on due diligence and getting the right advice on purchase considerations is key and will help maximize the benefits of the


If you're looking for expert help and real-world financial solutions to buying a business, seek out and speak to  7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in your business acquisition finance needs. When it comes to finance a small business acquisition, let our team help you finance the purchase of an existing business.




How Do You Finance A Business Acquisition

After a potential purchaser establishes a value on the target company they wish to buy, a value/purchase price must be established around the amount needed for a business acquisition loan.

The most common way to establish value is the ability of the company new generate profit. A common formula is ' EBITDA' - which is calculated by earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation. An industry multiple is then put on that number.


Why is Goodwill An Asset?

Goodwill on the balance sheet of a company is the amount over the value of tangible assets of the business. It is viewed as an asset because its benefits are long-term and extend beyond the financial statements period. Components of goodwill might be brand value, client lists, propriety technology etc. There is often a challenge in financing goodwill in business acquisition loans based on the fact it is an intangible asset.


 What are the common options for acquisition financing?


The common options for acquisition financing include traditional bank loans, lines of credit, private lenders, Small Business acquisition loans under the Canada Small Business Financing Program, debt security (such as issuing bonds for larger transactions ), and owner financing.


What factors should I consider when choosing an acquisition financing method?


When choosing an acquisition financing method, consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, collateral requirements, eligibility criteria, associated fees, and the financial stability of the acquiring and target businesses.


How can due diligence impact the success of a business acquisition? 


Due diligence plays a crucial role in the success of business loans in acquisitions. It involves conducting a thorough analysis of the target business, including its financials, assets, liabilities, market position, and growth potential. Effective due diligence helps mitigate risks, make informed decisions, and assess the viability of the financing arrangement.


 What are some best practices for managing finances after acquiring a business?

 After acquiring a business, it is essential to create a realistic repayment plan, manage cash flow effectively, control costs, and integrate the acquired business's operations seamlessly. Seeking professional advice from financial advisors, negotiating favourable terms, and implementing sound financial management practices are also recommended.









Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Alternative Financing For Business Cash Flow In Canada


Improve Cash Flow Instantly: The Power of Alternative Financing

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing businesses today



7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com




Accounts Receivable Factoring In Canada 


Alternative business financing for some folks might mean thoughts of their ' first trip to the rodeo '.


Not us though, so we're sharing some of the best invoice factoring company cash flow solutions for immediate financing for your sales revenues that are available in Canada today.




Factoring is an alternative financing solution that addresses the cash flow struggles of business owners.

It allows businesses to convert the investment in accounts receivable into immediate cash, providing a boost to positive cash flow and supporting ongoing growth and business needs.

Traditional financing options often fall short for businesses seeking working capital, particularly small to medium-sized enterprises and SME companies in Canada help power the economy.

Financing receivables in different ways available offers an attractive alternative, enabling businesses to cash flow their accounts receivable.





Factoring is a financial transaction where a business sells its accounts receivable to a third-party factor at a discounted rate. This provides the business with immediate cash instead of waiting for customers to pay their invoices.


The factor takes over the responsibility of collecting payment from customers, allowing businesses to access funds for expenses, growth initiatives, and maintaining cash flow. Factoring is well-suited for industries with extended payment cycles, such as manufacturing, wholesale, and transportation. It enables businesses to unlock the value of their unpaid invoices and convert them into working capital, addressing their financial needs.


Many private companies in search of SME COMMERCIAL FINANCE solutions have the one prerequisite for this type of financing: Sales and a customer base!  These firms often cannot secure funding from what we term ' traditional banks  ' because they can't satisfy some of the basic criteria for bank loans and business revolving credit facilities to draw funds


. An investment in a/r will find the business needs large amounts of cash if cash flow decreases drastically, or the time period for a relatively low level of cash flow lasts long.






Therefore invoice discounting becomes a logical and readily available solution for the business owner as your firm receives cash for a significant portion of the invoice value ( typically 90% ) before customers pay. This funding option is preferred by many businesses because it does not involve a long-term commitment.




Those requirements? Strong financial statements, assets, collateral, cash flow, and positive credit history. Have we forgotten anything? Yes, that focus is on personal guarantees.  (Note - Personal guarantees are a part of almost any financing for small to medium businesses - but with Canadian banks, they are a key focus point) Due diligence is often completed very quickly via an efficient application process.




While factoring offers numerous benefits, it's essential to understand how it compares to traditional financing options from traditional financial institutions such as Canadian banks.

Here are some key differences:


  1. Creditworthiness: Unlike traditional financing options that prioritize a strong credit history and collateral, factoring relies on the creditworthiness of customers. This enables businesses with imperfect credit or limited assets to still access capital through factoring without collateral or emphasis on personal guarantees.

  2. Time to funding: Traditional financing methods via banks and business-oriented credit unions involve lengthy application and approval processes, causing delays in accessing funds. In contrast, factoring offers immediate same-day cash as a company generates sales revenues, ensuring quick and seamless access to working capital via a streamlined financing process.

  3. Debt vs. sale: Traditional financing involves taking on additional debt with interest charges and repayment obligations. Factoring, however, entails selling accounts receivable without incurring debt or interest charges, providing businesses with cash reserves and funds without adding to their debt burden. No debt comes onto the balance sheet!

  4. Credit management: With traditional financing, businesses must handle credit and collection processes themselves. Factoring allows businesses to outsource these tasks to the factor, saving time and resources. Past due payments in excess of invoices older than 90 days cant be financed as they infer uncollectibility.

  5. Funding limits: Traditional financing options often have funding limits based on collateral or creditworthiness. Factoring provides funding based on the value of accounts receivable, allowing businesses to access a larger amount of capital. As a company grows the factoring facility grows also.





Factoring, despite misconceptions, offers several benefits that debunk common misunderstandings about funding receivables -

  1. Factoring is not only for struggling businesses: Factoring is utilized by successful businesses of all sizes as a strategic tool to manage cash flow and support growth. It is suitable for startups as well as well-established companies across various industries. Some of the largest businesses in Canada utilized this method of financing - Larger corporations call it securitization!

  2. Factoring is cost-effective: While factoring involves fees for the funding of the unpaid invoice, the value it provides in terms of improved cash flow, working capital access, and outsourced credit management often outweighs the cost. Additionally, factoring can help offset expenses by taking advantage of early payment discounts from suppliers.

  3. Control of customer relationships is maintained: When partnering with a factoring company that offers non-notification a/r financing businesses retain control of their customer relationships. The factor acts as a financial partner, not a customer service representative. Businesses can continue to communicate with customers and uphold existing relationships.

  4. Factoring is a proactive financing solution: Factoring is not a last resort but a proactive approach to financing. By leveraging accounts receivable, businesses can access the capital in their business bank account at their current financial institutions - no need to change banks! - Allowing the business to capitalize on opportunities and achieve growth objectives. Factoring empowers businesses to take control of their cash flow and drive profits and growth.






Why does accounts receivable financing, aka ' invoice factoring' work so well then? For one reason it's because your clients are often broadly diversified and represent a good credit risk to the lender in terms of diversification. Firms whose client base includes larger well-known companies find themselves in even better shape when it comes to negotiating receivable finance rates and terms.




Our recommended solution in this whole area? We thought you would never ask! It’s CONFIDENTIAL RECEIVABLE FINANCING – Allowing your firm to bill and collect its own invoices, thereby financing all your sales, with no notification to any supplier, client, etc.! Check it out. The factoring fee is also very competitive.


Firms that are ' service ' firms find themselves even in greater need than typical mfg type companies. That's because one of their prime expenses is payroll which creates a high cash flow need, coupled with the fact that they don't have a heavy investment in fixed assets, inventories, or other collateral. In the cases of ' tech ' firms, their assets might in fact often be the intellectual property of intangibles such as software, etc.


Even if your clients are overseas/international those receivables can also be financed under a factoring solution by adding a credit insurance component to your borrowing facility as a strong add-on tool for a  small business expanding internationally.








If there is one reason (among many) that thousands of business owners/financial managers utilize invoice factoring / A/R financing is that it's fast and flexible. In the case of growing companies, the problem is even more basic:


Their revenues are growing faster than their access to credit lines!


Why does the factoring company itself like your business? Simple! They aren't lenders per se, they don't offer business debt, they are simply purchasing your receivables on an ongoing basis in order to provide your firm with the working capital it needs. No new debt comes on your balance sheet.


Unlike our regulated Canadian banking system factor firms don't have any of the legal or regulatory issues that challenge major Canadian financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies.





At 7 Park Avenue Financial, we've worked with numerous companies that have utilized an a/r financing solution or a full-service asset-based lending line of credit -


  1. Company A, a manufacturer in the industrial equipment sector, overcame cash flow challenges by utilizing factoring. The immediate cash obtained from factoring invoices allowed them to meet supplier payments and invest in new equipment. With improved cash flow, Company A experienced significant growth, fulfilling larger orders and expanding its customer base.

  2. Company B, a transportation company, utilized factoring to address fuel costs and payroll challenges arising from delayed customer payments. Financing receivables allowed the company to secure immediate cash flow and utilized it to maintain its fleet, cover expenses, and hire additional drivers. This improved capacity and cash flow positioned Company B as a reliable and competitive player in the transportation industry.

  3. Company C, operating in the staffing industry, faced payroll obligations due to lengthy payment terms from their clients. By partnering with a factoring company, they accessed immediate cash for their invoices, ensuring timely payment to their employees. This improved cash flow allowed Company C to attract more clients, expand its workforce, and diversify service offerings.




The bottom line - any company selling business to business with valid accounts receivables for products or services delivered can benefit from accounts receivables financing.




Factoring is a versatile financing solution that can benefit businesses across various industries. Here are some examples of industries that can leverage factoring:


  • Manufacturing: Factoring helps manufacturers bridge cash flow gaps caused by long payment cycles, enabling timely payment to suppliers and investment in production capacity.
  • Wholesale: Wholesalers can utilize factoring to access immediate cash for invoices, ensuring a continuous flow of working capital to restock inventory and meet customer demand.
  • Transportation: Factoring assists transportation companies by providing immediate cash for invoices, allowing them to cover expenses, invest in equipment, and expand their operations.
  • Staffing: Factoring supports staffing agencies in meeting payroll obligations by offering immediate cash flow, ensuring timely payment to employees and attracting new clients.
  • Construction: Factoring benefits construction companies by providing immediate cash for invoices, ensuring timely payment to subcontractors and suppliers, and facilitating the pursuit of new projects.




Factoring offers small businesses a powerful growth strategy by unlocking the value of their accounts receivable. Here are ways in which factoring contributes to the growth of small businesses:

  1. Increased working capital: Factoring provides immediate cash flow, enabling small businesses to cover expenses, invest in marketing and sales, and pursue growth opportunities.

  2. Improved cash flow management: Factoring bridges the gap between invoicing and customer payments, ensuring a consistent cash flow. This helps small businesses meet financial obligations, pay suppliers on time, and maintain a healthy operation.

  3. Ability to seize opportunities: Factoring provides working capital that allows small businesses to seize growth opportunities. This includes investing in equipment, hiring staff, and expanding into new markets.

  4. Outsourced credit management: Partnering with a factoring company allows small businesses to outsource credit management tasks. The factoring company handles credit evaluation, payment monitoring, and collections, freeing up resources for core operations and growth strategies.






Factoring offers several key advantages that make it an attractive financing option for businesses:

  1. Improved cash flow: Factoring ensures a steady stream of working capital and cash flow by providing immediate cash for invoices, allowing businesses to meet short-term business needs and financial obligations as well we investing in growth opportunities.

  2. Access to working capital: Factoring is accessible to a wide range of businesses, providing them with access to working capital that may be unavailable through traditional financing options.

  3. No debt on the balance sheet !: Factoring involves the sale of accounts receivable, not taking on additional debt. This means businesses can access funds without incurring interest charges or repayment obligations.

  4. Outsourced credit management: Factoring companies offering traditional a/r factoring handle credit evaluation, payment monitoring, and collections, saving businesses time and resources to focus on core operations.

  5. Flexible financing solution: Factoring can be customized to fit the specific needs of each business, offering ongoing working capital or a one-time boost as required.

  6. Potential for growth: Factoring unlocks the value of accounts receivable, providing funds for investments in equipment, staffing, and market expansion, fueling business growth.



Factoring is a powerful alternative financing solution that provides numerous benefits to businesses of all sizes and industries.


It improves cash flow, offers access to working capital, provides outsourced credit management, and enables growth opportunities. By unlocking the value of accounts receivable, businesses can overcome cash flow challenges, invest in expansion, and achieve growth objectives.


It is important for businesses to carefully assess their needs and consider options like factoring, supply chain finance, or PO financing to support their growth and success. The ultimate goal is to choose the financing solution that aligns with their specific requirements.


Financing via a factor solution is a strong viable alternative for Canadian businesses that cannot access traditional bank financing. It's a solution that monetizes assets and brings cash, not debt to the balance sheet. The ability to convert sales into cash immediately is a key differentiator of this type of business capital solution.


If you’re tired of chasing down financing solutions that make the best sense for your firm and industry call   7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor in alternative funding who can assist you with your cash flow and factoring company needs via a wide array of finance solutions.




What is factoring and how does it work?

Factoring is financial transactions when firms sell their receivables (also known as invoices) to other parties at a discount. Account receivable finance is a definition that describes a type of investment in credit to customers. Factoring is an excellent alternative form of financing to complement your cash flow needs supplied by factoring companies and some factoring loans via online lenders. 

Alternative financing options such as a/r financing provide businesses with funding by allowing a business to sell its outstanding receivables.

It can be especially beneficial for businesses that have not been in business long and may lack business assets and an established credit history with traditional lenders, but still need some way to get paid immediately as a firm generates sales. The application process is typically easy compared to traditional financing via banks, etc.

The personal credit score of the business owners is not a key factor in factoring finance approval for a factoring agreement. Some factoring firms provide online lending solutions for invoice factoring, similar to online loans for short-term working capital. Companies qualify for invoice factoring based on the value of their receivables.


The working capital loans differ because they are term loans in structure and are sometimes also known as a merchant cash advance,  which can come with high-interest rates, unlike when a business sells unpaid invoices for factor finance funding according to payment terms provided to their clients for approved invoices.


This ongoing access to cash flow via a factoring service is key to the benefits of commercial funding of a/r via invoice factoring companies. Late payments from clients are a negative cash flow factor that factoring solves without long-term contracts. Most startups can also use this method of financing as an alternative to a business loan/bank loan.


Factoring companies provide an affordable and flexible alternative to traditional financing for companies that have good gross margins.  Factored invoices allow small businesses without long-established banking records to have the opportunity for working capital. The Commercial Finance Association is the industries trade association for asset-based lending and factoring in the U.S. and Canada.


What is alternative finance?


Alternative finance refers to forms of financing outside the traditional financial system and Fintech is a category in alternative finance improving on these methods. Alternative finance is an ecosystem of companies, technology, and processes that aims to improve traditional methods for financial transactions.

These non-traditional methods are used to fund enterprises with firms that have the software and back-office functions for business funding.  Fintech solutions allow other companies to finance operations successfully when traditional financing may not be available.


 What is invoice factoring, and how does it work?

 Invoice factoring is a type of alternative financing where a business sells its outstanding invoices or accounts receivable to a third-party company, known as a factoring company. The factoring company pays the business a significant portion of the invoice amount upfront, providing immediate cash flow. When the factoring company collects the full payment from the customer, it then pays the remaining balance to the business, minus a fee for the service.


 What is the difference between recourse and non-recourse factoring?


 In recourse factoring, the business agrees to buy back any invoices that the factoring company cannot collect payment on. It's the most common type of factoring, as it limits the risk to the factoring company. Non-recourse factoring, on the other hand, means that the factoring company assumes most of the risk from customers who don't pay their invoices. The terms of non-recourse factoring can vary, and not all factoring companies offer this type of factoring due to the increased risk.


 What are some benefits of invoice factoring?


 Invoice factoring offers several benefits. It provides businesses with immediate access to cash, which is especially beneficial for small businesses that may struggle with cash flow due to long payment terms. It also often comes with easier approval than traditional bank loans, as the factoring company bases its decision primarily on your customers' payment history rather than your credit score. Other benefits include outsourcing accounts receivable activities and maintaining good customer relationships as the factoring company handles collections.


What are some disadvantages or risks associated with invoice factoring?


 Despite its benefits, invoice factoring comes with potential drawbacks. The cost can be higher than traditional financing, with fees often ranging from 1 to 5% of the total invoice amount. The factoring process also requires the business to depend on the payment habits of its customers, which could affect the cost of factoring. Other challenges include the potential loss of control over customer relationships and the risk of being unable to recoup costs if customers don't pay their invoices (in the case of recourse factoring).


 What are some alternatives to invoice factoring?


There are several alternatives to invoice factoring, including supply chain financing and purchase order (PO) financing. Supply chain financing allows businesses to assume the credit profile of their customer, often leading to lower interest rates and fees. PO financing provides funding to fulfill specific purchase orders, which can be beneficial for businesses facing cash flow constraints due to large or unexpected orders.


How does factoring work?


The process of factoring is relatively straightforward. Once a business decides to factor its invoices, it enters into an agreement with a factoring company. The business submits its outstanding invoices to the factor, which then evaluates the creditworthiness of the customers and determines the amount it is willing to advance.

Upon approval, the factor typically provides an immediate cash advance of around 80% of the invoice value. The remaining 20% is held in reserve and released to the business once the customer pays the invoice in full, minus the factor's fee. The factor takes on the responsibility of collecting payment from the customers, saving the business time and resources.

Factoring is a flexible financing solution that can be tailored to the needs of each business. Some factors offer recourse factoring, where the business is responsible for buying back any uncollectible invoices. Others offer non-recourse factoring, where the factor assumes the risk of non-payment. This allows businesses to choose the option that best suits their cash flow needs and risk tolerance.


What is the role of Fintech in alternative financing in Canada


Technological advancements have expanded the options and accessibility of alternative financing for businesses. Some of these ' equity oriented ' solutions include -

  1. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending: P2P lending platforms connect lenders directly with borrowers, bypassing traditional financial institutions, and how this form of alternative financing works.

  2. Crowdfunding as a Financing Option: Different types of crowdfunding (donation, reward, equity, and debt)  are available and businesses can choose to investigate how these platforms can be used to raise funds for businesses.

  3. Venture Capital and Angel Investing: While very few businesses are eligible for this type of equity financing many tech companies are potential candidates if they can demonstrate high growth and traction

  4. Understanding Merchant Cash Advances:  a merchant cash advance is a short-term working capital loan on an installment-term loan basis



What is the difference between Invoice Factoring vs. Invoice Financing


Although invoice factoring and financing may seem similar, they operate differently. In invoice factoring, the factoring company takes ownership of the invoices and handles the collection.

In contrast, invoice financing provides a business with a cash advance, with the invoices serving as collateral. The business is still responsible for collecting payment. The best option for a business depends on its cash flow needs and its comfort level with handling collections.




Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Business Cash Flow Financing in Growth Finance



Decoding the Cash Flow Financing Conundrum in Business Growth Finance

You've arrived at the right address! Welcome to 7 Park Avenue Financial

Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing businesses today



7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8

Direct Line = 416 319 5769

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com




In the minds of many business owners and financial managers, business cash flow financing often would seem easier to fix with some ' patch ' - that unfortunately probably isn’t available! So it's sometimes necessary to get creative when it comes to cash flow financing and researching your growth finance options for your company's cash needs. Let's dig in.




Getting the right financing for your business is a challenge, but it's a necessity for business future growth while at the same time managing cash flow issues around the need for more money.



The Canadian business financing financial landscape can appear complex. That's where skills around growth financing emerge whether it's conventional bank loans for a profitable business from traditional banks to unconventional alternative financing sources.


The important thing to remember in business financial growth is that depending on what type of lender you choose for business operations there are, in fact, a lot of both viable and, more importantly, accessible funding possibilities. Getting a business loan from banks might be one option. Another option for financing growth in your business is the world of alternative finance from commercial funding companies.




Businesses can also finance expansion by generating additional sales and leveraging assets. As an organization scales, it might not have the cash flow to pay for these key activities before its products or services are delivered to clients. Growing companies at risk need to think about their cash flow more than ever- ie how much cash they will require.

When cash flow doesn't match what's required by cash-strapped businesses, experts recommend looking into various forms like working capital or lines of credit which are more appropriate for short-term needs while still being beneficial over time if used appropriately to address cash flow problems.




Business expansion inevitably increases expenses and exerts pressure on routine finances. Taking on too much debt also brings its own unique set of challenges as the business owner focuses on how to generate additional sales via money spent on additional operational expenses.

Securing cash flow resources when growing forces a business to manage every aspect of working capital. This means solid credit management policies, and strategic implementation of working financing solutions - as well as inventory management, is also key.

Formulating practical cash flow forecasts from cash flow statements  will equip a business and identify cash flow gaps

Growing too quickly without ample cash flow or working capital to underpin such expansion is always a risk.  This occurs when a company accepts large orders and contracts or invests heavily in growth on the presumption of future profits,  only to find itself unable to meet its immediate financial commitments. This scenario can lead to cash flow crises, impair supplier relationships, and ultimately, jeopardize the business's survival.


One more thing when it comes to financing for business - Are you looking for either debt capital, aka ' loans,’ or would cash flow/asset monetization solutions get you to the goal line? It is all about financing operations from either monetizing your balance sheet assets or taking on the right kind of debt load for either a small business loan for capital expenditure or a cash flow working capital solution to avoid negative cash flow.


While it might seem like we constantly preach ' capital solutions ' from the Canadian SME FINANCE marketplace, owners/managers should never forget how to generate internal cash. That’s done by managing your receivables and inventory turnover, and payables to the point where you're collecting A/R promptly, turning inventory, and slowing payables to have enough cash  (without alienating suppliers) in your financing activities.


Depending on what industry you are in, you also have the ability to ask clients to prepay or, as effective, get special payment terms from suppliers. That is another often overlooked method of securing financing.


Companies with an R&D investment can utilize SR&ED tax credit financing as a bridge loan to cash flow their refundable tax credit.





Financing solutions come with different interest rates and terms, and structures. Being able to present your financial statements and/or your business plan and cash flow projections is key to obtaining business capital of any type.





Govt Guaranteed Small Business Loans


Term Loans


Equipment Loans / Sale leasebacks



Cash flow solutions


A/R financing/factoring


Asset-based non-bank business credit lines


Inventory Financing


Tax credit financing


Unsecured Cash Flow Loans


Merchant Advances


Purchase Order Financing





Harnessing growth finance to elevate your business presents numerous advantages. One of the paramount benefits is the availability of capital. Growth finance unlocks funding opportunities that may not be accessible via traditional avenues, such as bank loans or credit lines.

An additional advantage of growth finance is the capability to rapidly scale your enterprise. With appropriate funding, you can infuse money into novel technologies, recruit new personnel, and broaden your reach into fresh markets at a quicker pace than otherwise possible.

Lastly, growth finance can be instrumental in giving you a competitive edge. By pouring resources into new product development and technological advancements, you can set your business apart from competitors and position yourself as a frontrunner in your industry.








The advantage of many non-traditional financings includes flexibility, the non-dilutive nature of your equity, as well as many prepayment provisions that do not come with traditional bank-type financing.


Knowing how much funds you need and what purpose goes a long way toward ensuring you can cover your cash flow and growth finance needs. Here the ability to plan for ' bulge ' needs or fixed asset investment is the key to ensuring the right financing/right time.





Whether it's a cash flow term loan or an unsecured working capital loan, any type of additional cash flow enhancement to your capital structure will help your company with growth plans. Needless to say, that type of financing will also help with growth projects your firm might have around new products, new customers, out-of-country growth, etc.


Don't forget that any cash flow shortfall can be addressed with a working capital solution that increases your overall liquidity.


Cash flow loans, sometimes known as working capital loans, can be used to finance growth projects, such as investing in a marketing campaign, product research or hiring salespeople. They can also help businesses tide over cash shortfalls when they’ve maxed out their line of credit due to unexpected challenges related to growth.

Many firms that are capital-intensive and have cash outlays for the purchase of new assets or investments in r&d do not have the additional collateral that a major Canadian chartered bank might require around the need for tangible physical assets.

A term loan or a working capital loan such as a merchant advance typically does not require additional collateral from the borrower. Term loans tend to be 3  to 5 years in length, while the thousands of firms opting for short-term loans are typically required to pay the loan back over a 12-month period. 





It's a cardinal rule of corporate financing that you should never acquire long-term assets with short-term cash-flow facilities. For example, long-term assets should be financed via longer-term equipment loans and equipment leases financing/equipment loans.


Bottom line? Match the useful life of the asset with the right financing. That leads to the proverbial ' cash flow crunch. '


Businesses that can offer proof of incoming cash flows and require funds for general growth and operations without straining access to their current business credit facilities are strong candidates for business loans. Ensure you can provide accurate and up-to-date information around receivables, payables outstanding, and inventory turns if applicable.




Expanding too quickly might originate from circumstances like delayed collections or premature overspending on assets prior to actual sales being realized. Excessive dependence on loans and debt is also a key danger.   The Harvard Business Review has a great article on determining how fast a company can afford to grow - Click here for the article.




Businesses can manage high growth via solid cash flow and working capital management. Solid inventory and supply chain controls can help temper the rate of growth - and supplier/vendor relations are key.



Understanding growth finance and the crucial function of business cash flow is essential for SME small businesses/firms aiming for expansion. Through preparation and good financial management businesses can successfully steer through growth-related hurdles.

Growth finance is all about the right type of loans and debt and cash flow financing for growth companies looking for transformational change. Debt is a very flexible strategy as an asset class, unlike equity solutions which also dilute ownership.


Rarely will firms in the ' SME ' space be able to boast they have ' too much cash ‘. A more realistic goal that has real value is to ensure you have business credit access when you need it and for the right reason.


For proven advisory services seek out and speak to 7 Park Avenue Financial,  a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your business cash flow financing needs to grow organically and take advantage of the right capital growth solution.





What is growth capital?


Growth capital is used by companies for expansion. It's invested in mature businesses that need to expand or restructure their operations, enter new markets, or finance a significant acquisition -Growth capital is a type of private equity investment, usually minority investments in relatively mature companies that are looking for funding to expand or restructure operations.

Understanding financing options is key to growth and expansion. Having the right amount of growth capital helps a company invest in r&d or new markets and ensure headcount matches expansion plans.


How do you create a growth finance plan for a business?


  1. Start by evaluating your current financial situation: Analyze your cash flow, revenue, and expenses.

  2. Identify growth objectives and the necessary funding for future cash flow needs: This could encompass capital for product development, marketing and advertising, recruiting new staff, or expanding into new markets.

  3. Explore financing options: After pinpointing your capital needs, begin examining your financing possibilities. These could include traditional bank loans, as well as many alternative financing solutions such as an asset based loan around tangible assets.

  4. Develop a comprehensive plan for funding utilization: Formulate a plan which specifies how the funding will be used. This should incorporate distinct milestones and timelines for attaining your growth objectives which are usually required for approval via traditional financial institutions.


How does cash flow impact business growth?


Cash flow represents the net quantity of capital circulating into and out of an enterprise. It's indispensable for business expansion as it finances daily operations, settles debts, and channels investments into business growth. Sufficient cash flow guarantees that a business can fulfill its commitments and capitalize on opportunities without excessive dependence on external funding. On the other hand, ineffective cash flow management around areas such as accounts receivable can impede growth and even culminate in business insolvency.


What strategies can a business use to manage cash flow during growth?



There exist numerous tactics that a business can employ positive cash flow amidst expansion. These encompass proficient management of credit, utilization of factoring and invoice discounting and other cash flow lending solutions such as asset based credit lines.

Control over stock and inventory, and competent management of the supply chain are important also, In addition, firms should also devise cash flow projections to foresee business needs and potential financial deficits. Short-term working capital loans such as the merchant cash advance financing solution might be appropriate for smaller businesses.


What is sales growth finance?

Sales growth finance refers to the financial strategies and resources used to fuel an increase in a company's sales. These can include various forms of funding aimed at helping businesses expand their sales operations, boost marketing and promotional activities, enhance product development, or enter new markets to increase their customer base and sales volume.

While growth finance broadly aims at supporting all facets of business growth and the needs for future cash flows, sales growth finance specifically targets initiatives that directly or indirectly stimulate sales. This can include investment in new sales personnel, training for existing sales staff, technology upgrades for better customer service, or more targeted marketing campaigns.

As with all forms of finance, sales growth finance should be managed carefully, with a clear understanding of the potential return on investment, to ensure that the increased sales will generate sufficient profits and operating income and cash flow to cover the cost of the finance and income taxes.


How do you finance future business growth?


Financing future business growth involves a series of steps and considerations:

  1. Self-Financing: Start by using your own capital or profits if possible. This is often the simplest form of finance and it doesn't dilute ownership or control of your business while maintaining a positive net cash position for cash generated by the business's current assets.

  2. Retained Earnings: Reinvesting the profits back into the business can also finance growth. This strategy requires good profit margins and careful financial management to ensure funds are available when needed.

  3. External Financing: There are several options for external financing for  businesses with good credit ratings -

    • Traditional Bank Loans / Unsecured Loans: You could consider a traditional loan or a line of credit from a bank or credit union. These generally require a good credit history, the ability to demonstrate generating cash, profits / net income, and some form of collateral.

    • Equity Financing: This involves selling a stake in your business to investors, often venture capitalists or angel investors. While this can provide a significant cash injection, it does dilute ownership and may involve giving up some control over your business.

    • Crowdfunding: This involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. Crowdfunding can take the form of equity, reward-based, or donation-based funding.

    • Grants and Government Funding: Depending on your location and industry, there may be grants or other funding available from local, state, or federal government agencies as an alternative to debt financing.

  4. Strategic Alliances and Partnerships: Forming alliances or partnerships with other businesses can also provide growth finance. This might involve co-investing in projects or sharing resources.

  5. Cash Flow Management: Effective cash flow management is essential to finance growth via the company's cash flow around operating expenses. This includes understanding the company's cash flow statement,  efficient credit management, short term investments financing via the use of effective receivable financing, buying equipment only when needed,  robust stock control, and effective supply chain management. Service companies typically require no inventory financing.

  6. Financial Forecasting: Preparing accurate financial forecasts can help identify your funding needs and when they will arise as you spend money. It can also help you evaluate potential returns on investment and assess the viability of your growth plans at financing that comes with a reasonable interest rate based on overall creditworthiness. Ensuring positive cash flow and free cash flow means there are more cash inflows coming in while a negative cash flow indicates high spending while at the same time generating sales.


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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Business Finance Solutions Include Government Loans & SRED Tax Credits



Fueling Growth: Government Loans in Canada for Small Business Finance For R&D

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Financing & Cash flow are the  biggest issues facing businesses today



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Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com




Empowering Entrepreneurs: Unleashing Potential Via Government Loans & SR&ED Tax Credit Financing  



The main government loan programs discussed in the article are the Canada Small Business Loan Program and the SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) program


Business finance solutions in Canada include the Canadian Small Business Government Loan as well as the SR&ED tax credit program. Should you ' tap into ' these two programs (probably about 15,000 other firms do already!) and how is that done? Let's dig in.




As a Canadian entrepreneur/ business owner have you considered exploring the avenues of government lending and other financing programs? Such lending options have been carefully curated by the Canadian government to assist companies in growing in Canada.

Understanding the vast landscape of government-sponsored loans in Canada can prove daunting.

The Canada Small Business Financing Program and the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) program are two of the most popular programs.


Although business owners and financial managers in Canada are sometimes reluctant to take on debt (or in fact anything associated with the wheels of government) the reality is that thousands of companies utilize our two aforementioned programs to tap Billions of $ of capital every year.






The Canada Small Business Financing Program offers financing for small businesses in Canada -Any business under 10 Million dollars is eligible.

The program is intended to bridge the fiscal divide between traditional financial institutions for accessible funding.

To be deemed eligible for the program, businesses need to adhere to specific qualifying criteria. These typically encompass being a profit-oriented venture, operating in Canada, and meeting some key eligibility criteria. Funding is flexible and comes with competitive interest rates.

The eligibility process for the Canada Small Business Financing Program is uncomplicated, generally necessitating basic documentation like financial statements, a business plan, and the ability to demonstrate loan repayment.

Businesses can access government loans via banks and cooperative financial institutions such as credit unions. The program proffers notable benefits, including reduced initial down payment requirements, extended loan repayment durations, and the capability to allocate the funds for diverse objectives such as acquiring assets and technology, commercial real estate, and the funding of leasehold improvements.

The govt SBL program is one of the best initiatives the Canadian government takes in ensuring a certain amount of capital is available to many predominantly younger and growing firms.


This includes start-ups, as they and other firms in the small and medium enterprise chunk of the economy generally power Canadian economic success.


It's important to realize that only 3 asset categories are financeable under the program:


Equipment/fixed assets/technology/application software


Leasehold improvements


Real Estate


In 2022 the government made substantial increases to the program which no include credit lines and working capital.


Depending on which asset category or categories you are applying for the loan can be as much as $1,100,000.00.  Want some more good news? Owners are on the hook for only 10% as a personal guarantee component of the loan, the government guarantees the balance.


In case you think we at 7 Park Avenue Financial are gushing too much  over such a great program we probably are as other strong selling point of the program include:


No prepayment penalty


Competitive rates


Terms ranging from 2-7+ years


Remember, this isn't a government ' grant ' - it's a true term loan that must be justified by a good business plan and hopefully some good mgmt and industry experience. 


The government relies on Canadian banks to administer the program and your best bet is to ensure you're working with someone who understands criteria and timelines and the basics of a loan package.  (Those basics are typically a business plan and cash flow that reflects the loan repayment.)




The qualification for the SR&ED program investment tax credit hinges on a company's engagement in suitable and eligible r&d activities around scientific and technological uncertainty, like devising new products, procedures, or software, as well as enhancing existing ones.

Expenses eligible for claims under sr ed expenditures might encompass salaries, materials, subcontractor fees, and overhead costs directly associated with R&D undertakings.

The procedure for making a sr ed claim via the  SR&ED program requires comprehensive documentation of the research venture, including technical narratives, project timelines, and financial accounts.  Claims are often prepared by third-party consultants, known as ' sr&ed consultants ".

Businesses can file claims with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for examination and sanction for eligible sr ed r&d. The program provides substantial benefits, such as tax credits, deductions, and even refundable tax credit refunds, allowing businesses to reinvest in additional research and development endeavours.

With its commitment to innovation, Canada has carved a niche for itself as a nexus of creativity and the SR&ED program has played a pivotal role in cultivating r&d in Canada. The program has enabled companies across diverse industries like technology, healthcare, software and manufacturing, to expand and grow around their work in scientific and technological criteria.

For privately owned firms the government makes this tax credit ' refundable'. This credit can then be monetized or cash-flowed as a bridge loan or cash-flow advance. Many early-stage firms use this cash flow loan as a main component of their overall working capital or cash flow strategy. Talk to the 7 Park Avenue Financial team about sr&ed tax credit financing.




In addition to loans Canadian federal and provincial governments offer various grants and funding programs to support businesses and individuals financially. Some of the popular funding programs and grants in Canada are:

- Canada Job Grant

- Strategic Innovation Fund

- Canada Summer Jobs

- Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit




Both the Canada Small Business Loan Program and the SR&ED program aim to foster business growth and development in Canada, although each serves a distinct purpose.

    Through comparative analysis and understanding of these initiatives, entrepreneurs and researchers can leverage the advantages provided by each program.

  The Canada Small Business Loan Program is chiefly designed for small businesses seeking financial help. It aids in overcoming fiscal challenges and propelling growth ambitions.

 In contrast, the SR&ED program is centred around supporting research and development endeavours, stimulating businesses to invest in innovative projects and maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. SR ED Financing is available to firms who wish to finance their refund in lieu of waiting for the government refund of refundable tax credits.

 Businesses can consider employing both these initiatives in a combined manner to maximize benefits.

  By securing funding through the small business loan program, Canadian companies can bolster their financial stability, thereby enabling investments in research and development initiatives that can reap SR&ED program incentives.




Government-sponsored lending options can serve as a substantial financing solution for SMEs in Canada.

 It's essential to diligently explore your alternatives, collate all required documentation, and engage with a trusted advisor such as 7 Park Avenue Financial.

Canadian government loans, notably the Canada Small Business Financing Program and the Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) initiative, have benefited thousands of firms in Canada,

By seizing these opportunities, businesses can accelerate growth and profits.

If you're looking to tap into 2 solid programs that deliver capital and cash to your business call 7 Park Avenue Financial, a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in navigating either program in a timeline that makes sense for your capital needs.




How does the Canada Small Business Loan Program benefit small businesses? 


The Canada Small Business Loan Program provides financial assistance to small businesses, offering competitive interest rates, flexible repayment options, and advantages such as lower down payment requirements and longer amortization periods. It enables small businesses to access capital for various purposes like purchasing equipment, expanding operations, or increasing working capital.

What is the Eligibility Criteria for Government Loans

To be eligible for a government loan in Canada, you must meet certain requirements. The eligibility criteria vary depending on the type of loan you are applying for. However, some of the common eligibility criteria for government loans in Canada are:

    - You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.

    - You must be at least 18 years old.

    - You must have a good credit score.

    - You must have a solid business plan (for business loans).

    - You must be able to demonstrate the ability to repay the loan


What Documents are Required for Applying for a Government Loan

 To apply for a government loan in Canada, you will need to provide the following documents:

    - Personal identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport)

    - Proof of income (e.g., pay stubs, tax returns)

    - Business plan (for business loans)

    - Financial statements (for business loans)

    - Credit report

    - Other supporting documents as required


What are the Pros and Cons of Government Loans

 While government loans can be an excellent source of financing, they also have their pros and cons. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of government loans:


    - Lower interest rates compared to traditional bank loans.

    - Longer repayment terms.

    - Access to funding for businesses that are unable to secure traditional financing.

    - Loan forgiveness options for some loan programs.

    Does not require collateral


    - Strict eligibility criteria.

    - Lengthy application process.

    - Limited loan amounts for some loan programs.


What is the purpose of the SR&ED program?

  The SR&ED program is designed to foster research and development activities in Canada for Canadian controlled private corporations. It provides significant incentives, such as tax credits, deductions, and cash refunds, to businesses engaged in scientific research and experimental development. The program encourages innovation and supports companies in developing new products, processes, or software, as well as improving existing ones. A sr ed tax credit loan helps companies recoup the cash refund prior to filing claims via a sred cash advance loan.

 How can businesses qualify for these loan programs?

 To qualify for the Canada Small Business Loan Program, businesses must meet specific eligibility criteria, including being a for-profit enterprise, operating within Canada, and demonstrating a solid business plan. On the other hand, eligibility for the SR ED TAX INCENTIVES  program is based on a business's involvement in qualifying research and development activities, and expenses directly related to those activities.

How do these loan programs contribute to the growth of businesses in Canada?

These loan programs contribute to the growth of businesses in Canada by providing them with much-needed financial resources. The Canada Small Business Loan Program helps small businesses overcome financial barriers, enabling them to expand, invest in new opportunities, and create jobs. Sr ed tax credits encourage research and development initiatives, allowing companies to innovate, improve their competitiveness, and contribute to economic growth via these tax incentives. SR ED Financing allows companies engaging in r&d to accelerate the cash flow benefits of the program.


Click here for the business finance track record of 7 Park Avenue Financial