Thanks for dropping in for some hopefully great business info and on occasion some hopefully not too sarcastic comments on the state of Business Financing in Canada and what we are doing about it !

In 2004 I founded 7 PARK AVENUE FINANCIAL. At that time I had spent all my working life, at that time - Over 30 years in Commercial credit and lending and Canadian business financing. I believe the commercial lending landscape has drastically changed in Canada. I believe a void exists for business owners and finance managers for companies, large and small who want service, creativity, and alternatives.

Every day we strive to consistently deliver business financing that you feel meets the needs of your business. If you believe as we do that financing solutions and alternatives exist for your firm we want to talk to you. Our purpose is simple: we want to deliver the best business finance solutions for your company.

Friday, April 26, 2013

An ABL Business Line Of Credit Can Earn Your Company The Working Capital It Needs . Asset Based Lending Simply .. Works.

Why ABL Reverses The Cash Flow Plunge And Allows Working Capital To Soar

OVERVIEW – .Information on the ABL line of business credit in Canada . Asset based solutions deliver on cash flow and working capital when you need it the most

Can the ABL asset based business line of credit really reverse the cash flow ' plunges' that companies inevitably face? We think it can, and by the way it’s been proven by the thousands of firms in Canada and the U.S. that utilize this method of revolving credit facility for their business needs. Here's why... and how. Let's dig in.

It always helps when the business owner/manager understands the basics. So the asset based credit line for business simply a revolving credit finance solution that allows your company to draw down on working capital needs based on a high margin against inventory, equipment, receivables and real estate if that plays into the equation.

While for any type of business finance it always helps if a company has a track record a true ABL solution works for almost any type of size and firm that has assets. While transaction on the lower end of the scale might be in the 250K range there is virtually no upper limit and true asset based facilities many times run into the many millions of dollars. The only prerequisite - assets!

This method of finance a business line of credit is directly comparable to Canadian chartered bank facilities. Whether it’s the bank or your asset based lender you grant a secured position on all business assets, and then borrow against them. But in the case of the ABL facility you actually do borrow against all of those assets - daily!

The immediate question that comes to mind is of course the difference in choosing between the bank and the ABL solution. Typical ABL structures provide borrowing against 90% of receivables, 50-70% of equipment true value, and typically 50% on inventory. If your company owns real estate it is easily thrown into the borrowing mix.

It is therefore obvious to see some of the key tangible benefits of the ABL line of credit. If we had to succinctly summarize them it would be as follows:

- All business assets become borrowing power
- funding is immediate
- As you business grows the facility grows in lock step
- Easier to qualify than bank financing
- Similar to bank credit facilities you only pay for what you are borrowing at any given time
-There is not contact with your clients in a true ABL asset based solution

So the simple difference - you're borrowing on business assets and revenue growth - not cash flow ratios and covenants and debt to equity borrowing constraints. It's that covenant freedom you have been looking for - as some put it - it allows you to weather those business ' bumps in the road'.

It's easy to see why this innovative financing solution is gaining more traction everyday. In effect it has become ' respectable'! Improper perceptions occur in the marketplace when people think ABL is a last resort type of financing. In fact it’s the first resort for some of the largest companies in Canada and the U.S.

While asset base lending usually, but not always, is more expensive, the fact that you're turning asset, generating profits, and not taking on term debt often makes a lot of sense.

If you wish to reverse the cash flow plunge, letting working capital soar, seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your ABL needs.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653
Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Franchise Funding Options Not A Cinch? Franchising Loans May Not Be As Tough To Get As You Thought

This Is What Happens When You’ve Got The Right Information on Franchisee Finance Options

OVERVIEW – . Information on franchising loans in Canada. How does the entrepreneur know he or she has access to the right franchise funding options that are available in the Canadian marketplace

Franchise funding options in Canada. At certain points many potential franchisees in the Canadian marketplace get the feeling that this is a bit tougher than they thought! So success in this area revolves around the right information and expertise when it comes to franchising loans that are available, and make sense.

In some cases you're simple the ' newbie - a first time franchisee that’s looking to funding for the entrepreneurial dream of owning your own business. In other cases you might actually already own a franchise and want to expand.

Top experts in the field tell us that the majority of the franchises out there and there are tens of thousands do in fact make money. As a result there are in fact lending and financial resources available for reputable franchises with solid owners with good overall business experience.

Key to understanding the financing challenge is the recognition that you as the business owner must have a financial commitment in the business. So it is therefore very unreasonable to both expect and assume that you will ever receive ' 100% financing ' on your purchase. We would hasten to add though that many franchises in Canada are financed under the specialized ' BIL ' loan program , and that financing requires only a 10% permanent equity contribution , although we can discount the need and requirement for working capital as the business starts and grows.

Term loans tend to be the most utilized method of financing a franchise - they can range anywhere from 3-10 years depending on the provider. Naturally it goes without saying that you have to have the ability to demonstrate a premises lease and a franchise agreement that backs up the loan amortization!

The basic initial requirement of any business financing and it certainly is the case for franchisee finance is that you need to demonstrate a solid business plan and financial forecast. If you need help in preparing one numerous avenues of assistance are available.

There are 3 basic categories of franchise lenders in Canada. They are the specialty lender. the banks (more on that in a moment), and miscellaneous commercial finance firms that provide different levels of assistance in some but not the total financing need. These might inlcude equipment lessors and working capital specialists.

Franchise owners tend to get their initial equity contributions from savings, family and friends, or via a partnership type arrangement. In general we can safely say that the franchisor itself is not interested in providing financial assistance, so almost always never count on that!

We referenced ' banks '. While banks in general will not finance a franchise directly under a start up term loan thousands of franchises are in fact funded through the BIL/CSBF loan that banks administer and run for the government. This is, on balance, a great source of financing for any start up, franchises included. In certain very specialized industries banks might in fact run a program directly with a franchisor - these franchisors have to be the crème de la crème of the franchise industry . (Think ' hockey and donuts!)

In certain cases you might be looking at the concept of ' refranchising ‘, namely buying from an existing franchisee in your chose franchisors network. There some solid reasons to look at this method of entering franchising:

Customers and financial performance can be documented

Staff and procedures are already in place and hopefully working!

It's much easier to determine financial performance, profits, growth prospects, and asset values.

As in real estate, you may even get a deal with that ' motivated seller'!

So, bottom line? Simply that armed with the right information and expert assistance the franchise financing challenge might not be as tough as you thought. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with franchise funding options expertise.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653
Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Working Capital Credit Funding Needs? No More Excuses On Cash Flow Lending Solutions

Working Capital Headache Cures?

OVERVIEW – .Information working capital credit credit solu
tions for Canadian business . How does the business owner/manager understand and access funding needs from lending sources that make sense.

Working capital credit
challenges seem to give Canadian business owners a lot of headaches.

Do cash flow lending and funding solutions need to do that? We don't think so and here's why... maybe even some cures!

Whether your firm is a start up, maintaining a status quo, or focused on growing like crazy it’s important that you utilize and match assets to the right amount of financing. The principle of matching is very important in business financing; it’s a simple concept - finance your short term assets, i.e. receivables and inventory with short term financing strategies. They include in our case:

Commercial bank lines of credit
Receivable financing via non bank solutions
Inventory financing
Purchase Order/Supply Chain finance
Tax credit monetization

One thing business owners/managers should also remember is the importance of supplier trade financing. Let's use the example of a shoe store owner as an example - if he or she can get 60 day terms from a vendor and sell the shoes within thirty days the need for working capital and cash flow diminished significantly.

However, when you are financing fixed assets and your company infrastructure (telecom, computers, machinery, etc) that’s when a term loan or lease financing solution makes the most sense.

Start ups have a larger challenge quite often when it comes to working capital credit needs. Financing operations becomes difficult, mostly because traditional lenders focus on track record, excess collateral, personal guarantees, etc. That's when alternative solutions most often make sense - they might include factoring, non bank asset based lines of credit, etc.

As your business gravitates through the different stages of start up, high growth, mature etc, it becomes more important than ever learn how to analyze your financial position. When you are good at managing that whole process you minimize liquidity issues and maximize profit and returns on your company investment in assets.

The challenge though is that working capital credit is a constant moving target. And if your assets are ' over built ' that might also signify poor quality - i.e. poor inventory and collections resulting in a loss of sales and client /vendor relationships. The one thing that is constant though should be your realization that the longer time it takes for a dollar to ' travel' through your company will always signify the need for more focus on cash flow funding and lending solutions.

There are though numerous ' internal ' methods of addressing working capital credit without external solutions. They include:

- Billing promptly as you sell
- ask for client deposits if applicable in your industry
- charge (and enforce!) interest on past due receivables
- Offer discounts for prompt payment

Creative business owners have long found ways to delay outflows also! They include stretching payments to vendors, not paying items before they are due, negotiating special terms, etc. All of those must be used with the right amount of ' PROCEED WITH CAUTION' of course!

There shouldn't always be just ' excuses ' for your funding needs. Remove the headaches of cash flow challenges by seeking out and speaking to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor - for working capital credit prescriptions that work.


Stan Prokop
- founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :

7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653
Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Business Leasing Companies In Canada . It’s Not A Secret World When It Comes To Commercial Equipment Financing Options

No Lame Excuses When It Comes To Lease Financing Strategies And Solutions

OVERVIEW – .Information on business leasing companies in Canada . Commercial equipment finance options are abundant if you know the who and how !

Business leasing companies in Canada. When we talk to some clients abut commercial equipment finance options it's almost as if they feel there’s a secret world out there that they have not been brought into. Does that have to be the case? Absolutely not. Let's dig in.

All industries in Canada lease or finance assets. While it might be true that certain larger more sophisticated transactions require some heavy duty expertise it certainly isn’t the case for the mainstream of business asset finance needs.

Canadian business owners and financial managers simply have to have some basics under their belts, so to speak, when it comes to understanding the current leasing marketplace in Canada.

In certain cases it might be some useful knowledge about documentation surrounding the lessee’s rights and obligations - in other instances it might simply mean that a bit of knowledge can save you a lot of time, and money around entering into the right lease transaction - or perhaps substituting that decision with a loan or a bridge loan. Even sale leaseback strategies require a certain amount of expertise that will always save you time and dollars when learned properly.

Many larger corporations and government bodies actually ' tender' their lease financing needs. Other firms simply ' shop around ‘, which also has its drawbacks when it comes to your financial disclosure out in the marketplace, etc.

Do all lessees in Canada understand the true benefits of business leasing? While certain benefits are tried and true and always there -ie conservation of capital, quicker approval, obsolescence hedge, etc there are numerous other benefits , some of which might actually border on intangible that the lessee should be aware of in certain circumstances. The sad reality is that in certain situations lessees think they know the benefits of asset finance - but fail to understand them through poor use of both knowledge and negotiating.

You can spend a lot of time these days on exhaustive ' lease vs. buy ' analysis when it comes to fixed asset acquisition - and having the right tools to make a proper balance decision is key. And it’s not as complicated as you think.

While the Canadian business owner and manger is trying to save money your lessor is trying to make money! All businesses are of course entitled to reasonable profits to exist, but in the case of asset finance it’s critical to understand exactly how the lessor profits and benefits - which occasionally can be at the lessee’s expense. And why is that? As we have said, misinformation or lack of information.

Is it all about rates / interest rates in commercial equipment financing. Clients certainly seem to think so. We don’t. That’s one aspect of the puzzle, but there are many more - including type of lease you enter into, end of term options, upgrade strategies, and on it goes.

If you want to maximize your interaction with business leasing companies in Canada consider seeking out a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who is an expert in asset finance solutions. It doesn’t have to be that ' secret world '.


Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653

Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Monday, April 22, 2013

An Account Receivable Funding Loan Via AR Finance . Forget That ‘ To Do’ List For Canadian Business Financing Options

Want To Get ‘CHOCIFIED’ ?

OVERVIEW – . Information on the account receivable funding loan strategy for Canadian business . How AR Finance solves the working capital conundrum

AR Finance in Canada .
The devil is in the details they say it's a popular saying, and that’s the case with an account receivable funding loan for business financing success.

Fundamentally it's an easy story to explain to our clients. Receivable financing is simply a cash flow tool that allows you to fund your sales as you make them - generating instant cash flow. As you provide your goods and services you typically are advanced 90% of the invoice value, that remainder being temporarily held back and refunding to you ( less finance costs ) as soon as your client remits.

The benefits also could not be more clear. Its access to working capital when you need it, you have maximum flexibility around borrowing only when you need it (and of course only paying for what you use).

Where things get a little ' muddy ' shall we say , is in the type of AR Finance that you choose . Ultimately that depends on the overall size of your business ( all business sizes qualify - some of the largest corporations in Canada use the service - all the way down to start ups ) and the industry and cash cycle your business finds itself in.

We're often asked if we have a ' recommended' strategy or solution around this method of financing a business. We do, and we are recommending that you get ' CHOC IFIED '. What's that? Well C H O C simply stands for ' CLIENT HANDLES OWN CREDIT ' - so our preferred method of invoice finance is in fact confidential receivable financing. You maintain total control over your credit function , continuing to handle, as you did before, all your own invoicing and collection in the middle of that whole ' client relationship ' thing!

More traditional methods of account receivable funding work - they are just simply somewhat, shall we say ' intrusive' when it comes to your preference to running your own business - and who wouldn't want to do that if you in fact had a choice. The ability to finance your business and maintain customer control is key in confidential invoice finance.

So back to those details. Many clients we talk have been confused around the terms of invoke finance, the way that costs are explained (or not explained). The main thing to always remember is that this method of finance provides you with the significant advantage of having cash flow available right away. But unlike handing all your invoicing and collection to a traditional ' old line ‘ A/R finance firm remember that you have the option of control over you financial operations if you choose to get ' CHOC IFIED'.

Is the confidential finance solution available to everyone? It is if, and it’s an important if, you firm can demonstrate it has proper financial statements, accounting controls, etc. Simply speaking, you have to have your business act together!

A/R financing solutions don't have to be as complicated as some (you know who you are!) make them out to be. It's flexible, ties cash flow directly to your sales, and is an alternative options to firms who can't or don’t want to seek Canadian chartered bank financing. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced expert Canadian business financing advisor on solving your cash flow needs.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653
Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Hope For Business Credit Line Financing Via ABL Asset Based Lending

An Uncomplicated Way To Finance Your Company Via ABL

OVERVIEW – . Information on business credit line financing via asset based lending . Why is the ABL solution the ‘ new’ alternative for Canadian financing needs and operating lines of credit

An asset based line of credit
is an excellent strategy for any firm who is considering viable turnaround options. This finance strategy is also an excellent way to assist a firm in understand what some of its underlying problems are.

An Asset based line of credit, commonly referred to as an 'ABL' arrangement can be instituted even if the company is not profitable or in fact is experiencing financial duress.

Prior to considering an ABL many firms will find they are experiencing sever cash flow pressures. Traditional working capital is shrinking, and sometimes external factors to the business simply exacerbate the financial challenge. If the business owner or financial executive do not take charge at this point a business failure in fact is likely.

Many firms gravitate towards an ABL arrangement after their bank operating line of credit. Most business owners quickly realize both the benefits and the risk of having significant bank lines in place. Traditionally these lines of credit are secured by receivables and inventory. Businesses are told they can borrow up to a certain limit based on these facilities. Every month the company submits detailed lists of a/r and inventory and can borrow certain pre agreed upon limits against those assets.

Banks typically advance 75% of those receivables that are under 90 days. In asset based lines of credit facilities that amount is often 90- 100% of receivables, creating immediate additional liquidity.

Banks have become much more cautious on inventory, that is simply because they don't, and cant be expected, to understand each firms inventory values and products. Asset based lenders tend to have much more experience in these matters and are more often than not inventory experts. Therefore advances against inventory are much higher. Again, what does that do, well it of course creates additional liquidity.

Many, if not most, oh, lets be honest, all banks set maximum borrowing limits that are dependant on other external factors such as other collateral they hold, perceived operating risk, and the value of personal guarantees of the shareholders.
Bank operating lines are best when a firm is experience steady, but not erratic growth, and when the firm can operate comfortably within its borrowing limits as agreed upon with the bank.

When firms run into financial challenges they of course have a business that is contracting in many ways. Therefore borrowing against receivables and inventory becomes limited, and the bills that need to be paid are of course paid with less cash available and on hand.
It is at this point that many businesses realize they are starting to default on bank covenants. In many cases, for a variety of reasons, sales are falling.

It is very difficult for a business owner to both realize what is happening, and, moreso of a challenge, correct the problem. Financial losses only augment the cash flow problem. Many companies in fact aren't trouble by operating losses, but have simply over expanded. Business owners get into the mindset that if they are expanding, there can't be a problem! Most financial executives know that a company can fail not for lack of profit, but from lack of liquidity.

The time to consider an asset based line of credit is probably right now. The customers bank either has, or is reviewing its options relative to collateral and security arrangements. The bank will start to take measure to ensure it gets paid in full - this typically includes reducing operating lines of credit, formally calling a loan and setting new deadlines for the customer to 'right' the business, or exit the bank relationship.

It is at this time the customer should be focusing on alternative lending sources such as the asset based line of credit with non-bank finance firms. This facility improves liquidity, places less reliance on external guarantees and collateral, and can operate with a firm that is getting back on its track to profitability. We hasten to add that a severe financial 'death spiral' cannot be properly address by either the bank or the asset based line of credit solution.

The business owner and manager must recognize the current financial situation, and address that situation in as prompt and efficient manner as possible. Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible, expert and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist your with business credit needs.

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653
Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Government Small Business Financing . What’s Behind SBL Loan Power?

An Important Finance Solution You Have Never Heard Of?

OVERVIEW – . Information on government small business financing in Canada . The SBL loan is both misunderstood and underutilized by many companies who are looking for finance solutions – start ups and franchises included

Government small business financing
. The SBL loan program might well be one of the best business financing solutions that many Canadian business owners, managers and start ups have... are you ready... not even heard of.

So what is in fact SBL loan power, and what might some of the reasons be that you aren't familiar with the program? Let's dig in!

We might be a little biased because we work with the program all the time, but top experts also agree that the SBL government small business financing program is one of the best things the good folks at the government actually do for the SME sector. The ' SME ' definition means different things to different people - so we should clarify that in the context of SBL loans the actual size you your company, from a sales/revenue perspective, must be less than 5 Million dollars.

We're not 100% sure that the program helps a smaller business become a huge business, but it sure helps when financing is a challenge. A lot of businesses in a variety of industries, including franchises by the way are finance via the SBL loan.

Party of the mystery of the govt small business financing program is that there is no government for you to deal with! That is because all you have to do is visit, on your own, or with an experienced advisor a banker that is familiar and knows how to ' execute' on the program. Want to know a secret? In our experience only a smaller portion of business bankers like and have knowledge of the program.

In the last year Canadian chartered banks in Canada would have approved almost 8000 loans under the program, for billions of dollars - and there is no reason you should not be ' on the program'!

Business people are always thinking about personal guarantees, and in the course of Canadian business financing, unless you're a huge corporation that is doing incredibly well, personal guarantees are in fact required. But here's the good news, under the SBL program only a 25% guarantee is required. And by the way, you aren't putting up personal collateral, or having liens placed against your home - it’s simply a ' promise to pay ' without additional collateral being demanded.

The two parties to SBL's are simply you and the bank. The government, via INDUSTRY CANADA, guarantees a large amount of the loan to the bank

So what in fact is needed to properly get approved for the funding you need? It's not a long list - we're focusing on a business plan or executive summary, a proper cash flow forecast, a current personal net worth statement of the borrower, and an itemized list of what you wish to finance.

It's important to note that the SBL loan only finances equipment and leasehold improvements and real estate. This is not a cash flow, inventory or receivable loan. Business owners / borrowers should be able to demonstrate that they have reasonable personal credit.

Don't believe all the myths or negative things you hear about government financing via an 'SBL'. And if you don't want to ' slow down ' the process seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor

who can assist you with SBL loan power! It just might be a financial solution you never heard of!

Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –


Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing.
Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :


7 Park Avenue Financial
South Sheridan Executive Centre
2910 South Sheridan Way
Suite 301
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 7J8
Phone = 905 829 2653
Fax = 905 829 2653
Email = sprokop@7parkavenuefinancial.com