Does a corporate bank loan for the financing and funding of your Canadian business seem a monumental or impossible task these days? It shouldn't if you have the right information.
When Canadian business owners and financial managers think of financing or funding for their business its natural they gravitate to Canadian chartered banks. If there was one reason it’s a pretty simple one, it’s basically the best commercial loan or line of credit financing in Canada.
Business loan financing in Canada comes in two categories when you're dealing with a Canadian chartered bank - intermediate or long term ' term loans ‘, and of course operating lines of credit .
Typical terms for intermediate loans are in the 3-5 year range, paid in installments. Longer term loans might be available for financing and funding of long term assets such as business or plant assets .It is absolutely essential that you can demonstrate historical and future profits and cash flow to be in a position to be approved for bank term loans of a long term nature .
Many Canadian business owners and their financial staff find the approval process within a bank as somewhat ‘rigorous’. And that’s an understatement for many of our clients! Because of the strong banking system in Canada the supply of business financing and funding is virtually unlimited. Unlike in the U.S. the supply of business credit, we feel in our opinion, is not highly differentiated. The U.S. banking system and their various types of banks (money center, regional, specialized, S&L... etc) is a whole different kettle of fish.
If you can pass what some might call the litmus test for approval within the Canadian chartered banking system then the rates and structures are categorically worth it. Misc fees and standby type arrangements might make you’re financing a bit more expensive, but nonetheless it’s still pretty well the best deal in town.
In Canada the chartered banks have started to compete with the independent lease financing industry. While a bank lease rate might be a bit higher than a term loan scenario it is still very aggressive pricing which many independent finance firms just cant match ( Probably because they borrow those funds from the bank themselves!)
It's always somewhat amazing to us that the bank criteria for making decision on Canadian business financing have pretty well stayed the same for 100 years. That criterion is as follows, and should be no mystery to a Canadian business owner. The management experience and personal credit history of the owners is always a key element in financing approval. Also banks think in terms of capacity - which is a fancier term for simply ensuring that they feel you have the ability to repay. Significant analysis on your cash flow coverage, leverage, etc is done at this point.
Additional outside collateral is sometimes also requested, which can come in many forms, i.e. Other assets within the business, spousal or third party personal or corporate guarantees, etc
Is there one final tip we can offer up on knowing how to succeed when looking for a corporate bank loan? It's personality. Personality? Simply speaking we have always felt it’s the banker, not the bank, so spending a lot of time in searching for high quality commercial bankers that actually want your business is worth it. That banker will have a very clear idea and plan to get you approved, and will work with you to be successful.
If you don’t have the time to conduct banker interviews (?!)... who does ?... then seek and speak to a trusted credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can help you forge a relationship with the right banker .
About the Author:
Stan Prokop - founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial -
Originating business financing for Canadian companies , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 7 years - has completed in excess of 80 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details :
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