Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Leverage Canadian tax credits for film finance success via film tax credit financing

Is there a better way of leveraging your film, TV or animation project other than utilizing film tax credit financing on Canadian projects? We don’t think so, but we will let you decide.

Canadian tax credits for film continue to grow in popularity and make a strong case for many projects to be shot, produced, or post produced in the Canadian environment.

Difficult to understand? Not really... Canada's stable political and financial environment, coupled with a very generous and straight forward non repayable tax grant system for productions drive new interest to Canada every day.

Naturally Canada competes with major cities and geographies all over the world for its share of media production in film, tv and animation .These days its more often than not about cost , and Canada has a positive statement to make in the area qualified crews, great geographies, and the cost effectiveness . No one area takes Canada over the top, but when you add the aforementioned facts on top of the Canadian film tax credit system you have a strong power play .

Even the strong Canadian dollar, which seems to be approaching par in 2010-2011 is no longer a concern - previously the lower value Canadian ' loonie ' was a weak currency and a key benefit of shooting in Canada was quite simply, the Canadian dollar.

But the real kicker in all this is the Canadian governments film tax credit financing policy which now plays a key part in most decision to film or produce in Canada

Simply speaking Canadian tax credits for film refund to Canadian and foreign owned products a very large portion of their production costs. The ten Canadian provinces augment that program by adding in their own credits, further increasing the generosity of the program.

An interesting historical point is that in recent years may political regimes in the U.S. and elsewhere lobbied hard to compete against the Canadian film tax credit system. In 2003 the federal authorities increased the tax credit, and the provinces jumped on board again.

Certain of the tax credits were even increased in areas of non labour, i.e. your other below the line production expenses.

How could you not want to take advantage of any system that offers in the percentage range of 30-45% as a non repayable refund on your project? It makes no sense to not consider that option. And as long as the Canadian government feels that benefits outweigh cost who are we to disclaim the program - instead simply take advantage of it.

It's more often than not all about cash flow and working capital for your project. so owners of projects should strongly consider monetizing , i.e. financing their tax credits . Your ability to receive financing on a future tax credit receivable can great improve the confidence of your debt and equity investors, and enhance the overall returns on your project.

The entire process can be completed in a manner of weeks and involves a basic financing application, ensuring your tax credits are legitimate and vetted, and requires that you can properly demonstrate good accounting and financial controls re the preparation and filing of financial statements for your project. Naturally this sort of fiscal responsibility makes sense even if you weren’t going to finance your Canadian tax credits for film, TV, and animation.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced film tax credit consultant. Monetize or cash flow your claim if it makes sense. That a solid entertainment finance strategy.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Canada Sred Claims Deliver Cash Via Your SRED Financing Strategy !

We probably couldn’t count the worries or challenges you have around your competition in Canadian business. But one way in which Canadian business stays ahead of the challenge is via the Canada SRED grant program. Sred claims deliver billions, (that’s not a typo - it really is billions) of dollars of non repayable grant funds to firms such as yours. So could Sred financing assist your firm to stay even more competitive?

We tell clients that we think it can, if only because it accelerates the cash flow and working capital that your firm has coming from its R&D claim

Your ability to ' unlock ' sred funds is simply a cash flow accelerator. Clients often ask what the required uses for those funds are if in fact you do choose to finance your sred claim. The reality is that the funds can be used for any general corporate purpose - so that includes of course general working capital and cash flow, the purchase or down payment of additional new equipment and technology, or, at its most basic, retirement of short term or long term debt on your balance sheet .

Your ability to quantify and demonstrate your business processes and advancements can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars of non repayable sred funds under the combined federal and provincial program.

There isn’t a business owner in Canada today, certainly that we have met, that doesn’t have some issues and problems with the role of government in business. Want a method of striking back?! Take advantage of sred and sred financing. Sred claims under Canada sred legislation are your encouragement to recover 30-40%, even more in your funds spent in the previous fiscal year.

We advise clients that the process around the financed of a sr&Ed claim is much defined. In fact in the 2010 environment, based on some new rules for claimants, its even more defined. Claims are most successfully financed when they are generated by a proper party - in the industry this party is known as a sred consultant, and their ability to craft and present a claim under new guidelines from the government is key to the ability to maximize your claim. Maximizing you claim maximizes financing, simply because under sred financing a typical advance is 70% of your claim, so the size of your overall total claim determines the financed amount, as in our example of the typical 70%.

It's common knowledge in the sr&Ed industry that a huge majority of companies eligible to claim a sred grant don’t do it. We have heard all the excuses, and we won’t weigh in on them now, but they typically include - - ' we haven’t heard of the program .... Is there an audit involved ... isn’t expensive to prepare a claim, we don’t have enough time, ‘‘‘... etc, etc!

We would rather preach to the converted. So if you are filing sred Canada claims and want to accelerate cash flow immediately then consider monetizing your claim. It’s a very basic process, via an application, providing back up on you sred, and being agreeable to collateralizing the claim via a basic documented process.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced sred tax financing expert to ensure you can easily and effectively enjoy the benefits of sred financing via a cash flow and working capital financing of the claim.
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 50 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Friday, November 19, 2010

Starting a Franchise ? Looking For Business Money To Finance A Franchise?

The priority of securing business money when you have selected and are starting a franchise becomes even more important as you focus on getting the business started and up and running .

Let's discuss some of the sources of capital in the Canadian franchise environment, and we'll share some tips and strategies that have helped many other clients looking for Canadian business financing in the franchise environment.

There are actually 5 sources of capital that will successfully allow you to complete the financing of your new business. They include your own equity injection into the business, i.e. your down payment, bank and institutional financing (its
s not what you might think, so stay tuned on that one ) , asset financing via an independent finance company, and finally a potential vendor take back from either the franchisor of the existing franchisee from whom you are buying the business .

Let's therefore backtrack a bit and hopefully give you some solid tips and new information around how this financing is, in our words ' cobbled together ' to give you a total financing solution for your new business.

It's always the same question when we talk to clients... ‘How much do we have to put in ‘... they are of course referring to their owner equity investment into the business. The truth is that the amount varies when it comes to the financing portion of your business. That amount is flexible and can vary anywhere from 10 - 50 per cent depending on the size of the financing and the amount of working capital you want to have on hand d on day once that will allow you to finance the business properly .

Another tip we'll share in the above mentioned ' owner equity ' area is simply that in many cases some franchisors will actually mandate how much you ' have ' to put in. We therefore recommend to all clients that they get a clear understanding up front so there are no surprises. In defense of the franchisor they are probably relying on their own experience that allows them to have determined over time what it takes to successfully run and grow one of their units in their franchise system.

So how exactly do the banks in Canada participate in the starting of your franchise? Is it as simple as approaching your bank and determining what business money they will lend to finance a franchise? Not really we tall clients. We have rarely if ever seen a direct term loan to cover the financing of a franchise. But yet the banks do participate in most of the franchise financing in Canada. How? They piggy back on a special government program called the BIL/CSBF programme. This loan is underwritten by Ottawa, and has very generous terms and conditions around rate and structure. Unbelievably you are actually only guaranteeing personally 25% of the loan, which is another benefit.

So our cobbling together of a financing package is getting there - another great strategy is to finance separate individual assets with an independent lease firm. This type of asset financing is easier to get approved, and can cover a significant portion of any assets that need to be financed.

We spoke of a potential vendor take back from the franchisor or existing franchise as part of the purchase package. We will share with you several tips and comments on this one - namely that you should not fully rely on getting this type of financing in place. Occasionally you might be successful, may times you wont. Why? Simply because the franchisor or existing franchisee is motivated to sell you a franchise, not finance it!

Speak to a trusted, credible, and experienced Canadian business financing advisor in the area of starting a franchise and getting the right business money in place to allow you to complete your new role as a Canadian entrepreneur.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eliminate Commercial Finance Pressures With An Asset Based Lender

Do commercial finance solutions seem out of reach - want a simple solution ?... go visit a Canadian chartered bank and get all the business credit you need! Unrealistic... maybe, maybe not, but one sure fire solution for your problems might be an asset based lender.

For many years now the non bank asset based lenders have been working with firms such as yours on credit facilities that fit the real world need of your company when it comes to inventory, receivables, equipment and real estate.

Canadian business owners and financial managers are probably asking themselves why they haven’t heard of this before - we'll hit you with another shocker, some of the Canadian banks even have internal divisions of asset based lenders that compete with their regular commercial banking business!

Anyway, the bottom line is that this Canadian business financing solution might be your ultimate cash flow and working capital solution.

For the uninformed asset based lending is essentially a revolving line of credit which provides you with working capital, cash flow to cover your operating expenses and growth needs. Why is it different then from a typical bank type operating loan? Simply because there is only one focus, the assets. And because the asset based lender is a specialist in commercial finance and the value of your assets you ability to draw on those assets intensifies greatly - in many cases you will obtain 50-100% more leverage on your current assets than you ever have before .

Again, why is this so different - its because the focus is on your personal credit, your company's current or past challenges... its soley on , you guessed it ..' the assets'!

In certain cases even a purchase order financing type facility can be put in place, and more often than not the asset based lender will accommodate what we term as ' bulges' or unusual temporary needs of your business based on seasonal cash flow, large new orders or contracts, etc .

As a business owner we think you can see that the total focus now seems to be on your future sales ability and the overall bench strength of your assets. It certainly is not untypical to receive 90% financing on receivables and 50% or often more on your inventory as ongoing advances for your cash flow needs. We also tell clients that unencumbered equipment can be factored into the facility also, so you in effect have a fixed asset that provides you with working capital. That’s creative financing!

Clients always asked what the approval criteria are - the truth is that the criteria that an asset based lender requires are significantly less demanding than those imposed by bank , the latter focusing on rations, covenants, external collateral, strength of persona guarantees, and on it goes .

Commercial finance made easy is a great by line for an asset based line of credit. After a standard business financing application and submission of back up date which would include aged receivalble, inventory listing, equipment list, recent financial statements, etc you would typically receive an expression of interest. After initial due diligence on your overall asset size and quality typical security documentation and registration takes a couple of weeks.

Speak to a trusted, credible, and experience Canadian business financing advisor who can provide you with clarity on cost, process, and most importantly, the benefits of an asset based line of credit or working capital facility.
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Looking for debt Financing ? Don’t Ignore Working Capital Funding Sources

We're not shocked - You wont be either - a recent U.S. survey by CFO Magazine stated that cash flow and working capital and accessing working capital funding sources was the biggest concern of any financial manager.

Welcome to Canada ! We are pretty sure we are in the same boat as we talk to clients who seek alternatives to debt financing and liquidity for their companies.

The other key item in the study was that business in general was dissatisfied with their banking relationships - again no real surprise.

So we all agree there is a gap in working capital solutions for Canadian business. Let’s discuss why that gap exists, and, more importantly is there alternatives to taking on more debt financing while at the same increasing cash flow in your firm.

As we have written in the past we always tell clients the best program in Canada, bar none in our opinion is the government small business loan program, which is underwritten by our good friends in Ottawa. Great rates, terms and structures, what more could you ask for. Well here’s the problem, the program only covers equipment, leaseholds and real estate - that’s called debt financing. So not working capital or cash flow is ever going to come out of that program for your firm. Let's move on then.

We can start by defining our working capital problem by simply saying it’s the day to day liquidity in your business that we are talking about - essentially the amount of funds you have in your company that could be liquid if you didn’t have them tied up in inventory, accounts receivable, and in some cases prepaid current assets. And of coruse the ' double whammy' comes in when you have your obligations on the other side of the balance sheet, i.e. accounts payable and term loans.

Working capital funding sources come from two areas, debt and the monetization of those current assets. We prefer monetizing and cash flowing things like A/R and inventory as opposed to debt financing, which infers a long term commitment.

So let’s get right to the point, what are your alternatives to cash flow success. The good news is there are a good handful of alternatives - they include operating lines of credit which can come from your bank or your non bank lender. Clients are increasing more interested in hearing about non bank lenders because these firms can more readily approve financing for your inventory and receivables. The ' buzz word' around this industry is asset based lending, and we advise clients to check it out, because in many cases it’s the ultimate solution to working capital success.

If you are a smaller firm you can employ accounts receivable financing, otherwise known as invoice discounting. If done properly ( and many times it is not ) it can turn your firm into literally an ATM cash flow machine, as you generate instant cash flow for all your sales . This type of facility comes at a cost and we find there are many misconceptions about the cost of this type of financing, and as importantly, how it works.

So lets summarize - you aren’t going to get working capital from our friends in Ottawa - if you qualify for bank financing employ it! Many of our clients don’t, so consider great alternatives for working capital funding sources such as asset based lines of credit, receivable financing, or in some cases even securitization.

So if your firm has a thirst for liquidity (!) speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who will work with you to solve your cash flow challenge .
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is The Wrong type of Equipment Finance Company Bad For ( Business) Health?

They are all the same, aren't they? Absolutely, postively... Not! We are of course talking about the equipment finance company industry in Canada and how your selection of the right partner can determine which advantages and disadvantages you can enjoy... or suffer with. We prefer positive advantages that your business can benefit with, not Canadian business financing decisions that you will suffer via the wrong choice of a lease partner for your specific needs.

Ok, so what in the heck are we talking about? Essentially there are four types of asset finance partners in the equipment leasing industry in Canada. And you thought that a lease finance company was a lease finance company!

The first type of partner is the ' captive ' - no you are not the captive! The term refers simply to finance companies that are owned and literally situated within various manufacturing firms. When clients ask us about lease finance options and they mention specific equipment we are always reminding them to ensure they determine if the manufacturer captive finance firm offers asset financing. If they do we can assure you it is probably the best financial terms you will be able to come up with, as well as a better chance for overall approval re rate, structure and other general terms. Why is that?

It's to do with motivation - the captive finance firm is motivated to finance and promote the sale of products using financial options such as leasing to get the products out to the marketplace. Want to know a secret that should surprise most business owners and financial managers? It’s simply that captive finance firms in a competing industry will finance their competitor’s products, often at better rates, terms and structures. That is simply because the financial transaction will probably give the competing mfr a foothold into your business to promote and sell their own products. So don’t think that a great firm such as IBM CREDIT CORP. is the only firm that will finance your products you purchase through them. Others will also!

The second main group of asset finance firms in Canada is our chartered banks - Two major banks have leasing arms that are very significant, others employ lease finance to varying degrees. Our real only comment here is that the credit bar is high and more often than not you have to be a customer of the bank to enjoy the great lease and finance structures they offer.

The third main category of the Canadian equipment leasing company market is actually the largest and most robust. It also requires the maximum amount of knowledge and navigation by Canadian business owners and financial managers. This is the Independent lease finance market, where there are tens of firms that offer lease financing based on various criteria of asset size, credit quality, geographical preference, industry specialization, etc,etc,etc . R

You have a great choice with our category 3 partners, the independent finance companies. You can spend tens or hundreds of hours determining their credit criteria, additional collateral they require, the size of deals they do, the different lease structures they offer, or ... alternatively .. use our final category for lease provider , the independent lease finance advisor who are knowledgeable intermediaries who know the market, have a strong reputation with lease providers, and can match the advantages you seek in an equipment finance transaction to the right provider . Subtle nuances in your overall lease structure, depending on the size of your transaction, can save you thousands of dollars and untold grief at the end of the term of your lease.

So that’s your Canadian lease market overview. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can successful guide you through the asset finance maze.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

Monday, November 15, 2010

Real World Advice on Cost of factoring of receivables in Toronto – Board the Receivable factoring Bus!

Whether they are hearing about it from their business peers, reading about it, or being ' pitched' on the factoring of receivables, whether in Toronto or the rest of Canada is a hot topic in the world of Canadian business financing.

We think we can simplify the issue into some valuable basic pieces of information around what receivable factoring is, what it costs, and more importantly, how it works re benefits and solutions!

At its most basic it is simply the ' sale ' of your receivables as you generate the . Think of it - receiving cash flow and working capital the day you generate a valid sale and invoice. The cost of that service is a fee, generally between 1-3% which you as a business owner have to rationalize against the benefits of receiving that cash immediately and making use of it. That really is where the crux of our advice comes in, that the cost of the instant cash flow actually can be offset significantly, in some cases totally, by the effective use of those funds.

That is achieve in the following manners - more sales and profits, taking on orders and contracts you couldn’t even consider before, and finally, the less tangible but very real benefit of using that cash flow to purchase in larger and smarter quantities, as well as taking payment discounts which might e offered through suppliers . If those benefits don’t ring clear then we confess we will have to give up now to demonstrate the clear benefits of factoring of receivables.

Whether its Toronto factoring, or anywhere else in Canada the challenge for the business owner is really to get the best advice on what type of receivable factoring to get, who to get it with, and where to get it. In all businesses we rely on experts, and the financing of your business in Canada surely demands an expert - there is not a lot of room for error when it comes to how your business is financed. So seek the services of a trusted, credible, experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can set you on the right track.

It’s frankly all about the nuances, and as we speak to clients and determine they don’t really often understand how receivable factoring works it’s at that time they need advice. It's really about the day to day. We rarely get into debates with clients about ‘do they qualify ' because frankly if you have a business and are generating commercial receivables then, guessing what, you qualify.

So free up the cash flow, maximize on the working capital benefits of factoring of receivables, and whether it’s Toronto factoring or anywhere else in Canada feel free to board the receivable factoring bus! Just do it right though.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial - http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 6 years - has completed in excess of 45 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :