Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Liquidity Problems? Cash Flow Challenges? Bank Problem? Here’s Your Next Step

Solutions To Big Financial Dilemmas

Information on solutions for Canadian firms who have cash flow challenges or a problem at the bank. Answers for liquidity problems .

Liquidity problems and cash flow challenges plague thousands of Canadian business owners and financial managers. A lot of this challenge revolves around a company's inability to properly access bank financing in Canada. If that's the case what is the next step then?

We think that next step understands your alternatives, ensuring you understand why you are in a liquidity crisis, i.e. that cash strapped feeling, and finally understanding what might get you back on the right course at the bank.

As we have stated in the past Canadian chartered banks are the first ' go to ' when it comes to securing capital and Canadian business financing. Yet many business owners often find that the bank is either not suited or pre-disposed to solving their cash flow and working capital challenges.

Is there an easy way to a business owner of finance manager to assess the overall probability of achieving bank financing? For our purposes it comes down to your ability to understand 4 key issues. What are they?

First of all, as a general rule you have to be able to show profitability. We can't count the number of firms we meet who are in either a bad year financially or in many cases in the throes of a turnaround back to profitability. Unfortunately in general that doesn’t count at the bank. Banks take the approach that you will pay the loans or working capital financing back from profits. If you can’t demonstrate that there is an immediate obstacle to bank financing success.

Your firms overall collateral position is the 2nd focus from a bank perspective. Certain types of collateral are more preferred than others. They include real estate, receivables, uncollateralized equipment, etc. In general inventory is rarely viewed as appropriate collateral by the bank.

The third focus from the bank is your overall balance sheet. Aside from ensuring it balances..!! .. you must have the right combo of debt and equity. Is there a rule of thumb in this area? Typically the answer is that you must have a dollar of equity in your firm for every 2 dollars in debt.

Finally, is there anything more uncomfortable than the issue of personal guarantees? It's all about ' putting it on the line ‘, which of course many business people are reluctant to do. Your logic is of course that you incorporated to avoid guarantees, and that there should be some risk sharing. Again, that’s your view, not the banks.

We do believe, and have seen that in many cases a strong financing proposal might eliminate all or at least part of a guarantee, so be prepared to address this issue delicately and properly.

Although Canadian chartered banks are among the absolute best in financial strength, management, services and infrastructure it's of course still easy to cast dispersion and doubt on their stated goals of helping Canadian businesses, particularly small and medium business .

So when you or the Canadian chartered banking system have lost faith in each other what’s next? The reality is that many non-bank institutions and independent commercial finance firms provide a variety of cash flow solutions to your business. They include non bank asset based lines of credit, receivable financing, equipment financing and sale leasebacks, and supply chain and tax credit financing. And these solutions work, and in many cases compete directly with bank offerings.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in identifying the next step in Canadian business financing alternatives for your firm.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Leasing IT Cloud Financing Services . Lease Your Hardware And Software Needs

Accessing the Secrets Around Cloud Leasing And Financing In Canada

Information on IT cloud financing and leasing in Canada . Lease your hardware and software services and needs .

IT cloud financing services and the leasing of such services for hardware and software needs presents new challenges for the Canadian business and financial managers looking to leverage technology via lease financing. Oh, and by the way, financing ' the cloud ' presents probably just as many challenges for lessors and finance institutions also!

Cloud technology is of course the newest kid on the block. It’s another new concept to comprehend, essentially the use of computing as resources, both hardware, and software, over a network. That network typically is of course the internet.

For the first time your firm actually is using computing power and doesnt necessarily know where those resources might be located. Naturally as in all aspects of technology and tech finance it’s a case of you using the hardware and software, not necessarily caring about where it is and who is managing or running it.

Naturally the benefits of financing and leasing cloud services are quite clear - lower costs, ease of use, and your ability to add on hardware and software when you need it.

Although cloud computing and financing are relatively new it's surprising to see statistics that indicate at least 1/3 of all businesses intend to finance their cloud services.

It's certainly a different way to structure a transaction. We've always preached the creativity and benefits of hardware, service, and software leasing and it just seems that creativity is again an understatement when you utilize this form of financing. It is clearly a new business niche in Canadian business financing.

We find some a bit of irony in the concept of IT Cloud financing. What is that irony? Simply that for those of use old enough to remember it seems like ' timesharing ' all over again! except we seemed to always know the address of our timeshare firm, and we could actually drive there and see the hardware and software!

Business owners, chief information officers and finance managers are again looking to leasing as a methodology to gain benefits and limit the risk involve in technology purchases of hardware and software.

Naturally there are risk factors in any aspect of business and Canadian leasing companies who participate in cloud financing are probably struggling to determine what that level of risk is. We would think overall credit quality is key in this new form of financing. It's difficult to structure payments and rates around IT CLOUD finance when in essence the service you are utilizing is ' metered ‘, similar to electricity we would say.

It's the ability of your lessor or computer company to measure what you are using and where that hardware and software computing power is coming from that is key. And if you don’t pay, there is certainly no ability to ' repossess' assets, that’s for sure.

Consider leveraging both the power of the internet and leasing as a method to maximize your software and hardware needs. IT Cloud finance allows you to share resources, and therefore lower your cost.

Your benefits include lower cost of ownership, the concept of paying for what you only use, and the ability, as always with lease finance, to add on to what you might need, easily... and faster.

Speak to a trusted, credible an experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can work with you to meet your IT Cloud hardware and software needs.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Monday, February 13, 2012

Cash On Hand! What A Concept ! Let Canadian Accounts Receivables Credit Financing Via Factoring Funding Be Your Solution

Funding Peace Of Mind With Canadian Cash Flow Financing

Information on Canadian accounts receivable credit financing . Why factoring generates ‘ cash on hand ‘ for the cash flow your firm needs.

Accounts receivable credit financing is one method in which thousands of firms in Canada generate ' cash on hand '. That phrase is of course the accounting/business term which business owners and financial managers in Canada refer to with respect to their positive cash balances.

Your ability to have cash on hand at any given time provides you of course with the sense of positive feeling that you're able to fund both operations, and hopefully growth. We've observed over the years that Canadian financial statements typically seem to reflect less cash on hand when it comes to monthly or annual financial statements .

Naturally in tougher economic times it is even hard to maintain positive cash balances, and we're quire sure most business owners would maintain that they are not 100% satisfied with their cash position over time. It is of course important to remember that too much idle cash is a negative item - large corporations even risk losing their ownership when suitors circle with the intent of leveraging the firms cash and assets to in effect take their company away from them via a buyout . But we digress...

The pressures that reduce cash flow are obvious to most business owners and managers. They are fluctuating sales, lower profit margins, and the inevitable slow paying clients which these takes take anywhere from 60 to 90 days, even though your terms are net 30. We wish!

Although management of businesses in the small and medium sized sector in Canada (SME) typically focus on survival and daily operations it's clear to all hopefully that cash flow success also translates into ability to grow your business.

So how does business increase the cash cushion. The simply answer is to lower your costs, get extended credit with key supplies, lower inventory levels, improve collections, and monetize current assets .

Factoring receivables focuses on the latter, monetizing your typically largest asset, your A/R. Accounts receivable credit financing, i.e. ' factoring ' allows you to get paid on invoicing, typically getting 90% of your funds as soon as you deliver your product or service. And by the way, that other 10 per cent isn’t the cost of financing! that balance is remitted to you as soon as your customer pays, less financing costs which are typically in the 2% range if your terms and collectability equate to 30 days. Bottom line, all of a sudden your cash cushion of cash on hand is there, and it’s positive!

The receivable financing industry in Canada is fragmented, consisting of a number of large and small players. They offer the benefit of instant cash flow for firms, allowing them to meet the obligations we spoke of, i.e. payroll, government remittances, and growth.

So when should a customer consider factoring receivables. Typically it’s when you yourself have become the financing company you never intended to be, carrying larger amounts of inventory and receivables than you desire. All of a sudden you're in a position to take supplier discounts and entertain larger orders and contracts.

Is accounts receivable credit financing and factoring for your firm. It is if you maintain proper financial records, have generally creditworthy clients, and are in a position to provide those receivables as collateral for the cash flow. Simple as that.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist your with your ' cash on hand' needs!!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Need Business Turnaround Financing For Your Company? Canadian Solutions For Distressed Corporate Situations

Need a Refinancing Turnaround?

Information on business turnaround financing in Canada . Recognizing corporate distressed challenges and implementing proper solutions.

Business turnaround financing for Canadian firms is clearly one of the most challenging forms of corporate finance for those firms experiencing distress from either internal or external factors, more often than not a combination of both .

You can call it crisis management, turnaround management... whatever, bottom line, your company might need it. How then does a firm recognize that need, and what tools and financial solutions are available in Canada to implement a financial reorganization that makes sense.

Without a doubt it's about understanding both the causes and implications of company financial problems, and then implementing a solution.

When Canadian business owners and financial managers of companies in need of financing changes face their ' to do ' list a number of key focuses must be forged. They include restructuring your current debt, potentially downsizing your business, and addressing various legal issues with your current lenders, which might be both operating lenders and term lenders such as lessors, senior bank facilities, etc.

A common sense way of looking at things is to address some very basic questions, in effect:

What is going wrong and how must management take responsibility?

Do we have resources (i.e. assets) and financial assistance and expertise to begin and complete the turnaround?

Naturally depending on the size of your firm the challenge has different levels of complexity. Distressed situations can be addressed in either a ' strategic ' manner, or via an operating turnaround. Our comments are more focused on the operating turnaround... it’s the basics such as increasing sales, lowering costs, and refinancing assets.

In many cases new creditors must replace your current creditors. Again we emphasize that your current firm might be a start up, or one that has experienced tremendous growth and then stalled, , or in some cases your firm has been around a long time and financial issues simply have come to ahead and need to be addressed. All these firms require external turnaround management assistance, quite frankly, someone who has been here before.

At the end of the day it's about looking at your refinancing options which might include secured debt, bank debt, and other debt with commercial finance companies.

What then are potential solutions for corporate distressed situations? In Canada those solutions are debtor in possession financing; asset based lending, monetizing current assets via working capital facilities that include A/R and inventory and equipment components. Other less widely used options include securitization of contracts, tax credit financing, and supply chain financing.

Business turnaround financing is one of the most challenging aspects of Canadian business financing. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor for solutions that make sense for your firm.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Saturday, February 11, 2012

5 Other Myths About Canadian Government Loans . The BIL SBL loan Isn't What You Think!

You Need To Know This About SBL Loans !

5 Other Myths About Canadian Government Loans . The BIL SBL loan Isn't What You Think!

Canadian government loans. We wrote recently about key misunderstandings on the SBL loan program in Canada. We cleared up some myths, hopefully, and... here's some more!

Myth # 1- It can't get any better than this when it comes to misunderstanding. Many Canadian business owners and financial managers are under the distinct impression that if one bank declines your submission then all Canadian chartered banks might, or will do the same.

Here it's also necessary to step back a bit and say that the SBL BIL (Business Improvement Loan) is run my Industry Canada, the federal department branch. However on a day to day business you simply deal with your local banker or via an experienced advisor.

So back to our point, the reality is that if a bank did in fact not approve your submission another bank just well might. Of course we're making the assumption you have properly prepared, which unfortunately isn’t always the case.

This myth, if we can call it that, is one of our biggest ' bones to pick ' with the program, It's that each bank ' interprets ' and then underwrites the program in a different manner. Some even choose not to participate in the program at all, and worse, many do not train their staff to properly understand and explain the program to their clients. But we digress....!

It might be best in many cases to speak to an expert in this area to determine if in fact you are working with the right parties. Talk about saving you time and money!

Myth # 2- Are you guaranteed funding if you have a strong submission and a proper business plan and cash flow forecast. One that addresses the who, what when where and why scenarios as a good plan should. The answer, unfortunately, is no, there are no guarantees. Again, not our favorite way of doing things from our perspective, but each bank underwriter has their own interpretation of your business's success. In our opinion they might be biased about things such as your industry, your geography or location, etc, Suffice to say preparing a tight plan and anticipating all the questions and issues sure helps.

Myth # 3-The rates and terms and structures
offered by each bank differ even though it’s the same Canadian government loans program. The answer is simply no, there are no differences, and the rates are the same under the program, essentially 3% over prime. Where misunderstanding occurs is where each bank has different advance and down payment scenarios. The permanent equity down payment you need in such a loan by the way is 10%.

Myth # 4 - You only need 10% down to get approved and qualified. In theory, correct, in practice not correct! Again, different banks may require some additional working capital back up to help guarantee business success. And again, and not our favorite way of doing things, each bank is different.

And our final debunked myth? Many applicants think they need outside collateral or 100% personal guarantees or other guarantors on the loan, which by the way caps out at $ 350,000.00 as the maximum you can borrow. Not the case. The equipment and leaseholds and even real estate you choose are not collateralized by your personal assets. That’s a good thing.

Is the SBL BIL loan for you? We sure think it is, as long as you have the proper information. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you to ' debunk those myths and get you ... approved!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


Friday, February 10, 2012

Franchise Financing Canada . Four Things To Consider For Your Finance Loans

Are You Financially Savvy When It Comes To Financing Your Franchise ? Need Some Help?

Information on franchise financing in Canada . What are key considerations for franchising loans when entrepreneurs finance their business

Canadian would be entrepreneurs are very clearly jumping on the franchise 'bandwagon'. Whether they are current entrepreneurs looking to expand their investments and success, or downsized executives clearly there needs not be a lot of discussion on franchising popularity everywhere, and that includes our focus, Canada.

Could any business person, male or female not use some solid advice and mentorship on any one of the many aspects of this industry? We don’t think so, and our focus is on franchise financing in Canada. Simply speaking, achieving the finance and loans you require completing a transaction successfully.

As we said, optimism in franchising in Canada is everywhere, including positive stats on growth and the industry's participation in the economy as a whole.

Does that optimism translate into the availability of capital for financing the business? Let's cover off some key issues around that.

It's important to have a game plan when you enter into a franchise entrepreneurship. Focusing on those objectives in a precision like manner is key.
Is it possible to be familiar with every aspect of franchising that you need to know - we would submit that unless you are in the industry already that is not the case .

A good start might be two fold, first of all talking to a franchise broker or consultant who participates in the industry, and their services by the way are typically no cost to you. They are compensated by the franchisor. Naturally a word of caution is in order because many of these firms align themselves with only certain franchisors, and might not be in a position to expose you to all the opportunities and information you need.

Step two in your initial game plan might well be to talk to those people in our favorite profession, lawyers...! But seriously .. A well versed franchise lawyer will guide you through the pitfalls and legalities of owning your own franchise. The good news here is that the industry is very transparent and a lot of the rules and regulations are heavily focused on protecting you, the franchisee, when it comes to disclosure from your perspective franchisor, etc.

So let’s cover off our promised 4 key information points. Number one is simply that you need to assess the overall risk and return in your investment. While 95% of franchisees success according to many stats, you want to ensure you are not in the other 5%. Here is where you need to spend a decent amount of time on financial prospects, cash flow analysis, and measuring overall chance of success relative to the financial investment you are prepared to make as your equity contribution in the business. Suffice to say that aligning yourself with a successful and well run franchisor sure helps.

That brings us to point # 2 today, the size of your investment .Franchise purchase prices come in all size, from small non asset service based franchises to large ' bricks and mortar ' opportunities such as full service restaurants . Spend a significant amount of time on your equity contribution, where that capital comes from, and the methods under which franchise financing in Canada occurs. They exist, but they are limited.

For instance in the U.S. a large amount of financing in the industry is done under whets known as a 401k rollover, essentially collapsing what we know as our RRSP's in Canada. That doesnt work in Canada, unless you want to be penalized by the tax bit on that one! We don't recommend that to clients as you can imagine.

Point # 3 - Finance options. In Canada there are limited options to finance your purchase, of either an existing resale or a new unit are limited. The good news is that those that exist work. You can work with a specialized franchise finance firm, take advantage of the government BIL program (which finances thousands of franchises) and compliment both of these with additional leasing and working capital scenarios.

Finally, point # 4... and it's a bit of a tricky one. Do you as a franchisee require experience within the industry that you are buying into? To be honest we are not 100% sure on that one ourselves. We all agree it would be helpful to have some background in the industry you are proposing to invest into, however, we have observed over time that solid management and marketing skills go a long way in any business. Even large corporations bring in people from outside their industry, sometimes....!

Don't underestimate the advice and info you can get from a number of sources when considering purchase and finance loans alternatives. Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in this regard. 4 Points ....hopefully well taken!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do Something Uncomfortable . Try ABL Finance As Your Canadian Asset Based Lending And Financing Alternative!

Canadian Asset Based Lines Of Credit

Information on ABL finance in Canada. Reasons why asset based lending is the new paradigm in Canadian business financing .

We can't speak for everyone but isn't it safe to say that either in our personal lives, or in business we're often reluctant to enter into a new situations simply because of the feeling of uncomfortableness. That's one of the reasons why Canadian business owners and financial managers might be reluctant to step outside their zone of comfort when it comes to looking at financing via ABL finance; an asset based lending arrangement for their new business line of credit facility.

We would maintain it’s hardly a risk, as an asset based line of credit revolving facility is becoming more mainstream and popular everyday.

In some cases it simply not knowing what an initial course of action might be. That's actually quite simple - investigate what ABL, how it works, what are the benefits, what are the costs, and finally get a sense of how and why it differs from bank facilities.

It's clear to most business owners that the Canadian economy is clearly improving over the challenges of recent years. That's why it’s critical that firms such as yours have the ability to secure sufficient funding to support their growth and survival. It has been that access to funding that has been one of the greatest hurdles

It's clear to many Canadian firms that capital is available, it's simply a case
of being able to access funding that in many cases Canadian chartered banks are reluctant to make available. Canadian bank facilities via commercial business lines are credit are clearly the low cost solution and can offer numerous other services such as cash management, forex, etc.

But what if traditional bank lines of credit are not available to your firm? Enter asset based lending! This is where that feeling of ‘uncomfortable 'might be setting in. Why? Simply because it’s different, in that it focuses solely on your asset and your company's ability to turn those assets into cash flow.

Why is ABL finance a better fit in many cases. We'll offer up simply the fact that it supports growth and a number of unique needs your firm might have.

Recent studies suggest that asset based lending grew over 25% in Canada over the last year or so. The vast majority of this activity is clearly the refinancing of existing bank lines and turning them into an ABL financing arrangement.

In Canada large cap ABL financing is very different from facilities sought by smaller firms. Larger facilities often start in the 5-10 Million dollar ranges and go into the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars. The same type of facility is also available to firms in the SME sector where these working capital faculties start in the 250k+ range. Talk about a broad spectrum.

And that broad spectrum translates into a wide variety of rates and deal structures.

There is a lack of information quite often to the SME borrower who has heard about ABL finance, wants to know more, and might think his or her facility isn’t relevant, if not for size alone. In our opinion the majority of Canadian business owners and financial managers are ' desperate' for quality information on Canadian business financing alternatives.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you in both understanding and creating an ABL facility to turn your collateral into cash flow, quickly, and efficiently.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.