Let Customer Financing Grow Sales, Profits, and .. oh yes .. Cash Flow!
Information on why a vendor financing program for your customers improves sales, cash flow and profits . Why a Customer leasing plan might make sense for your firm . A no cost growth solution for companies in Canada.
I am sorry, we'll have to remove it... no, we’re not doctors; we're talking about helping you remove one of the largest, if not the largest obstacle to innovation for your clients - the cost of your product.
How do we do that ? By recommending that you consider a vendor financing program for your customer base, a customer leasing plan that allows your clients to acquire and use your products while eliminating that obstacle to innovation we spoke of .. price!
Any Canadian firm that sells a product (or service for that matter) should consider a vendor leasing program for your clients. And boy are there some obvious benefits, not the least of which is to increase your sales. Just think of it, when you give your clients the choice of how to pay for your products and services their ability to pay over time via a customer leasing plan gives them significant flexibility.
That flexibility by the way comes in many forms. It includes removing your clients budgetary constraints if they are out of the budget cycle but still need your product, and secondly the pure cash flow outlay of small amounts over a 24 - 60 month period (those are typical lease terms) allows for your client to in effect match the benefits of your firms product and services with their real cash flow outlay. That’s important to the Canadian business owners and financial managers that are your clients.
Does offering a vendor financing program to your customers seem complicated. Its far from that... mainly because you dont have to form a separate financing unit within your company... instead you can simply work with a trusted , credible and experienced Canadian busienss financing advisor who can assist you by acting as an independent lessor , in effect an ' in house ' agent for your program . It does not get simpler than that. You in effect have set up an in house finance company to increase sales, at... yes... ZERO COST!
Let's recap some of those critical benefits to your new vendor financing program. We referred to both Sales and Cash previously. By offering financing to your customers you increase revenues by providing options otherwise not available to your client potentially. And, oh yes, lets get back to cash. Instead of waiting 30, 60, or even dare we say 90 days these days to get paid your firm gets paid as soon as your products and services are delivered and accepted by your client. And payment comes from your credible financial leasing partner, so no credit worries there!
We often refer back to a list we learned many years ago about what any customer considers an ' obstacle to innovation ' in the purchase of products and services. Surveys always indicated the cost was #1 on the list. So, bottom line, let a vendor financing program be your ' obstacle remover '; speak to that trusted Canadian leasing advisor today about initiating your program... today.
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :
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